View Full Version : The "Vela Flash" - 40 years ago

10-13-19, 19:44
This is somewhat of an obscure historical curiosity that maybe of few people here can recall. At least those of us in our 50's.

It was somewhat of an open secret that, back in the 1970's and 1980's (and possibly later?), Israel and South Africa cooperated on defense matters. Their circunstances were similar - Israel was a small Jewish state surrounded by a sea of hostile neighbors while South Africa had a minority White population in a majority Black nation. Some have also suggested that Taiwan also may have been a party to this alliance, but I've read little to nothing about that theory. One example that comes to mind is the Galil/R4 rifles.

So, was an Israeli nuclear test conducted in the South Atlantic in 1979, with South African logistical support? Or vice versa (but most observers seem to discount that). It seems that the thought that it was just some sort of natural phenomena also makes sense.

"Forty years ago, on 22 September 1979, the bhangmeters on a U.S. VELA satellite picked up signals that were initially interpreted as most likely originating from a nuclear test in the far South Atlantic but which a high-level White House panel chaired by MIT professor Jack Ruina later interpreted as more probably the result of a non-nuclear event (e.g., a striking meteoroid) on or around the satellite. That view became the semiofficial public interpretation but it was contested and controversial. By contrast, according to a White House report published today by the National Security Archive, the Central Intelligence Agency had “assessed the probability of a nuclear test as 90% plus.”


10-13-19, 19:59
Double Flash: Forty years ago, the Carter administration covered up a presumed Israeli nuclear test


10-13-19, 20:01
Interesting story. I saw a short video on YouTube a while back. I subscribe Israel/South Africa nuke theory.

10-13-19, 20:38
Everybody got nukes they just dont wanna admit it.

I firmly believe the Japanese could vaporize NK AND Easternmost mainland Red China if it went hollywood and wild.

I dont doubt there's nukes in South America.

Maybe not Minuteman or Soviet MIRVs but all you need is a truck or jet.

I don't think we will ever see the whole Day After. I think neither side wanted it or it would've happened within 60s to first 4 years of Reagan.

I DO think 9/11 raised the stakes.

And not to drift, but ever wonder why they want the border open?

You just can't catch a break

10-13-19, 20:47
How many people know that in 1976 Chinese above ground testing of a weapon in the 4 megaton range sent radiation clouds over the NE United States forcing cattle farmers in the area to move livestock indoors and switch from grazing to feed. It is estimated that 750,000 died in China as a result of their above ground testing who lived in surrounding areas.

10-13-19, 21:10
...the Central Intelligence Agency had “assessed the probability of a nuclear test as 90% plus.”

The same CIA that thought the bay of pigs would work and Iraq had WMD's?

10-13-19, 21:22
The same CIA that thought the bay of pigs would work and Iraq had WMD's?

It’s almost like they have their own agendas

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-14-19, 06:15
We were prepared to supply Israel with tactical nuclear weapons during the 1973 Yom Kippur war. I know Army Artillery guys with 50-5 security clearances (nuclear) sent from Germany to the Air Force base in Turkey to provide security for the transfer so likely would have been 155 nukes. That war started really bad for Israel, the Russian Sagger ATGM took Israeli armor by surprise. Many don't realize how close the US and USSR were to all out war over this. "Both the United States and the Soviet Union initiated massive resupply efforts to their respective allies during the war, and this led to a near-confrontation between the two nuclear superpowers." Luckily Israel was able to turn the tide and the US and USSR backed it down, but I can see why this war would cause them to want to pursue building their own nukes. I was 1st Cav 1/77 FA and just so happened we were deploying from Fort Hood to Fort Bliss during this time for desert training and boarding the C-141's I can remember us joking "well if the plane ride lasts longer than about an hour and a half our training is going to take place in a different desert".

10-14-19, 07:48
It is estimated that 750,000 died in China as a result of their above ground testing who lived in surrounding areas.

That number seems a tad high.

Though with the Chinese, I wouldn't doubt it.

10-14-19, 09:21
That number seems a tad high.

Though with the Chinese, I wouldn't doubt it.

Radiation caused cancer deaths would be spread over decades.

10-17-19, 21:08
The Israelis had their own nukes in the 70s. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan asked Prime Minister Golda Meir if they should plan for a nuclear demonstration on Day 2 of the 1973 Yom Kippur War when it looked like the Syrians would blow through the Golan with a direct shot into Israel. Meir said absolutely not -- setting off a nuke when Israel was still fighting and not going down would have set off all kinds of bad international precedent.

The South Africans had approximately 10-20 weapons when they self-terminated their program -- probably knowing white rule was coming to an end, and not wanting to leave loose nukes hanging around. They are the only KNOWN nation that had a nuclear program that self-disarmed.