View Full Version : VA Special Elections 2019

10-29-19, 14:27
Haven't seen anything posted about this yet, so with about a week to go, I figured I would since we have a lot of VA members here.
Seems to me like a lot of D's running with not a whole lot of pushback; at least not in the public sphere. Seems like every time I turn on the local TV channels it's an endless parade of Dem tickets each commercial break.
Of course, going off TV commercials isn't always a valid indicator, so...

How bad does it look like we're going to get hammered right now, since we've got a whopping 2-seat advantage going in?

jack crab
10-29-19, 14:46
Probably not looking good. I think it was a VCDL posting recently that said about 2 dozen seats have D's running without R opposition. That means the R's have to win every race they are in. Not likely.

10-29-19, 15:08
As jack_crab says, we're likely screwed. Nick Freitas isn't even on the ballot in his district because he missed the deadline to declare, and so is having to run a write-in campaign.

All of those commercials you're seeing are likely paid for with Bloomberg money, as from what I've read they've spent north of $5 million on campaign ads this election.

And if the Dems win, and do everything they're promising to do during the campaign, VA gun laws will look more like NY within the next year or two. No standard capacity mags, an NY style semi-auto rifle ban, no suppressors, and no grandfathering.

The law that got shut down this summer even included a ban on "any part of combination of parts that could be used to construct and assault firearm." :suicide:

jack crab
10-29-19, 16:40
As jack_crab says, we're likely screwed. Nick Freitas isn't even on the ballot in his district because he missed the deadline to declare, and so is having to run a write-in campaign.

All of those commercials you're seeing are likely paid for with Bloomberg money, as from what I've read they've spent north of $5 million on campaign ads this election.

And if the Dems win, and do everything they're promising to do during the campaign, VA gun laws will look more like NY within the next year or two. No standard capacity mags, an NY style semi-auto rifle ban, no suppressors, and no grandfathering.

The law that got shut down this summer even included a ban on "any part of combination of parts that could be used to construct and assault firearm." :suicide:

Their frequent talking point is "give us the majority and within minutes, it will be gun control dreamland."

10-29-19, 17:13
Their frequent talking point is "give us the majority and within minutes, it will be gun control dreamland."

Yep, that and "We are going to make Virginia a new state!" Ugh..

10-29-19, 19:44
Which is why I didn`t move back to VA when I had the chance a while back , even though my family roots go back to the mid 1800`s in the Roanoke Valley. Really sad to see the state I love going the way it`s going .
I haven`t lived there for quite a while ..... you current Virginians , is it Northern VA driving this as I seem to remember that SW VA was/is still pretty conservative , but doesn`t have the population the northern parts do .

10-29-19, 20:26
...And if the Dems win, and do everything they're promising to do during the campaign, VA gun laws will look more like NY within the next year or two. No standard capacity mags, an NY style semi-auto rifle ban, no suppressors, and no grandfathering.

Yeah, I saw the utter shitshow of laws they intend to toss out the last couple times they tried that shit. Given that they keep talking about "resuming the special committee on gun violence" I have a high suspicion this will be Cali 5 minutes after they get elected, if it's a sweep this year.

Probably not looking good. I think it was a VCDL posting recently that said about 2 dozen seats have D's running without R opposition. That means the R's have to win every race they are in. Not likely.
Ah, well... that would explain the endless parade of adverts for Dems...
And maybe Bloomberg influence as TX posted, although I sort of automatically assume that for everything, since him and Soros are blatantly on "that" side.

...I haven`t lived there for quite a while ..... you current Virginians , is it Northern VA driving this as I seem to remember that SW VA was/is still pretty conservative , but doesn`t have the population the northern parts do .
Perhaps, although I have been watching the one major town near me go further and further left every year for the past few, and it's been a pretty rural town.
It's the college influence really, but I'm sure that's simply the case where I'm near and not everywhere in rural VA.

10-29-19, 20:57
Sounds like you are near either Charlottesville or Blacksburg Jellybean. The direction Tech has gone is why I haven`t given the Alumni Fund anything for years . I also used to live outside of Charlottesville back in the day and except for the immediate area around UVA , it was still pretty conservative . When I say back in the day , I was there when they were just starting construction of the Interstate to Tidewater in the Shadwell area .

