View Full Version : Battleground: 7 in 10 say US ‘on the edge of civil war’

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10-24-19, 16:19
Thought about posting in the CW II page but this is not about how it starts just that a majority see it coming.

"While it found that 87% are frustrated with the rudeness in politics today, it also revealed that the public really isn’t interested in traditional compromise. For example, a nearly equal 84% said that they are “tired of leaders compromising [their] values and ideals.”


Ace also has a good read on this, you have to scroll down to find it:


"NeverTrump is pretty sure that the left is quite sensible, really, when you get past their bluster, rather like that misunderstood fellow in Berlin, Mr. Hitler.

As the Veteran said of the Humungous, "The left are reasonable men. They can be bargained with."

Spoiler alert: The Humungous is not reasonable and cannot be bargained with.

So they don't know what time it is.

The time is close enough to midnight that we're well past the Twitter drama, political trivia, and effeminate lady-times bullshit they're always wetting themselves over.

This isn't a war for Syria or Kurdistan or the other places they want to send other people to fight for; this is a war for America.

You know my biggest reason for departing from the Neocon war adventurism model?

What ****ing sense does it make security freedom in some other country when it is currently under deadly assault here, and most of our supposed leaders are busy babbling babytalk and telling us everything is swell and going according to plan?

Sorry, I'm going to need to shore up the homeland defenses before supporting another foreign adventure. Is that too inconvenient for you guys?

What a lot of us see is an unrestrainedly aggressive and violent and expansionist left -- a growing American Soviet -- and a political "leadership" class whose first, second, and last instinct is figure out a way to appease the left's aggression and learn to live with their increasing number of Jim Crow laws.

They always seem to be trying to figure out how they can accommodate themselves with the left's increasingly totalitarian ambitions, and how they can position themselves to do well under such a system.

They do not seem to spend much time actually opposing it, nor to thinking of how other Americans, perhaps not so comfortable with urban liberalism as they themselves are, will fare under the Brave New World the left is imposing."

10-24-19, 16:40
I just dont see it like it was in 1865. You MIGHT see some small, localized stuff that will be easy for local LEO's to put down.
Until 401k's start getting raided, no one will give up their comforts. You start raiding peoples money, I think people stop sitting on the fence. Even with that, people get hit for every dollar made and dont put up much of a fight.

10-24-19, 16:46
What ****ing sense does it make security freedom in some other country when it is currently under deadly assault here, and most of our supposed leaders are busy babbling babytalk and telling us everything is swell and going according to plan?

But "trust the plan" dude!!! Dude! Has anyone correlated Q Drops with marijuana legalization? Dude?

@armtx77, I'm not huge on memorizing dates, but you might want to look up when the CW / Great War of Northern Aggression / whatever started. Not 1865. 1865 would be Lincoln's assassination.

Straight Shooter
10-24-19, 17:41
I just dont see it like it was in 1865. You MIGHT see some small, localized stuff that will be easy for local LEO's to put down.
Until 401k's start getting raided, no one will give up their comforts. You start raiding peoples money, I think people stop sitting on the fence. Even with that, people get hit for every dollar made and dont put up much of a fight.

I have a more than decent amount of knowledge, interest & information about the Civil War.
You are correct, things now are NOT like it was when the war began {12April61}...THEY ARE MANY TIMES WORSE.
In almost ANY measurable way, we are far past the seriousness of issues that caused the CW.
The recent attacks by democrat candidates on Christianity are un-paralleled. Statements like "HELL YES weare gonna take your guns away"....court cases like TODAYS where a jury actually told a father he had to go along with his ex wifes "transitioning" their young son from male to female and the he HAD to address his own son by the girl name his mother gave him. There are THOUSANDS more examples. Democrats in the House holding SECRET impeachment hearings.
The American media TOTALLY corrupt & utterly unbelievable. Illegals flooding the country..and voting. Vote fraud. Colleges almost completely commie indoctrination centers now. Evil is good...and good is evil. The most perverted trying to force their agendas of murdering babies..EVEN BORN ONES NOW..of trans this & that...100 plus "genders"...men in bathrooms with little girls...pedophiles demanding "rights"..millennials who are so f-ing stupid you cant have a semi intelligent conversation with them, and they most all want to re-write history.
Yes, you are correct sir... we arent like the start of the Civil War...we've surpassed it for years now.

10-24-19, 18:23
I only wish the battle lines were as clear as they were in 1861. Damn libtards are like stinkbugs - they're EVERYWHERE. :mad:

10-24-19, 18:36
I only wish the battle lines were as clear as they were in 1861. Damn libtards are like stinkbugs - they're EVERYWHERE. :mad:

But so are we. That is the fly in their ointment. To expound a bit, red states have blue areas. Blue states have red areas. It basically breaks down into rural vs urban. Rural areas are almost always more conservative while urban areas are always more liberal. C'est la vie.

Pretty sure those in that Washington Examiner poll have very little idea of what true civil war is. Not sure we're quite there yet, but keep your powder dry gents.....

10-24-19, 18:39
The battle lines are and have been very clear for a very long time, Americans are immoral deviants and what shocks and disgusts me barely registers
mild disapproval with them.

just a scout
10-24-19, 18:40
Everyone that’s wishes for it is a fool. I’ve been in one and. I’m here to tell you, a civil war here will make Sierra Leone pale in comparison. That said, I don’t see anymore opportunities to avoid it. We are too far down the path. We had a chance, BEFORE Obama got elected and “fundamentally transformed the country”. He succeeded. Hell, Kruschev succeeded when he told Kennedy we would be broken from within. The hippies were a KGB OPLAN and they became media, education and government bureaucracy and now we are paying the cost of not stomping those ****ers out root and branch back in the ‘60s. This will be bad. But it has to be finished, one side or the other winning completely or it will drag on for decades.

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10-24-19, 18:47
I only wish the battle lines were as clear as they were in 1861. Damn libtards are like stinkbugs - they're EVERYWHERE. :mad:

Cuts down on the travel....who wants to commute to civil war...

Just kidding..

Kind of, but not really, in that IF and that, as you can see is a BIG IF, something were to happen, you are talking about a French Revolution (which was really a civil war), not a state by state one front line. To quote RATM, the front lines are everywhere...

With the POTUS chair being the one that would wield the state power, but that is a musical chair every four years, you had better hope that your guy is pulling the strings...

Still think that it is an extremely low probability thing in the next 20 years. We might get some 60s styles Red Raider type action, but the left isn't going to start anything unless they are in power. And when they are in power, they will only trip that flare by mistake. There is too much money to be had at the reigns to screw it up. They might kick over a Bundy every once in awhile and stir stuff up, but they will be more than happy to virtue signal and marginalize their opponents and wait for demographics to make their job easier and easier.

The real poll is how many people think that they will fight in a civil war.

10-24-19, 18:58
It has been much much worse, after WW1 for example. My wife insists there will be a Civil or race war in our lifetimes. I'm 51 and am positive she is wrong.

10-24-19, 19:07
The real poll is how many people think that they will fight in a civil war.

Since you mentioned it.....the Left has planned to have someone else do their bidding under color of authority and force of arms. The Right, who just basically want to be left alone to their devices (and evil guns) will be forced to do their own bidding if it came to that. God forbid it ever come to that but difficult circumstances lead people to make difficult decisions, and I don't mean whether to make a stand or not but instead who to target. Yep, if things go south enough (and I truly hope it never does) "civility" and "off limits" will be thrown to the wayside. If someone is being crushed under the weight of a jackboot don't be surprised when specific loud-mouthed individuals, politicians, even those tasked with enforcing such egregious edicts have to look over their shoulders constantly......and their families. Yes, internecine conflicts are the most cutthroat, devious, dastardly struggles known to man. A foreign enemy is to be overcome and snuffed out. A fellow countryman who has betrayed that common kinship and would have you killed or imprisoned is to be dealt with in a particularly vicious manner, to include those around him.

Let us hope things never get that bad.

If I had to bet though, I'm 54 and don't think I'll see it in my lifetime. To be sure, I won't be disappointed if I don't.

26 Inf
10-24-19, 19:19
The real poll is how many people think that they will fight in a civil war.

I think that will largely depend on how it starts - the actual precipitating act that starts the whole thing rolling. I also think you won't know until you know, if you get my thought.

10-24-19, 19:30
Hell, I'm 39 and while I hope I'm wrong, I know the Left well enough from growing up among them to know that they're not gonna stop until either they get a New Soviet Union or they poke the bear one time too many and get curbstomped into a smear on the history-book pages... and even if the Time for Choosing a Side isn't forced upon us within my generation's lifetimes it will probably be our children's, at the very latest grandchildren's, cross to bear. God help them.

10-24-19, 19:53

10-24-19, 19:59
We are already in a Cold Civil War. All it's going to take is a contested Presidential election with no clear winner, but evidence of massive voter fraud and other illegal activities to go hot. Toss in an unhappy electorate starting localized vandalism and violence, then martial law gets called in bigger cities with the problems. Then the shooting starts, still localized but all over the Country. Politicians will be hard to find since they will be hiding behind the walls of their secure residences with guards.

10-24-19, 20:00
Hell, I'm 39 and while I hope I'm wrong, I know the Left well enough from growing up among them to know that they're not gonna stop until either they get a New Soviet Union or they poke the bear one time too many and get curbstomped into a smear on the history-book pages... and even if the Time for Choosing a Side isn't forced upon us within my generation's lifetimes it will probably be our children's, at the very latest grandchildren's, cross to bear. God help them.

10-24-19, 20:07
To expound a bit, red states have blue areas. Blue states have red areas. It basically breaks down into rural vs urban. Rural areas are almost always more conservative while urban areas are always more liberal....

Conservative / Libertarian rural areas grow nearly all the food for leftist urban centers. One of the things they’d have to do, as they did during the soviet revolution, is seize farmland. Rural folks can self sustain, but urban cannot.

I agree with and count myself among the 7/10 that think the boogaloo is coming, but I also hope and pray that I’m in the 8/10 that are able to stay out of it . . . . Suffer evils while they remain sufferable.

10-24-19, 20:51
I'm 55 and I distinctly remember having this conversation with a dear (and now departed) friend of mine almost 30 years ago. I told him that there would be another civil war in our lifetime and he told me I was out of my mind. I added that we'd probably be too old to be involved in any of it but we'd see it happen. I wish he was still here, not so much so I could tell him 'I told you so', but because we were truly as close as brothers.

I also share your feelings about it Mozart.

Dist. Expert 26
10-24-19, 21:10
If we're gonna boogaloo, let's boogaloo.

Me and all my friends were well trained in counter insurgency. Flip that coin over and you have extremely effective insurgents. The American Taliban will be the stuff movies are made about (one way or another).

10-24-19, 21:17
I'm not 100% positive that we will see a civil war in my lifetime, but I am 100% positive that there is no way to reverse the course this country is on currently.

How can a nation survive having such a large population of its people opposed to one another, both morally and politically, to such an extent without imploding and fracturing?

I certainly don't want a civil war. I'm 29 years old. I'm married to the woman of my dreams, and have two daughters, two years old and four years old, who mean the world to me. There are things I want, but admittedly I can't think of anything I need as I have that already. I want my children to grow up in a nation with more freedom and opportunities than the one I grew up in. The thought of this country falling apart during my childrens lives sickens me..


We have people mutilating their childrens genitalia, killing their babies at or near full term out of convenience, and forcing their sexual orientation on their children and being applauded for it.

We have politicians infringing on our rights on multiple fronts, threatening to make the law abiding felons overnight, ballooning our national debt with pointless programs and government expansion, letting illegal aliens and foreign invaders enter our country freely, and desperately trying to throw the elected president out of office.

We have news media, social media, big tech companies, etc.. all working in unison to controll information flow in an attempt to manipulate public perception and in essence change the moral and political landscape of the country.

We have an education system not designed to help our children become young adults and contributing members of society, but instead designed to indoctrinate them into the religion that is leftist ideology.

and the list goes on..

At what point does a person decide violence is the answer? I'd say about the time comfortable subjugation is replaced with uncomfortable persecution.

Depending on who you ask, we've already reached that point, or have at best been beating on that door for a while now.

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10-24-19, 21:33
I have a more than decent amount of knowledge, interest & information about the Civil War.
You are correct, things now are NOT like it was when the war began {12April61}...THEY ARE MANY TIMES WORSE.
In almost ANY measurable way, we are far past the seriousness of issues that caused the CW.
The recent attacks by democrat candidates on Christianity are un-paralleled. Statements like "HELL YES weare gonna take your guns away"....court cases like TODAYS where a jury actually told a father he had to go along with his ex wifes "transitioning" their young son from male to female and the he HAD to address his own son by the girl name his mother gave him. There are THOUSANDS more examples. Democrats in the House holding SECRET impeachment hearings.
The American media TOTALLY corrupt & utterly unbelievable. Illegals flooding the country..and voting. Vote fraud. Colleges almost completely commie indoctrination centers now. Evil is good...and good is evil. The most perverted trying to force their agendas of murdering babies..EVEN BORN ONES NOW..of trans this & that...100 plus "genders"...men in bathrooms with little girls...pedophiles demanding "rights"..millennials who are so f-ing stupid you cant have a semi intelligent conversation with them, and they most all want to re-write history.
Yes, you are correct sir... we arent like the start of the Civil War...we've surpassed it for years now.

What do you believe the flash point will be, in the upcoming civil war?
I dont see anything in your response that leads to Civil War. All of that has been going on for decades. Power getting turned off, food chain distruption, peoples money getting turned off...etc.
Media been lieing to me since I was 14, sitting in home room class, talking about Ruby Ridge. Few months later, Waco TX. You know who threw shade for the FBI/ATF...Bill Barr. Name sounds familiar.

I do stand corrected, 1861.

Dr. Bullseye
10-24-19, 22:37
Today the Durham inquiry tuned into a criminal investigation and the left is going crazy. These turds are facing prison or worse and are looking for someone to make this go away for them. Maybe they will start shooting and we will finally be able to defend ourselves.

I am 72. I have never wanted to go to war in some far off country for ill-defined reasons. The USA was never threatened in my whole lifetime from outside. But it is threatened from within and I am liking it all. Some of you guys talk about the horror of war and how we don't really want that here. Bullshit. Leftist traitors never stop. They get something, some concession, and it only makes them hungry for more. Even Stevie Wonder can see my children and grandchildren's generation are going to be enslaved if this goes on. They hate you for being white, they hate your history of success, they hate America, they want you to subsidize them and their spawn forever. Most of all they hate your children.

I don't care what you war heroes do. But when the shooting starts, if there are four other guys that feel like I do, we are going to defend ourselves until we are out of ammo, way past and through Sacramento and to the shores of San Francisco where the traitors will have to backstroke their way out.

At Normandy, the Allies did not take SS prisoners. The SS did not take Allied prisoners. Ditto for the Japanese/Americans at Iwo Jima. The article is right--no compromise, no treaty, all or nothing--"go for broke". About 40 million leftist traitors and 40 million illegal aliens and their children need to be removed from this country--voluntarily over the Mexican border or involuntarily.

Again, I am 72 so I really don't plan on surviving this war. But I have lived a life and this action is the best, most positive thing I can do with the time I have left.

10-25-19, 00:55
Outside of Facebook and internet forum fantasy land, I haven't heard a single real person talk of anything close to a civil war in my world. Some of you guys need to get a grip and turn off the t.v. and computer for a while. There's some really great American'ing going on right now everywhere in this country. If you run around looking for shit, the only thing you're going to see is shit.

Just got back from a high school volleyball game where I ran the scoreboard and watched a hundred people, hippies, liberals, right wing conservatives, agnostics, atheists and Christians; all standing, hand over heart, singing our national anthem.

I don't see a shooting war in my lifetime, if ever.

10-25-19, 01:30
Outside of Facebook and internet forum fantasy land, I haven't heard a single real person talk of anything close to a civil war in my world. Some of you guys need to get a grip and turn off the t.v. and computer for a while. There's some really great American'ing going on right now everywhere in this country. If you run around looking for shit, the only thing you're going to see is shit.

Just got back from a high school volleyball game where I ran the scoreboard and watched a hundred people, hippies, liberals, right wing conservatives, agnostics, atheists and Christians; all standing, hand over heart, singing our national anthem.

I don't see a shooting war in my lifetime, if ever.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, is gonna boogaloo in Alaska!!! I've trained there, F*** That!

Straight Shooter
10-25-19, 05:32
What do you believe the flash point will be, in the upcoming civil war?
I dont see anything in your response that leads to Civil War. All of that has been going on for decades. Power getting turned off, food chain distruption, peoples money getting turned off...etc.
Media been lieing to me since I was 14, sitting in home room class, talking about Ruby Ridge. Few months later, Waco TX. You know who threw shade for the FBI/ATF...Bill Barr. Name sounds familiar.

I do stand corrected, 1861.

Reparations. Gun confiscation..ala Beto style. Continued restriction & prevention of Christian values {BAKE MY CAKE DAMN YOU} Fines/jail for not using some mentally ill freaks "pronouns". Continual persecution/defamation & demeaning of White people, especially white men..and even more especially CHRISTIAN white men, & women. Forcing children to learn about deviant, perverted behaviors & acts against parents wishes.
The list is too long. You are 100% correct, a lot of this has gone on for decades. How long did it take for the Founders to do what they did?
The fuse is DEFINITELY LIT. Id say a combination of just the right events at the same time, say another Rodney King/Trayvon Martin fiasco coupled with something like Trump assassinated, just a couple or three things hitting at once, to me, could start some stuff.
This has indeed been building for a long time, as it should, as the kind of violence a CW would bring should be the last resort. But as someone else said & ill expound, what other option is there?
Our Constitution for all practical purposes, is null & void. No one under 30 knows a damned thing about it, never read it, couldnt tell you a thing about it.
History has been & is being re-written. The media is an utterly corrupt whore, including & especially FOX news.
Colleges are Mao training camps and they come out as dumb & ill prepared for life as one could be, but want ME to pay for it.
Half this country wants to butcher babies that are 3 minutes from birth.
You gotta decide what you will take. Its gonna be different than me and everyone else. But we are NOT "one Nation. under God, indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for all." THATS been dead a long time now.

10-25-19, 06:44
Outside of Facebook and internet forum fantasy land, I haven't heard a single real person talk of anything close to a civil war in my world. Some of you guys need to get a grip and turn off the t.v. and computer for a while. There's some really great American'ing going on right now everywhere in this country. If you run around looking for shit, the only thing you're going to see is shit.

Just got back from a high school volleyball game where I ran the scoreboard and watched a hundred people, hippies, liberals, right wing conservatives, agnostics, atheists and Christians; all standing, hand over heart, singing our national anthem.

I don't see a shooting war in my lifetime, if ever.

