View Full Version : Maybe Good News At 9am - ISIS target believed to be Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi killed

10-27-19, 06:59
I hope they got him with guys on the ground not from the air. I hope he had a least a few seconds of suffering.

Article title: ISIS target believed to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is killed in Syria: sources

Article summary: "The Islamic State group leader who reportedly had a $25 million bounty on his head is believed to have been killed in Syria. A "high value ISIS target" -- believed to be Islamic State mastermind Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi -- was killed by U.S.-led forces in Idlib, a well-placed military source told Fox News on Saturday night."

10-27-19, 07:12
I hope it’s true!🤘🏻

10-27-19, 08:12
They claim to have positive ID.
Gee, I'm glad we didn't pull out of Syria earlier.. It would seem all that chaos got the rats scurrying around and there you go.
Continuing to pursue these guys using the status quo only means that you'll get the same results over and over. Flip the script and the results change.

10-27-19, 08:35
I hope they got him with guys on the ground not from the air. I hope he had a least a few seconds of suffering.

Article title: ISIS target believed to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is killed in Syria: sources

Article summary: "The Islamic State group leader who reportedly had a $25 million bounty on his head is believed to have been killed in Syria. A "high value ISIS target" -- believed to be Islamic State mastermind Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi -- was killed by U.S.-led forces in Idlib, a well-placed military source told Fox News on Saturday night."

According to Trump, he was cornered into a dead end tunnel and blew himself up. Rest in pieces you POS.

Per usual, Trump is not a great public speaker to be sure, but he spent much of the time thanking others for the work and the help vs basking in his own greatness for giving the green light as Obama did.

10-27-19, 08:45
Trump said some really nasty things about the guy......oh noooo's ISIS is going to be really pissed at us!!!!

"Trump said that he did not inform Democrat Congressional leaders about the Saturday raid, for fear of leaks that would endanger the troops in the operation.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”


"The military operation was conducted by American Special Forces Delta Force after it was approved by Trump, according to reports, after Al-Baghdadi was discovered by American intelligence in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province."

"Trump said that no American troops were wounded in the operation, but that “a beautiful dog, a talented dog” that was part of the canine units was wounded but brought back for treatment."

10-27-19, 09:55

Alex V
10-27-19, 09:55
I got an idea. Declassify the footage (helmet cam, drone et al). Blur and redact as need be. Release it on PayPerView. Use the revenue to fund the border wall.

10-27-19, 10:03
I'm a big fan of televising the helmet and drone cam footage and letting people see what actually happened.
Hell, if Trump pulled that assholes head out of a basket in the middle of a press conference he would likely go up 20% in the polls.
Not a single one of the leftists News Media have come out and praised the Military or Trumps decision to take him out. Contrast that with how they treated Obama and his cousin Osama.

10-27-19, 10:16
I'm a big fan of televising the helmet and drone cam footage and letting people see what actually happened.
Hell, if Trump pulled that assholes head out of a basket in the middle of a press conference he would likely go up 20% in the polls.
Not a single one of the leftists News Media have come out and praised the Military or Trumps decision to take him out. Contrast that with how they treated Obama and his cousin Osama.

Surfed the channels, it appeared all of the regular scheduled programs still running, with the exception of Fox.

10-27-19, 10:27
Surfed the channels, it appeared all of the regular scheduled programs still running, with the exception of Fox.

See how that works?
Let's fix an election.

10-27-19, 10:28
You can bet if it had gone South and there were American casualties it would be the lead. Fully expect that when they have to report on it the story will be "Trumps comments unpresidential".

10-27-19, 13:01
They claim to have positive ID.
Gee, I'm glad we didn't pull out of Syria earlier.. It would seem all that chaos got the rats scurrying around and there you go.
Continuing to pursue these guys using the status quo only means that you'll get the same results over and over. Flip the script and the results change.

It seems we haven't pulled out of Syria and have no plans to, either. Not to defend the Kurds, anyway. But defending Syria's oil wells? That we can do.


It probably isn't leading the news because:
-al-Baghdadi has been long speculated to be dead
-al-Baghdadi has been allegedly killed by the US, Russia, Syria, Iraq before
-al-Baghdadi didn't mastermind a terrorist attack on the US that resulted in three thousand dead Americans, two US "nation-building" efforts, and one of the longest hide-and-goseek games in history, terminating in an ostensible US ally
-US forces snuck into (and out of) allied airspace to kill UBL, while they went with Russia's full knowledge and blessing to get al-Baghdadi
-basically nobody cares as much about killing al-Baghdadi as they did about killing UBL (ask the average American who Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is and they probably won't know or have only the vaguest idea, while everyone knows who Osama bin Laden is)

Also: One of the MWDs that went after al-Baghdadi was injured, according to the BBC.

10-27-19, 13:06


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10-27-19, 13:07
It seems we haven't pulled out of Syria and have no plans to, either. Not to defend the Kurds, anyway. But defending Syria's oil wells? That we can do.


It probably isn't leading the news because:
-al-Baghdadi has been long speculated to be dead
-al-Baghdadi has been allegedly killed by the US, Russia, Syria, Iraq before
-al-Baghdadi didn't mastermind a terrorist attack on the US that resulted in three thousand dead Americans, two US "nation-building" efforts, and one of the longest hide-and-goseek games in history, terminating in an ostensible US ally
-US forces snuck into (and out of) allied airspace to kill UBL, while they went with Russia's full knowledge and blessing to get al-Baghdadi
-basically nobody cares as much about killing al-Baghdadi as they did about killing UBL (ask the average American who Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is and they probably won't know or have only the vaguest idea, while everyone knows who Osama bin Laden is)

Also: One of the MWDs that went after al-Baghdadi was injured, according to the BBC.

That’s some high grade TDS right there...

10-27-19, 13:24
That’s some high grade TDS right there...

Test and Diagnostic Service?


10-27-19, 13:37
Test and Diagnostic Service?