10-29-19, 21:10
Perhaps, although I have been watching the one major town near me go further and further left every year for the past few, and it's been a pretty rural town.
It's the college influence really, but I'm sure that's simply the case where I'm near and not everywhere in rural VA.

I've noticed the same, here in SW VA. The districts that include the local college & university are invariably pretty blue, with the surrounding districts tending to be more conservative.

10-30-19, 01:03
All I can say is the big igloo in VA finnabe lit if this goes through.


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10-30-19, 13:02
If this enemy victory is looking as likely as it is, Virginians who have decided not to surrender their liberty to the state need to start communicating OFFLINE. Not on a public forum.

11-05-19, 12:54
Bumping to see what happens with this today.

11-05-19, 19:45
I did my part, but my county is too far gone.

jack crab
11-05-19, 20:03
Does U-Haul have an app? Asking for a friend.

11-05-19, 20:46
It looks the Democrats will have won at least a two vote majority in both the Senate and House.

If the Dems do everything they've promised Virginia will have stricter gun laws that New York by the end of 2020.

Edit: - They'll have a majority of 1 vote in the Senate, probably 4 in the House.

11-05-19, 21:06
when Amazon moves in, the State will get bluer!

As I have posted before, when Cyber Command moved into Ft. Meade, the influx has turned AA County blue.

How sad!

11-05-19, 21:09
All I can say is the big igloo in VA finnabe lit if this goes through.


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This is actually worse than Calif. We have grandfathering here and an injunction against the mag ban. It's still horrible here of course. I feel terrible for you guys in VA. You're about to feel the insanity and wrath of the Dems.

Alex V
11-05-19, 21:12
Democrats are a virus. They infest one area, turn it into total shit, then move on.

11-05-19, 21:35
This is actually worse than Calif. We have grandfathering here and an injunction against the mag ban. It's still horrible here of course. I feel terrible for you guys in VA. You're about to feel the insanity and wrath of the Dems.

That's the truth.

Edit to add:

Republicans actually beat Dems in voter turn out by just over 35,000 voters (822,344 to 787,101) but still lost control. This is because of the redrawing of some house districts ordered by SCOTUS this past year at the outcome of the State Democratic Party's Gerrymandering case.


11-05-19, 22:39
One of the biggest wins was a guy who was dis-barred, spent time in jail, took advantage of his under aged office assistant, and who knows what else.

Black face baby killer Governor is rejoicing.

The Muslim woman he paid off to shut her pie hole also won her election.

They will now do exactly what Alex V has said. They will turn VA into a shit show.

I'm pretty well ready to leave. We had a couple of people that won good races.

Northham is going to want payback for being outed in blackface. He will do that with the 2A.

All they need now is TX and it's checkmate. Presidential elections will be a thing of the past.

D21-R19 Senate
Not sure on house... I think it's a 4-5 seat lead.

The Borg is alive an well in Virginia. Ralph "baby killer" Northam what an absolute piece of mealy mouth trash and now he leads the rally. It's embarrassing. This loss tonight doesn't really feel like a battle lost, it just feels like a giant embarrassment to know what shallow two faced people won for the Dems. If the VA government was now a person it would be Bill Maher. You feel like you need a bath just thinking about it.


Who would have guessed 15 years ago that a flamboyant real estate developer and reality show star would be the only hope to save The Constitution by appointing right minded judges to the court systems?

11-06-19, 01:44
It looks the Democrats will have won at least a two vote majority in both the Senate and House.

If the Dems do everything they've promised Virginia will have stricter gun laws that New York by the end of 2020.

Edit: - They'll have a majority of 1 vote in the Senate, probably 4 in the House.

Not that I enjoy anyone loosing their rights, because I absolutely don't. However, when I first started posting on firearms forums back in the early/mid 2000's. I'd post how messed up New Yorkistan firearms laws are. The single biggest group of people that would give me the hardest time on the forums where Virginians. They'd tell me how stupid I was for residing in New Yorkistan (I have senior citizen parents who I won't leave) and I should move to a place like....well their Virginia.

