View Full Version : Operation Blackout,

11-14-19, 08:09
Results are no surprise of course. The US is really one giant soft target:

"Dubbed Operation Blackout, the simulation was hosted in Washington, DC by Cybereason, a Boston-based cybersecurity firm. The pretend election took place in a fictitious swing-state city called Adversaria. A group of ethical “white hat” hackers—the Red Team—took on a group of federal agents and local cops who comprised the Blue Team. Unlike most simulations like this, the Red Team was explicitly prohibited from hacking into election equipment, forcing them to focus instead on manipulating and interfering in other aspects of the electoral process.

Cybereason co-founder Yonatan Striem-Amit, a former member of Unit 8200, the Israeli military’s elite cyber warfare team, told Quartz, “In a country as fragmented as the US, the number of people needed to influence an election is surprisingly small. We attempted to create havoc and show law enforcement that protecting the electoral process is much more than the machine.”



11-14-19, 09:04
A Kentucky one from recent memory featured poll workers advising voters they were done prior to flipping a switch/pressing a button to record their votes. Then the poll workers would change votes as desired and trigger the record function. Not very high tech.

11-14-19, 09:17
No matter the method, I believe there will be all sorts of chaos in the next election cycle. Not that either side is honest, but I would never underestimate the Dems willingness to cheat at any level.

11-14-19, 09:36
I expect massive voter fraud especially in the so called swing states.