Under Obama, our Turkish “allies” were supporting ISIS under the table by buying stolen Syrian oil for cash from them. Of course we were trying to “stop” that by bombing the convoys AFTER warning ISIS that we were going to.

But you were saying???

10-27-19, 13:58
Delta doing Delta things....peace out, booger-eater....

10-27-19, 14:08
Bu-bu-but whaddabout OHBAHMAH!?


Have a blessed day.

10-27-19, 14:34

Washington Post publishes al-Baghdadi headline referring to ISIS leader as ‘austere religious scholar’

The Washington Post published a gasp-inducing headline for the ages Sunday, describing ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar."

The obituary, written by The Post’s National Security reporter Joby Warrick, followed confirmation of al-Baghdadi's death in a U.S. military operation in Syria on Saturday night. It detailed al-Baghdadi’s rise to the terrorist group's shadow leader from what the paper described as his origins as a "religious scholar with wireframe glasses."

Dr. Bullseye
10-27-19, 15:17
Interesting. We notified the Russians and the Turks yet Trump did not tell democratic congressional leaders. He must have been afraid they would tip off ISIS.

10-27-19, 15:30
Delta doing Delta things....peace out, booger-eater....

Truly the quiet professionals.

10-27-19, 16:04
That’s some high grade TDS right there...

It seems to be fairly prevalent lately.

10-27-19, 17:12
Delta doing Delta things....peace out, booger-eater....

Rangers for perimeter, 8 choppers so quite a large operation.

10-27-19, 17:19
Interesting. We notified the Russians and the Turks yet Trump did not tell democratic congressional leaders. He must have been afraid they would tip off ISIS.

They did not need to know.

10-27-19, 17:22
Well done, lads. Very well done.

10-27-19, 17:52
I really wish trump would have passed on the 'big news' tweet & just see who / how the story would have broke within the msm...gotta admit it would be funny if they got fox & other conservative media to back off the story simply to see which one had the interest to be first delivery.

Kinda easy to ignore 'big news coming'...I don't do FB, tweet or anything social media other than forums with usernames & even I could help on his instant communication. I'm sure my day would be 98% 'tap the brakes sir' vs 'Oh, type this now!!'

10-27-19, 17:54

10-27-19, 18:03
But Muh Russia!?

Have a blessed day.


10-27-19, 18:07
Interesting. We notified the Russians and the Turks yet Trump did not tell democratic congressional leaders. He must have been afraid they would tip off ISIS.

Pretty effin sad that we can notify the Russians and Turks and they don’t queer the raid, but if we’d notified the Dems in Congress they most likely would’ve. TBF I don’t think Feinstein would, but I wouldn’t trust Pelosi and Schiff with the combination to the supply locker.

10-27-19, 18:44
It seems we haven't pulled out of Syria and have no plans to, either. Not to defend the Kurds, anyway. But defending Syria's oil wells? That we can do.


It probably isn't leading the news because:
-al-Baghdadi has been long speculated to be dead
-al-Baghdadi has been allegedly killed by the US, Russia, Syria, Iraq before
-al-Baghdadi didn't mastermind a terrorist attack on the US that resulted in three thousand dead Americans, two US "nation-building" efforts, and one of the longest hide-and-goseek games in history, terminating in an ostensible US ally
-US forces snuck into (and out of) allied airspace to kill UBL, while they went with Russia's full knowledge and blessing to get al-Baghdadi
-basically nobody cares as much about killing al-Baghdadi as they did about killing UBL (ask the average American who Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is and they probably won't know or have only the vaguest idea, while everyone knows who Osama bin Laden is)

Also: One of the MWDs that went after al-Baghdadi was injured, according to the BBC.

And why do you think that was? If it was in NW Syria as claimed that is a zone that was not normally under our control. Letting the Rooskies know avoids "friendly" fire incidents as some small American armada flies in during the night. Common sense actually.

Not letting the Dems know? Quite frankly I have no doubt whatsoever that their hatred of Trump would lead some of them (not all) to leak it beforehand. Yes, I am suggesting that some of them hate him so much that if it meant the deaths of American personnel in the process it would be worth it to their sorry asses as long as it made Trump look bad.

Dr. Bullseye
10-27-19, 18:57
Unfortunately, this is a continuing process. El Bigdaddy was just the latest of the Obama Administration Holdovers to be removed.

10-27-19, 19:30
The fat pig was only 48 but he looked like he was 78. I guess life is rough when you have to live in a cave all the time.

10-27-19, 19:34
Under Obama, our Turkish “allies” were supporting ISIS under the table by buying stolen Syrian oil for cash from them. Of course we were trying to “stop” that by bombing the convoys AFTER warning ISIS that we were going to.

But you were saying???

Under Trump, our Turkish "allies " are annihilating our Kurdish allies.

10-27-19, 19:37
Under Trump, our Turkish "allies " are annihilating our Kurdish allies.

You mean all the fair weather allues that are dependent on who we happen to buy off at any given time?


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10-27-19, 19:40
You mean all the fair weather allues that are dependent on who we happen to buy off at any given time?


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Kurds have been key allies many times. USA sells them out, perhaps most shamefully by George Bush Senior.

If I were Boss Kurd, I'd give up on the Americans and make a deal with the Russians.

10-27-19, 19:41
Unfortunately, this is a continuing process. El Bigdaddy was just the latest of the Obama Administration Holdovers to be removed.

Obama removed Bush holdover Osama.

10-27-19, 19:53
That’s some high grade TDS right there...Yes, a bit sad. I used to enjoy many comments from a different perspective...

Now just obtuse rationalisations to avoid any remote possibility that the bad orange man may have made the right call on something, or even just got lucky.

TDS indeed. Pure hatred and in denial.

10-27-19, 20:07
The media, by not praising the president, is only taking him at his word.

Remember when Osama was killed? Trump said no praise for Obama; it was the seals who killed him.

Media is merely honoring Trump's 2012 position.