All I can say now to my Virginian friends is....welcome aboard the Libtard controlled state legislator my friends!


11-06-19, 02:50
Some of you that have registered items, are pretty f#cked as you wake up today. They’re going to ban your stuff and they KNOW you have it.

We all need to do a face to face meet and greet and have some peaceful friendly talks about how we can be of help to one another, in my opinion.

Am I over reacting / counting eggs before they hatch? Probably. But the time to talk this out isn’t after civil rights are obliterated, it’s prior.

11-06-19, 05:59
All I can say is the big igloo in VA finnabe lit if this goes through.


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At some point the SCOTUS is going to have to stop playing chicken shit and take on a serious RKBA case, maybe this will make it if it passes in that form. They’d have an obligation to do so in my mind, especially considering they decided not to take on the democrat gerrymandering case, because now this is the result. No grandfathering? These laws all need to be dealt s harsh blow, but this is the first time I can recall a state with a strong RKBA presence is now facing a possible draconian law banning not only AR’s but it sounds like anything NFA.... Things are going to get very interesting.

11-06-19, 07:02

Republicans actually beat Dems in voter turn out by just over 35,000 voters (822,344 to 787,101) but still lost control. This is because of the redrawing of some house districts ordered by SCOTUS this past year at the outcome of the State Democratic Party's Gerrymandering case.


Well hell, let's riot and burn shit! We won the popular vote! Down with districts! #notmygovernment
Oh but of course... the "correct" outcome was attained so therefore the law is just and our side are 'good citizens'... :rolleyes:

I am annoyed....but honestly not surprised. Watching the elections over the last ten years, it's pretty clear that we've been dodging bullets for some time now in VA. Now it's just a matter of seeing how much "common sense" they want to impart to us.

Outlander Systems
11-06-19, 07:29

If this enemy victory is looking as likely as it is, Virginians who have decided not to surrender their liberty to the state need to start communicating OFFLINE. Not on a public forum.

11-06-19, 07:45
Not that I enjoy anyone loosing their rights, because I absolutely don't. However, when I first started posting on firearms forums back in the early/mid 2000's. I'd post how messed up New Yorkistan firearms laws are. The single biggest group of people that would give me the hardest time on the forums where Virginians. They'd tell me how stupid I was for residing in New Yorkistan (I have senior citizen parents who I won't leave) and I should move to a place like....well their Virginia.

All I can say now to my Virginian friends is....welcome aboard the Libtard controlled state legislator my friends!


Had to drive through part of VA in summer 2000 so checked out their self defense/gun laws. Between that and other issues (it was rare to drive a mile without seeing a sign indicating something was verboten along with penalties for violations) any free as a bird claims at that time were hyperbole.

VCDL seems to have been doing good work over aboutvthe last 10 years though.

Alex V
11-06-19, 08:04
So I have a question... I am reading that Republicans did not present a challenger in 10 our of 40 Senate races and in 23 our of 100 House of Delegates races. How do you expect to win if you don't even participate in the game?

33 out of 140 seats went uncontested by Republicans. WTF?

11-06-19, 08:51
So I have a question... I am reading that Republicans did not present a challenger in 10 our of 40 Senate races and in 23 our of 100 House of Delegates races. How do you expect to win if you don't even participate in the game?

33 out of 140 seats went uncontested by Republicans. WTF?

That's correct. All in deeply blue districts in NoVa, Richmond, etc. It's absolutely shameful. We were on our back foot from the beginning, having to defend a slim majority while the Dems could dump all of their resources in to flipping just a few seats.

I assume either the VAGOP just didn't think it was worth the effort of running a candidate in those areas, but to me that's not really an excuse.

On top of that, while the NRA is headquartered in VA, they could only be bothered to spend about $250,000 to support pro-2A candidates. The Anti-gun lobby spent well over $2mil on the campaign, with most of it concentrated on a few highly contested races.

11-06-19, 08:57
So I have a question... I am reading that Republicans did not present a challenger in 10 our of 40 Senate races and in 23 our of 100 House of Delegates races. How do you expect to win if you don't even participate in the game?