I hear people talk about it, in my day to day to day activities. I ask them what is it gonna take for them the leave their 80k and up job? Family of Four. 250k house and 50k worth of car notes. Most say when they ban firearms. I than ask if they are involved with any Org mat is fighting for that right aside from a NRA membership and all the say no.
So, they wont get involved with any grass roots movement, but will quit their cush ass lifestyle, take up arms and kill people? I just dont see it.

10-25-19, 07:34
Outside of Facebook and internet forum fantasy land, I haven't heard a single real person talk of anything close to a civil war in my world. Some of you guys need to get a grip and turn off the t.v. and computer for a while.

Just because you yourself haven't, doesn't mean everyone else has the same experience. I have absolutely heard others, in person, reference a coming civil war. These aren't just Mil/LEO types either. Mostly average people, men and women; small business owners, mechanics, plumbers, ranchers and farmers, engineers, etc.. and not all are right of center, either.

I don't go out of my way to bring these topics up with these people either, they willingly bring it up and I hear it a few times a week at this point.

You don't hear the conversation? Great, I'm happy for you.. but your experience hasn't been mine and others experience.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

10-25-19, 07:37
I would like to see those seven out of ten people predicting a Civil War interviewed. I really want to know how and why of these conclusions.

I've been watching this interview in bits and pieces and then in it whole. I will just say that calling Snowden's interview enlightening is a vast understatement. I would also say, "We didn't get here without the Intelligence Community and/or the Executive Branch going off of the rails.
We had better get some very real clarity and open hearings on this whole impeachment movement because, I believe that at the heart of a lot of peoples disenchantment with our government is that since 9/11 we've had an ongoing coupe and power exchange.
The really sad part as this moves forward is that I currently believe a lot of people could stop this, but their own guilt in the graft going on in Washington would be exposed and the house of cards, "for them" would come falling down.

10-25-19, 07:38
I don't see a true all out War of Northern Aggression happening here. People seem to have a lot of fantasies about it though - the whole patriot/boogaloo/revolution thing. In my opinion there are plenty of normal middle class guys that like to talk about it and picture themselves as a 1776 revolutionary but as posted above most of those guys have a wife, kids, extended family, etc. to take care of and ultimately I don't see people quitting their middle class jobs, packing up the family Tahoe, and going off to fight while waving goodbye to the family who is standing on the front porch of their house.

That whole thing is a young man's game. I was 24 when Obama was elected the first time and I had just been laid off from my first real job after college due to the economy crashing. At that point in my life I had zero savings, zero real responsibilities, and the mentality of a young man with nothing to lose. I had a few Mosins and spam cans of ammo and was ready for the revolution to kick off because I had nothing better to do with my time.

There are plenty of early twenties kids on both sides of the political spectrum who are in that same place and they are the ones you see doing the Antifa/Proud Boys stuff. They will be the ones going at it if things ever get to that point. There may be localized outbreaks like the LA Riots or what goes on in Portland but with guns and Molotov cocktails. However, I just don't see the vast majority of American citizens getting to that point.

Speaking for myself, while it's cute to think about buying my one year old son a full combat kit and another full kit for the one that's due in 7 months and being the real patriot family, I cannot fathom ever putting them in harms way. I don't want them getting shot at. At the same time I cannot fathom putting my one year son to bed, kissing my wife goodbye, and leaving them behind to go fight, knowing I probably won't return and they will be left on their own.

So, yeah, my wife has her little pistol to protect the house when I'm gone and I have my carry pistol and AR to defend my house. I keep adding to the savings account so that we have options if our world does change dramatically.

Could I be totally wrong and we are on an inevitable course to full scale civil war with every able bodied man and boy killing and dying "brother against brother" style? Absolutely. We won't know until we get there.

Dist. Expert 26
10-25-19, 08:03
Revolutions are always impossible...until one day they aren't.

10-25-19, 08:13
The Jews didn’t see what happened to them coming either.

10-25-19, 08:51
Outside of Facebook and internet forum fantasy land, I haven't heard a single real person talk of anything close to a civil war in my world. Some of you guys need to get a grip and turn off the t.v. and computer for a while. There's some really great American'ing going on right now everywhere in this country. If you run around looking for shit, the only thing you're going to see is shit.

Just got back from a high school volleyball game where I ran the scoreboard and watched a hundred people, hippies, liberals, right wing conservatives, agnostics, atheists and Christians; all standing, hand over heart, singing our national anthem.

I don't see a shooting war in my lifetime, if ever.

This is good to hear Doug. I'm glad this is the case up there, and I agree with your sentiment about people going looking for shit. Lots of good stuff happening around here too, but I work in Hollywood, and this exposes me to some really whacked out lefties who are completely out of touch with reality. I suppose you could say, I'm behind enemy lines and privy to their thoughts and conversations. Its nuts sometimes. Like you, I am looking for the good and still largely enjoying life. I hunt almost daily, my new puppies are coming along great, my child still gets straight A's in her private Christian school, wife has been happier than ever lately, business is booming... Things are looking really good in my neighborhood and on a personal level. But try as I might, I can't ignore the degradation of our rights, the mass corruption in all levels of our government, the demonization of my race and gender, the level of ignorance in most of society, the voter fraud, the flood of invaders taking over our country, and I can't ignore the fact that, eventually, we are going to have to do something about it all, or get run over with it.

10-25-19, 09:14
Government is corruption. Politicians are power brokers that make deals in their interests that are lucrative and deals for leverage. Everything they say is deception.

The deep state is the hoards of unelected careerist bureaucrats that ensure the status quo mentioned above continues.

There is a shared interest between government and corporate media to control the narrative. The purpose of the mass collection of data is to influence, persuade, and manipulate your perceptions of reality, beliefs, and choices.

10-25-19, 09:16
The Jews didn’t see what happened to them coming either.

The smart ones did, unfortunately many waited until it was too late to get out. I believe the trigger will likely be a combination of things, think about if the left takes power again and implements their polices, finish destroying health care, cripple the energy sector, tank the economy, open borders, votes for everyone and when push back comes outlaw firearms. Facts are the true believers on that side want upwards of 25,000,000 of us dead and the rest powerless to resist and a population of peasants who survive at the whim of the new aristocrats which these idiots all think they will belong to. The thing is it's out of the closet now and there is no going back, you can't win by appeasing tyrants which is why the never Trumpers and wishy washy Repubs are so dangerous for believing "if we just get rid of Trump we can go back to the way it was in 2003". That's not going to happen, when the left wins expect rationed health care that will cause deplorable's to die, energy blackouts as when the wind's not blowing or the sun's not shining the masses of those not living in certain cities will be in the dark. You can also expect gasoline shortages, meat shortages, job shortages, think USSR during the height of the cold war. Sometime during this they will come for the guns, and for those who believe the police an military will never go for that reality check time. How do you get someone to do something they don't believe in and really don't want to do? Control something they value above all else, I have long believed the FEMA camps are not for political prisoners, they will just kill them, but for the families of first responders. Hold their families hostage and the police and military will provide the death squads needed for firearms confiscation. How do you get the families in the camps, easy false flag attacks on them, then offer safe refuge with plenty of food (which will likely be short by then) and all you have to do is shoot a few undesirables and take their guns.

Ah, this is all just fantasy, this can never happen in muy Amerika, if we just get rid of Orange Man Bad and allow our betters in the Deep State, FBI and CIA to pick who we are allowed to elect as President all will go back to the way it was.

Disclaimer, I voted for Trump, I didn't like him, I didn't expect him to win, I didn't expect him to follow through on his campaign promises, I believed he was a leftie at heart but I voted for him because he "wasn't Hillary". It surprised me when he won, it surprised me when he followed through on what got him elected, it shouldn't but it surprised me when the left pulled out all the stops to attack him and revealed for all with open eyes to see who they really are. Ultimately this about the three parts of the county, left - middle - right, left now stands for socialism/communism, middle swings one way or the other and right stands for capitalism/freedom and what America used to be. Like him or not Trump is fighting for the right, if you are in the middle and want to stay neutral you are empowering the left which is the side that is attacking America as it was to "fundamentally transform" it into their vision of utopia which will be a socialist hell.

10-25-19, 09:40
The fly in the ointment to me is that the left needs the right to be productive and pay taxes so that they can fund their social programs.

If I were a hard left shot caller the last thing I would want is for the enormous tax income stream to stop. It's a fine balance of maximum taxation and control but still allowing the economy to be healthy enough to have corporations and individuals funneling dollars back into the government coffers. FEMA camps, civil war, etc. is counterproductive to that.

10-25-19, 10:03
The smart ones did, unfortunately many waited until it was too late to get out.

And remember that many of those Jews who fled Germany went to countries that, although not hostile to them, were quickly overrun by Nazi Germany. It's really hard to figure out what a safe place is going to be for the indefinite future.

The fly in the ointment to me is that the left needs the right to be productive and pay taxes so that they can fund their social programs.

Obvious to us, but many on the left are incredibly arrogant and ignorant together, and will just assume that farming, maintaining electric grids, etc. is easy simple work that any honorable leftist prole can do if "the man" is murdered and out of the way. So it was in the USSR, Zimbabwe, South Africa, China, etc.

Mauser KAR98K
10-25-19, 10:03
So I’ve been listening to the Socialist Rifle Association podcast.

We can no longer brush these people off. They are highly motivated, and are better at organizing than we are. They are creating leftist militias and they are going to do more than what right wing militias can only dream. They are not only looking to engage in violence , are working in large non-violent means that we have only done just a handful of times.

The Proud Boys and the Patriot Prayer group and their counter, but it may not be enough.

They are training like us now. They are seeking firearms training that we thought was only privy to us

I encourage you all to listen to their podcast. They are openly explaining their agenda and tactics.

Yes, we are on our way.

10-25-19, 10:11
So I’ve been listening to the Socialist Rifle Association podcast.

We can no longer brush these people off. They are highly motivated, and are better at organizing than we are. They are creating leftist militias and they are going to do more than what right wing militias can only dream. They are not only looking to engage in violence , are working in large non-violent means that we have only done just a handful of times.

The Proud Boys and the Patriot Prayer group and their counter, but it may not be enough.

They are training like us now. They are seeking firearms training that we thought was only privy to us

I encourage you all to listen to their podcast. They are openly explaining their agenda and tactics.

Yes, we are on our way.

Not only that but they have the media leftie politicians and judges providing cover for them. Leftest violence is speech, rightest speech is violence.

10-25-19, 10:13
Do you mind giving a few bullet points of the agenda?

The typical right wing militia mentality is that a group would use their weaponry to ensure they are left alone.

Is this left wing militia group openly talking about doing something proactive to others?

10-25-19, 10:42
Outside of Facebook and internet forum fantasy land, I haven't heard a single real person talk of anything close to a civil war in my world. Some of you guys need to get a grip and turn off the t.v. and computer for a while. There's some really great American'ing going on right now everywhere in this country. If you run around looking for shit, the only thing you're going to see is shit.

Just got back from a high school volleyball game where I ran the scoreboard and watched a hundred people, hippies, liberals, right wing conservatives, agnostics, atheists and Christians; all standing, hand over heart, singing our national anthem.

I don't see a shooting war in my lifetime, if ever.

Your outlook is far more likely than any other. Until the economy goes COMPLETELY in the crapper around 2030, I don't see much going on.

10-25-19, 10:48
I see bias, and I see groupthink. I am a (very) conservative (almost libertarian) gun-owner, so I tend to associate with same. "We" are the enemy of the left and "we" are largely the ones who see this coming to a head. The left/Antifa/socialist crowd are the same way. And the collective "we" (left and right) are either enraged or emboldened by the media. The reality is, middle America is at the mall, and they largely don't care. Don't screw with their paychecks and don't upset the either-democrat-or-republican-president apple cart too much, they will bitch about the opposite party but will survive, like they always have.

I live in a very liberal area and people are more concerned about hourly parking rates going up in the city lots than anything else.

10-25-19, 11:02
Your outlook is far more likely than any other. Until the economy goes COMPLETELY in the crapper around 2030, I don't see much going on.

I believe your timetable is overly optimistic, the left has lost patience with the old slow march to socialism and want it NOW. But a lot depends on next years election and outside influences, the 9/11 attack was about bringing our economy to it's knee's and there are still those who want to do this. We are on overdrive now, I do believe many who think things will so go along slowly for some time will be surprised by what happens. Hope I am wrong though.

Mauser KAR98K
10-25-19, 11:08
Do you mind giving a few bullet points of the agenda?

The typical right wing militia mentality is that a group would use their weaponry to ensure they are left alone.

Is this left wing militia group openly talking about doing something proactive to others?

Basically when it comes to arms, it's like what a right wing militia would use, except they intend to use them in the act of their revolution. That is their main goal. We use for defense of liberty, property and life.

They are advocating training...military training, suggesting members enlist, but caution not to as their 4 year hitch could get them away from leftist thought.

This time line is incredibly dangerous.

10-25-19, 11:32
I wonder if this guy will be one of their generals.


10-25-19, 11:33

We’re getting more and more separate every day. Any fighting is probably a ways off as long as this trend continues.

Think about merica as a bad marriage: as long as the two don’t speak or have to be near each other, there is far less likelihood of a domestic. So the farther we each move away from each others’ areas, businesses, culture, etc, the less we'll be pissed about, To a point. That also means that our common areas (D.C.) will be even more volatile and seen as a way to absolutely screw the other side vindictively.

10-25-19, 12:01
It would seem like a balkanization into red America and blue America would be more likely than some full out war.

10-25-19, 12:57
It would seem like a balkanization into red America and blue America would be more likely than some full out war.

It's the path we take getting there that's the problem. Some States are easy to place (Oklahoma for example) while others (Colorado) aren't so easily pushed into "Red vs Blue" categories because you end up having a large liberal metro or two that controls the remainder of the conservative State.

10-25-19, 14:06
It would seem like a balkanization into red America and blue America would be more likely than some full out war.

Except that balkanization has lead to full out war many times. Genocide for many reasons. I was there last year and it's still very much simmering.

10-25-19, 14:08
It's the path we take getting there that's the problem. Some States are easy to place (Oklahoma for example) while others (Colorado) aren't so easily pushed into "Red vs Blue" categories because you end up having a large liberal metro or two that controls the remainder of the conservative State.

Most states are like that. Even TX has went purple in many areas, CA and NY are pretty red in many areas, without the population base. And without it, well we saw what happened last time.

26 Inf
10-25-19, 14:10
The Jews didn’t see what happened to them coming either.

I'm pretty sure there were indicators.

The Night of Broken Glass, closely followed by the first batches of men rounded up for the concentration camps, and the re-institution of wearing the yellow 'Jude' star, should have been hints.

Pretty sure about the time the U. S. socialists start rounding up the first batch of folks for the camps, we'd see if that 'there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass' thing that Yamamoto predicted was true.

Dr. Bullseye
10-25-19, 15:56
Seventy percent of Americans think Civil War is a possibility.

10-25-19, 15:58
Seventy percent of Americans think Civil War is a possibility.

And a supposed majority believe in more gun control laws.

Hence, the American populace at large are morons. So idk, putting much stock in these things seem iffy to me.

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10-25-19, 16:21
Seventy percent of Americans think Civil War is a possibility.

Like usual, the media trips over their dick on this one. You can read the methodology here at this link http://politics.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/BG-65-GOP-memo-on-civility-Qs-1.pdf and here http://politics.georgetown.edu/lake-research-partners-summary-october-2019-2/ The source page is here http://politics.georgetown.edu/october-2019-civility-poll-2/

The gist of it, is that when asked to rank the lack of civility in this country, with 100 as "civil war", the mean response for all voters polled was 67.23... which is actually LESS than when it was in April '19.

AND.. they only polled 1000 people. Frankly, on a topic such as this, that's a pretty weak sample.

10-25-19, 16:25
This is good to hear Doug. I'm glad this is the case up there, and I agree with your sentiment about people going looking for shit. Lots of good stuff happening around here too, but I work in Hollywood, and this exposes me to some really whacked out lefties who are completely out of touch with reality. I suppose you could say, I'm behind enemy lines and privy to their thoughts and conversations. Its nuts sometimes. Like you, I am looking for the good and still largely enjoying life. I hunt almost daily, my new puppies are coming along great, my child still gets straight A's in her private Christian school, wife has been happier than ever lately, business is booming... Things are looking really good in my neighborhood and on a personal level. But try as I might, I can't ignore the degradation of our rights, the mass corruption in all levels of our government, the demonization of my race and gender, the level of ignorance in most of society, the voter fraud, the flood of invaders taking over our country, and I can't ignore the fact that, eventually, we are going to have to do something about it all, or get run over with it.

I wouldn't place my town as some sort of barometer and more than I would Southern California (particularly Hollywood). There is a whole bunch of country in between that I travel to fairly regularly and I see it firmly planted between the two.

10-25-19, 16:54
I’m not sure if we’re going to see a civil war anytime soon, however, if there’s anything that could get one kicked off, it would be a financial collapse, I mean we as a country have been creating wealth out of thin air for decades, and we’ve been blowing 10’s of millions of dollars every day in the Middle East, for the last 16-17years,we cannot do this forever. One day, all of this is going to bite us in the ass, hard. When paper dollars become useful as a alternate to toilet paper, Then, the shit’s going to hit the fan...

10-25-19, 18:37
Today's revolutions take place at the ballot box. Americans are too lazy for anything else.

10-25-19, 19:56
30 years of the nonstop drumbeat of Fox News, Breitbart, Hannity, Limbaugh. Stoking white anxiety and resentment. Is anybody surprised?

10-25-19, 20:12
30 years of the nonstop drumbeat of Fox News, Breitbart, Hannity, Limbaugh. Stoking white anxiety and resentment. Is anybody surprised?

And CNN, BLM, Antifa, and the ComDems who have taken over Congress and our education systems. Nope, no surprise.

10-25-19, 20:13
People responding to questions like this in a cavalier fashion really have zero idea what it means.

Civil war is famine, it is disease, it is rape, it is wholesale murder. Who among those polled has ever experienced these things as part of their daily lives? Likely none.

Americans and their tens of millions of foreign guests are very comfortable, very well fed, and altogether ignorant of just how vicious much of the rest of the world, really is ...

Straight Shooter
10-25-19, 20:14
30 years of the nonstop drumbeat of Fox News, Breitbart, Hannity, Limbaugh. Stoking white anxiety and resentment. Is anybody surprised?

You are as full of shit as some of the stupid threads you start.

10-25-19, 20:20
30 years of the nonstop drumbeat of Fox News, Breitbart, Hannity, Limbaugh. Stoking white anxiety and resentment. Is anybody surprised?

Can you temper your white guilt any more for us please?

It makes the lot of us uncomfortable.

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10-25-19, 20:35
Can you temper your white guilt any more for us please?

It makes the lot of us uncomfortable.

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No guilt at all. But I've read history; ever since '81 repubs have been working towards a corporate authoritarian one party state. Bill Barr is a key player. If he can turn DOJ into Trump's personal law firm, it's a huge step towards that goal.