10-27-19, 21:08
Remember when Osama was killed? Trump said no praise for Obama; it was the seals who killed him.

Would you care to double check that assertion? I'll give you a hint, it's exactly where you might expect to find Trump's hot take on something.

10-27-19, 21:15

I never said anything negative about the Russians or about the Russians being informed about the raid.

I pointed out a key difference: We didn't let the Pakistanis know. We let the Russians know.

Yes, a bit sad. I used to enjoy many comments from a different perspective...

Now just obtuse rationalisations to avoid any remote possibility that the bad orange man may have made the right call on something, or even just got lucky.

TDS indeed. Pure hatred and in denial.

You must not have read what I wrote. Or maybe English isn't your first language.

10-27-19, 21:17
The media, by not praising the president, is only taking him at his word.

Remember when Osama was killed? Trump said no praise for Obama; it was the seals who killed him.

Media is merely honoring Trump's 2012 position.

Say it with me now, “General Motors is alive and Osama Bin Laden is dead”.

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10-27-19, 21:18
The fat pig was only 48 but he looked like he was 78. I guess life is rough when you have to live in a cave all the time.I was thinking that too. He's only a little older than me but looks like he could be my grandfather

10-27-19, 21:24
I was thinking that too. He's only a little older than me but looks like he could be my grandfather

Years of raping, pillaging, slaughter and being an evil "genius" can wear a body down. Hitler looked like crap at the end and he was only 56.

10-27-19, 21:45
Years of raping, pillaging, slaughter and being an evil "genius" can wear a body down. Hitler looked like crap at the end and he was only 56.

Not to mention that he's believed to have been gravely injured in an airstrike a while back.

10-27-19, 21:52
Not to mention that he's believed to have been gravely injured in an airstrike a while back.

Well, Hitler was blown up if I recall, so they're even I suppose.

10-27-19, 21:56
I pointed out a key difference: We didn't let the Pakistanis know. We let the Russians know.
Saying Obama's call was tougher than Trump's is fair. Nitpicking that rather than taking a victory lap for America, because you don't want to give any credit to Trump is disgusting.

You must not have read what I wrote. Or maybe English isn't your first language. Your side talks a big game about diversity, inclusion, etc., but seem to fall short in living it.

10-27-19, 22:11

You are not going to take back that false post, are you?

10-27-19, 22:38
The media, by not praising the president, is only taking him at his word.

Remember when Osama was killed? Trump said no praise for Obama; it was the seals who killed him.

Media is merely honoring Trump's 2012 position.

I would submit to you that Trump set the stage for this to happen. Pulling us back out of border guard duty set the stage for these guys to stick their heads up .

26 Inf
10-28-19, 00:03
I would submit to you that Trump set the stage for this to happen. Pulling us back out of border guard duty set the stage for these guys to stick their heads up .

How do you know this to be true:

1) Info from third shitter down;

2) Assumption;

3) If you told me you'd have to kill me. (If that is the case, keep your secret.)

10-28-19, 00:32
How do you know this to be true:

1) Info from third shitter down;

2) Assumption;

3) If you told me you'd have to kill me. (If that is the case, keep your secret.)

Honestly, it's common sense. Why do you fix the enemy and then work their flanks? Because it makes them vulnerable, they will break and move.
It's in theory the same as lifting and shifting the artillery once you hit the target and they begin to move out from under the fire. You lift and shift anticipating their weakness because they're in a panic.
If you're getting nowhere in killing these guys using the same tactics over and over, change your tactics. Even if you don't get the exact results you want, you can pretty much count on someone sticking their head up for you to shoot off.

Sometimes it takes a different point of view, someone who thinks outside the box to create an opportunity that wouldn't happen otherwise

10-28-19, 09:33
Kurds have been key allies many times. USA sells them out, perhaps most shamefully by George Bush Senior.

If I were Boss Kurd, I'd give up on the Americans and make a deal with the Russians.

As was Iraq, Russia, and China at one time under "the enemies of enemy is my friend" status. They have allied up with us for their own ends too, not because they're allied with our values, politics, etc. I don't think we should just dump them to fend for themselves, but that does not appear to be what's actually happening vs what the TDS media et al are claiming. If I was a Kurd I'd be wary of the US too but their choices surrounding them are even worse. They may also be getting continued assistance we're not privy too.

10-28-19, 11:06

The pictures and drone video of the site that was supposedly attacked by helicopters was too sterile. Rockets or missiles don't clean up after themselves and leave neat piles of rubbles on the perimeter. That area was swept clean by somebody within the 24 hours of attack. Looks more like a construction site than a bombed out house. Don't y'all think?

10-28-19, 11:20

The pictures and drone video of the site that was supposedly attacked by helicopters was too sterile. Rockets or missiles don't clean up after themselves and leave neat piles of rubbles on the perimeter. That area was swept clean by somebody within the 24 hours of attack. Looks more like a construction site than a bombed out house. Don't y'all think?

Agreed. That doesn't look right to me. Where is the bulldozer that moved everything into neat piles? Why are the stones for the outer wall almost perfectly beside the wall? Pretty much completely flat except the gate post.

10-28-19, 12:16
It's the Daily Mail, it's about as reliable as something say, like the National Enquirer.

10-28-19, 12:59
Interesting perspective here ..... http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=18942

Pavlovian reactions notwithstanding who is leading who around by the nose ?

Remember the Military Industrial Complex is also the Deep State.

10-28-19, 13:11
Yeah and the moon landing was a hoax and the Twin Towers coming down were an inside job, bunch of conspiracy theory BS.

10-28-19, 13:32
Under Trump, our Turkish "allies " are annihilating our Kurdish allies.

Yes and you're WELL aware of the complexities of that situation. Don't try to pull off naivety here, it won't wash.

The media, by not praising the president, is only taking him at his word.

Remember when Osama was killed? Trump said no praise for Obama; it was the seals who killed him.

Media is merely honoring Trump's 2012 position.

I'm OK with that. We all know who put in the actual work and laid their lives on the line. Not Obama and not Trump. I do have one question though. Do you think Trump will throw the doors to SFOD-D wide open to make a movie the way Obama did with the Team? :confused:

I never said anything negative about the Russians or about the Russians being informed about the raid.

I pointed out a key difference: We didn't let the Pakistanis know. We let the Russians know.

You must not have read what I wrote. Or maybe English isn't your first language.

I'm quite aware of what you're suffering from and it burns you that Russia is more reliable when it comes to ISIS than your side of politics.

We let the Russians know and not only did they not attack our forces, they didn't tip al-Baghdadi off beforehand. I'm sorry that Pelosi and Schiff couldn't spill the beans so as to deny the Trump Administration a victory. Better luck next time. ;)

How do you know this to be true:

1) Info from third shitter down;

2) Assumption;

3) If you told me you'd have to kill me. (If that is the case, keep your secret.)

The Iraqi's are taking credit for the intel leading to the raid, at least in the press.

10-28-19, 14:01
Yeah and the moon landing was a hoax and the Twin Towers coming down were an inside job, bunch of conspiracy theory BS.

I don't think anybody was saying it's a conspiracy or that we didn't kill the derp terrorist. Just that the flattened compound looks weird. It looks like a construction site, not the site of rocket and or bomb attacks. Maybe the locals cleaned up the site looking for remains, maybe we bombed the shit out of it with something that didn't leave large craters or burn marks. I have no idea. It just looks really clean.

10-28-19, 14:10
DJT Tweet 2 May 2011
"I want to personally congratulate President Obama and the men [and] women of the Armed Forces for a job very well done. I am so proud to see Americans standing shoulder to shoulder, waving the American flag in celebration of this great victory.

We should spend the next several days not debating party politics, but in remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those fighting for our freedom. God Bless America."


Uni-Vibe should retract his false post, and I gave him plenty of time to do so.

26 Inf
10-28-19, 14:20
Honestly, it's common sense. Why do you fix the enemy and then work their flanks? Because it makes them vulnerable, they will break and move.
It's in theory the same as lifting and shifting the artillery once you hit the target and they begin to move out from under the fire. You lift and shift anticipating their weakness because they're in a panic.
If you're getting nowhere in killing these guys using the same tactics over and over, change your tactics. Even if you don't get the exact results you want, you can pretty much count on someone sticking their head up for you to shoot off.

Sometimes it takes a different point of view, someone who thinks outside the box to create an opportunity that wouldn't happen otherwise

Well, there is this, pretty sure it is just the deep state complaining, though: :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump knew the Central Intelligence Agency and Special Operations commandos were zeroing in on the location for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader, when he ordered U.S. troops to withdraw from northern Syria earlier this month, intelligence, military and counterterrorism officials said Sunday.

For months, intelligence officials had kept Trump apprised of what he had set as a top priority, the hunt for al-Baghdadi, the world’s most wanted terrorist.

But Trump’s abrupt withdrawal order three weeks ago disrupted the meticulous planning underway and forced Pentagon officials to speed up the plan for the risky night raid before their ability to control troops, spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared with the pullout, officials said.

Al-Baghdadi’s death in the raid Saturday, they said, occurred largely despite, and not because of, Trump’s actions.

It is unclear how much Trump considered the intelligence on al-Baghdadi’s location when he made the surprise decision to withdraw U.S. troops during a telephone call Oct. 6 with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. What is clear, military officials said, is that it put commanders on the ground under even more pressure to carry out the complicated operation.......


10-28-19, 15:05
Well, there is this, pretty sure it is just the deep state complaining, though: :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump knew the Central Intelligence Agency and Special Operations commandos were zeroing in on the location for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader, when he ordered U.S. troops to withdraw from northern Syria earlier this month, intelligence, military and counterterrorism officials said Sunday.

For months, intelligence officials had kept Trump apprised of what he had set as a top priority, the hunt for al-Baghdadi, the world’s most wanted terrorist.

But Trump’s abrupt withdrawal order three weeks ago disrupted the meticulous planning underway and forced Pentagon officials to speed up the plan for the risky night raid before their ability to control troops, spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared with the pullout, officials said.

Al-Baghdadi’s death in the raid Saturday, they said, occurred largely despite, and not because of, Trump’s actions.

It is unclear how much Trump considered the intelligence on al-Baghdadi’s location when he made the surprise decision to withdraw U.S. troops during a telephone call Oct. 6 with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. What is clear, military officials said, is that it put commanders on the ground under even more pressure to carry out the complicated operation.......


Not saying this is whats happening...but you know you can put a swerve on anything, particularly if you don't like somebody.

10-28-19, 15:08
What is clear, military officials said, is that it put commanders on the ground under even more pressure to carry out the complicated operation.......[/I]


Which military officials? I didn't see a reference in there to any particular offical. Just "military officials" and "they".

Interesting times we live in when the worlds top terrorist gets smoked at the direction of the president and the MSM does everything from calling said terrorist an "austere religious leader" to saying how it almost didn't work because of the 27 troops we pulled out of the border area. FFS for all we know we could have negotiated the repositioning of the troops to get Turks and Russians to let us fly over there airspace without any problems.

I could be wrong but I doubt the pullout of the less than 50 guys was going to keep us from running ops in the area. We already pulled those guys out and somehow still ran this one soooo.

10-28-19, 15:20

The pictures and drone video of the site that was supposedly attacked by helicopters was too sterile. Rockets or missiles don't clean up after themselves and leave neat piles of rubbles on the perimeter. That area was swept clean by somebody within the 24 hours of attack. Looks more like a construction site than a bombed out house. Don't y'all think?

I don't believe the source Sam. That rubble could be anywhere in the world. Wasn't it just last week CNN ran a video of a skirmish in Syria that was actually filmed at a gun range in America?