33 out of 140 seats went uncontested by Republicans. WTF?

Because they are so blue, bleed blue. Its not even imaginable. The state GOP would never spend money there but then again the state GOP has been in shambles in large thanks to Ken Cuccinelli and the Republicans that surrounded him. Instead of bringing candidates that are freedom loving and articulate they pushed wrath of God Republicans that are so easy for Dems to rally against.

Alex V
11-06-19, 09:03
That's correct. All in deeply blue districts in NoVa, Richmond, etc. It's absolutely shameful. We were on our back foot from the beginning, having to defend a slim majority while the Dems could dump all of their resources in to flipping just a few seats.

I assume either the VAGOP just didn't think it was worth the effort of running a candidate in those areas, but to me that's not really an excuse.

On top of that, while the NRA is headquartered in VA, they could only be bothered to spend about $250,000 to support pro-2A candidates. The Anti-gun lobby spent well over $2mil on the campaign, with most of it concentrated on a few highly contested races.

Okay, so this at least makes sense. I can at least understand a strategy where you don't waste money on a no win district. I don't agree with it, but I understand it.

The Left will always have more money, and will always be more willing to spend it.

Seems like they had a good game plan and the GOP screwed the pooch. This loss will hurt everyone, not just Virginians.

11-06-19, 09:13
It's a preview of 2020. Pray for Warren.

David Koch passing, NRA in shambles, weak RNC, a number of SCOTUS rulings that will rally the blue base, a POTUS that doesn't really know how to campaign and will double down as he takes hits from opponents and outside groups - its going to be rough.

11-06-19, 09:22
It's a preview of 2020. Pray for Warren.

David Koch passing, NRA in shambles, weak RNC, a number of SCOTUS rulings that will rally the blue base, a POTUS that doesn't really know how to campaign and will double down as he takes hits from opponents and outside groups - its going to be rough.

Virginia didnt organically change its views, there has been a huge shift in demographics of that state for 20 years...last night is what happens with that shift.

What happened in Kentucky is an anomaly based on teachers unions holding their neighbors hostage and forcing them to pay a bill, that they cant legally opt out of.

The Koch's are open boarder globalists.
NRA...no one cares anymore. The government is going after them with how they are run by the Russians and LePierre is an Elitist.
POTUS does not know how to campaign? Been paying attention to his rallies the past two years? The RNC does not know how to campaign because it is littered with limp wristed RINOS, who spend huge amounts of money, to defeat real conservative challengers.
What else are they gonna hit him with? The only available option to stop his re-election is to JFK him.
If people dont like 45, cool by me. He is not gonna be on my friend list either, but I always ask: what has he done that you dont like?

Answers always come back to 'feelings'. A few have legit tax beefs, but they make 6 figures and I cry little for their plight, especially when the alternative in the other party is to tax them out of existence.

Others dont like his foreign policy and 'Allies' and all that tripe. ALLIES? Come on
China?They are Communists, why does that need to be explained? Again, Elitists getting rich, by their dealings with a Tyrannical form of government.
The ME? Long time we got out of the crap show. If we are not there taking over Natty Resources, let them tribe away on each other.
The EU? EUROTRASH. Let me repeat that, EUROTRASH. Our forefathers broke away from their Elitist tripe almost 250 years ago. We were crowned Two Time Wold War Champs because their 'Socialism' failed them twice in under 30 years. I find interesting their views of America and her citizenry. While they sleep under the comfort our Military provides them, funded by the American Taxpayer.(shout out to Col. Jesup)

45 is getting a 2nd term. Like him or hate him, it is gonna happen

jack crab
11-06-19, 10:25
It's a preview of 2020. Pray for Warren.

David Koch passing, NRA in shambles, weak RNC, a number of SCOTUS rulings that will rally the blue base, a POTUS that doesn't really know how to campaign and will double down as he takes hits from opponents and outside groups - its going to be rough.

Trump has or is projected to raise $2.5 billion for 2020. HRC "only" raised $1 billion for 2016. The Dem challengers are failing to raise $10's of millions.

On the other hand, Trump relies heavily on social media. Twitter has banned paid political advertising. How long will Z-berg hold out?

jack crab
11-06-19, 10:25
It's a preview of 2020. Pray for Warren.

David Koch passing, NRA in shambles, weak RNC, a number of SCOTUS rulings that will rally the blue base, a POTUS that doesn't really know how to campaign and will double down as he takes hits from opponents and outside groups - its going to be rough.

Trump has or is projected to raise $2.5 billion for 2020. HRC "only" raised $1 billion for 2016. The Dem challengers are failing to raise $10's of millions.

On the other hand, Trump relies heavily on social media. Twitter has banned paid political advertising. How long will Z-berg hold out?

11-06-19, 10:33
Trump has or is projected to raise $2.5 billion for 2020. HRC "only" raised $1 billion for 2016. The Dem challengers are failing to raise $10's of millions.

On the other hand, Trump relies heavily on social media. Twitter has banned paid political advertising. How long will Z-berg hold out?

Money is an issue and Trump will kill it but if its Biden, we are in for a rough time. Biden gives people who don't like Trump personally but may have voted for him an out that is not that hard to live with.

Any of the socialist candidates I think its an easy win.

11-06-19, 11:54

Ugh . . . . I’ve been trying to SAVE money. I hate you right now.

11-06-19, 11:57
Trump has or is projected to raise $2.5 billion for 2020. HRC "only" raised $1 billion for 2016. The Dem challengers are failing to raise $10's of millions.

On the other hand, Trump relies heavily on social media. Twitter has banned paid political advertising. How long will Z-berg hold out?

Trump doesn’t need to pay for twitter advertising, he’s on there every 17 minutes saying something self-aggrandizing

11-06-19, 12:15
What happened in Kentucky is an anomaly based on teachers unions holding their neighbors hostage and forcing them to pay a bill, that they cant legally opt out of.

Law enforcement too:


Figured that was likely when I read this news.


11-06-19, 12:31
Republican turnout was actually higher than Democrats in Virginia but they had Democrat friendly district maps forced on them by a ****ing judge. Not the first state they've done this in.

11-06-19, 13:38
Republican turnout was actually higher than Democrats in Virginia but they had Democrat friendly district maps forced on them by a ****ing judge. Not the first state they've done this in.

Yup, don’t you like that? GOP held for a quarter century, then an activist “judge” allows the leftists to draw districts how they please, then they win! EZClap!

Dist. Expert 26
11-06-19, 14:14
Let's just boogaloo already. My body is ready.

Outlander Systems
11-06-19, 14:25

11-06-19, 19:45
Republican turnout was actually higher than Democrats in Virginia but they had Democrat friendly district maps forced on them by a ****ing judge. Not the first state they've done this in.

It's almost as if "democracy" isn't turning out to be fair and honest.


11-07-19, 13:05
Let's just boogaloo already. My body is ready.

Don't be shocked if the left suddenly decides the word "boogaloo" is racist.

11-07-19, 13:36
Knowing some folks in rural SW Virginia, I don't think the new gun laws are going to be well received, or adhered to. I predict massive non-compliance.

11-07-19, 14:05
Knowing some folks in rural SW Virginia, I don't think the new gun laws are going to be well received, or adhered to. I predict massive non-compliance.


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11-07-19, 16:24
Knowing some folks in rural SW Virginia, I don't think the new gun laws are going to be well received, or adhered to. I predict massive non-compliance.

And other places where these draconian laws have been the norm for years...wink wink...nod, nod.

11-08-19, 05:22

The proper response.....

11-08-19, 19:46
This is bloombergs work. He funded the Virginia takeover. ****er will be big problem for Trump. bloomy has $20 B in cash.

Most billionaires (including Trump) have their wealth locked up in property, stocks, bonds, and other instruments. bloomberg is the dims "Rider on the White Horse". This guy is much more moderate on all issues except gun control. For guns, he is a radical. He will draw a lot of moderate dims and Independents.

Hang on to your ass boys, it's going to be a rough ride.

11-08-19, 19:48
This is bloombergs work. He funded the Virginia takeover. ****er will be big problem for Trump. bloomy has $20 B in cash.

