View Full Version : Elijah Cummings dead at 68 years old.

Coal Dragger
10-17-19, 12:13

Wasn’t a fan of his, but he’s gone now.

10-17-19, 13:00
Ten million rats in Baltimore had a moment of silence.

10-17-19, 13:20
Have the ComDems blamed President Trump for this yet?

Dr. Bullseye
10-17-19, 13:42
Have the ComDems blamed President Trump for this yet?

It was Trump and his Baltimore Rat Poisoning project.

B Cart
10-17-19, 14:11
I wonder what he had on the Clintons...

10-17-19, 14:50
OK lefties name one good thing he did for the people in his district, a typical dem ruled utopia.

10-17-19, 15:00
Be nice or do not post.

10-17-19, 15:26
OK lefties name one good thing he did for the people in his district, a typical dem ruled utopia.

Thats rich. Just think it's funny that this board screams about how the left has no decency when someone on the right dies, and then does the same when someone on the left dies. Just goes to show, politics brings out the worst in people.

Alex V
10-17-19, 15:30
"Donald Trump will not be re-elected President in my lifetime" ~ Elijah Cummings

10-17-19, 15:41
Thats rich. Just think it's funny that this board screams about how the left has no decency when someone on the right dies, and then does the same when someone on the left dies. Just goes to show, politics brings out the worst in people.

My mother actually did tell me to say nothing if I can't say something nice. I don't always follow that advice, but I try really hard when the subject is deceased.

10-17-19, 16:53
Elijah Cummings was like a rotary phone. He might’ve been useful a few decades ago, but he’s kind of outlived his purpose and was just annoying. He was far better than the other race hucksters like Jackson and some of the new ilk. And he had some really good moments recently standing up for some of his GOP friends when they were smeared. I’ve got a soft spot in my heart for those leaders who faced real old Timey racism down south. Few handled the transition to the modern era as well as Cummings did.

10-17-19, 19:36
Read post #7 before you type.

10-17-19, 20:50
Guy was a hyper partisan and was really good at it. He was almost impossible to touch and was onnthe front lines of using the IRS to target "conservative" groups. Another longtime politician that even when cornered with breaking the law, slipped through and continued to enrich himself

We have a huge problem in the fabric of politics in this country. I find it concerning how tribal WE the people are in political affiliation. All the while, the people we elect, wink and nod their way to enriching themeselves and enslaving We the People in a ever increasing police/surveillance state.

We wont know what hits us.

just a scout
10-17-19, 21:26
"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." — Mark Twain

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

10-17-19, 22:11
I take no joy in the death of the wicked.

10-17-19, 22:17
All I'm gonna say is, I pray for his soul as I'd want others to do for me when my time comes.

10-17-19, 23:30
So if we be nice the other side will be nice? I don't believe this will be the case and I for one am tired of one sided niceness. But the truth is I didn't really see any posts that were really bad, unlike the opposition who expresses out right joy when tables are reversed or who actually fantasize about the duly elected POTUS being assassinated or imprisoned and then want to lecture us on how we should act. Well......sorry.

You should, "be nice," because it's the right thing to do, not because you expect to be treated the same way.

You wanna wrestle with the pig, you wanna get dirty, fine. But you're still going to get dirty and the pig's gonna like it.

26 Inf
10-18-19, 03:07
You wanna wrestle with the pig, you wanna get dirty, fine. But you're still going to get dirty and the pig's gonna like it.

No that was a homespun homily.

10-18-19, 04:36
There are plenty of people I have absolutely NO respect for while they're living. That doesn't change when they're dead. Hell we are all going to die.