10-28-19, 15:22
It is being reported that we got high level deputy in a different raid. https://www.foxnews.com/world/isis-spokesman-abu-hassan-al-muhajir-considered-potential-al-baghdadi-successor-also-killed-in-syria-official-says

10-28-19, 15:24
I don't think anybody was saying it's a conspiracy or that we didn't kill the derp terrorist. Just that the flattened compound looks weird. It looks like a construction site, not the site of rocket and or bomb attacks. Maybe the locals cleaned up the site looking for remains, maybe we bombed the shit out of it with something that didn't leave large craters or burn marks. I have no idea. It just looks really clean.

Right, I would not trust the source to have the correct compound ever but could be there is a bulldozer in the motorpool type tent set up on site. I would assume they were working to clean up the area to recover bodies and open up tunnels.

But what triggered the conspiracy theory rant was the link by lowprone.


10-28-19, 15:30
Well, there is this, pretty sure it is just the deep state complaining, though: :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump knew the Central Intelligence Agency and Special Operations commandos were zeroing in on the location for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader, when he ordered U.S. troops to withdraw from northern Syria earlier this month, intelligence, military and counterterrorism officials said Sunday.

For months, intelligence officials had kept Trump apprised of what he had set as a top priority, the hunt for al-Baghdadi, the world’s most wanted terrorist.

But Trump’s abrupt withdrawal order three weeks ago disrupted the meticulous planning underway and forced Pentagon officials to speed up the plan for the risky night raid before their ability to control troops, spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared with the pullout, officials said.

Al-Baghdadi’s death in the raid Saturday, they said, occurred largely despite, and not because of, Trump’s actions.

It is unclear how much Trump considered the intelligence on al-Baghdadi’s location when he made the surprise decision to withdraw U.S. troops during a telephone call Oct. 6 with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. What is clear, military officials said, is that it put commanders on the ground under even more pressure to carry out the complicated operation.......


That would conflict with this article's premise:


So did DJT cause them to rush the raid? Or did DJT delay the raid? Can't have it both ways. Well, TDS afflicted Never-Trumpers could I guess. :rolleyes:

Which military officials? I didn't see a reference in there to any particular offical. Just "military officials" and "they".

Interesting times we live in when the worlds top terrorist gets smoked at the direction of the president and the MSM does everything from calling said terrorist an "austere religious leader" to saying how it almost didn't work because of the 27 troops we pulled out of the border area. FFS for all we know we could have negotiated the repositioning of the troops to get Turks and Russians to let us fly over there airspace without any problems.

I could be wrong but I doubt the pullout of the less than 50 guys was going to keep us from running ops in the area. We already pulled those guys out and somehow still ran this one soooo.

I truly believe in my heart, that some in the media and liberal .gov circles would rather this evil butcher still be alive and orchestrating death, rather than admit Trump got a win. Their derangement has completely clouded their judgement. For Christ's sake, the Obama administration pretty much armed and equipped ISIS and nary a peep in the press about that, but under Trump we dismantle one of if not THE most violent and prolific terrorist organization the world has ever known and the press is apoplectic to the point they try to soft peddle this man as a pious religious scholar. It's ****ing nuts.

I love some of the responses to WaPo's idiotic headline.

"Osama bin Laden, father of 23 killed in home invasion."

"Jeffrey Dahmer, , connoisseur of exotic and locally sourced meats, dies at 34."

"Adolph Hitler, art enthusiast, animal rights activist and talented orator, dies at 56."

"'Ted Bundy, Noted Ladies' Man and Women's Rights Activist, Found Dead in Chair."

"'Jeffrey Epstein, financier, philanthropist, and friend to royalty, dies in austere, one room apartment."

"Lee Harvey Oswald, gun owner and parade enthusiast, dies at 24."

"Charles Manson, leader of youth empowerment movement and musical superfan, dies at 83."

You can find lots more by searching #WaPoDeathNotices. They're getting crucified and rightly so. Enough is enough. If you have something negative to say about this day in American history, well you've gone over the cliff. :(

10-28-19, 16:51
Well, there is this, pretty sure it is just the deep state complaining, though: :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump knew the Central Intelligence Agency and Special Operations commandos were zeroing in on the location for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader, when he ordered U.S. troops to withdraw from northern Syria earlier this month, intelligence, military and counterterrorism officials said Sunday.

For months, intelligence officials had kept Trump apprised of what he had set as a top priority, the hunt for al-Baghdadi, the world’s most wanted terrorist.

But Trump’s abrupt withdrawal order three weeks ago disrupted the meticulous planning underway and forced Pentagon officials to speed up the plan for the risky night raid before their ability to control troops, spies and reconnaissance aircraft disappeared with the pullout, officials said.

Al-Baghdadi’s death in the raid Saturday, they said, occurred largely despite, and not because of, Trump’s actions.

It is unclear how much Trump considered the intelligence on al-Baghdadi’s location when he made the surprise decision to withdraw U.S. troops during a telephone call Oct. 6 with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. What is clear, military officials said, is that it put commanders on the ground under even more pressure to carry out the complicated operation.......


You still actually believe the New York Times?

26 Inf
10-28-19, 17:42
You still actually believe the New York Times?

As compared to?

10-28-19, 18:12
As compared to?

Pretty much any of the mainstream media these days.

Regardless, the NYT pretty much blew their load on the bad (and false) reporting on the Trump-Russia connection...or lack thereof.

10-28-19, 18:52
Quick TDS diagnosis. You believe it's more likely:

1) Trump would blow his own high profile op, because he couldn't wait a week or two to pull troops out of Syria.

2) Turkey told Trump on the phone call they were going ahead with the border op they had been planning, thus forcing the timing of the withdrawal.

Note that in their genius reporting they leave out what would have happened to the op if Trump had gone with what they have been advocating for weeks.
3) Threaten or go to war with Turkey rather than withdraw.