Most billionaires (including Trump) have their wealth locked up in property, stocks, bonds, and other instruments. bloomberg is the dims "Rider on the White Horse". This guy is much more moderate on all issues except gun control. For guns, he is a radical. He will draw a lot of moderate dims and Independents.

Hang on to your ass boys, it's going to be a rough ride.

He also has the charisma of a door handle, he ain’t going anywhere himself but his money pushing gun grabbers in local districts is a serious problem.

11-08-19, 20:24
Knowing some folks in rural SW Virginia, I don't think the new gun laws are going to be well received, or adhered to. I predict massive non-compliance.

Why would anyone? Those people outside the big cities need to elect sheriffs whao won't enforce state laws and won't support state LE. Use the same tactics against them as they do us. Pass a county ordinance that local LEO's cannot enforce state gun laws or cooperate with state LEO. Threaten to arrest state LEO for violating the constitution if they enforce these upcoming laws.

11-08-19, 20:39
Why would anyone? Those people outside the big cities need to elect sheriffs whao won't enforce state laws and won't support state LE. Use the same tactics against them as they do us. Pass a county ordinance that local LEO's cannot enforce state gun laws or cooperate with state LEO. Threaten to arrest state LEO for violating the constitution if they enforce these upcoming laws.


In related news, the newly re-elected Loudon County chair wants to create a county police department (with board appointed chief) and take all law enforcement duties away from the newly re-elected County Sheriff, who happens to be a Republican.



Granted, the linked article does say the Sheriff has in the past fired deputies who supported his political rivals. I'm not in Loudon and don't know if that's true or if there's more to it than that (seems there usually is).

11-08-19, 20:43
Loudoun has a fvck ton of money so that wouldn’t surprise me.

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jack crab
11-08-19, 20:59
Why would anyone? Those people outside the big cities need to elect sheriffs whao won't enforce state laws and won't support state LE. Use the same tactics against them as they do us. Pass a county ordinance that local LEO's cannot enforce state gun laws or cooperate with state LEO. Threaten to arrest state LEO for violating the constitution if they enforce these upcoming laws.

Interestingly, as soon as the new Loudoun County, northern Virginia, Board of Supervisors was announced, the chair started talking about eliminating the elected sheriff and moving to a county police department appointed by the BoS.

11-08-19, 22:02
Virginia didnt organically change its views, there has been a huge shift in demographics of that state for 20 years...last night is what happens with that shift.

Yep, I've been meeting all these new demographics for over 20 years as they arrive. What absolutely astounds me though is that almost all of them are wealthy and well educated. So now we don't Chicago type crime. They don't populate areas like Petersburg. So why is it they will put their faith in fake white bread bitches like Ralph Northam and Debra Rodman who luckily lost her election bid? It makes no sense to me. They are not stupid. Someone built them multiple subdivisions of $500-$600K homes. Almost no crime. Yet as smart as they are they somehow vote for the people that think slavery is still in force and the rednecks are goings to shoot them? WTF?!

What do they expect to achieve? It makes no sense. I can only assume that a few well place agitators, liars, community organizers, are placed within these new demographics to assure they make the "correct long term decisions".

I think it's past time we think of ourselves as Republicans or Ind, or whatever. It's time to group as arms bearing Constitutionalists.

Whatever Northam does is going to have to go to SCOTUS because he has thrown logic, morals, and the Constitution to the wind. BTW, I don't believe Northam has the spine for this. I think it's Tim Kaine and his daisy chain reach around buddies.

NYH1 wrote:
Not that I enjoy anyone loosing their rights, because I absolutely don't. However,

Well, let's hope we Virginians do a better job of preserving our rights than you guys did. Sounds like you were hanging out with the wrong Virginians. It's like the old story you are traveling and someone says so you are from TX, do you know? Uh no, I don't know that person, TX is kind of a big place. If it were not DC, VA would be RED. NoVA was annexed by DC. Now in Central VA, Henrico County is being annexed by Richmond.

Basically your average Virginian is being told to go sit at the back of the bus because the enlightened know their new place.

11-09-19, 03:22
Its not just Virginia. The map of the U.S. is getting more and more blue. More socialist. Even Texas. Auistin, DFW, Houston. Most major cities in America are blue including the urban sprawl. Entire states have already fallen. NY, NJ, MD, CA, CT. Those remaining residents have quietly accepted single shot AR's with 5 round limits.

There is no history of a country marching towards socialism like the U.S. is and reversing its course. None.

Mass killings will continue. And so will anti gun laws...

11-09-19, 13:13
The long game here is, not only will this be a disaster for VA if they (most likely) succeed, it will be a disaster for so many other states too; taking VA and then decimating the 2A here in one stroke IN the state that is the home of the NRA will be a moral victory that will spur the left on for years to come. I can already hear the talking points for the next round of elections and anti-gun bills.

11-09-19, 18:13
I moved out of upstate NY to settle in central VA in 2015, in part because of NYS gun laws and duty to retreat laws. I believe that a man has zero rights at all if he does not have the right to adequate self-defense.

I have already tried running away from these areas where democratic socialism perverts and destroys the constitution. Been there, tried that. Let this be a lesson to any who still hold the view that folks should relocate: It won’t work. We can’t support refugeeism any more, There needs to be considerable push-back. I’m not talking about initiating violence, let me be clear. But I am talking about a spartan-like refusal to surrender, comply, or be silenced. Remember what liberty meant to the founders: they pledged to the cause of independence their LIVES, FORTUNES, and SACRED HONOR. We have to be willing to leave the comfy lifestyle we’re used to. It could be coming down to that.

Why can’t they live and let live? Why are they so culturally imperialist? So elitist and condescending? America is now like a feuding married couple that refuses to allow each other to divorce, and one side has instead chosen to begin breaking the others’ stuff and sabotaging the others’ success and well being. We need the divorce from this wicked woman, she is or soon will be, trying to kill us

11-09-19, 18:24
Its has happened in several states now and the libtards are moving from CA to AZ, TX, NM, CO, from the NE to the south. The universities are infested, public schools are brainwashing the youth. The map is turning blue.

11-09-19, 21:25
Its not just Virginia. The map of the U.S. is getting more and more blue. More socialist. Even Texas. Auistin, DFW, Houston. Most major cities in America are blue including the urban sprawl. Entire states have already fallen. NY, NJ, MD, CA, CT. Those remaining residents have quietly accepted single shot AR's with 5 round limits.

There is no history of a country marching towards socialism like the U.S. is and reversing its course. None.

Mass killings will continue. And so will anti gun laws...

The American people did note vote as their owners wished them to do; therefore, the owners are mass-importing the low IQ Third World, the population of which will obediently do as it’s told.

”In the past 40 years, upward of 50 million culturally backward, dirt-poor immigrants arrived in America, and state after state has gone blue, but we're always told states are flipping to the Democrats for some reason -- any reason! -- other than immigration.”


11-09-19, 21:25
dupe post ...

11-10-19, 00:18
Its has happened in several states now and the libtards are moving from CA to AZ, TX, NM, CO, from the NE to the south. The universities are infested, public schools are brainwashing the youth. The map is turning blue.

Well one positive is since R's got more votes they could still add electoral votes to Trump 2020. Can't redistrict state lines like they've been doing with leftist judges and local districts. The state govt being solid blue but the state going to Trump would show how corrupt allowing a single judge to redraw the district maps actually is.

11-10-19, 00:25
Why can’t they live and let live? Why are they so culturally imperialist? So elitist and condescending? America is now like a feuding married couple that refuses to allow each other to divorce, and one side has instead chosen to begin breaking the others’ stuff and sabotaging the others’ success and well being. We need the divorce from this wicked woman, she is or soon will be, trying to kill us

Yes, well the thing is nobody seems to be able to get their shit together and put some thought into how, when and where to start the divorce proceedings, so I guess we're all just stuck in our toxic relationship....

11-10-19, 01:59
Not without a fight. Notice the Brits can't brexit either even after voting for it years ago.

11-10-19, 07:17
A preview of the future of Virginia...
