View Full Version : Beard help

11-08-19, 20:31
So my department is participating in No Shave November and I am growing a beard for the month. Problem is Ive never had a beard and during vacations I always end up shaving after a week or so due to itchiness. How do I reduce the itchiness? Any other early beard care things I should know about?

11-08-19, 20:34
My experience is that you just have to get through the itchy phase. It only lasts for so long and once you're through it, you're through it.

Coal Dragger
11-08-19, 20:35
There are beard oils or other hair conditioning potions that can help with itchiness. I never really had any itch problems with mine.

11-08-19, 21:57
For the past few years I've grown a beard for the winter starting in November. For me the itchiest part seems to be two weeks in. After that IIRC it eases up. I actually cheat now as far as No Shave November is concerned and shave my neck and shape it up some at two weeks. That really helps out the itching as my neck seems to itch the worst.

11-09-19, 00:06
So my department is participating in No Shave November and I am growing a beard for the month. Problem is Ive never had a beard and during vacations I always end up shaving after a week or so due to itchiness. How do I reduce the itchiness? Any other early beard care things I should know about?

Embrace the Suck. It’s the manly thing to do. Then use beard oil anyway bc it’ll make your beard smell better and people commenting on how good your new beard smells will initiate “beard stroking” which you can easily use to disguise scratching until it’s no longer an issue, which for me only lasts a few days.

Oh and avoid too much sweating. Not that it makes your beard itch more, but conflicts with the nice manly smelling beard oil. Target sells one made by “Every Man Jack” and it’s a good smelling oil without being gay at all. Any one of them is GTG.

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11-09-19, 00:17
Yeah the itchy phase will pass, just takes about a week. Power on through it.

My guys convinced me to do mustache November instead. I shaved the beard and left a handle bar mustache. It looks absolutely terrible. We all look like idiots, worst decision ever but the group has enjoyed all the laughing at each other. My wife and daughter can't wait until it's over, me included!

11-09-19, 00:34
Once you get past the itchy phase, get you a beard comb and some oil. I don’t keep a very long beard, and I shave y neck every other day. Mine tends to get tangly so I keep it short.

11-09-19, 08:19
I never could make it past 2 weeks either. It wasn't so much the itch as much as me starting to look like Fred Sanford!

11-09-19, 08:37
The great thing about a beard is if you ever want to (1) look at least 10 years younger and (2) attract more chicks, all it takes is a shave!

11-09-19, 11:00
As others said, it's the first 5-10 days that suck. That is where the itchiness comes from. Keep the edges trimmed, and continue to shave your lower neck area up a good inch or two from where your shirts will ride. I don't use oil or any other girly-girl stuff. I just use bar soap when I wash my face in the shower.

Chicks dig beards. It's also cool as I don't look like a Boy Scout with one... Welcome to the dark side.

11-09-19, 11:00
double tap

11-09-19, 13:19
Their beard and scruff is good.


Their shave cream is super slick when you shave it off also.

11-09-19, 13:38
That itchiness is just the testosterone returning to your system. Embrace it :p

I’ve had a beard for so long I don’t even remember the itchiness or if I had any.

I tried beard oil once, got it as a Christmas gift- it was not for me.

11-09-19, 15:06
It has been a very long time since I shaved.

However, a little bit of oil and a basic hair brush can make a big difference at least to start off. For me at least, I have not gone shorter than a “3” on an electric trimmer since 2014.

Oh, and unless you are a drug dealer or shady cop, keep the bear trimmed above your Adam’s apple and not longer than 1/2”. Arbitrary number there, I have no idea where I keep it. But I know that every 1/4” longer you let it grow, it adds ten years to your perceived age. Also arbitrary, but I think fairly accurate.

11-09-19, 16:44
Don’t really recall an itchy phase. Of course I grew it in ‘76 and haven’ t shaved it since, so I don’t remember much:)

geezer john

26 Inf
11-09-19, 17:42
I tried beard oil once, got it as a Christmas gift- it was not for me.

That is because, despite our disagreements over some matters, you are heterosexual versus metrosexual.

Got to admit I speak somewhat from jealousy, even though I'm pretty good on the big T, I grow a crappy looking beard. I think it's because I'm 1/1024th Native American.

11-09-19, 19:50
Motivational meme.


11-10-19, 06:43
Stick with it. The itchiness doesn't persist that long. I just use regular hair conditioner on mine.

11-10-19, 11:26
IIRC the itchy phase is like day 4-10, then it's just normal.

11-10-19, 15:04
Some here feel they’re too manly for beard products, but I’m not one of them. If I don’t use beard shampoo and oil my skin gets super dry and flaky. Nothing says gross like running your fingers through your beard and creating a snow squall. Contrary to popular opinion, beard oil does not reduce dick size. If you’re worried though, they do make them unscented.

11-11-19, 19:46
I never could make it past 2 weeks either. It wasn't so much the itch as much as me starting to look like Fred Sanford!

Yeah, I used to be the blond guy. Now it's salt and pepper.

11-13-19, 12:38
Saw some of the Cremo product on the shelf at the store and gave it a try. I like it.

11-13-19, 12:58
We are doing it here, as well. Just getting to the end of the itchiness.