10-25-19, 20:41
No guilt at all. But I've read history; ever since '81 repubs have been working towards a corporate authoritarian one party state. Bill Barr is a key player. If he can turn DOJ into Trump's personal law firm, it's a huge step towards that goal.

But the ComDems are the protectors of liberty with their demanding gun bans and confiscations, quest to nationalize healthcare while abolishing private insurance, wanting to ban beef, air travel, fossil fuels and taxing us into oblivion to pay for it all. Yes, they are out to protect us from the evil republicans.

10-25-19, 21:09
You are as full of shit as some of the stupid threads you start.

Your beer is on me!

10-25-19, 21:18
No guilt at all. But I've read history; ever since '81 repubs have been working towards a corporate authoritarian one party state. Bill Barr is a key player. If he can turn DOJ into Trump's personal law firm, it's a huge step towards that goal.

Riiiight. How hypocritical it is to suggest that it is the Republicans who are trying create some kind of a police-state and not the freedom-loving Democrats :bad:!

Know the difference? The accusation you make about the Republicans is horseshit but even if it was true according to you they are trying to create a one-party state. The Dems/Libs, on the other hand, are trying to create a uni-thought society (only their thoughts/values/crusades though, not anyone else's).

10-25-19, 21:18
No guilt at all. But I've read history; ever since '81 repubs have been working towards a corporate authoritarian one party state. Bill Barr is a key player. If he can turn DOJ into Trump's personal law firm, it's a huge step towards that goal.

I won’t disagree with the uni-party endgame

But it’s pretty apparent you haven’t been paying attention to the political loyalties within various institutions over the last 15 or so years.

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10-26-19, 04:18
No guilt at all. But I've read history; ever since '81 repubs have been working towards a corporate authoritarian one party state. Bill Barr is a key player. If he can turn DOJ into Trump's personal law firm, it's a huge step towards that goal.

If you've read history, you should realize that isn't an ideal specific to Republicans...

10-26-19, 06:27
No guilt at all. But I've read history; ever since '81 repubs have been working towards a corporate authoritarian one party state. Bill Barr is a key player. If he can turn DOJ into Trump's personal law firm, it's a huge step towards that goal.

If Barr actually did everything the MSM and Social Democrats accuse him of, he could not hold a candle to Rohm Emmanuel under President Obama's administration. The anointed one's entire cabinet focused on his interests first, and the needs of the United States last.

Love or hate President Trump all you want but understand the statist nightmare this country would have become under Hillary Clinton.

10-26-19, 07:29
30 years of the nonstop drumbeat of Fox News, Breitbart, Hannity, Limbaugh. Stoking white anxiety and resentment. Is anybody surprised?

30 years of the nonstop drumbeat of CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Maddow, Olberman. Stoking naive resentment among poor, young, self-dispossessed members of society toward the 1st, 2nd, 4th amendments to the constitution, the culture of rural people, free market capitalism, hard work, traditions, religion, law enforcement, etc. is anybody surprised?

Where do you get your news? Just curious

10-26-19, 07:54
Outside of Facebook and internet forum fantasy land, I haven't heard a single real person talk of anything close to a civil war in my world. Some of you guys need to get a grip and turn off the t.v. and computer for a while. There's some really great American'ing going on right now everywhere in this country. If you run around looking for shit, the only thing you're going to see is shit.

Just got back from a high school volleyball game where I ran the scoreboard and watched a hundred people, hippies, liberals, right wing conservatives, agnostics, atheists and Christians; all standing, hand over heart, singing our national anthem.

I don't see a shooting war in my lifetime, if ever.

This. Desperation could cause something, but angry rhetoric causes no issues.


God Bless,


10-26-19, 09:29
30 years of the nonstop drumbeat of CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and hollywood. Stoking hatred and villianization of white men and christians. Is anybody surprised?


I watched the other networks as well and see them move in synchronize lockstep against things that are important to me. And worse are villainizing honest regular people who just want to be left alone.

You can't be that blind, at least fox has opposing views.

10-26-19, 10:02
People responding to questions like this in a cavalier fashion really have zero idea what it means.

Civil war is famine, it is disease, it is rape, it is wholesale murder. Who among those polled has ever experienced these things as part of their daily lives? Likely none.

Americans and their tens of millions of foreign guests are very comfortable, very well fed, and altogether ignorant of just how vicious much of the rest of the world, really is ...

You are of course, quite correct..A civil war is something I really don’t want to see, it’s not going to be like the last time, where everybody pretty much knew who was who. This time, it’s going to be neighbors killing neighbors, armed mobs going around looting and killing, starvation, people willing to kill each other for a loaf of bread.. If given a choice, I’d rather deal with the current level of insanity in DC we have now, rather than deal with a civil war.. People who want a civil war, have no idea what kind of Pandora’s box they’re trying to pry open..

10-26-19, 15:40
You are of course, quite correct..A civil war is something I really don’t want to see, it’s not going to be like the last time, where everybody pretty much knew who was who. This time, it’s going to be neighbors killing neighbors, armed mobs going around looting and killing, starvation, people willing to kill each other for a loaf of bread.. If given a choice, I’d rather deal with the current level of insanity in DC we have now, rather than deal with a civil war.. People who want a civil war, have no idea what kind of Pandora’s box they’re trying to pry open..

I've only heard one person in this thread say basically "Let's get it on". The vast majority of posters haven't wished for it, and some of us have tried to lay out what nastiness it would entail. I have much better ways to spend my remaining years on this rock. That said, one should never confuse reluctance with refusal. I just want to be left alone (seems to be a common thread on "our" side). I do not want some whacked-out portion of the population (don't care if they are a majority or not) dictating to me what I eat, what I own, how to think, how to speak, etc. They can FOAD.

To reiterate, I hope we never see such tomfoolery as a civil war. Ever again. However, I will NOT live how those whacked-out assholes on the Left tell me to. Ain't happening.

10-26-19, 16:09
You are of course, quite correct..A civil war is something I really don’t want to see, it’s not going to be like the last time, where everybody pretty much knew who was who. This time, it’s going to be neighbors killing neighbors, armed mobs going around looting and killing, starvation, people willing to kill each other for a loaf of bread.. If given a choice, I’d rather deal with the current level of insanity in DC we have now, rather than deal with a civil war.. People who want a civil war, have no idea what kind of Pandora’s box they’re trying to pry open..

Yep. The only winners of a civil war 2.0 will be the cartels.

10-26-19, 20:52
Tell that to the faaaaaaaarrrrrr Left, they are the ones trying to start it.

10-26-19, 21:09
Yep. The only winners of a civil war 2.0 will be the cartels.

And the mega corporations that will control whatever is left when the war dies down.

10-26-19, 21:20
And the mega corporations that will control whatever is left when the war dies down.

Well if your side wins all the corporations will be nationalized.

10-27-19, 08:41
I kind of see it like this.
After 9/11 we were so "Patriotic" and fearful that a lot of bad legislation concerning your liberty, your privacy and your freedoms was rushed through under the guise of making you "Safe".
The average American didn't see the possible ramifications because they were looking through the eyes of someone wanting to prevent terrorism, make America "Safe" and perhaps get some arm chair pay back.
The bad actors of the deep State looked at this and licked their lips, sharpened their knives and the world hasn't been the same since.
Add to all that an economy that was taking a dump and one President who prematurely predicted the end to terrorism (in Iraq of all places) and the next President who was racist, virulently divisive and pro socialism.
A bit of a leadership vacuum was present and the fellows mentioned above from the Federal Intelligence Communities and Law Enforcement got their foot in the door and I honestly believe began operating outside of their powers and even perhaps without much .gov over-site.
So if you're operating like Darth Vader what's the next move?
Gather your useful idiots and under the guise of promoting the malleable MSM promote the next POTUS (of their choice). Further gather more power by taking advantage of violent domestic events, begin labeling things as "Mass Shootings", fudge the numbers on criminal statistics and begin another wave of gun control. Promote the call for socialism and let the violent brown shirts of the left act with impunity.

That's how you divide and conquer.

10-27-19, 11:25
My take is we are in the process of crossing the Rubicon, I don't believe we can go back to the way it used to be. Self serving politicians, retired flag rank officers, deep state and intelligence community are willing to destroy the country because they lost one election. Think about that, in the old days of the loyal opposition the dems would have sought out a Bill Clinton type someone who they could pass off as a moderate and get Trump out in 4 years. I don't think that even crossed their minds, instead they started a counter intelligence op that they believed would oust a duly elected POTUS, a soft coup in other words. That operation is still going on, Russian collusion didn't work let's try Ukraine collusion, in the meantime let's run hardcore leftest or outright crooks for President who are openly calling for banning guns, socializing healthcare, open borders, killing born babies, total green energy, war on Christian's, free stuff, high taxes and lord knows what else. We are in a Cold Civil War right now, there is no middle ground that will unite us, the left wants the right to submit and will not be happy with anything less, the only question is when will it go hot. When it does go hot it will likely start as an insurgency type conflict, the first battles may have already been fought, the lone wolf Republican baseball shooting and Rand Paul attack and the more likely a cell attack Las Vegas concert shooting. When you can not longer trust the intelligence community and the premier law enforcement agency to work for what's best for the country but instead for whats best for one political faction we are deep in the poo.

10-27-19, 12:04
And the mega corporations that will control whatever is left when the war dies down.

I hope Chick-fil-A wins the fast food wars.

F Taco Bell

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10-27-19, 12:24
I hope Chick-fil-A wins the fast food wars.

F Taco Bell

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You've ever seen Demolition Man?
Taco Bell wins.

10-27-19, 12:24
Double tap

10-27-19, 12:53
You've ever seen Demolition Man?
Taco Bell wins.

That’s why I’m praying for an alternative reality.

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10-27-19, 14:48
"Armtx77 Until 401k's start getting raided, no one will give up their comforts. You start raiding peoples money, I think people stop sitting on the fence. Even with that, people get hit for every dollar made and dont put up much of a fight." Me personally I think it will be more than that. Have power go out nation wide and no food deliveries for a month, the city's will be well on their way to ashes, rural folk will start carrying rifles as a daily occurrence and help watch their neighbors

10-27-19, 15:02
"Armtx77 Until 401k's start getting raided, no one will give up their comforts. You start raiding peoples money, I think people stop sitting on the fence. Even with that, people get hit for every dollar made and dont put up much of a fight." Me personally I think it will be more than that. Have power go out nation wide and no food deliveries for a month, the city's will be well on their way to ashes, rural folk will start carrying rifles as a daily occurrence and help watch their neighbors

Much simpler than that- if nationwide all EBT/Food stamp cards crashed and became unusable the cities would collapse into anarchy in a matter of days.

10-27-19, 18:41
Much simpler than that- if nationwide all EBT/Food stamp cards crashed and became unusable the cities would collapse into anarchy in a matter of days.

That's what I was going to say. 30 days? More like 3 days. We are never more than 7-9 missed meals from total anarchy.

just a scout
10-27-19, 18:58
The EBT shit down for 12 hours a couple years ago and things started getting silly by then. 24 hours and the neighborhood will be on fire.

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10-27-19, 20:39
Much simpler than that- if nationwide all EBT/Food stamp cards crashed and became unusable the cities would collapse into anarchy in a matter of days.

If nationwide all farm subsidy checks bounced, the countryside would riot in a matter of days.

10-27-19, 20:55
Much simpler than that- if nationwide all EBT/Food stamp cards crashed and became unusable the cities would collapse into anarchy in a matter of days.


Bro if the power grid went down on the last night of the month, most all of our ghettos would burn before sunrise.

I know someone that sold their glucometer and used Medicaid to get a replacement because they wanted crack. The lack of foresight is astonishing, and it wouldn’t take long for shit to go down if/when the handouts stop.

10-27-19, 20:58
If nationwide all farm subsidy checks bounced, the countryside would riot in a matter of days.

Farmers rioting like city dwellers? MMMMM

10-27-19, 21:24
Farmers rioting like city dwellers? MMMMM

Remember those Oregon ranchers who got their welfare cut off? White riot!

10-27-19, 21:27
Remember those Oregon ranchers who got their welfare cut off? White riot!

No...can't say as I do. So how many ranchers we talking about, thousands like the last LA riots?

10-27-19, 21:31
No...can't say as I do. So how many ranchers we talking about, thousands like the last LA riots?

Tough to remember when the conservo-media doesn't cover it.

Google Cliven Bundy and learn how white people riot when you cut off their sugar.

26 Inf
10-27-19, 21:31
No...can't say as I do. So how many ranchers we talking about, thousands like the last LA riots?

Play nice! :jester:

My take on subsidy checks bouncing is that most of the 'farmers' who receive them, don't really need them, so the impact wouldn't be as great as the EBT cards crashing.

I have a buddy who inherited some land, he was telling me how they (USDA) pretty much chased him down to have him sign up for the small subsidy they were eligible for. He's a wheeler-dealer, so he was all about any amount of free money.

10-27-19, 21:37
Tough to remember when the conservo-media doesn't cover it.

Google Cliven Bundy and learn how white people riot when you cut off their sugar.

Oh, I vaguely remember Clive. Wasn't that over some grazing rights or something? Wasn't it like 20 guys?

26 Inf
10-27-19, 21:38
Tough to remember when the conservo-media doesn't cover it.

Google Cliven Bundy and learn how white people riot when you cut off their sugar.

Buddy, you are really getting out there.

At the onset of your crusade I was sympathetic and in agreement with much of what you were saying. Now you've crossed a bridge too far and sound like one of our right wing nutjobs, only leftist.

Cliven Bundy is not representative of the run-of-the-mill white person, anymore than the EBT crowd is representative of the run-of-the mill black person.

It is hard enough being a moderate kind of guy in this echo chamber, don't make it harder.

10-27-19, 21:44
Play nice! :jester:

My take on subsidy checks bouncing is that most of the 'farmers' who receive them, don't really need them, so the impact wouldn't be as great as the EBT cards crashing.

I have a buddy who inherited some land, he was telling me how they (USDA) pretty much chased him down to have him sign up for the small subsidy they were eligible for. He's a wheeler-dealer, so he was all about any amount of free money.

I'm trying.

I think there might be a HUGE difference between a farmer taking a subsidy and a big city welfare recipient who's been stewing in Marxist ideology from the cradle their whole life. I suppose the USDA is very much interested in keeping the franchise humming along, gotta spread the wealth around.

Just for the record it's not a black/white thing to me. There are plenty of white folk in cities on the dole that given the right circumstances would riot just as well as the black folks. It's all a matter of principles to me.

10-27-19, 23:04
I think there might be a HUGE difference between a farmer taking a subsidy and a big city welfare recipient who's been stewing in Marxist ideology from the cradle their whole life. I suppose the USDA is very much interested in keeping the franchise humming along, gotta spread the wealth around.
The difference as it was explained to me is that it's a lot easier to subsidize farms and farmers than it is to build new farms and raise new farmers up in case of a national emergency.
Yeah, it might suck now, but if someone has a catastrophic event and the coastal shipping is gone, the mid west can pick up the slack and keep the food coming to feed the Nation.
You know five good years of farming and I decided the "easy" money was in high rise construction two years of that hand to mouth, feast and famine BS and I was at the recruiters office.

26 Inf
10-27-19, 23:54
The difference as it was explained to me is that it's a lot easier to subsidize farms and farmers than it is to build new farms and raise new farmers up in case of a national emergency.
Yeah, it might suck now, but if someone has a catastrophic event and the coastal shipping is gone, the mid west can pick up the slack and keep the food coming to feed the Nation.
You know five good years of farming and I decided the "easy" money was in high rise construction two years of that hand to mouth, feast and famine BS and I was at the recruiters office.

I'm not sure where you live, or when your experiences were, but the majority of farm kids leave and don't return as smaller farmers can't support multiple families. Sometimes they return to the farm when the folks retire or die, but just as often the land is sold off or rented to neighboring farmers.

Mechanization has served to decrease the amount of physical labor needed to raise and harvest crops, so farming isn't as labor intensive as it was, as a result farm families, for the most part, aren't as large as they once were.

Out in our slice of heaven, small towns are withering away, there really isn't anything for a farm kid to come back to if they go off to school or the service. Of course there are exceptions to this, some folks just have the drive to live near their relatives.

And, I'm sure you probably know this, but the subsidies really no longer serve the purpose of keeping the 'family farm' in business, rather they serve to feather the pockets of large farmers, the 'corporate farm' or the 'family agri-business.'

10-29-19, 14:01
I'm trying.

I think there might be a HUGE difference between a farmer taking a subsidy and a big city welfare recipient who's been stewing in Marxist ideology from the cradle their whole life. I suppose the USDA is very much interested in keeping the franchise humming along, gotta spread the wealth around.

Just for the record it's not a black/white thing to me. There are plenty of white folk in cities on the dole that given the right circumstances would riot just as well as the black folks. It's all a matter of principles to me.

I disagree. Subsidies are subsidies. We should do away with all of them, except for short-term to help someone get on their feet. Section-8 housing, EBT, agriculture subsidies, etc - all should go away.

10-29-19, 14:37
I disagree. Subsidies are subsidies. We should do away with all of them, except for short-term to help someone get on their feet. Section-8 housing, EBT, agriculture subsidies, etc - all should go away.

I didnt say we shouldn't get rid of it all. I just dont think they are the same in focus or degree. Farmers are still working at a fairly strategic occupation, feeding the nation. I'm not trying to justify the subsidy, but I can understand the pull of it. The welfare person seems to be rewarded for some pretty dubious living principles. Why is short term help any less thieft than long term help?

10-29-19, 15:12

10-29-19, 16:28
and we’ve been blowing 10’s of millions of dollars every day in the Middle East, for the last 16-17years,we cannot do this forever. One day, all of this is going to bite us in the ass, hard.

We spend $225 million every hour on welfare in this country.

26 Inf
10-29-19, 19:43
We spend $225 million every hour on welfare in this country.

Does that include subsidies?

26 Inf
10-29-19, 20:01
short-term to help someone get on their feet

In your view, what would that look like?

I think one of the things that trips us up on occasion is we want folks to better themselves and then just as they take the first step, wham we pull the rug out from under them by taking away the help we'd been providing, leaving them worse of than when they were on the dole.

Unlike most folks who talk about this issue, I'm not concerned as much with the 'professional' recipients, I'm concerned about the folks who are trying, and there are a lot of them, who seem never to get ahead.

These are the folks who truly need a hand up, not a hand out. How do we do that and get past 'well that's not fair to....' objections.

Folks often say that 'churches should be doing this' in a way that just places the burden on the religious among us.

Honest truth, if the welfare groups had the same lobbyists as the ag groups, we'd really be screwed. :jester:

10-29-19, 20:24
In your view, what would that look like?

I think one of the things that trips us up on occasion is we want folks to better themselves and then just as they take the first step, wham we pull the rug out from under them by taking away the help we'd been providing, leaving them worse of than when they were on the dole.

Unlike most folks who talk about this issue, I'm not concerned as much with the 'professional' recipients, I'm concerned about the folks who are trying, and there are a lot of them, who seem never to get ahead.