10-28-19, 19:02
From what I had read, it makes it sound like the dog was keyed into the D-bag- almost like a guided missile. Did they have some clothing from him or something that made the dog a bounty hunter?

With all this going on, I think there is a 100% probability of an ISIS attack between now and the election and Trump gets blamed for it because of the withdrawl. Not that much of a stretch for the EU, but I think it will be here (too), and the darker side of me says the CIA/TLAs will look the other way and let it happen. Fifty or a hundred killed to seal Trump's fate- not even a hesitation on their part.

Straight Shooter
10-28-19, 20:00
From what I had read, it makes it sound like the dog was keyed into the D-bag- almost like a guided missile. Did they have some clothing from him or something that made the dog a bounty hunter?

With all this going on, I think there is a 100% probability of an ISIS attack between now and the election and Trump gets blamed for it because of the withdrawl. Not that much of a stretch for the EU, but I think it will be here (too), and the darker side of me says the CIA/TLAs will look the other way and let it happen. Fifty or a hundred killed to seal Trump's fate- not even a hesitation on their part.

Brother- Trump will be blamed for EVERYTHING, anyway, between now & election. Literally anything wrong or bad, that may, or may not have anything to do with him, he will STILL be blamed.
As bad as stuff is now with the fake media..it pales as to how its gonna be next summer and this time next year. Sept/Oct next year will..be..INSANE.

Coal Dragger
10-28-19, 22:40
The most important thing here is that the dog is recovering. Who’s a good boy?

10-28-19, 23:23
From what I had read, it makes it sound like the dog was keyed into the D-bag- almost like a guided missile. Did they have some clothing from him or something that made the dog a bounty hunter without question? :confused:

With all this going on, I think there is a 100% probability of an ISIS attack between now and the election and Trump gets blamed for it because of the withdrawl. Not that much of a stretch for the EU, but I think it will be here (too), and the darker side of me says the CIA/TLAs will look the other way and let it happen. Fifty or a hundred killed to seal Trump's fate- not even a hesitation on their part.

I absolutely believe they’d sacrifice a few hundred American citizens to ensure Trump isn’t re-elected. That it would net the military industrial complex billions, of not trillions of dollars would be the cherry on top. I’d just like to pinpoint the moment in history that the Democrats flipped to support the FBI, CIA, the rest of the IC and the military?

The most important thing here is that the dog is recovering. Who’s a good boy?

He is! He’s a VERY good boy!

10-28-19, 23:34
I absolutely believe they’d sacrifice a few hundred American citizens to ensure Trump isn’t re-elected. That it would net the military industrial complex billions, of not trillions of dollars would be the cherry on top. I’d just like to pinpoint the moment in history that the Democrats flipped to support the FBI, CIA, the rest of the IC and the military?

If that is even a remote possibility, then to save billions of MIC dollars and the corrupt, evil status quo, sacrificing thousands of Americans wouldn't faze such players one bit. Not in a Country of 325 million +. I still am of the opinion that what we know as the Deep State may have a whole arsenal of "Insurance Policies" to see that Donald Trump is not re-elected. We've only seen the mild actions so far.

10-29-19, 06:12
From what I had read, it makes it sound like the dog was keyed into the D-bag- almost like a guided missile. Did they have some clothing from him or something that made the dog a bounty hunter?


Used underwear......


10-29-19, 06:40
That dogs got a bad taste on his mouth and won't be able to unsmell that.
I recommend mouthwash and one of those Christmas tree air fresheners for his collar.

10-29-19, 16:05
Used underwear......


Thought something smelled funny on the dog . ;)

No we need to just watch for people either burning their underwear or buying a lot of underwear-- or going 'commando'....

10-29-19, 16:07
They followed the skid marks :)

Now we are going down in the gutter.

10-29-19, 16:09
The most important thing here is that the dog is recovering. Who’s a good boy?


He’s the best boi


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10-29-19, 17:51
That underwear thing got me to thinking of that meme I've seen on Facebook of the bloodhound pulling away from a dirty pair of drawers!

This one:


10-29-19, 17:53
They followed the skid marks :)

Now we are going down in the gutter.

Dirty drawers gives you

A) a DNA source :bad:

B) a "sniff" target for the poor dog

10-29-19, 18:03
The most important thing here is that the dog is recovering. Who’s a good boy?

He is! He’s a VERY good boy!


He’s the best boi


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"He's" a good girl...

and deserve a T-bone

10-29-19, 18:08
"He's" a good girl...

and deserve a T-bone

For all the $$$ we spend on stupid shit that dog would be eatin' GOOD for a while! ;)

10-29-19, 18:22
"He's" a good girl...

and deserve a T-bone

Did you just assume my meme’s gender?

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10-29-19, 18:32
Did you just assume my meme’s gender?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No. Did you follow the link I posted?

10-29-19, 21:07
Saying Obama's call was tougher than Trump's is fair. Nitpicking that rather than taking a victory lap for America, because you don't want to give any credit to Trump is disgusting.

Your side talks a big game about diversity, inclusion, etc., but seem to fall short in living it.

I never mentioned Trump.

"My side"? You mean the side opposed to authoritarian New York Democrats?

Your side talks a big game about opposing authoritarians and tyrants but sure seems to love giving them power and then latching onto their cocks like Eastern European immigrant women below the age of 40.

I'm quite aware of what you're suffering from and it burns you that Russia is more reliable when it comes to ISIS than your side of politics.

We let the Russians know and not only did they not attack our forces, they didn't tip al-Baghdadi off beforehand. I'm sorry that Pelosi and Schiff couldn't spill the beans so as to deny the Trump Administration a victory. Better luck next time. ;)

"My side" of politics? Get your mouth off Trump's dick for a second and maybe you'll see something other than his navel.

Quick TDS diagnosis. You believe it's more likely:

1) Trump would blow his own high profile op, because he couldn't wait a week or two to pull troops out of Syria.