December 1st... it goes. Maybe in another 10 years I’ll try it again. Amount of gray/white in it just looks like ass. But doing it for a decent cause, so I’ll deal with both the itch and look.

11-13-19, 13:45
Yeah, I used to be the blond guy. Now it's salt and pepper.

I like the salt and pepper. Since I already AM a crusty curmudgeon, the color suits me.

11-13-19, 13:46
The great thing about a beard is if you ever want to (1) look at least 10 years younger and (2) attract more chicks, all it takes is a shave!

That's me. I had a Goat that would almost compete with Iraqgunz at one point. Had to die it too much and it did make me look older.

11-13-19, 13:49
Someone told me once the itching is caused by the point that your last shave put on the hair. If you trim it with a beard trimmer after a week it will make that cut flat which dramatically cuts down on the itchiness as it curls back into your face. I can attest that this works for me.

11-13-19, 19:20
Also doing No Shave at my department, $100 buy in towards Special Olympics gets you til Jan 1. My twin girls are due at the same time so I should be able to extend the beard til March. It was WAY itchy for the first week, but Cremo Beard Cream and two weeks of growth has really smoothed it out. I wish it was a good beard, but theres nothing I can do about that lol.

11-14-19, 10:40
I grew a beard about 6 years ago and shaved it off once about 5.5 years ago for a job interview. I got the job, but they told me later they were hesitant, because I was baby faced and looked too green. I shouldn't have shaved. I look a lot better with a beard, but being blonde, I really have to let it get decently long before it even looks like I have more than a 5 o'clock shadow.

I do recall the itchy phase, and as others have said, it doesn't last too long. If you really want it to fill in and look decent, don't trim it for about 3 weeks or so. It'll look a little rough, but then you can shape it up and have some decent growth.

I use a beard balm and fine tooth comb, because my beard hairs will go everywhere if I don't. It also makes the hair softer and smells nice, which elicits strokes from the wife.

11-14-19, 11:37
I made it two weeks. Last night I had trouble sleeping cause it was so itchy. I might try again after the holidays. I was really liking the look but that itch!

11-19-19, 00:32
I shaved recently not realizing No Shave November was in effect.

I think I'm going to grow it out to include Decembeard.

I need it for the cold weather.

Interesting idea about the length that effects the itchy phase.

Watch this video if you want to grow a really nice beard...

The Worst Beard Habit and How to Avoid It

How to stop pulling your beard...


My only questions now is if I can get away with a neck beard for a bit since my neck gets very cold outside when it's below freezing.
A beard is armor and it's designed to protect. The neck should be protected even though it does not look good.

11-19-19, 20:14
The neck should be protected even though it does not look good.

Hell naw... Shave that sh*+ off!:D:laugh:

11-19-19, 21:13
I shaved recently not realizing No Shave November was in effect.

I think I'm going to grow it out to include Decembeard.

I need it for the cold weather.

Interesting idea about the length that effects the itchy phase.

Watch this video if you want to grow a really nice beard...

The Worst Beard Habit and How to Avoid It

How to stop pulling your beard...


My only questions now is if I can get away with a neck beard for a bit since my neck gets very cold outside when it's below freezing.
A beard is armor and it's designed to protect. The neck should be protected even though it does not look good.

Buy a scarf.

11-19-19, 22:11
Haven't shaved since 1968 (when beards weren't accepted in conservative circles - back then it was mostly hippies and Hell's Angels) so I don't remember what the itch thing was like.

Now, like piercings and tattoos, everyone and his brother has one. Glad guys are getting in touch with their whiskers now though.

Boy Scout
11-21-19, 02:05
Just retired from one job and went to another PD where we can do beards full time. Got started on No Shave November early...The itch does go away pretty quickly. When just starting out, in the absence of any creams or oils, using conditioner to help soften it up knocks out a lot of the itch.

We’re not restricted on length, only the “suggestion” that it remain professional. We have a couple dudes that are rocking full-blown lumberjacks (just shaped well, not excessively long) but man are they luxurious. No homo, but the one black dude has a silver streak down the goatee that looks like it’s out of a movie. I can’t pull that shit off...LOL

Anyway, my struggle is trying to get it longer and straighter (been using a boar brush religiously) but I get fliers that stick straight out and I can’t get them to lay down.

11-21-19, 16:42
My daughter will be a mother in the spring, and is 33. She's never seen me without whiskers, and threatened me if I shaved for her wedding.
Yeah, shave your neck. Without that, it doesn't look like a beard, it just looks like you couldn't be bothered to shave.
Bruce Catton, the historian, referred to the Civil War as 'that much bearded era', a time we seem to be revisiting. The beard was more fun when there weren't so many.
Tho' my eye doctor thot' I was 10 years younger than my actual 71. I'll take that deal!

11-21-19, 16:49
My Mom has a habit of asking questions sometimes in a rather annoying way.
My Stepdad noticed this one Sunday when she suggested he shave before Church.
He grew that beard for the next eight years...

11-22-19, 02:15
Hell naw... Shave that sh*+ off!:D:laugh:

Buy a scarf.

Thanks for setting me straight.

I have a fleece neck gator (its like a tube you pull one your head that covers the neck). Looks like a turtle neck.

I also have a fleece scarf if needed.

11-23-19, 00:55
A beard is a push up bra for men. ;)