View Full Version : So with the DoJ seeking to drop the legal hammer on the 2016 shenaningans.....

10-25-19, 19:36
The DoJ wants to seat a grand jury and possibly indict the folks we've been wanting to see excoriated for several years now. The shitheads responsible for the setup story of "collusion", the lying to get FISA warrants, the domestic spying on a political opponent by the previous administration and it's minions in the Deep State, etc.

I smell a deal, one which would only benefit the Left: they drop their lame impeachment crap and Trump drops the DoJ crucifixions. The impeachment bullshit is just that.....bullshit. They don't have anything (and know it), and the Senate will never convict. But the hopefully coming exposure of the antics of 2016 will not go well for them if it is pursued (notice I put that caveat in there). So if there is a back-door deal made for both sides to holster their guns and let things go it would only benefit the Left, as they don't have anything legitimate anyway, just lots and lots of noise.

just a scout
10-25-19, 19:46
I’m still waiting for Hillary to be charged. I’ll keep holding my breath on the rest. But, because of how things are going, maybe....maybe the gloves will come off.

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10-25-19, 19:48
Lots of like minded people inside the beltway. Trump had to get rid of Sessions just to get someone to actually start investigating. I see Republicans folding when push comes to shove. In the end I predict nothing will come of it. David

10-25-19, 19:50
Trump's pet AG will intimidate witnesses.

10-25-19, 19:53
I’m still waiting for Hillary to be charged. I’ll keep holding my breath on the rest. But, because of how things are going, maybe....maybe the gloves will come off.

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If only...... that would be the ultimate in "want to really play"?

10-25-19, 21:02
Trump's pet AG will intimidate witnesses.

Or maybe they can use some of the same "Catch me in a lie" tactics they've been known to use before....gee, I dunno, within the last few years maybe?:rolleyes:

Did you know that the FBI doesn't record "interviews"? Wonder why that is? So yeah, instead of "intimidating" witnesses they can just sic our most vaunted, trusted, premier law enforcement agency in this country on 'em.

Quite frankly, I think Barr has just a wee bit of swampiness to him. He has backed the Establishment for years. Yet the Left hate him, don't they? That's because they know they don't have shit and if REAL justice was done several of their "Surveillance State is A-OK when it is us doing it" cronies would be going to prison. So your predictable criticism of Barr holds no water.

10-25-19, 21:11
Trump's pet AG will intimidate witnesses.

Dude you’re a riot. Like for real.

It won’t matter and nothing will come of it. It’ll get spun as baseless retaliation for the “legitimate” Russiagate investigation and thusly politicized to the point where the troglodyte masses will inhale it to the point of asphyxiation.

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Coal Dragger
10-25-19, 22:06
No one is getting prosecuted for anything.

DoJ will look out for DoJ above all else.

10-25-19, 23:23
No one is getting prosecuted for anything.

DoJ will look out for DoJ above all else.

I was careful to not say that there would be prosecutions. I just wonder if no one is brought up on charges will the impeachment kind of quietly die? That was the point of this thread. Will Barr go to whoever on the Dem side and say "You don't want this pushed, we want to keep DoJ untarnished, so let's both drop our grievances".

just a scout
10-25-19, 23:53
This gives me a little hope.

“Barr, recuse yourself so we can appoint Mueller again to lead this nowhere”


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10-26-19, 00:05
Clapper and Brennan weren't DOJ...

10-26-19, 04:34
Trump's pet AG will intimidate witnesses.

Just in two posts of yours I've read, I have determined you are part of the problem rather than the solution.

Stop with the party loyalty/party attack nonsense. Turds are the same if they have an (R) or (D) or (I) behind their name.

If Trump is guilty, burn him down in an open impeachment session and move on with our lives.

If Republicans are guilty, burn them down and move on with our lives.

If Democrats are guilty, burn them down and move on with our lives.

If top level government officials are guilty, burn them down and move on with our lives.

If they all burn each other down trying to hack away at each other, so much better for our lives.

Get over this stupidity of blaming Trump for every woe you want to gripe about on here. You should be thankful he's in office right now or a lot of this wouldn't have come to the surface. Because if they were/are stupid enough to try to bring down a sitting US President and overturn the will of the people once, you better be damn sure they would be emboldened to try it again. And again...

You should be thankful Trump got elected to the White House. Because if many had their way, we would be sitting under a Hillary Presidency right now and Lord only knows what that would have been like at this point. But one thing is for certain, the ambiguous "deep state" would have been free to taint every election, continue made up "investigations" into opposing political candidates and sway US elections over the will of the people.

Be sure to say "thank you, Mister President" every night before bed.

just a scout
10-26-19, 07:02
Just in two posts of yours I've read, I have determined you are part of the problem rather than the solution.

Stop with the party loyalty/party attack nonsense. Turds are the same if they have an (R) or (D) or (I) behind their name.

If Trump is guilty, burn him down in an open impeachment session and move on with our lives.

If Republicans are guilty, burn them down and move on with our lives.

If Democrats are guilty, burn them down and move on with our lives.

If top level government officials are guilty, burn them down and move on with our lives.

If they all burn each other down trying to hack away at each other, so much better for our lives.

Get over this stupidity of blaming Trump for every woe you want to gripe about on here. You should be thankful he's in office right now or a lot of this wouldn't have come to the surface. Because if they were/are stupid enough to try to bring down a sitting US President and overturn the will of the people once, you better be damn sure they would be emboldened to try it again. And again...

You should be thankful Trump got elected to the White House. Because if many had their way, we would be sitting under a Hillary Presidency right now and Lord only knows what that would have been like at this point. But one thing is for certain, the ambiguous "deep state" would have been free to taint every election, continue made up "investigations" into opposing political candidates and sway US elections over the will of the people.

Be sure to say "thank you, Mister President" every night before bed.

Yes. X1,000,000. Or actually 63,000,000. Trump is the one bringing sunshine to the black mold infesting government. That’s why they hate him so much.
I think Uni-vibe needs to look up the definition of Jeffersonian

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10-26-19, 08:30
Clapper and Brennan weren't DOJ...

Really? Never would have guessed. :rolleyes:

It is the DoJ who would be pushing this, and aside from Clapper and Brennan it would likely ensnare DoJ people in it's dragnet. That's why I mentioned the DoJ as that is who would be prosecuting this and ultimately some of their own people.

10-26-19, 09:35
No one is getting prosecuted for anything.

DoJ will look out for DoJ above all else.



"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state". Benito Mussolini.

Sadly - we are there.

Alex V
10-26-19, 09:48
This is all going to be a lot to do about nothing. Try as he may, DJT doesn’t have the connections in the government to force accountability. These people have been stroking each other for years and will always protect their own above what’s best for the country.

We are past the point of righting this ship in a peaceful manor.

10-26-19, 12:04
No one is getting prosecuted for anything.

DoJ will look out for DoJ above all else.

The best we can wish for is an embarrassment for their guys. Just the way it is.