These are the folks who truly need a hand up, not a hand out. How do we do that and get past 'well that's not fair to....' objections.

Folks often say that 'churches should be doing this' in a way that just places the burden on the religious among us.

Honest truth, if the welfare groups had the same lobbyists as the ag groups, we'd really be screwed. :jester:

I think we first need to provide real vocational training. And not of the “college for everyone “ model. But actual vocational training that leads to a job at the end. Give options to fit people’s desires, but only offer training in professions that can earn a living wage. The college for all model only benefits the educational institutions that “educate” the students, many of whom are not equipped for jobs at the end of their degree. We also need to make people prove that they are actually seeking gainful employment. Recipients of subsidies should also be audited to see where they are spending the money gifted to them by tax payers. Every dime must be accounted for. Fancy cars, car leases, expensive shoes and clothes, TVs, video gaming systems, and other foolish purchases would result in loss of funding. Subsidies are for subsistence, not foolery. My wife worked in a pharmacy in some very poor areas in nc. The Medicaid recipients who rolled up driving nicer cars that we had was staggering.

26 Inf
10-30-19, 02:38
I think we first need to provide real vocational training. And not of the “college for everyone “ model. But actual vocational training that leads to a job at the end. Give options to fit people’s desires, but only offer training in professions that can earn a living wage.

I agree that we need to make vocational training a primary emphasis. I would foresee several problems with that model, though.

Wouldn't wages go down as the supply of qualified people competing for those jobs increases?

What fields are 'currently' hurting for workers that a vo-tech education would impact?

Who determines what trades are taught at vo-techs?

What mechanism would exist to prevent market saturation?

The college for all model only benefits the educational institutions that “educate” the students, many of whom are not equipped for jobs at the end of their degree.

It wasn't too long ago that A college degree was one of the primary predictors of potential earnings. Look what has happened. Is it possible within a decade or two the 'vo-tech for most' model would have the same results?

We also need to make people prove that they are actually seeking gainful employment. Recipients of subsidies should also be audited to see where they are spending the money gifted to them by tax payers. Every dime must be accounted for.

I've often wondered why the government doesn't have a better system to prevent items with specific UPC's being purchased - store bought sandwiches, soda, candy, etc. On the other hand, how big do we grow .gov when we set up mechanisms to ensure 'every dime' is accounted for?

Subsidies are for subsistence, not foolery. My wife worked in a pharmacy in some very poor areas in nc. The Medicaid recipients who rolled up driving nicer cars that we had was staggering.

I have experienced what you speak of, when I was a young popo, it really pissed me off to be driving a rattle trap personal car and going on calls to the trailer parks and seeing new Firebirds parked next to the clapped out trailer with shitty diapers on the floor, and no food, except beer in the fridge. As a recipient of a liberal arts degree :cool: I could understand some of the dynamics at work, but that didn't make it much easier to stomach.

People do dumb things, and there are always those who are more than willing to prey on them.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with what you posted, problem is there isn't a way that we could just say 'make it so' and it happens.

ETA: recipient of a liberal arts degree is not at all correct. I earned that sucker with my ass in the seats and my sweat on the books.

10-30-19, 03:21
I agree that we need to make vocational training a primary emphasis. I would foresee several problems with that model, though.

Wouldn't wages go down as the supply of qualified people competing for those jobs increases?

What fields are 'currently' hurting for workers that a vo-tech education would impact?

Who determines what trades are taught at vo-techs?

What mechanism would exist to prevent market saturation?

I don't think so, as a homeowner, how many times have you called to have your HVAC, Plumbing or Sprinkler System worked on and the schedule is full and it's going to be three to four days to get someone out there?
I worked a bit of construction as a young man and I got an offer to Apprentice for a Master Plumber. Not being able to see the end goal, I thought I could see more money in hand now than I was able to predict in the ten, twenty year mark. Some of those guys are doing very, very well for themselves.
I don't think you're going to over saturate a market, quality always shines through the muck.

I've got a Son in his early twenties, talking to his friends, not many of them even understand there are trades out there. A lot of them see it as a dirty miserable job, but then again you have to sit there and show them.
It's not like their Single Mom's are telling them about HVAC or Plumbing.

10-30-19, 07:55
I don't think so, as a homeowner, how many times have you called to have your HVAC, Plumbing or Sprinkler System worked on and the schedule is full and it's going to be three to four days to get someone out there?
I worked a bit of construction as a young man and I got an offer to Apprentice for a Master Plumber. Not being able to see the end goal, I thought I could see more money in hand now than I was able to predict in the ten, twenty year mark. Some of those guys are doing very, very well for themselves.
I don't think you're going to over saturate a market, quality always shines through the muck.

I've got a Son in his early twenties, talking to his friends, not many of them even understand there are trades out there. A lot of them see it as a dirty miserable job, but then again you have to sit there and show them.
It's not like their Single Mom's are telling them about HVAC or Plumbing.I was formerly an auto mechanic. That career did seem a little saturated, at least with people who where not good techs and could slap brake pads on. Unfortunately it did seem to drive down the wages of us master mechanics.

I left that and I am now a millright\industrial mechanic. As the old timers retire we are struggling to find people to replace them that can pass a piss test. It's a well paying job, but it seems like most people are not that willing to get dirty any more.

Sent from my moto e5 (XT1920DL) using Tapatalk

10-30-19, 08:57
I don't think so, as a homeowner, how many times have you called to have your HVAC, Plumbing or Sprinkler System worked on and the schedule is full and it's going to be three to four days to get someone out there?
I worked a bit of construction as a young man and I got an offer to Apprentice for a Master Plumber. Not being able to see the end goal, I thought I could see more money in hand now than I was able to predict in the ten, twenty year mark. Some of those guys are doing very, very well for themselves.
I don't think you're going to over saturate a market, quality always shines through the muck.

I've got a Son in his early twenties, talking to his friends, not many of them even understand there are trades out there. A lot of them see it as a dirty miserable job, but then again you have to sit there and show them.
It's not like their Single Mom's are telling them about HVAC or Plumbing.There's definitely an over saturation in a lot of businesses. For every good, knowledgeable and reliable worker you have 10 scumbags who don't know shit.

A friend of mine has had a automotive glass business for 20 years. He's closing and selling his property because he can't find good help. There's good money in that business and he always did well, had good customer skills and quality work. However his last employee left 4 years ago and since then he can't find anyone worth hiring. Tried Craigslist, newspapers, even a large sign out front. All he gets are people on probation, half way houses, drug addicts, those who are on unemployment and want to be paid cash...etc.. No one with a clean background and a strong work ethic. He's lost customers simply because he can't keep up by himself.

My business has become so over saturated with half ass fly by night companies that prices are now falling.

10-30-19, 10:07
Elevator repair is where it's at. A paid 5-year apprenticeship, you get out making >$100K. If I only knew when I was young.... In the past year I have had HVAC people come out, well pump people, and an electrician. All three said they needed help and had to turn down business because of how busy they were.

As for the welfare/assistance business, it needs a total overhaul and revamp. 100%, top-bottom.

10-30-19, 13:52
There's definitely an over saturation in a lot of businesses. For every good, knowledgeable and reliable worker you have 10 scumbags who don't know shit.

A friend of mine has had a automotive glass business for 20 years. He's closing and selling his property because he can't find good help. There's good money in that business and he always did well, had good customer skills and quality work. However his last employee left 4 years ago and since then he can't find anyone worth hiring. Tried Craigslist, newspapers, even a large sign out front. All he gets are people on probation, half way houses, drug addicts, those who are on unemployment and want to be paid cash...etc.. No one with a clean background and a strong work ethic. He's lost customers simply because he can't keep up by himself.

My business has become so over saturated with half ass fly by night companies that prices are now falling.

My local butcher retired and closed shop. 30 years in same location, was willing to essentially GIVE the business to an apprentice....Never could find one that would show up regularly and do good work. I dunno how much he made but he always seemed busy and I know his family was never hungry!

Alex V
10-30-19, 14:11
As an Architect I would tell you, if I had to do it again, I would be an electrician. I say that despite the fact that I have no college debt.

Short story: In the early 2000's my dad drove me into NYC so I can meet with one of my professors. He worked for the NYCHA so he went into Manhattan every day for work and this saved me the train fare. We parked in a parking lot in Chelsea. The lot was for a NYCHA building... read "the projects". There was a brand new BMW 740 parked in the lot. Stuck out like a sore thumb. I asked my dad who's it was. It was the plumbers. Nuff said. The union trades is where it's at.

Going back to the subsidies discussion, I think limiting time and requiring some kind of proof that you are trying it a good start. People spend generations on welfare.

10-30-19, 14:14
That's the way it is in most residential/non-commercial jobs. The consumer is so cheap, they usually try and get it as cheap as possible, then wonder why they got burned in the process or that the product and/ or installation they just purchased is pure garbage/ hack job.

Commercial s the way to go.

11-02-19, 18:27
Maryland MoCo Department of Police posted the following news release, then the SOB county exec banned them from displaying.

Thank you to resident James Shelton, who presented Montgomery County 5th District officers with a wooden American Flag that he had made in recognition of National First Responders Day. The flag will be displayed in the 5th District Station.


11-03-19, 09:31
I'm beginning to believe if any of these Socialists who can't do the Math get in the Oval Office, the economy is going to crash.
There's not going to be an easy solutions with multiple bubbles popping within the economy at the same time, so some drastic, Venezuela type crash will happen.
Americans are as spoiled as they are well armed, and as soon as all the above is combined with empty grocery stores and the check not coming in the mail, it's going to go sideways.
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders may have the best of intentions, or an ulterior motive, but when someone breaks the collective rice bowl, it's going to be on.
It's going to be pretty spicy once the .gov takes 401k's.

11-03-19, 10:20
Maryland MoCo Department of Police posted the following news release, then the SOB county exec banned them from displaying.


I'd tell said County Exec to pound sand.

11-03-19, 11:02
I'm beginning to believe if any of these Socialists who can't do the Math get in the Oval Office, the economy is going to crash.
There's not going to be an easy solutions with multiple bubbles popping within the economy at the same time, so some drastic, Venezuela type crash will happen.
Americans are as spoiled as they are well armed, and as soon as all the above is combined with empty grocery stores and the check not coming in the mail, it's going to go sideways.
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders may have the best of intentions, or an ulterior motive, but when someone breaks the collective rice bowl, it's going to be on.
It's going to be pretty spicy once the .gov takes 401k's.


Informing Bernie or Liz a Venezuelan style collapse would happen would only bring up more stupidity like "It was the US meddling in their nation that caused it to fail!"

You aren't dealing with rational people here. I like Bernie because he rocked the DNC boat in 2016 and inadvertently helped uncover the blatant hypocrisy and corruption in that party. On a personal level, he's somewhat likable (I saw him at a rally and his off the cuff remarks were actually decent). On a political level, he's pure plutonium but says all the right things to a target audience that is gullible and has no rationality behind their thought process either.

"Tax the rich!" he shouts in a microphone.

"YES! YES! TAX THE RICH!" they scream in reply. And not even realizing the whole concept of "rich" is highly subjective and eventually some of them will be the "rich" that gets taxed. Because everyone is equal under his ideals and everyone gets their "fair share."

Case in point, I overheard several disturbing conversations at said Bernie rally (we provided security) that really made me ask how much thought goes into his supporters. An overheard conversation...

"I hope he gets elected since my son can get a fresh start from his student loans. He got his Masters, but can't find a decent paying job. I hope Bernie forgives all student debt so everyone can start over."

"That sucks for your son. What's his degree in?"

"English literature."

Paraphrased, but that's pretty much the gist of the conversation two people had. Even more scary was the Sanders-Warren ticket some were proclaiming to be the "masterpiece" Democratic nomination.

Regardless, the whole idea of socialism attracts the young and stupid rather than the experienced and worldly. They don't understand that saying one thing and doing another is hypocrisy. Bernie driving his expensive sports car or AOC getting her $300 haircut are two examples of "do as I say, not as I do" that his supporters ignore. Eventually, they grow out of that nonsense and figure out just how stupid they were.

Anyway, sidetrack, tangent done. Bernie and Warren have zero issues with breaking the economy, breaking the country nor probably nationalizing industries/companies of the "rich" who flee the higher taxes. I mean, it worked in the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela until the meddling capitalists got involved!

11-03-19, 11:38
You want to see some angry people, go ahead and take those 401k's.
When your retirement future looks like you and the wife sitting on the curb dipping Ritz crackers in a can of Mighty Dog, you're going to have some angry people.
That may sound pretty extreme, but I really don't see how they can give all this free stuff away without federalizing all of this without taking everyone's retirement money to pay for it.
I've got a Cousin that went to school for design, so She's got sixty K in Student loans that aren't disappearing, her husband is a professional musician with his own Student Loans.
You can't discuss this with them, because they are positive that Bernie is going to make Student Loan debt disappear.
When I attempt to explain to her that She owns that debt and that I shouldn't be responsible via my taxes to pay for her loan, it gets shrill. I even have tried to explain to her how I did it without help from anyone else, the volume of shrill just gets louder. She's told me that I'am just "Lucky", in the meantime, I look over at my long suffering Uncle who financed 50% of her education and he wont even make eye contact.
Honestly, I'm pretty good with finance, so I can guarantee you they "Could" do it, they just don't want to make the sacrifice to do it.

11-09-19, 21:53
Bail-in laws are already on the books. (https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/bank-deposit-bail-in-law-is-biggest-threat-to-average-usa-g20-savers-hsbcs-james-steel-gold-is-a-highly-regarded-asset/)

11-09-19, 22:22
Bail-in laws are already on the books. (https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/bank-deposit-bail-in-law-is-biggest-threat-to-average-usa-g20-savers-hsbcs-james-steel-gold-is-a-highly-regarded-asset/)

I’d like to speculate that people would literally set fire to every government building in the country, but they wouldn’t. They’d bitch about it around the coffee machine at work, and that would be the end of it

11-10-19, 05:28
So how do you prepare even a little bit for that sort of thing? Put cash paper money in a safe lock box at the bank instead of just being electronic numbers on a screen?

11-10-19, 09:00
Cash paper money is not a good investment if inflation takes off.

11-10-19, 09:36
A civil war would interrupt the welfare checks going out like clockwork to Wall Street, billionaires such as Koch Brothers, and farmers. They'd come to terms pretty quickly, probably by installing a dictator who would keep rich man's welfare flowing. End of civil war.

(Wait, that kind of sounds like now . . . . . )

11-10-19, 11:10
So how do you prepare even a little bit for that sort of thing? Put cash paper money in a safe lock box at the bank instead of just being electronic numbers on a screen?

There are several way to prepare. Having your house payed off and being out of debt is a major plus. Being physically fit, handy with tools, the ability to make do and improvise, Networking with the right folks for current information, and the ability to adapt to changes. Essentially buying yourself some time to hold out and avoiding government food lines with large crowds of hungry, pissed off, unruly people.

Its not about some fantasy bunker where you can live off your supplies unnoticed while everyone else is starving, robbing, raping, and killing each other.

11-10-19, 11:24
Its not about some fantasy bunker where you can live off your supplies unnoticed while everyone else is starving, robbing, raping, and killing each other.

Wait, it’s not???

11-10-19, 17:54
A civil war would interrupt the welfare checks going out like clockwork to Wall Street, billionaires such as Koch Brothers, and farmers. They'd come to terms pretty quickly, probably by installing a dictator who would keep rich man's welfare flowing. End of civil war.

(Wait, that kind of sounds like now . . . . . )

Riiiight, 'cause those groups have such a long track record of acting like animals if things don't go their way, quite unlike the civilized vibrant street culture we have. :rolleyes:

11-10-19, 17:59
Riiiight, 'cause those groups have such a long track record of acting like animals if things don't go their way, quite unlike the civilized vibrant street culture we have. :rolleyes:

Google Cliven Bundy. White folks riot when you cut off their welfare.

And if you cut the fat cats off, they will call for a coup.

11-10-19, 18:03

11-10-19, 18:12
Google Cliven Bundy. White folks riot when you cut off their welfare.

And if you cut the fat cats off, they will call for a coup.

Didn't know Clive was a billionaire or Wall Street minion. Dude, you need to get a new white guy rioter to go to...Clive is getting past his expiration date. I think Antifa is pretty white and prone to rioting, how bout them.

11-10-19, 18:23
Didn't know Clive was a billionaire or Wall Street minion. Dude, you need to get a new white guy rioter to go to...Clive is getting past his expiration date. I think Antifa is pretty white and prone to rioting, how bout them.

No no no silly, he's on their side.

11-10-19, 18:26
Google Cliven Bundy. White folks riot when you cut off their welfare.

And if you cut the fat cats off, they will call for a coup.

Kinda like The Establishment (Swamp) did with Trump?

Bone up on your English language definitions. A "riot" isn't exactly what happened with Bundy's merry band of idiots. I'm thinking more along the lines of Ferguson, LA in 1992, etc.

11-10-19, 18:27
No no no silly, he's on their side.

Ain't he though!

11-11-19, 11:35
Google Cliven Bundy. White folks riot when you cut off their welfare.

And if you cut the fat cats off, they will call for a coup.

I love the hypocrisy. Google,Apple,FaceBook,Microsoft,Bloomberg...all companies who are on the government tit, actively supporting Democrats. Including actively suppressing information.

I will let you do the math between Koch Industries and those companies. On who pushes more cash, to whom.

11-11-19, 13:16
Didn't know Clive was a billionaire or Wall Street minion. Dude, you need to get a new white guy rioter to go to...Clive is getting past his expiration date. I think Antifa is pretty white and prone to rioting, how bout them.

Billionaires and Wall Street minions don't have to riot. They are the power behind the throne. They are the deep state. They are the ones Smedley Butler and Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about.

11-11-19, 14:35
Billionaires and Wall Street minions don't have to riot. They are the power behind the throne. They are the deep state. They are the ones Smedley Butler and Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about.

I've changed my mind after some thought on your billionaires "are" the deep state. I can't really say I agree with that. Some might be on the fringes through various money give aways or friendships or business with the gov't, but I don't think they are the part of the "deep state" directly. It's just Uni seems to be fixated on them as the boogey man. As bad as these guys might be they still cant come to my door, kick it in, and drag me off. Now, of course they might be able talk a magistrate into it...there is that.

11-11-19, 14:53
I am making a good living because of the billionaire that owns my company. And so are the thousands of people who work for him. Here is how it works: start taxing the billionaires and taking their money and their lifestyle will not change. But the workers who’s plants close because of the government wealth grab will feel the impact. Not to mention the cost of goods and services skyrocketing.

26 Inf
11-11-19, 15:48
I am making a good living because of the billionaire that owns my company.

For accuracy's sake - privately owned, correct?

I feel where we got the disconnect really started was when a large number of Americans started investing in mutual funds. In turn this gave the funds tremendous clout in dealing with businesses because of the shares they controlled. Which led first to companies being run to maximize shareholder returns at the expense of long-term health of the company and it's employees.

How to rein that in without ruining things is beyond my skillset, but IMO that is what needs to be done in order to have wages on the bottom float up to where they need to be and have wages at the top float down to where they realistically need to be.

26 Inf
11-11-19, 16:28
On another note, my buddy and I were at coffee (tea for me) today and were talking about things in the news. My buddy asked me if I had watched 60 Minutes, I hadn't. He then mentioned that last night he had seen a 60 minutes interview with Duterte where Duterte said he had personally killed three drug dealers. We were talking about that, in the general raucous manner you might expect.

A guy sitting at the next table piped up and entered the conversation by stating that 'those drug dealers were forced into drug dealing by economic conditions.' I made a mistake and acknowledged him by saying that yes there are socio-economic conditions that lead to crime, but saying drug dealers are forced to deal drugs by the economy is a little to simplistic an answer.

At that point I was informed that 'no one wants to break the law, they just want to make a living.' Again, I made a mistake and acknowledged his statement by answering. After a couple of minutes of convo I was able to exit the exchange without being overtly rude.

My buddy and I continued to talk and several minutes later were discussing our state legislature's back and forth with expanding medicade in Kansas. Neither one of us are actually for it, but endorse it as a practical matter because Kansas has missed out on several millions of dollars in Federal aid which local hospitals have had to absorb. Again, in kind of a raucous back and forth, I mentioned that it doesn't really matter that if Pocahontas gets elected we will have medicare for all. My buddy pointed out that folks would lose their private insurance and I replied that yep, the almost 60% of Americans that have insurance through work will lose that, and military retirees would likely lose their TriCare. All that to appease the 10% of the population who is uncovered.

Then I mentioned that 'neither Sanders or Pocahontas has really said how they'd pay for it' whereupon our buddy at the next table reentered the conversation: 'have you actually read Bernie Sanders' plan for health care?'

Boys and girls, you can't use facts to refute the committed on either side. This young man, who works at Taco Bell and Burger King, and was setting in McDonalds for their wifi connection, explained to us how just a little socialism was needed to correct our problems.

My goodness, bless his heart.

11-11-19, 16:50
Then I mentioned that 'neither Sanders or Pocahontas has really said how they'd pay for it' whereupon our buddy at the next table reentered the conversation: 'have you actually read Bernie Sanders' plan for health care?'

Boys and girls, you can't use facts to refute the committed on either side. This young man, who works at Taco Bell and Burger King, and was setting in McDonalds for their wifi connection, explained to us how just a little socialism was needed to correct our problems.

My goodness, bless his heart.
I'm reminded of that old Gipper-ism about how the difference between a Communist and an anti-Communist is that the former reads Marx, while the latter understands it.

11-11-19, 16:56
Then I mentioned that 'neither Sanders or Pocahontas has really said how they'd pay for it' whereupon our buddy at the next table reentered the conversation: 'have you actually read Bernie Sanders' plan for health care?'
Boys and girls, you can't use facts to refute the committed on either side. This young man, who works at Taco Bell and Burger King, and was setting in McDonalds for their wifi connection, explained to us how just a little socialism was needed to correct our problems.
My goodness, bless his heart.

You couldn't just pull a bike lock out of your bag and....
Never mind, blase at this point.

11-11-19, 17:34
Why would I want to read anything ever from that commie knucklehead. He's never had a good idea in his entire life.

11-11-19, 17:53
Why would I want to read anything ever from that commie knucklehead. He's never had a good idea in his entire life.
No better weapon to club somebody over the head with than his own words... :)

11-11-19, 18:01
For accuracy's sake - privately owned, correct?

I feel where we got the disconnect really started was when a large number of Americans started investing in mutual funds. In turn this gave the funds tremendous clout in dealing with businesses because of the shares they controlled. Which led first to companies being run to maximize shareholder returns at the expense of long-term health of the company and it's employees.

How to rein that in without ruining things is beyond my skillset, but IMO that is what needs to be done in order to have wages on the bottom float up to where they need to be and have wages at the top float down to where they realistically need to be.

Correct, it is a privately owned company. I don't think there is any way to float wages up or down without government interference, which would be a terrible idea. Leaving government bureaucrats to determine who should get paid what would be disastrous. This is coming with the ComDems' wealth tax they are proposing. They know that taxing billionaires to pay the $53 trillion Medicare for all plan will not be near enough. So the definition of "wealthy" will be drastically reduced until the middle class is taxed out of existence.

11-11-19, 18:15
At this point, no matter who the potus is, I don't see people uniting or coming together. The divisions are to deep between socialists and capitalists or conservatives. When facts and truth dont matter and reason and logic don't work your options are limited. Until the time is right...

11-11-19, 18:21
No better weapon to club somebody over the head with than his own words... :)

Times too short. I'll let the Bernieite read it and when he repeats it to me then I'll club him.

11-11-19, 18:23
If the power goes out / if the ebt cards go out / if the economy crashes ... I could see those things leading to massive unrest, not sure about full on civil war though.

But people are crazy out there these days, point and case ..


A 28-year-old man was stabbed to death at a Popeyes in Maryland on Monday night after a fight over the restaurant's chicken sandwich, police said.

If people are willing to stab each other to death for a sandwich, I'm sure it's not going to take much to set the mob off.

11-11-19, 18:39
Correct, it is a privately owned company. I don't think there is any way to float wages up or down without government interference, which would be a terrible idea. Leaving government bureaucrats to determine who should get paid what would be disastrous. This is coming with the ComDems' wealth tax they are proposing. They know that taxing billionaires to pay the $53 trillion Medicare for all plan will not be near enough. So the definition of "wealthy" will be drastically reduced until the middle class is taxed out of existence.

The destruction of the middle class has always been part of the plan, at least for those following (or inspired by) the Marxist blueprint.

It's just easier to convince the bourgeoisie to go along with it if they believe you're not including them in the "wealthy" you intend to tax into poverty.

11-12-19, 11:36
It’s my understanding that if you taxed the top one percent, including capital gains, at 100%,
You could cover national budget expenditures for a handful of months.

Do the same to the next 9%, because they are rich too. You could cover another handful of months.

Then then next 40% of the population under current taxes brings it home for the year.

Next year is going to be a bitch though. Because you have cleaned out the top ten percent and they are not playing anymore.

Fifty percent of the population is consuming resources without paying for anything. In terms of citizens.
Now add on illegals, refugees, etc.

And, the non producing portion of people here are knocking out more kids than the producers. And a disproportionate amount of those offspring enter adulthood as non producers.

And we are importing more and more non producers on top of the homegrown ones.

And regarding the producers, the net positive tax payers, there are a bunch of useless people. They are going to lose jobs as belts tighten, be replaced by automation, etc. and become part of the non producers.

With increasing ages, non producers are sucking up resources longer than ever. Formerly productive people now will take up far more SS/Medicaid than they ever paid in.

The country basically just maxes out credit cards and gets new credit cards to pay off the minimum interest payment on the maxed out cards.

If we stop supporting people to do nothing, stop saving drug addicts, stop giving SSDI/Medicaid to people that drank their liver and kidneys to dear, adopt reasonable comfort care vs heroic effort medical policies, stop importing net less people, we can slow this.

Reversing it would take a little more effort.
Go to Venezuela and Iraq, kill everyone, take the oil.
When the Saudis and other get PO’d,
Do the same. Cut Russia and China into some of the territory and oil and we’ll be good to go.
Some regions of Africa also seem fine to kill off and acquire for other resources.

Non productive citizens are sent to these places to work, in exchange for property and a good life, or starve.

We simply need an old school lord emperor god king type with a low threshold to rape, pillage, and burn.

11-12-19, 11:42
It’s my understanding that if you taxed the top one percent, including capital gains, at 100%,
You could cover national budget expenditures for a handful of months.

Do the same to the next 9%, because they are rich too. You could cover another handful of months.

Then then next 40% of the population under current taxes brings it home for the year.

Next year is going to be a bitch though. Because you have cleaned out the top ten percent and they are not playing anymore.

Fifty percent of the population is consuming resources without paying for anything. In terms of citizens.
Now add on illegals, refugees, etc.

And, the non producing portion of people here are knocking out more kids than the producers. And a disproportionate amount of those offspring enter adulthood as non producers.

And we are importing more and more non producers on top of the homegrown ones.

And regarding the producers, the net positive tax payers, there are a bunch of useless people. They are going to lose jobs as belts tighten, be replaced by automation, etc. and become part of the non producers.

With increasing ages, non producers are sucking up resources longer than ever. Formerly productive people now will take up far more SS/Medicaid than they ever paid in.

The country basically just maxes out credit cards and gets new credit cards to pay off the minimum interest payment on the maxed out cards.

If we stop supporting people to do nothing, stop saving drug addicts, stop giving SSDI/Medicaid to people that drank their liver and kidneys to dear, adopt reasonable comfort care vs heroic effort medical policies, stop importing net less people, we can slow this.

Reversing it would take a little more effort.
Go to Venezuela and Iraq, kill everyone, take the oil.
When the Saudis and other get PO’d,
Do the same. Cut Russia and China into some of the territory and oil and we’ll be good to go.
Some regions of Africa also seem fine to kill off and acquire for other resources.

Non productive citizens are sent to these places to work, in exchange for property and a good life, or starve.

We simply need an old school lord emperor god king type with a low threshold to rape, pillage, and burn.

Your Newsletter, Sir, Where might I obtain a subscription?

11-12-19, 19:21
For accuracy's sake - privately owned, correct?

I feel where we got the disconnect really started was when a large number of Americans started investing in mutual funds. In turn this gave the funds tremendous clout in dealing with businesses because of the shares they controlled. Which led first to companies being run to maximize shareholder returns at the expense of long-term health of the company and it's employees.

How to rein that in without ruining things is beyond my skillset, but IMO that is what needs to be done in order to have wages on the bottom float up to where they need to be and have wages at the top float down to where they realistically need to be.

This is a really good take on how we are all invested in "Corporate Greed".
If you have money tied up in the market, look in the mirror. It is there for a reason and Im guessing people want growth.

11-13-19, 00:23
This is a really good take on how we are all invested in "Corporate Greed".
If you have money tied up in the market, look in the mirror. It is there for a reason and Im guessing people want growth. My daughter got in a heated discussion with one of her high school teachers that was preaching anti-petroleum production (which funds 90% of our state).. her final shot at the teacher was for the teacher to look long and hard at where her pay check was coming from AND what her retirement funds were invested in. Stunned silence ensued like it was the first time that teacher realized that she was one of the cogs in the wheel she hated.

26 Inf
11-13-19, 02:27
QUOTE=ramairthree;2785500]Fifty percent of the population is consuming resources without paying for anything. In terms of citizens.[/QUOTE]

Can you back that number up with fact-based research?

Taxing at 100% is a ludicrous example. I'm sure you know that in the past tax rates for the wealthiest Americans were much higher than today - from 1936 through 1980 the highest marginal rates each year were over 70%. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates

Most folks consider the time from the end of WWII until the early 1970's the golden era of economic growth for the United States. Highest marginal tax rates during the highest quarters of GDP increase during that period was 82.13%. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Quarterly_gross_domestic_product.png

I would like to make a couple of points about the above statements: First, I recognize that there are other forces at work, and that the linkage between increased GDP and the highest marginal tax rates is simplistic. Nonetheless, if you look at the quarterly GDP chart linked above, you see a decrease in GDP as the highest marginal tax rate is decreased.

This brings me to my second point, supply-side tax policies simply don't work as effectively as those who benefit from them would like us to believe.

When you consider that fact that the greatest economic expansion in the 20th and 21st Centuries occurred during periods when the highest marginal tax rate was above 70%, well above 70% for most of the period, it appears that the theory that higher tax rates decrease investment and expansion is false. Clearly there are other motives than taxation/money that drive the desire to expand and achieve. Of course, those that benefit most from reduced taxation would have us believe otherwise.

Reagan's tax policies were nothing more than a sellout to the corporate masters, allowing them to completely run the show.

IMO, the fairest form of taxation is either a flat tax, or a federal sales tax.

11-13-19, 04:37
It's a bit dated, being filmed back in 2011, so the numbers may be a bit off, but I'm sure the net effect is still the same.


11-13-19, 07:31
Taxing at 100% is a ludicrous example. I'm sure you know that in the past tax rates for the wealthiest Americans were much higher than today - from 1936 through 1980 the highest marginal rates each year were over 70%. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates

To be fair though it is kind of a red herring...almost no one fell into those categories. There were a lot more loopholes back then.

11-13-19, 09:01
To be fair though it is kind of a red herring...almost no one fell into those categories. There were a lot more loopholes back then.

Yep. A business owner could write off just about everything and have no tax burden.

11-13-19, 09:27
Loopholes and tax shelters, business owners would literally waste investment money on non profitable schemes to create offsets for business that made money. Those high marginal tax rates were good for accountants and tax lawyers, nobody else.

11-13-19, 11:30
Yep. A business owner could write off just about everything and have no tax burden.

Only for a certain amount of years. Roughly 50% of ALL Americans, effectively pay no Federal or State taxes.

26 INF, if half the country is not paying Federal or State taxes, are they not consuming the production of others who do pay those taxes? My wife and I paid about 13k to the Fed last year.

11-13-19, 11:48
economic expansion in the 20th and 21st Centuries occurred during periods when the highest marginal tax rate was above 70%, well above 70% for most of the period, it appears that the theory that higher tax rates decrease investment and expansion is false. Clearly there are other motives than taxation/money that drive the desire to expand and achieve. Of course, those that benefit most from reduced taxation would have us believe otherwise.

The competition at the global level was wiped out or rebuilding from being wiped out during that time period. When you are the only game on the planet, getting taxed is 1st world problems.

Flat tax, is a poor mans tax. Im all for it, but the progressives and suburban soccer moms will absolutely throw a fit, knowing that the poor will have to use more of their disposable income, than the rich, for the same product. They will assuredly claim you the devil and all matters of ugliness for not paying YOUR FAIR SHARE.

Again, Im all for a flat tax, but lets not lose sight of how this has worked as a level of socioeconomic, mental masturbation, for the past 60 years.

11-13-19, 13:21
QUOTE=ramairthree;2785500]Fifty percent of the population is consuming resources without paying for anything. In terms of citizens.

Can you back that number up with fact-based research?

Taxing at 100% is a ludicrous example. I'm sure you know that in the past tax rates for the wealthiest Americans were much higher than today - from 1936 through 1980 the highest marginal rates each year were over 70%. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates

Most folks consider the time from the end of WWII until the early 1970's the golden era of economic growth for the United States. Highest marginal tax rates during the highest quarters of GDP increase during that period was 82.13%. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Quarterly_gross_domestic_product.png

I would like to make a couple of points about the above statements: First, I recognize that there are other forces at work, and that the linkage between increased GDP and the highest marginal tax rates is simplistic. Nonetheless, if you look at the quarterly GDP chart linked above, you see a decrease in GDP as the highest marginal tax rate is decreased.

This brings me to my second point, supply-side tax policies simply don't work as effectively as those who benefit from them would like us to believe.

When you consider that fact that the greatest economic expansion in the 20th and 21st Centuries occurred during periods when the highest marginal tax rate was above 70%, well above 70% for most of the period, it appears that the theory that higher tax rates decrease investment and expansion is false. Clearly there are other motives than taxation/money that drive the desire to expand and achieve. Of course, those that benefit most from reduced taxation would have us believe otherwise.

Reagan's tax policies were nothing more than a sellout to the corporate masters, allowing them to completely run the show.

IMO, the fairest form of taxation is either a flat tax, or a federal sales tax.[/QUOTE]

Nobody paid those rates. The effective tax rate was less than it is now. There were deductions for credit interest among other things.

Expansion occurred because there was no competition. As a simple example, when cars had a much lower average use/longevity time frame, one country had a massive wartime manufacturing capability, Europe and Asia had no such capability or it was in ruins, you can expand and grow like crazy. When cars last much longer, and there are a bunch of Asian and European manufacturing capabilities to compete with, you can’t. This happens regardless of the tax rates.

Feel free to look up tax revenues, and where they come from. And the same for incomes cos national budget.
My numbers show half of Americans pay no taxes. One percent pay about a third, nine percent about a third, and 40 percent about a third.

100% tax rate is ridiculous. But it appears that would be what is actually needed to fund what we spend each year.

Dig in and compare your numbers.

A government needs a source of income other than taxing its citizens.

A nation needs a populace where half are not living off the production of the other half. Some dumb ass skanky chick with four different looking dumb ass kids fathered by four different skanky dumb ass guys should not be my problem. Some drunk ass loser or druggie with no job needing hundreds of thousands of medical care should not be my problem. A bunch of refugees and illegals needing medical care, education, food, etc. should not be my problem. Some dipshit with a 90 IQ with 140k in student loans for the 5 1/2 years they spent getting a recreation management degree should not be my problem. The government wants these and a lot of other things to be my problem.

But at the same time they back H1Bs, treat useless student loans like good investment student loans, regulate and enact code on stuff driving good jobs overseas, dressing our manufacturing capabilities, and wage war with massive negative returns on investment.

This is why when you buy a Dodge Challenger, instead of it being a kickass American car made by Americans with decent pay and benefits, you get a car made in Canada with an engine hecho en Mexico. This is why there are a bunch of shitty ass dead end service jobs instead of good jobs with a future.

We no longer endorse public shame and we tolerate and reward sloth and immorality. I have zero interest in paying for it.

11-13-19, 13:46
It's just Uni seems to be fixated on them as the boogey man.

Just the ones that donate to conservative campaigns.

26 Inf
11-14-19, 02:56
Expansion occurred because there was no competition.

A good point, I hadn't considered that.

My numbers show half of Americans pay no taxes. One percent pay about a third, nine percent about a third, and 40 percent about a third.

I'm sure you are talking about income taxes, because everyone has deductions for social security and medicare coming out of their paychecks.

According to the Tax Policy Center, 44% of Americans won't have any Federal Income Tax liability, so we'll call it 50%

I guess that is what you meant by the statement I asked about:

Fifty percent of the population is consuming resources without paying for anything. In terms of citizens.

If you are referring to welfare recipients, most of them have jobs, so if you look at it from another perspective, our tax dollars are subsidizing companies that don't pay their workers enough to get off assistance.

A government needs a source of income other than taxing its citizens.

So what should we do, nationalize the oil industry? :jester:

11-14-19, 06:46
So what should we do, nationalize the oil industry? :jester:

Tax the media $10 every time they lie or slant a story.

The national debt would be wiped out in about three weeks.

11-23-19, 13:26
Long overdue..

Antifa/Extinction Rebellion protester tries to block a street and then starts vandalizing a man's SUV.

The man loses it and it doesn't end well for the protester.

Check out the video:


11-23-19, 15:56
Best thing I've seen all day.

Evel Baldgui
11-23-19, 16:40
Oh my ! On verge of civil war...seriously ? I have not read most of the posts noted but can can only believe/hope/pray that an actual civil war NEVER occurs in this nation. I highly doubt that it ever will. One, the country is far too expansive for it to take effect. Rioting in Seattle does not affect the locals in Omaha or Biloxi. Clashes between group x and y in Kansas do not interfere in the home life of folks in Vermont. People (sane ones at least) do not want armed conflict in their neighborhoods. Individuals basically wish to go to work, come home, have a nice meal, get to the dentist on time, see little Timmy play soccer, go to the beach, take a ski break, go for walk, read a book, buy a new motorcycle, have a coffee, get their colonoscopies done, have their injury tended to at the local ER, etc, whatever. Mostly just live and enjoy their lives, rinse and repeat. Is the country divided? Definitely. My Christian brethren have nothing in common with the antifa thugs, my orthodox jewish friends have nothing in common with the liberal jews in New York, and so forth. Will it lead to a massive exchange of gunfire between assorted factions/groups across the country...no.
Major national division does exist, will it lead to a balkanization of the USA either through confrontation of passive dissolution .... that is anyones guess. Hopefully the union will remain intact.

11-23-19, 17:18
Long overdue..

Antifa/Extinction Rebellion protester tries to block a street and then starts vandalizing a man's SUV.

The man loses it and it doesn't end well for the protester.

Check out the video:


Thanks for cheering me up on this rainy Saturday.

11-23-19, 18:08
Oh my ! On verge of civil war...seriously ? I have not read most of the posts noted but can can only believe/hope/pray that an actual civil war NEVER occurs in this nation. I highly doubt that it ever will. One, the country is far too expansive for it to take effect. Rioting in Seattle does not affect the locals in Omaha or Biloxi. Clashes between group x and y in Kansas do not interfere in the home life of folks in Vermont. People (sane ones at least) do not want armed conflict in their neighborhoods. Individuals basically wish to go to work, come home, have a nice meal, get to the dentist on time, see little Timmy play soccer, go to the beach, take a ski break, go for walk, read a book, buy a new motorcycle, have a coffee, get their colonoscopies done, have their injury tended to at the local ER, etc, whatever. Mostly just live and enjoy their lives, rinse and repeat. Is the country divided? Definitely. My Christian brethren have nothing in common with the antifa thugs, my orthodox jewish friends have nothing in common with the liberal jews in New York, and so forth. Will it lead to a massive exchange of gunfire between assorted factions/groups across the country...no.
Major national division does exist, will it lead to a balkanization of the USA either through confrontation of passive dissolution .... that is anyones guess. Hopefully the union will remain intact.

Very good points, and pretty much how I feel. The Balkanization thing is much more likely (and even then not very likely) than a "civil war".

There are some things which can increase the likelihood of or speed up the downward spiral though. Since this is a firearm-based website, I'll state the obvious.....a national ban on guns for instance would not be good. Would it result in outright warfare? Not likely, but bombings, assassinations, and other unseemly mayhem would result. Outspoken voices would be violently silenced, families wouldn't be safe, and the general mood would be one of betrayal and revenge. Remember, one side would be demanding the imprisonment or death of those who refused to obey such laws, and of course the other side would be pushing back violently but certainly not openly. Given the general disregard for the rule of law in this country nowadays, mass non-compliance would be rampant. Then that would inevitably lead to Balkanization as regions refused to enforce those laws and sought to separate themselves from the overreaching behemoth.

Now, it doesn't have to be about guns per se, but it is one of the most likely catalysts to the disintegration of America as we now know it. There are probably a few other things that could precipitate such a downfall, but no matter what it was guns would be an essential element to [forcibly] remove such instruments so "order" could be maintained.

11-24-19, 11:39
Very good points, and pretty much how I feel. The Balkanization thing is much more likely (and even then not very likely) than a "civil war".

The problem with Balkanization is the fact the central government loses power. Think about it this way...

If Texas for instance was to secede, how much of an impact would it have on the Federal government? Think about how much economic impacts it has, how many military bases/hardware it has, natural resources, food production etc it provides to the Republic.

Now take that away and watch politicians scream for invasion, war and all sorts of nonsense.

Balkanization only works where there is a complete collapse in the central government.

11-24-19, 14:37
The problem with Balkanization is the fact the central government loses power. Think about it this way...

If Texas for instance was to secede, how much of an impact would it have on the Federal government? Think about how much economic impacts it has, how many military bases/hardware it has, natural resources, food production etc it provides to the Republic.

Now take that away and watch politicians scream for invasion, war and all sorts of nonsense.

Balkanization only works where there is a complete collapse in the central government.

Or enough states/regions involved that total control is near impossible. This isn't 1861. These are different times. There isn't a neat Mason-Dixon line and the abomination of slavery (and the subsequent righteous smiting thereof) wouldn't be an issue. These days the attitude would more than likely be "Let them go then, I'm not sending my kids to die in Texas".

11-24-19, 14:44
Whatever happens, there will be Crucifixions, ear necklaces, and I will have a harem of black chicks.

Don’t mind the dude in mismatched woodland and tiger camo with a camelbak filled with Stoli....

Just move along

11-24-19, 18:01
Or enough states/regions involved that total control is near impossible. This isn't 1861. These are different times. There isn't a neat Mason-Dixon line and the abomination of slavery (and the subsequent righteous smiting thereof) wouldn't be an issue. These days the attitude would more than likely be "Let them go then, I'm not sending my kids to die in Texas".

I think you underestimate the urge of the federal government for absolute control.

The people might think that, but not everyone...

11-25-19, 08:38
Or enough states/regions involved that total control is near impossible. This isn't 1861. These are different times. There isn't a neat Mason-Dixon line and the abomination of slavery (and the subsequent righteous smiting thereof) wouldn't be an issue. These days the attitude would more than likely be "Let them go then, I'm not sending my kids to die in Texas".

I think that's the attitude of the right: If it doesn't affect me personally at this moment, it ain't my problem. The left, on the other hand, says just wait: We'll be dealing with each and every one of you soon enough. Everything is in danger of going blue even in traditionally red areas. Deep south states have huge, left-leaning universities that release their indoctrinated alumni into the wild in their states, pulling it left. Texas is holding on by a thread. Soon enough, even Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi won't be a no-brainer for the GOP either. Voting with your feet is a futile effort these days.

But it's no worry. People don't have to send their kids to die in other states. The fight will come to every state soon enough.

11-25-19, 18:50
I think that's the attitude of the right: If it doesn't affect me personally at this moment, it ain't my problem. The left, on the other hand, says just wait: We'll be dealing with each and every one of you soon enough. Everything is in danger of going blue even in traditionally red areas. Deep south states have huge, left-leaning universities that release their indoctrinated alumni into the wild in their states, pulling it left. Texas is holding on by a thread. Soon enough, even Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi won't be a no-brainer for the GOP either. Voting with your feet is a futile effort these days.

But it's no worry. People don't have to send their kids to die in other states. The fight will come to every state soon enough.

Well, in that case you're right: the fight will come to every state. ;) So be it. Maybe that's the beauty of it as opposed to 1861.....NO ONE ANYWHERE will escape it.

11-25-19, 18:57
I think you underestimate the urge of the federal government for absolute control.

The people might think that, but not everyone...

The "urge" of the Federal government and the ABILITY of the Federal government have veered away from each other. Imagine a draft being instated these days. What do you think compliance would be? We're talking about a threat that could theoretically threaten the very existence of this country, but how many would comply? What about that "urge" of the Federal government at that point? Again, this ain't 1861, 1961, or even 1981. It's 2019, and it's all about feelz. I stand by my assertion that if the Feds couldn't enforce a draft, they sure as hell couldn't prevent a Balkanization. If they can't Federally squash marijuana (because the law is so flagrantly ignored) they sure as hell ain't gonna squash guns or a Balkan-style separation.

To sum it up succinctly: I sincerely hope we stay as one country (make sure you don't ignore that first part as my truest wishes) but I would rather live in a Balkanized section thereof if the alternative meant submitting to the treachery of the Left and all it entails.

Straight Shooter
11-25-19, 20:12
The "urge" of the Federal government and the ABILITY of the Federal government have veered away from each other. Imagine a draft being instated these days. What do you think compliance would be? We're talking about a threat that could theoretically threaten the very existence of this country, but how many would comply? What about that "urge" of the Federal government at that point? Again, this ain't 1861, 1961, or even 1981. It's 2019, and it's all about feelz. I stand by my assertion that if the Feds couldn't enforce a draft, they sure as hell couldn't prevent a Balkanization. If they can't Federally squash marijuana (because the law is so flagrantly ignored) they sure as hell ain't gonna squash guns or a Balkan-style separation.

To sum it up succinctly: I sincerely hope we stay as one country (make sure you don't ignore that first part as my truest wishes) but I would rather live in a Balkanized section thereof if the alternative meant submitting to the treachery of the Left and all it entails.

Your damned right.
If one would but just be 100% honest...we are NOT..and HAVE NOT...been "One Nation"...CERTAINLY "One Nation under God" for decades now.
I in no way agree with about half or more of this country. I LOATHE media/entertainment/sports/celebrity/politicians.
Our alphabet agencies are totally corrupt. Congress FOREVER divided.
Id absolutely rather live in carved out section/state/region of America that most closely reflects my beliefs than have a "United" States that are Godless, immoral wicked, evil fools like the left & dimorat party is today. AND, some Repubs too, they aint all angels either.
This board, for instance. We cant agree on jack shit most of the times. And gun owners in general are our WORST enemy. I see Tim f-in McGraw last week with wife Faith Hill, sayin "I believe in the 2nd
Amendment BUT there has to be a line drawn"..then goes on to say how he is a "wing shooter" and loves to bird hunt, but dont see why "assault weapons" are sold. This FVCK. How much mileage does the press get out of a "country music superstar" who only wants guns to bird hunt?
I aint united for JACK SHIT with him, Uni-f-in Vibe, Kalifornia, the North East, Hollywood, ect ect. or any of the Godless goblins.
If you take out the option of Civil War...what other ways are there to change things back to at least semi-common sense and patriotism?
Besides Gods people calling His name for a return to decency...their AINT none.

11-25-19, 20:30
This board, for instance. We cant agree on jack shit most of the times. And gun owners in general are our WORST enemy. I see Tim f-in McGraw last week with wife Faith Hill, sayin "I believe in the 2nd
Amendment BUT there has to be a line drawn"..then goes on to say how he is a "wing shooter" and loves to bird hunt, but dont see why "assault weapons" are sold. This FVCK. How much mileage does the press get out of a "country music superstar" who only wants guns to bird hunt?
The other day, the Ill-Tempered Mutant Landcrab (aka, my mother) had an interview tuned in that the boys from Skynyrd were doing with Dan Blather, and they spewed the same Butter drivel. Might wanna rethink spending the money on "God & Guns" after they went full "MUH BAMBI BLASTUHRZ!"...

Straight Shooter
11-25-19, 21:12
The other day, the Ill-Tempered Mutant Landcrab (aka, my mother) had an interview tuned in that the boys from Skynyrd were doing with Dan Blather, and they spewed the same Butter drivel. Might wanna rethink spending the money on "God & Guns" after they went full "MUH BAMBI BLASTUHRZ!"...

Yeah, theyve been full o shit..with their "Mr. Saturday Night Special" from 40 years ago.

11-25-19, 21:37
The "urge" of the Federal government and the ABILITY of the Federal government have veered away from each other. Imagine a draft being instated these days. What do you think compliance would be? We're talking about a threat that could theoretically threaten the very existence of this country, but how many would comply? What about that "urge" of the Federal government at that point? Again, this ain't 1861, 1961, or even 1981. It's 2019, and it's all about feelz. I stand by my assertion that if the Feds couldn't enforce a draft, they sure as hell couldn't prevent a Balkanization. If they can't Federally squash marijuana (because the law is so flagrantly ignored) they sure as hell ain't gonna squash guns or a Balkan-style separation.

To sum it up succinctly: I sincerely hope we stay as one country (make sure you don't ignore that first part as my truest wishes) but I would rather live in a Balkanized section thereof if the alternative meant submitting to the treachery of the Left and all it entails.

I think we're on the same page with what we believe. It'd almost be like that peace saying from the 60s "what if they threw a war and nobody showed up?".

Regardless, I think it's a foregone conclusion we are heading towards Balkanization as a country and have become so massive and bloated it's a matter of time before it happens. All empires in history eventually either implode or are taken apart piece by piece from the outside. Or a combination of both. We're heading down the path of both in my opinion.

11-26-19, 18:14
I think we're on the same page with what we believe. It'd almost be like that peace saying from the 60s "what if they threw a war and nobody showed up?".

Regardless, I think it's a foregone conclusion we are heading towards Balkanization as a country and have become so massive and bloated it's a matter of time before it happens. All empires in history eventually either implode or are taken apart piece by piece from the outside. Or a combination of both. We're heading down the path of both in my opinion.

I really, truly wish it didn't go that way. We are better off as a united nation.

That said, before I live under a "regime" (elected or not) that dictates I can't own a gun, tells me what to eat/think/say, allows illegals to openly pour in and vote, taxes me out of reasonable means to give it to the undeserving, etc., I would reluctantly opt to live in a Balkanized state with like-minded folks.

11-27-19, 08:31
Sadly I am beginning to believe it is becoming inevitable, one side wants to be left alone the other wants complete control. The left wants to see a hunger games world, bright shiny cities with super high standards of living and the rest of the county exists to support them. I am sitting here thinking what do those urban shitholes really provide we can't do without and I can't think of anything. Some will say that "but, but, but all the smart people want to live there" but how smart are you when your belief system consists of left wing talking points.

11-27-19, 09:36
I really, truly wish it didn't go that way. We are better off as a united nation.

The problem is, we are no longer united like we could be. When we have members of Congress openly mocking one of the worst terrorist attacks in our history as "someone did something" there's a significant problem.

When not called out by other members of that same party, we have a significant problem.

When Congress is allowed to create sham investigation after sham investigation all in the hopes of overturning an election, there's a significant problem.

When those same Congressional Representatives continue to lie and oppress the truth behind "rules" there is a significant problem.

When one of the major political parties openly welcomes invaders and chastises others for not being "open minded" there's a significant problem.

Only one party completely demonizes others for the "problems" we face and comes up with a new boogeyman each and every time something hits the news. It's always the problems of racism, sexism, xenophobic, bigotry, the "rich" and other watchwords that the left comes up with. Claiming others are "fascist" and not even understanding (or maybe they do) these tactics were exactly what the real fascists used to control their populations. Focus the anger of the masses on a group of people that are allegedly responsible for their problems in life.

Regardless, I feel we are on a path to an eventual breakup of the Union. There is no such thing as "too big to fail" on a governmental level. The Soviet Union showed us that. Now whether it's violent or peaceful remains to be seen.

11-27-19, 09:48
Regardless, I feel we are on a path to an eventual breakup of the Union. There is no such thing as "too big to fail" on a governmental level. The Soviet Union showed us that. Now whether it's violent or peaceful remains to be seen.

Hopefully the midwestern to Rockies core gets a Putin and not a Yeltsin as its leader. We've already had a dozen Yeltsins with the same awful results here as they had there.

11-29-19, 20:29
Yeah, this is the way to pick a fight...


Protesters around the world disrupted Black Friday shopping in order to draw attention to climate change days before the United Nations met to discuss the issue in Madrid.

The retail holiday saw protests in a long list of countries -- including France, Germany, the United States -- with some activists entering stores and others holding mock funerals. Near Paris, climate demonstrators blocked a shopping mall and gathered in from of Amazon’s headquarters to protest over-production they say is killing the planet.

People get violent with each other because they can't get that 65 inch TV they wanted. Now you're going to try to stop them from going after it?

LOL, best o' luck.

11-29-19, 21:18
People get violent with each other because they can't get that 65 inch TV they wanted. Now you're going to try to stop them from going after it?

LOL, best o' luck.

As we like to say over at RedState, "Not exactly what you'd call a real smart choice of evolutionary strategy there, Sparky." Frankly, as far as I'm concerned ANYBODY who ventures out into the Retail Hell Dimensions and Rioting Mobs that are Black Friday brick-and-mortar is a Darwin Award applicant...

11-29-19, 22:21
9 out of 10 never seen anyone's brains blowed out all over the floor.


11-30-19, 04:28

11-30-19, 06:14
9 out of 10 never seen anyone's brains blowed out all over the floor.


This. It’s really not like on TV or a video game.

11-30-19, 08:48
This. It’s really not like on TV or a video game.

and it smells..

11-30-19, 10:22
and it smells..

I was trying not to go there but yeah.

The two smells I shall never forget (and wish I could) is the smell of burning flesh and putrefaction.

Putrefaction is just ungodly. Most people don’t hurl because of the sight. It’s the smell. Gag a maggot. Won’t lie. I’ve puked a time or two.

Keep carpenters masks handy....

11-30-19, 11:48
I was trying not to go there but yeah.

The two smells I shall never forget (and wish I could) is the smell of burning flesh and putrefaction.

Putrefaction is just ungodly. Most people don’t hurl because of the sight. It’s the smell. Gag a maggot. Won’t lie. I’ve puked a time or two.

Keep carpenters masks handy....

A little Vicks inside there might help a bit too.

11-30-19, 11:56
A little Vicks inside there might help a bit too.


It does the OPPOSITE. It actually opens up your sinuses MORE like it was designed to do.

There’s a reason why a lot of folks smoke.

Honestly, I tell folks to get a little organic air freshener and spritz in a carpenters mask. Most of the odor is based upon molecules and such in the air.

just a scout
11-30-19, 13:07
SCBA works best. If not that, then a respirator mask with P-100 filters. Or a Millennium mask with the CBRN or at least P-100 Training filters.

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11-30-19, 13:20
SCBA works best. If not that, then a respirator mask with P-100 filters. Or a Millennium mask with the CBRN or at least P-100 Training filters.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

That’s only if it’s really really bad or you are doing a clan lab.

I mean like I just keep carpenters mask, some febreze(because the stink follows) and thug it out but I have seen people who were turning to jelly from the rot that was just physically overpowering without a mask of some kind. Like I actually got my Gas mask from the car because it was just too damn much.

Shut in croaked and nobody knew until he became Funkmaster

26 Inf
11-30-19, 15:23
A little Vicks inside there might help a bit too.

We used Noxzema - mustaches coated with it, up the nose, etc. Still gagging. Worst is helping move someone and they pop. That got me.

11-30-19, 15:46
That’s such a helpless feeling that few people will ever know.

I think the worst is when some rookie thinks ol girl was murdered. Nope. See the cats. See the cat poop? Notice how nobody’s been here a while?

Cat’s gotta eat somehow.

Like, I’ve actually gotten to see the final level for Cat Ladies and it’s really sad.

There really is no dignity in human expiration.

