View Full Version : Fortnight video game?

11-06-19, 20:45
Anyone familiar with it? Many of my young son's friends play it. So far I have said no simply b/c we limit screen time and what he has access to. If the game is appropriate for a child in elementary school he will be allowed to play. Info on the web seems to paint it in a favorable light but anyone with in-depth experience may shed a different light.

Any help appreciated.

11-06-19, 20:55
The content of the game is tame by today’s standards. It’s third person shooter no blood and no gore in it. But the community is extremely toxic as is with most competitive games with the veil of anonymity. So while the developed content is okay the players tend to be foul mouthed cave dwellers. Also there is the micro transactions so expect him to hit you up for your credit card to get new skins and dances every time the game updates.

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11-06-19, 21:43
I played it once or twice but never got into it. I found it kind of boring. That said, it's cartoonish and safe for older kids.

11-06-19, 21:57
Several of my nieces and nephews play it. As well as kids of my friends. It's a shooter game but is cartoony so no blood and gore.

11-06-19, 23:59
It's the dumbest thing since AOC, but apparently every 10-14 year old kid is obsessed with it, so yeah, he's gonna want to play it.
The internet will be as the internet always is.
Expect to see a lot of ridiculous dances around the house afterwards... :laugh: