View Full Version : Colt made in USA carry handle scope problem

10-25-19, 14:46
Hi All,

I bought a Colt, made in USA, 3X20 carry handle scope. Not the more common Japanese mfg. The problem is all the adjustments are locked up tight. No amount of torque short of breaking something seems to work! It appears the grease Realist Co. (they made them for Colt in the 60's) used when they assembled the scope has hardened over the 50 or so years it's been in there. Have any of you encountered the same problem? If so, how did you solve it?
Many Thanks in advance


10-25-19, 15:42
Try some of the old scope repair folks on the internet, they may be of some help. https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTGr-3euBVbTByaP1mgs3_TaxS1BQ%3A1572035952788&ei=cF2zXe7PL-6I_QaY8qbAAw&q=old+rifle+scope+repair&oq=old+rifle+scope+repair&gs_l=psy-ab.12...4583.8046..10316...0.0..0.94.510.6......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i7i30j0i13i30j0i8i13i30j33i10.YxXaOYDAHCE&ved=0ahUKEwjux6ikorjlAhVuRN8KHRi5CTgQ4dUDCAs

10-26-19, 00:38
Thank you. I'll give that a try but I'd still like to know if anyone here has been down this road with these particular scopes?

Thanks Nap

Try some of the old scope repair folks on the internet, they may be of some help. https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTGr-3euBVbTByaP1mgs3_TaxS1BQ%3A1572035952788&ei=cF2zXe7PL-6I_QaY8qbAAw&q=old+rifle+scope+repair&oq=old+rifle+scope+repair&gs_l=psy-ab.12...4583.8046..10316...0.0..0.94.510.6......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i7i30j0i13i30j0i8i13i30j33i10.YxXaOYDAHCE&ved=0ahUKEwjux6ikorjlAhVuRN8KHRi5CTgQ4dUDCAs

10-26-19, 17:11
You could try warming it up with a hair dryer. That might soften the grease a bit without getting things too hot.

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10-27-19, 00:01
I don't know if the ones I have were made here or in Japan, but I would try placing the one your having a problem with on a piece of Aluminum Foil in the sun. They were made to be used outside so heat from the sun should not bother it.

10-27-19, 07:12
I don't know if the ones I have were made here or in Japan, but I would try placing the one your having a problem with on a piece of Aluminum Foil in the sun. They were made to be used outside so heat from the sun should not bother it.

I thought about suggesting sticking it in a car in the sun, in lieu of the hair dryer, but then noticed OP is in Alaska and wasn't sure if that could overcome air temperature enough to matter till next summer. :)

Just thought of this:


Fairly sure I have read all the 4x were Japanese and I think the company was/is Hakko.

10-27-19, 11:43
I thought about suggesting sticking it in a car in the sun, in lieu of the hair dryer, but then noticed OP is in Alaska and wasn't sure if that could overcome air temperature enough to matter till next summer. :)

Just thought of this:


Fairly sure I have read all the 4x were Japanese and I think the company was/is Hakko.

Thanks for that link, I forgot about that site. Leaving it in the car is an excellent idea. Anything is worth a try, as long as taking it apart is not involved. I'm not sure who you could trust, considering they are "Vintage" and parts would probably be unobtainium.