We all like to think Granny is gonna pass on in a big warm bed surrounded by loved ones before passing on some seriously deep knowledge before peacefully closing her eyes like the old lady from Titanic.

Nope. People face down in bathrooms, kitchens, sheds, garages, and even closets.

I’m not talking murders or anything. This is just normal people that outlived their friends and family and were alone and the only reason I was there was because neighbors or landlord were upset about the smell.

Like....maybe this isn’t forum talk, but I’ve had some whiskey and I’m gonna be real with you. Scenes like that depressed me a helluva lot more than homicides. Like...with a homicide at least someone thought enough of the person to make an effort to kill them and someone else thought enough to get someone on the horn.

In a way the dramatic nature of it makes it easier emotionally to deal with. Like....no matter how gory or effed up. There’s a goal. Find the killer. Doesn’t usually take long and it’s rarely a whodunnit. It’s like, I guess for the male brain a cause and effect. A reason, a point, a solution.

Person is still dead but at least you can do something.

But the lonely people, there’s no reason. They just outlived everyone they knew or just didn’t get along with many people, or were introverts and that’s just how life ended for them. Nobody to notify except maybe someone distant. No big to-do. Bag, tag, MI report, pass off to coroner. Get 10-8. Done.

It’s actually quite maddening.

just a scout
11-30-19, 18:08
I’ve had too many to remember, more than I care to think. A few I had to burn my uniform afterwards. One dude was cooking against the radiator for a week. He exploded when we carried the bag out.

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12-01-19, 12:46
9 out of 10 never seen anyone's brains blowed out all over the floor.



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Marine Corporal
12-01-19, 13:55
Listen, the Republic as we once knew it is already lost. Not totally yet, but hanging on a thin thread. That thread will eventually snap and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. We will let it happen and The Left knows that. I mean look at what we already allow.

We allow our arms to be taken away from Felons whether violent or non violent for things like Marijuana and Domestic Violence abusers. The Constitution never said that those infringements are allowed but we accepted them and now it’s the new norm. Do you see other states fighting for the citizens of places like NY or CA that infringe on the citizen’s right to certain arms? No. We don’t. It’s normal for those states to have infringements. Then there are citizens in those states that are okay with those infringements now and see it as normal. I see it every day on local NY forums where some guy gets arrested at a car stop for having bags of marijuana and an unregistered handgun with a standard capacity magazine. They say that he got what he deserved. They are totally okay with the drug charge despite that our Founding Fathers smoked marijuana and are okay with the gun infringement as well because he’s a drug criminal. See my point? We are ignorant.

It’s only a matter of the time before The Left controls both Houses and the Presidency. Any one who thinks otherwise is a fool. When that happens and it will because we allow indoctrination of our children in school and on the controlled media, gun infringements will be federal. And we will eventually just take it and accept it just like we now accept NICS checks and the NFA regulating barrel lengths. Those infringements are now okay for us because they are normal infringements just like in the future handgun bans and semiautomatic rifle bans will become normal infringements.

Just give us some time and then any infringements turn normal. We are a dying breed.

12-01-19, 15:15
Been a “dying breed” since 1776.

I have faith. If we look at history, we see this is nothing new.

But again I choose to have faith the the younger folks will say “Grandad had all this, why don’t I?”

I’m not ready to jump on the Barfcom bandwagon that “the Republic” is dead and plaster my truck with Snek flags and Magul thottery, BRCC thottery, and III%er Douchecanoe crap and then cry like a fat kid because a law gets passed.

Nope. I choose to have faith. I tell anyone willing to listen that anything can always happen.

Like the Zen Master says “We’ll See”.

No paunchy arfcom beardo or nerdy teenybopper on 4chan is going to boogaloo. It’s a meme and a joke. And aside from Alphabet BS in the usual places I doubt we will see a Gestapo.

I do think we may see a repeat of 1994 should any malicious laws get passed and Republicans (ugh who I hate with a passion) realize they like having a job and start obstruction like they used to.

I have faith. That counts more than any gun hoard or XXXXL PC or gucci Multicam and trash talk.

This is nothing new, you’re just aware of it now.

They say a paranoiac is a person who just realized what’s actually going on for the first time. It’s just a ride. Take notice. Make good decisions.

But don’t let it rule or ruin your quality of life.

I’m sitting out on a nice Sunday evening, sipping Pibb, and enjoying good weather. I’m not hungry. I’m not getting shot at. And the mail is still gonna run tomorrow.

It’s not that bad.

Go watch the Postman. That movie gets so overlooked but it was ahead of its time. Just the mere act that you are getting mail and Waffle House is still open is proof enough that everything is gravy.

Have faith

12-01-19, 20:03
I was trying not to go there but yeah.

The two smells I shall never forget (and wish I could) is the smell of burning flesh and putrefaction.

Putrefaction is just ungodly. Most people don’t hurl because of the sight. It’s the smell. Gag a maggot. Won’t lie. I’ve puked a time or two.

Keep carpenters masks handy....

Vicks vapo rub straight up your nostrils... or foam ear plugs stuffed up in there. Burnt dude didn't bother me much. Dude's in various levels of decay you will never forget. Even gun shot victim has it's own smell..

26 Inf
12-01-19, 20:04
That’s such a helpless feeling that few people will ever know.

I think the worst is when some rookie thinks ol girl was murdered. Nope. See the cats. See the cat poop? Notice how nobody’s been here a while?

Cat’s gotta eat somehow.

Like, I’ve actually gotten to see the final level for Cat Ladies and it’s really sad.

There really is no dignity in human expiration.

We all like to think Granny is gonna pass on in a big warm bed surrounded by loved ones before passing on some seriously deep knowledge before peacefully closing her eyes like the old lady from Titanic.

Nope. People face down in bathrooms, kitchens, sheds, garages, and even closets.

I’m not talking murders or anything. This is just normal people that outlived their friends and family and were alone and the only reason I was there was because neighbors or landlord were upset about the smell.

Like....maybe this isn’t forum talk, but I’ve had some whiskey and I’m gonna be real with you. Scenes like that depressed me a helluva lot more than homicides. Like...with a homicide at least someone thought enough of the person to make an effort to kill them and someone else thought enough to get someone on the horn.

In a way the dramatic nature of it makes it easier emotionally to deal with. Like....no matter how gory or effed up. There’s a goal. Find the killer. Doesn’t usually take long and it’s rarely a whodunnit. It’s like, I guess for the male brain a cause and effect. A reason, a point, a solution.

Person is still dead but at least you can do something.

But the lonely people, there’s no reason. They just outlived everyone they knew or just didn’t get along with many people, or were introverts and that’s just how life ended for them. Nobody to notify except maybe someone distant. No big to-do. Bag, tag, MI report, pass off to coroner. Get 10-8. Done.

It’s actually quite maddening.

Fly, you have a way with words to express your thoughts, you should think about doing it for a bigger audience.

12-01-19, 20:11

It does the OPPOSITE. It actually opens up your sinuses MORE like it was designed to do.

There’s a reason why a lot of folks smoke.

Honestly, I tell folks to get a little organic air freshener and spritz in a carpenters mask. Most of the odor is based upon molecules and such in the air.

I think we all process smells differently. Kinda like how some folks are just immune to pepper spray. Vicks always works for me. I can smell brains the minute I open a door to a house. Took my third suicide response to figure out what I was smelling.

My wife and her relatives were pissed when grandma passed and nobody in the apartment complex noticed the smell for a week. I was on the shit list for a while for pointing out the obvious that if someone had smelled her it was too late anyway. I did have enough tact to not mention that relatives living a block away didn't check on an 89 y.o. lady for over a week.

12-01-19, 20:30
BRCC thottery

But ... their murdered out blend. Nice and strong, gives me the kick in the *** I need to face the harpies I work with, every morning.

Maybe I’ll have to start growing a neck beard now?

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12-02-19, 04:31

12-02-19, 04:41
This video Takes a while to load so be patient and give it a chance. Given the way the News media has been so blatant with lies and propaganda in recent years maybe the last 100+ years of history is not what we think it is at all...... It's something I've been pondering a lot lately. Watch this Europa series with an open mind!


Here is the excerpt:

Haven’t you ever at least been curious as to what “the other side of the World War II story” was?

Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.

We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old-and-new world order. The Traditional and the “Progressive”.

Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.

For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times.

This documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War I & II – all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath.

Do be forewarned though, your worldview might never be the same. As always, the Truth Fears No Investigation.

This documentary consists of 9 (10) parts, read all about it on


00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:39 - Part 1
01:14:55 - Part 2
02:23:51 - Part 3
03:03:32 - Part 4
04:50:04 - Part 5
05:43:15 - Part 6
06:43:02 - Part 7
07:51:19 - Part 8
09:56:22 - Part 9
11:52:15 - Sources & Credits

Europa the last battle full documentary
Europa the last battle all parts
World war II documentary
World war 2 documentary
WW2 documentary German perspective
World war II documentary German perspective
World war two documentary German perspective
World war 1 documentary Germany
World war one documentary Germany
ww2 German side
Europe after ww2
How was the European union formed
How has Europe been shaped
European union origins
Soviet union origins
How was the soviet union formed
What happened to the soviet union
Global economic structure origins
Historical roots of communism
Bolshevik revolution and the holodomor
The Balfour declaration
Frankfurt school
Weimar Republic
The fall of the Third Reich
Rebirth of Germany
Transfer agreement and madagaskar plan
The final solution endlösung
Germany's struggle for peace
The start of WWII
Roots of globalism and multiculturalism
Kalergi kaufman morgenthau and hooton plan
Operation barbarossa
Liberation of Soviet Russia
Churchill's Bengal Famine
Bombings of german cities
Firestorm in Dresden
Eisenhower in WW2
Origin of the six million figure
Labour and internment camps Germany
What are gas chambers Germany
Red cross figures WW2
ww2 aftermath europe
Demographic replacement in europe
european union endgoal
Demoralization in the modern day
Effects of ww2 on modern day
How WW2 still effects todays history


12-02-19, 04:44


12-02-19, 05:18
I didn't see this thread until this morning.

If a civil war happens and if the side that supports freedom, liberty and defending the Constitution is too win, it needs to be sooner rather than later.

I have seen up close 2 civil wars in my life, Lebanon and Cote d'Ivoire. If we have a civil war in the USA it will be very bloody. Each side we seek to eliminate the other side, so as to address the balance of power for generations that will follow. So think tens of millions dead.

As has been pointed out, the sides in gross generalizations comes down to rural V urban. So in my mind, I would fight the war like this deprive the cities what they need to survive, water, food and electricity all of which are produced in rural environments. Blockade the cities for 6 months to a year, lots of dead in the cities.

A couple of issues for if we were to have such a war, first where will the military side?

Second, during the war what will China and Russia be doing?

12-02-19, 06:01
Lana Lotkeff is an E-thot. A few good points historically tied in with another narrative.

Everyone’s a little bit racist sometimes (cue the Avenue Q song as I know M4C loves Off Broadway showtunes) but I don’t think anyone really wants whitey dead because then who would they get to make all the cool stuff. I DO see a demographic shift simply because the economic migrants (and that’s what they are) don’t mind dropping puppies like it was cool while the whitebread bunch work their asses off until their 30s just to afford just one.

But this has historical precedent and has happened before, here, in America. It took a couple hundred years and it went from majority Native to majority white economic migrants who didn’t mind dropping puppies and changing the demographics.

It doesn’t bother me because hey, I love bougie black girls. I DO think unrestricted migration is screwing us on infrastructure so she has a point.

But Lana Lotkeff is an E-thot and her husband gives me a vibe. Just a creepy vibe.
They are on that Nordic Druid stuff. And to me, it’s kinda like Kwanzaa for White people. Like Norse mythology is interesting but these people who run with it basically mix it with comics and D&D manuals to be edgy. Like Wicca.

And “Valhalla” is cringe. Y’all can go to Hell because I’m going to Heaven. Just saying.

12-02-19, 07:38
FireFly just watch the Europa thing.

12-02-19, 07:41
FireFly just watch the Europa thing.

I’m not European....like at all.

12-02-19, 07:50
I’m not European....like at all.

Well you are hanging out on a 2A forum so you can't be all bad. Are you an Ashkenazi Jew by chance?

12-02-19, 07:57
Well you are hanging out on a 2A forum so you can't be all bad. Are you an Ashkenazi Jew by chance?

I’m Native American.

12-02-19, 08:03
I’m Native American.

Thats awesome. I'm Scots-Irish the group of people most directly responsible for the demise of your people. You have my sincere apologies about that! Watch the Europa thing!

Outlander Systems
12-02-19, 08:12
Despite being a Scandi, I will openly state that Pagans get the rope first.

And to me, it’s kinda like Kwanzaa for White people. Like Norse mythology is interesting but these people who run with it basically mix it with comics and D&D manuals to be edgy. Like Wicca.

12-02-19, 08:19
Thats awesome. I'm Scots-Irish the group of people most directly responsible for the demise of your people. You have my sincere apologies about that! Watch the Europa thing!

Lol that was like hundreds of years ago.

I’ve seen enough Red Ice videos. They are kinda larpy. Like they have a point about Europe getting cucked and mass migration but then they also believe in Thor.

But then again, Europes always been kinda cucked and getting into forever wars with SWA or having religious upsets. Like I can, and do, dog out people from Alabama because they suck. But that’s fine because they are still American and speak English sorta.

But Europe’s long-standing problem is that you have pissant countries neighboring each other and screwing each other over in protracted political power plays and lukewarm nationalism and then you have a few countries in particular siccing illiterate and diseased Arabs on each other.
Plus they don’t do “diversity” very well. They accept things that wouldn’t fly over here.

America has a weird chemistry hewn from centuries of severe racism and bigotry. But it became so over the top it became a big joke that people stopped taking too seriously.

Like I said earlier. You could have Thuggy Brown, Militia Man Beardo, and Julio Snowpusher at each other’s throats in a bloody and violent civil war. But the second you toss in Red Chinese Flags or African troops with blue helmets then a line was crossed and all three will team up to kill the invaders.

Like really it’s not that bad here. We should mine the border and stop taking in every warm body like a Louisiana Whorehouse but like we don’t have beheadings and such.

Actually it’s all good in America. I don’t know about Europe. Screw Europe. I like German food and bread and some of their guns, but otherwise screw Europe. It’s a money pit.

12-02-19, 08:20
Despite being a Scandi, I will openly state that Pagans get the rope first.

Christpill all day, bro. But we had that conversation.

12-02-19, 08:30
Lol that was like hundreds of years ago.

I’ve seen enough Red Ice videos. They are kinda larpy. Like they have a point about Europe getting cucked and mass migration but then they also believe in Thor.

But then again, Europes always been kinda cucked and getting into forever wars with SWA or having religious upsets. Like I can, and do, dog out people from Alabama because they suck. But that’s fine because they are still American and speak English sorta.

But Europe’s long-standing problem is that you have pissant countries neighboring each other and screwing each other over in protracted political power plays and lukewarm nationalism and then you have a few countries in particular siccing illiterate and diseased Arabs on each other.
Plus they don’t do “diversity” very well. They accept things that wouldn’t fly over here.

America has a weird chemistry hewn from centuries of severe racism and bigotry. But it became so over the top it became a big joke that people stopped taking too seriously.

Like I said earlier. You could have Thuggy Brown, Militia Man Beardo, and Julio Snowpusher at each other’s throats in a bloody and violent civil war. But the second you toss in Red Chinese Flags or African troops with blue helmets then a line was crossed and all three will team up to kill the invaders.

Like really it’s not that bad here. We should mine the border and stop taking in every warm body like a Louisiana Whorehouse but like we don’t have beheadings and such.

Actually it’s all good in America. I don’t know about Europe. Screw Europe. I like German food and bread and some of their guns, but otherwise screw Europe. It’s a money pit.

The Europa thing wasn't produced by red Ice. I'm pretty sure It was produced by that Swedish guy with the glasses (Tobias?) thats been speaking out about the EU for a while now. Just watch it! I think it will blow your hair back. I just saw it a few days ago for the first time. I have never been into the whole "white is right" type of NeoNazi bull-shit. And I think you think that's what it is and It's not. Just Watch it! I want some second opinions....

12-02-19, 08:56
I’m not anti-white nor do I think you are pushing Nazism. I’ll watch it later if it’s something different from the usual thottery.

But all else being equal and speaking for myself, I haven’t lost anything in Europe though.

12-02-19, 09:05
I’m not anti-white nor do I think you are pushing Nazism. I’ll watch it later if it’s something different from the usual thottery.

But all else being equal and speaking for myself, I haven’t lost anything in Europe though.

I am really glad you don't think I'm pushing Nazism or Anti-Semitism because I'm not! I'm simply trying to make you think and it just might make you see the world in a whole different light! Particularly when it comes to the Globalism and nationalism because the Globalist where around and up to no good even way back then! Everyone here needs to watch it!


Marine Corporal
12-02-19, 10:06
You guys do realize that if there is a civil war it won’t be against another army wearing another uniform. It won’t be against ANTIFA. It won’t be against the Left. It won’t be against millennials that take up arms.

It will be against the police if they decide to continue protecting politicians or when they come after you after you kill one or two of them that got in the way while you were going after specific politicians or news organizations. You will be labeled a terrorist. A criminal. Remember, the left for the most part doesn’t have guns. And the police aren’t just going to stand there and watch you slaughter them.

To think that the other side is anyone else but the police is laughable.

12-02-19, 10:34
You guys do realize that if there is a civil war it won’t be against another army wearing another uniform. It won’t be against ANTIFA. It won’t be against the Left. It won’t be against millennials that take up arms.

It will be against the police if they decide to continue protecting politicians or when they come after you after you kill one or two of them that got in the way while you were going after specific politicians or news organizations. You will be labeled a terrorist. A criminal. Remember, the left for the most part doesn’t have guns. And the police aren’t just going to stand there and watch you slaughter them.

To think that the other side is anyone else but the police is laughable.

I've read somewhere that the Fema camps are really for the families of military and law enforcement to possibly hold them hostage or maybe give them safe haven. But either way so the families of LEO/military personnel can be used as bargaining chips to make LEO/Military take up arms against civilians...

12-02-19, 10:46
You guys do realize that if there is a civil war it won’t be against another army wearing another uniform. It won’t be against ANTIFA. It won’t be against the Left. It won’t be against millennials that take up arms.

It will be against the police if they decide to continue protecting politicians or when they come after you after you kill one or two of them that got in the way while you were going after specific politicians or news organizations. You will be labeled a terrorist. A criminal. Remember, the left for the most part doesn’t have guns. And the police aren’t just going to stand there and watch you slaughter them.

To think that the other side is anyone else but the police is laughable.

Well, a bunch of folks on the board are cops, my brother is a Deputy, and a cousin is DHS LE. I agree that it will all depend on LE, but they aren't the enemy.

Marine Corporal
12-02-19, 11:10
Well, a bunch of folks on the board are cops, my brother is a Deputy, and a cousin is DHS LE. I agree that it will all depend on LE, but they aren't the enemy.