2) Turkey told Trump on the phone call they were going ahead with the border op they had been planning, thus forcing the timing of the withdrawal.

Note that in their genius reporting they leave out what would have happened to the op if Trump had gone with what they have been advocating for weeks.
3) Threaten or go to war with Turkey rather than withdraw.

Quick TDIM diagnosis:

Everything is about Trump, even when no one has said anything about Trump.

10-30-19, 00:38
No. Did you follow the link I posted?

I did but you missed my joke lol.

Also, I wish we could weaponize big cats. Like, an assault puma or panther would be pretty badass. Just saying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-30-19, 10:10
I did but you missed my joke lol.

Also, I wish we could weaponize big cats. Like, an assault puma or panther would be pretty badass. Just saying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It would just spend most of the time knocking NODs and expensive shit off tables...

10-30-19, 10:18
I never mentioned Trump.

"My side"? You mean the side opposed to authoritarian New York Democrats?

Your side talks a big game about opposing authoritarians and tyrants but sure seems to love giving them power and then latching onto their cocks like Eastern European immigrant women below the age of 40.

"My side" of politics? Get your mouth off Trump's dick for a second and maybe you'll see something other than his navel.

Quick TDIM diagnosis:

Everything is about Trump, even when no one has said anything about Trump.

This all started because you have your nose up Trump's ass, smelling for something foul. Don't start nothin, won't be nothin. ;)

10-30-19, 13:43
MountainRaven, all of the "sides" that I know of that oppose Trump, Liberal, MSM, Democrat, and Never Trump, ALL COMPLAIN ABOUT HIS NON PC, OVERLY DIRECT, BLUNT, PERSONAL ATTACKS, AND OVERALL LACK OF DECORUM.
But you engage in gay bashing ad hominem attacks rather than debate on substance.

I never mentioned Trump.
This is factually correct and entirely disingenuous. You gave a list of reasons for the MSM to downplay coverage vs the OBL raid, after several posters inferred it was due to anti Trump bias. Defending the MSN against claims of anti Trump bias obviously involves Trump in the discussion.

Everything is about Trump, even when no one has said anything about Trump.
I'm not sure if you missed a page, skimmed over this, or are simply being disingenuous again. My TDS post was a response to this NYTimes story about Trump.

Al-Baghdadi’s death in the raid Saturday, they said, occurred largely despite, and not because of, Trump’s actions.

10-30-19, 13:44
It would just spend most of the time knocking NODs and expensive shit off tables...


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-30-19, 15:53
A certain member just received a temporary time off for his crude attack on another member. Please all dial it back a notch. Think of the topic of this thread. It's about a terrorist that died by suicide during a U.S. military raid. A worthless piece of scum. Is that worth it to insult another member who is by all account a fellow American who hates terrorist as much as you do?

10-30-19, 16:00
Just to inject a little humor here and if this hasn't been said already. Shouldn't this take down be called a "Panty Raid!" since they id'd him by his dirty underwear?

10-30-19, 17:36
Pentagon released footage of the raid earlier today.

Fox News link which contains the embedded video. Maybe NSFW

10-30-19, 17:39
Just to inject a little humor here and if this hasn't been said already. Shouldn't this take down be called a "Panty Raid!" since they id'd him by his dirty underwear?

Seen the various dog vs terrorist memes floating around? Some are damn funny.

26 Inf
10-30-19, 18:09
But you engage in gay bashing ad hominem attacks rather than debate on substance.

Gay bashing?

It is difficult to debate on substance with folks who see conspiracies behind every door.

I accept that your view of our Nation's responsibilities and roles are different than mine.

The point that I feel is salient is that virtually every 'expert' except President Trump and his White House Staff (as opposed to NSC, CIA, DOD, etc.) think the way we handled Syria was a bad deal. We go off the rails at that point because, unlike many folks, I believe that the vast majority of the members of those organizations service to advance the interests of the United States, rather than subvert the President.

The point of the headline/article I posted was that President Trump, once again, acted precipitously. You believe he is playing 4-D Chess, I believe he is a flipping spoiled brat that you and I gave the keys to the country to because he was better than Hilary.

Has he done some good things? Certainly. Have some of those things been accomplished because of his way ofr doing business? Yes. Has he done more good than harm? IMO, no.

10-30-19, 18:22
Gay bashing?

It is difficult to debate on substance with folks who see conspiracies behind every door.

I accept that your view of our Nation's responsibilities and roles are different than mine.

The point that I feel is salient is that virtually every 'expert' except President Trump and his White House Staff (as opposed to NSC, CIA, DOD, etc.) think the way we handled Syria was a bad deal. We go off the rails at that point because, unlike many folks, I believe that the vast majority of the members of those organizations service to advance the interests of the United States, rather than subvert the President.

The point of the headline/article I posted was that President Trump, once again, acted precipitously. You believe he is playing 4-D Chess, I believe he is a flipping spoiled brat that you and I gave the keys to the country to because he was better than Hilary.

Has he done some good things? Certainly. Have some of those things been accomplished because of his way ofr doing business? Yes. Has he done more good than harm? IMO, no.

Your opinion obviously. I really don't give a shit about illegals, I don't give a shit about liberals, and I don't give two shits what other countries think about us.

He wasn't my first choice in 2016 (voted for Cruz in the primaries) but held my nose and hit the lever for him nonetheless. He IS better than The C**t and anyone currently running against him on the Dem ticket now, so I will once again vote for him next year. I absolutely LOVE how he makes libtard heads explode! YMMV.

26 Inf
10-30-19, 19:00
Your opinion obviously. I really don't give a shit about illegals, I don't give a shit about liberals, and I don't give two shits what other countries think about us.

He wasn't my first choice in 2016 (voted for Cruz in the primaries) but held my nose and hit the lever for him nonetheless. He IS better than The C**t and anyone currently running against him on the Dem ticket now, so I will once again vote for him next year. I absolutely LOVE how he makes libtard heads explode! YMMV.