Of course not. Many would probably resign. But the majority will just be doing a job getting terrorists. Getting cop killer terrorists who had the audacity to kill one of their own after doing their jobs protecting or responding to shots fired that were intended for politicians to be taken into custody.

I don’t see it ever happening. The public wouldn’t want it. Newlyweds Joe and Amanda aren’t going to take up arms because a semiautomatic ban occurred. Ain’t happening. If there were pockets of resistance for that semiautomatic ban , newlyweds Joe and Amanda would want these terrorists to go down so that martial law can be lifted, the supermarkets restocked, and they can get on with their lives by going to work and taking their yearly trips to Cancun and Walt Disney World.

I don’t even see Brad from Arkansas standing up. Because if Brad from Arkansas stands up, he can never come home after he decided to storm his City Hall with Likeminded Individuals to take government officials into custody. He would be permanently on the run and his family would go hungry and homeless due to he not ever being able to work again.

It’s a pipe dream and a fantasy. We aren’t like those in 1776 who were just farmers and really had nothing to lose. We are too tied up in jobs and mortgages to survive today. There is much more to lose now than previous. We are too tied up to the grid.

Boba Fett v2
12-02-19, 11:18
9 out of 10 never seen anyone's brains blowed out all over the floor.



12-02-19, 11:20
Well, a bunch of folks on the board are cops, my brother is a Deputy, and a cousin is DHS LE. I agree that it will all depend on LE, but they aren't the enemy.

This. Don’t be like Barfcom who jump on the “F the Police” spiel because they got a ticket.

Lotsa A hole police in the world. Like SEVERELY A-Hole police. I mean like ULTRA MEGA A-Hole. But it’s not gonna be like South America where they just mess you over or kill you. Some might maybe but probably not. Most folks just want to go home without any extra. Usually its the rookies who don’t know anything who would be all uppity but most real people nah.

And the police don’t protect you from Antifa. They protect Antifa from you. Because otherwise they would be face down and bleeding.

And I actually doubt Antifa is really an actual threat. There used to be bombings and arson in the 60s. Now it’s just blocking traffic and sucker punching dudes they know won’t beat the brakes off them.

I mean I have yet to see them get physical with anyone besides short shits, other gay dudes, or women. The times they picked the wrong bull they got a gun shoved in their face and then they went and tattled to the police about it despite precipitating it.

So I really don’t consider them to be this impending wave of doom.

And as for me, even if the Government went full USSR and even if they were able to put folks in FEMA death camps; it wouldn’t work on me because I don’t have any friends nor family to use as bargaining chips.

I mean....this shit costs money. We can barely run a normal prison system. Who and How are you gonna drum up the resources to go door to door and shit?

That worked in Germany because lol it’s a pissant country.

It worked in America because most Asians at that time were already on the Left Coast and it was considered non objectionable to do so.

These days it wouldn’t fly. If we didn’t round up Muslim folks and put them in concentration camps after 9/11 then no way is it gonna happen to friends and family of military and police.

I think sometimes we kinda want an epic showdown but it’s not going to happen. And if it did, it would bankrupt the country. It’s a phase. Once these forever wars wind down, we get out from some of this debt, and we get the economy stable again; it really will look kinda silly in retrospect all the conspiracy theories (and I do love me some Conspiracies and Feet)

I mean this was a thing in the 80s the whole survivalist bit.

Don’t turn in nothing, be prepared for anything (literally anything like tornadoes and hurricanes which are more likely scenarios), stay sharp BUT..

Don’t let BS dictate nor detract from your quality of life.

Barfcom does that. Their GD is ENDLESS with threads kvetching about the most mundane minutiae: “My kid got an F in Social Studies!”, “No patriots showed up when a drunk guy got taken to jail! THE REPUBLIC HAS FALLEN!”, “He doesn’t like Saving Private Ryan REEEEEE”, “Guys I’m getting a divorce because I used rent money to buy ARs for the boogaloo. Arfcom Curse strikes again!”, “Guys I am a 40 year old virgin, where can I meet another 40 year old virgin with good credit”

Come on now. Don’t be like those guys.

Things aren’t easy as they were, nor as difficult as they could be.

Be positive!

12-02-19, 11:35
This. Don’t be like Barfcom who jump on the “F the Police” spiel because they got a ticket.

Lotsa A hole police in the world. Like SEVERELY A-Hole police. I mean like ULTRA MEGA A-Hole. But it’s not gonna be like South America where they just mess you over or kill you. Some might maybe but probably not. Most folks just want to go home without any extra. Usually its the rookies who don’t know anything who would be all uppity but most real people nah.

And the police don’t protect you from Antifa. They protect Antifa from you. Because otherwise they would be face down and bleeding.

And I actually doubt Antifa is really an actual threat. There used to be bombings and arson in the 60s. Now it’s just blocking traffic and sucker punching dudes they know won’t beat the brakes off them.

I mean I have yet to see them get physical with anyone besides short shits, other gay dudes, or women. The times they picked the wrong bull they got a gun shoved in their face and then they went and tattled to the police about it despite precipitating it.

So I really don’t consider them to be this impending wave of doom.

And as for me, even if the Government went full USSR and even if they were able to put folks in FEMA death camps; it wouldn’t work on me because I don’t have any friends nor family to use as bargaining chips.

I mean....this shit costs money. We can barely run a normal prison system. Who and How are you gonna drum up the resources to go door to door and shit?

That worked in Germany because lol it’s a pissant country.

It worked in America because most Asians at that time were already on the Left Coast and it was considered non objectionable to do so.

These days it wouldn’t fly. If we didn’t round up Muslim folks and put them in concentration camps after 9/11 then no way is it gonna happen to friends and family of military and police.

I think sometimes we kinda want an epic showdown but it’s not going to happen. And if it did, it would bankrupt the country. It’s a phase. Once these forever wars wind down, we get out from some of this debt, and we get the economy stable again; it really will look kinda silly in retrospect all the conspiracy theories (and I do love me some Conspiracies and Feet)

I mean this was a thing in the 80s the whole survivalist bit.

Don’t turn in nothing, be prepared for anything (literally anything like tornadoes and hurricanes which are more likely scenarios), stay sharp BUT..

Don’t let BS dictate nor detract from your quality of life.

Barfcom does that. Their GD is ENDLESS with threads kvetching about the most mundane minutiae: “My kid got an F in Social Studies!”, “No patriots showed up when a drunk guy got taken to jail! THE REPUBLIC HAS FALLEN!”, “He doesn’t like Saving Private Ryan REEEEEE”, “Guys I’m getting a divorce because I used rent money to buy ARs for the boogaloo. Arfcom Curse strikes again!”, “Guys I am a 40 year old virgin, where can I meet another 40 year old virgin with good credit”

Come on now. Don’t be like those guys.

Things aren’t easy as they were, nor as difficult as they could be.

Be positive!

Chief Rolling Buffalo Chip has a very narrow world view. He needs to go smoke the piece pipe and have himself some visions of his elders at wounded knee. And the country is already bankrupt Cochise!

12-02-19, 12:02
Owwww Geeze.

12-02-19, 12:02
Chief Rolling Buffalo Chip has a very narrow world view. He needs to go smoke the piece pipe and have himself some visions of his elders at wounded knee. And the country is already bankrupt Cochise!

OMG dude why you gotta go racial?

We aren’t bankrupt. We’re far from the black, but not bankrupt.

When you stop getting mail, the water stops flowing, and licensed doctors are resorting to prostitution for food. Not even money, but food.


That’s already happening south of the border in Venezuela and a few other places. Folks are peddling ass for food. Like not even young chicks. Old folks. Selling their bodies.

For food.

Meanwhile, I’m eating Jesus Chicken and sipping a soda.

So, adjust the frequency on your MFer and get real or go to Barfcom where they live in fantasy land.

12-02-19, 12:08
OMG dude why you gotta go racial?

We aren’t bankrupt. We’re far from the black, but not bankrupt.

When you stop getting mail, the water stops flowing, and licensed doctors are resorting to prostitution for food. Not even money, but food.


That’s already happening south of the border in Venezuela and a few other places. Folks are peddling ass for food. Like not even young chicks. Old folks. Selling their bodies.

For food.

Meanwhile, I’m eating Jesus Chicken and sipping a soda.

So, adjust the frequency on your MFer and get real or go to Barfcom where they live in fantasy land.

It was an attention getter. Now watch the video... And not this video the one I posted two pages back!


12-02-19, 12:13
OMG dude why you gotta go racial?

It's been awhile. We were overdue. Sensing a small timeout.

12-02-19, 12:31
Chief Rolling Buffalo Chip has a very narrow world view. He needs to go smoke the piece pipe and have himself some visions of his elders at wounded knee. And the country is already bankrupt Cochise!

You wanna get this thread locked? Cause that's how you get this thread locked.

I largely agree with @Firely, for many reasons. I mean, what is Antifa? Largely yesterday's news. On college campuses near you, but Smalltown USA? Their biggest problem is prices not falling at the Wal-Mart. The threats we mainly perceive, we perceive because of the news/propaganda (regardless of the source). Our country is far too expansive, far too diverse for a for-real civil war to happen.

If it comes to 5-0 going full SWAT to grab people--or guns--on a massive scale, a lot of them will simply not show up for work. By that point bad things will be happening all over, and while some of the po-po will be the problem, not all of the po-po will be the problem. But do any of them want to risk a 50/50 proposition that they will be the recipient of a closed-casket funeral? I bet no.

12-02-19, 12:42
I mean....this shit costs money. We can barely run a normal prison system. Who and How are you gonna drum up the resources to go door to door and shit?

We have more people in prison than Red China does. Just saying.

That worked in Germany because lol it’s a pissant country.

It worked in America because most Asians at that time were already on the Left Coast and it was considered non objectionable to do so.

It worked in Germany and in the US because the people backed it. If they hadn't, it wouldn't've worked.

12-02-19, 13:11
Someone's in time out until they learn to play nice with others.

12-02-19, 13:37
We have more people in prison than Red China does. Just saying.

In China, they aren't treated the same, used for testing, and some just are made to disappear if your a real problem. If the family bitches about it, they disappear too.

12-02-19, 14:12
Chief Rolling Buffalo Chip has a very narrow world view. He needs to go smoke the piece pipe and have himself some visions of his elders at wounded knee. And the country is already bankrupt Cochise!

Dude, WTF? Take your racist BS somewhere else.

Also, I have never met FF, but "narrow world view" is a description I would never imagine after reading his posts here.

12-02-19, 14:16
Dude, WTF? Take your racist BS somewhere else.

Also, I have never met FF, but "narrow world view" is a description I would never imagine after reading his posts here.

Don't worry, Toecutter has plenty of time to reflect now and ponder word choices.

12-02-19, 14:16
Dude, WTF? Take your racist BS somewhere else.

Also, I have never met FF, but "narrow world view" is a description I would never imagine after reading his posts here.

Yeah. Fly may be a little "eccentric," (then again, who isn't in our own way?) but if shit got real he'd do to ride shotgun for.

12-02-19, 14:20
Yeah. Fly may be a little "eccentric," (then again, who isn't in our own way?) but if shit got real he'd do to ride shotgun for.

As long as he doesn't bring AOC along......

12-02-19, 14:24
We have more people in prison than Red China does. Just saying.

What's your source for this? Legit want to know.

12-02-19, 14:40
You wanna get this thread locked? Cause that's how you get this thread locked.

I largely agree with @Firely, for many reasons. I mean, what is Antifa? Largely yesterday's news. On college campuses near you, but Smalltown USA? Their biggest problem is prices not falling at the Wal-Mart. The threats we mainly perceive, we perceive because of the news/propaganda (regardless of the source). Our country is far too expansive, far too diverse for a for-real civil war to happen.

If it comes to 5-0 going full SWAT to grab people--or guns--on a massive scale, a lot of them will simply not show up for work. By that point bad things will be happening all over, and while some of the po-po will be the problem, not all of the po-po will be the problem. But do any of them want to risk a 50/50 proposition that they will be the recipient of a closed-casket funeral? I bet no.

This isn’t how it’s going to go down though. This is not how incremental realpolitik chess is played. Despite all the visceral hate filled extremist propaganda being espoused a true patriot targeted Kristallnacht is still a ways off.

We’re not there, yet.

The left for all their cohesiveness and future oriented ideas has yet to reach the galvanization needed to really light this candle.

But they are winning the long game of otherwise normalizing and redefining the narrative of what it means to be a “responsible patriotic citizen”. And they’re winning Bigly on that front.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-02-19, 14:57
This isn’t how it’s going to go down though. This is not how incremental realpolitik chess is played. Despite all the visceral hate filled extremist propaganda being espoused a true patriot targeted Kristallnacht is still a ways off.

We’re not there, yet.

The left for all their cohesiveness and future oriented ideas has yet to reach the galvanization needed to really light this candle.

But they are winning the long game of otherwise normalizing and redefining the narrative of what it means to be a “responsible patriotic citizen”. And they’re winning Bigly on that front.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Right now we are still merely in a War of Words and deep down I think they want it to stay that way because they know a War of Bullets would be their total undoing.

It’s just gonna be buck buck games, Corporatist censorship, et al for a good while to come.

Even if they pass a hardcore federal ban; the genie has been loosed. And even if they stack the deck with “kinder gentler” types; the heavy lifters won’t play along.

I won’t dispute that we are in a War of Words and it is totally frustrating the longer you play it but they know forcing a shooting war would go back on them.

We’re gonna see a lotta court cases over the state laws(this state level domino theory was foretold a while ago) and prayerfully we will get obstructionist conservatives back in congress.

But the streets running red? Not any time soon. Doubtful in my lifetime

Never say never but unlikely. American culture is forever on a pendulum.

I actually foresee a shift in the Left Coast. Like everywhere, the state itself is actually pretty conservative, but the metro areas are painfully Leftist.

At some point the millionaire homeless are gonna get sick of it.

I thought it was BS but there are homeless millionaires in California because it’s too far to buy a home where it’s not crazy expensive but somehow too damn expensive to live where they work. And these are millionaires.

It didn’t used to be that way and when the model breaks down. Something will push the needle.

Something to think about.

I elect to be optimistic

12-02-19, 15:07
This isn’t how it’s going to go down though. This is not how incremental realpolitik chess is played. Despite all the visceral hate filled extremist propaganda being espoused a true patriot targeted Kristallnacht is still a ways off.

We’re not there, yet.

The left for all their cohesiveness and future oriented ideas has yet to reach the galvanization needed to really light this candle.

But they are winning the long game of otherwise normalizing and redefining the narrative of what it means to be a “responsible patriotic citizen”. And they’re winning Bigly on that front.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree with the bolded, for sure. I just think that most people, the apolitical people in rural America, they don't listen, and they don't care. I think The Left has a long way to go to normalize their agenda. I think the news makes it sound normal because the news is heavily invested by the left, and plays to a largely left audience. But the people in Middle America generally don't care. Now if/when those policies mess with their paycheck or ability to go to Wal-Mart, then it'll change. I also agree, it's still a ways off.

12-02-19, 15:11
Yeah. Fly may be a little "eccentric," (then again, who isn't in our own way?) but if shit got real he'd do to ride shotgun for.


12-02-19, 15:16
It's the logical outcome though. People that "just want to be left alone"...just want to be left alone and don't want to bother anyone. The ones that don't care if they bother people are the ones that will be accomplishing things and forwarding their agenda. Until it reaches the point where more people that "just want to be left alone" realize that they are not being left alone and are willing to stand up to the nonsense, it will continue in this manner.

Once and if it does turn though, the people "wanting to be left alone" will make more of a stand, vote the people needed to forward their agenda, and the seesaw will swing back. This is pending they don't wait until it's too late. If we get to that point and then they wake up, well, who knows what that will bring. Either absolutely nothing...or straight up chaos. There would be no middle ground.

12-02-19, 15:35
That’s already happening south of the border in Venezuela and a few other places. Folks are peddling ass for food. Like not even young chicks. Old folks. Selling their bodies.

Yeah, thanks for ruining the image I had.

12-02-19, 17:59
What's your source for this? Legit want to know.

First thing to come up in a Google search is the BBC: Link (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/uk/06/prisons/html/nn2page1.stm).

12-02-19, 18:19
Here is where I will agree with Fjahllrafn. Not a joke. I actually think his info is accurate.

It’s not a secret that PRC violates human rights. That said, China is VERY homogeneous and will not involve the law in their personal affairs like we do.

Asians have a very different approach to their problems than the West. They have criminals, but a different approach.

I will likewise say that a good portion of people America incarcerates are non-violent offenders and typically drug related.

That said our corrections system is overloaded and a mess as-is.

But then again China executes more people than we do.

12-02-19, 18:46
I will likewise say that a good portion of people America incarcerates are non-violent offenders and typically drug related.

That said our corrections system is overloaded and a mess as-is.

By design, google "Cloward-Piven."

If I'm God-Emperor for a Day, here's what I'd do for CJ Reform as my first moves:
1. Move the weaksauce stuff like pot off Schedule 1, though it would require the same licensing/registration/tax stamps as alcohol and tobacco. Crack down HARD on stuff like Carfentanyl, though.
2. Property-crime gets the perp remanded to the custody of the person whose property they stole/damaged until they work the cost of restitution off at 1/2 to 3/4 minimum wage.
3. Three strikes on rape/child molestation and it's Old Sparky for you. (My natural instinct is ONE, but in this time of "believe all women, even known liars, all men are always wrong" better to be safe and require multiple victims with DNA confirmation before the fry.)
4. NO more exemptions to laws for LE and elected officials--if you're in a position of public trust and you commit a crime, you serve triple the sentence Joe Sixpack would get under the same conditions.
Not a complete list, just my first few.

12-02-19, 19:23
By design, google "Cloward-Piven."

If I'm God-Emperor for a Day, here's what I'd do for CJ Reform as my first moves:
1. Move the weaksauce stuff like pot off Schedule 1, though it would require the same licensing/registration/tax stamps as alcohol and tobacco. Crack down HARD on stuff like Carfentanyl, though.
2. Property-crime gets the perp remanded to the custody of the person whose property they stole/damaged until they work the cost of restitution off at 1/2 to 3/4 minimum wage.
3. Three strikes on rape/child molestation and it's Old Sparky for you. (My natural instinct is ONE, but in this time of "believe all women, even known liars, all men are always wrong" better to be safe and require multiple victims with DNA confirmation before the fry.)
4. NO more exemptions to laws for LE and elected officials--if you're in a position of public trust and you commit a crime, you serve triple the sentence Joe Sixpack would get under the same conditions.
Not a complete list, just my first few.

You forgot "The Island". After 3 strikes...you are warned the next strike you go to "the island".

No one comes back from the island...no one escapes the island. You fend for yourself on the island. Anyone/vessel crossing a perimeter line going in or out of the island without permission...dies...no exceptions.