Like I said, our world views are different.

I do agree with you on one thing, I'm probably going to vote for him again, despite my feelings, but I think we are screwed.

I got to ask you one thing though, have you ever done anything for anyone but yourself, or a family member?

10-30-19, 19:24
Like I said, our world views are different.

I do agree with you on one thing, I'm probably going to vote for him again, despite my feelings, but I think we are screwed.

I got to ask you one thing though, have you ever done anything for anyone but yourself, or a family member?

Does being in the military count? I had a much better view of "giving to my country" back then. I have become cynical these days, maybe age plays a part but the facts on the ground out there don't help. Am I big charity type of guy, be it time or money? No, I am not. I have always been of the mindset that if everyone did their part (i.e. pulled their weight) my workplace and this society would be a better place. Alas, that is not to be....

10-31-19, 01:36
Gay bashing?
Sorry if that appeared aimed at you.
My entire post there was directed at MountainRaven, see his post 87.

26 Inf
10-31-19, 01:51
Sorry if that appeared aimed at you.
My entire post there was directed at MountainRaven, see his post 87.

No problem, I was just kind of confused.

So did he get time out?

10-31-19, 10:15
Seen the various dog vs terrorist memes floating around? Some are damn funny.

They are fantastic.

POTUS is even using it to mock as it is such a culturally humiliating thing to the savages.

And then invited Conan to the White House.


Coal Dragger
10-31-19, 12:05
Hopefully someone tells POTUS that military working dogs aren’t cuddly pets, otherwise he might get bitten. Admittedly if he did get bit on TV I would chuckle a little.

10-31-19, 15:27
Lol, imagine if Trump pulled out a cheese burger to feed the dog and got his hand bit.

10-31-19, 18:29
I will wager that a few SS guys will have hands on sidearms during said visit by Conan, just in case! God would that be embarrassing!

I saw a clip of Trump with an American Eagle in his office and it snapped at him when he reached for it. He pulled back like "WTF?" Not sure if it was photoshopped or not though.

Lol, imagine if Trump pulled out a cheese burger to feed the dog and got his hand bit.

Actually I've seen a retired SF working dog (Belgian Malinois) and they are VERY obedient of commands. If told things are "cool" they will relax (sort of) and let people pet them. But if the proper command isn't given, well.....

10-31-19, 21:54
Actually I've seen a retired SF working dog (Belgian Malinois) and they are VERY obedient of commands. If told things are "cool" they will relax (sort of) and let people pet them. But if the proper command isn't given, well.....

When I was in Baghdad in '07, we took part in a cordon and search of a neighborhood, at the end, everyone jumped in their vehicles and took off, leaving a MWD and it's handler behind. My squad was still there so we gave them a lift back to base, I don't know what unit left them behind. The dog ended up sharing the turret with me for the whole way back, it was pretty cool.

Coal Dragger
11-01-19, 00:55
Lol, imagine if Trump pulled out a cheese burger to feed the dog and got his hand bit.

Giant stack of cheese burgers like he put on for the college football players. Just giving the dog all the junk food the dog can scarf down... while the handler looks on knowing the dog will be shitting all over for the next 2 days.

Classic Trump.

11-01-19, 08:19
Having worked with a wide variety of PSD, MWD, SAR dogs they are as individual as their handlers. Then, further variable by whether they are on or off lead, on or off task, proximity to handler, etc. Universal: Before interacting with a dog, ASK how to do so and what the handler's preferences and recommendations are.

11-01-19, 10:03
The only thing about inviting Conan to the WH is you have to include the handler, that might not be cool for opsec.

11-01-19, 10:26
Anyone have a link to just the DOD video of the raid. All I can find is news clips about it with just small parts and snippets of it, not the actual feed.

11-02-19, 01:27
You know,
Some days I wish a secret, subterranean population of stoic, hardship loving, harsh Norse god worshipping warrior poet Aryan Nord Celts forge by allegiance to a spartan warrior upbringing, worshipping a warrior way, forged by generations of eugenics,
Would surface,
Skim the top 10% of the physical, mental, and resilient surface dwellers by allowing them to mock and hunt off the 90% of the weakest,
And start a glorious new civilization.

11-02-19, 04:18
You know,
Some days I wish a secret, subterranean population of stoic, hardship loving, harsh Norse god worshipping warrior poet Aryan Nord Celts forge by allegiance to a spartan warrior upbringing, worshipping a warrior way, forged by generations of eugenics,
Would surface,
Skim the top 10% of the physical, mental, and resilient surface dwellers by allowing them to mock and hunt off the 90% of the weakest,
And start a glorious new civilization.

Truly a great dream.

Maybe a new disease will come along and do it for us soon. I think thats as close as we can hope for.

11-02-19, 08:32
You know,
Some days I wish a secret, subterranean population of stoic, hardship loving, harsh Norse god worshipping warrior poet Aryan Nord Celts forge by allegiance to a spartan warrior upbringing, worshipping a warrior way, forged by generations of eugenics,
Would surface,
Skim the top 10% of the physical, mental, and resilient surface dwellers by allowing them to mock and hunt off the 90% of the weakest,
And start a glorious new civilization.

Bourbon this evening? ;) It's a little early in the season for Old Rip Van Winkle, so which one is it then?

11-03-19, 01:03
I thought I was posting in the thread about service animals, and it had sidetracked to animals doing a real service.

I messed up.

Nothing to do with comparing two shots each of three different whiskys from the northern part of an island to two shots each of two different whiskeys from another island near there. Every night can’t be bourbon night.

I think it is awesome service dogs help blind people, and various other disabilities.

I even love taking my dog where they are welcome like the farm store, etc.as it is a fantastic training and socialization environment.

But the thought of HAVING to have my animal with me because I am so special, unique, emotionally fragile, and broken,
In the current America of pansy ass make believe,
makes me wish...

As long as the cut is ten percent per age,
And not overall,
I should be good.