View Full Version : Welcome to 1984...and the new cultural civil war.

Mauser KAR98K
11-14-19, 15:37
Watched the Glenn Beck special on the Democrats Hydria that was posted in the impeachment thread, and what has only been happening to me but others has gotten me frightened.

Here is an experiment for those on facebook. Post up the name Eric Ciaramella, set your watch, and see how fast it disappears. I've done four posts, one a meme, the other a post pointing out facebook taking down my post. All were erased, except the one calling it Facebook. I didn't mention the new Voldemort of the internet, but the screenshot that didn't mention Ciaramella's name was deleted. It felt like an execution to send a warning to my other screen shot.

Then I get to tweeter to post an article about the corruption of the Biden's and Ukraine:


I have tried to copy and past this article four different times and it does not come up on my feed. Its like I tweet it and it gets lost in the Either.

Which has led me to this: 1984 is here. Its happening right before us, and Trump has drained the swamp enough to make the Deep State move enough to show who they are.

We know the warnings, many not headed, but these warnings were also our telegraph to our enemy to counter act.

Fir example, "Atlas Shrugged": what if instead John Gault wasn't our hero but turned to be our enemy. Instead if taking the men who produced our way of life as socialism progressed, but Gaukt approached the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Bezos, etc., to do become part of the socialist plan. To use the next big tech innovation not to promote freedom but to give false information and propaganda to further their cause.

After all, it was the printed press and lead (in the form of letters and bullets) that spread the word of independence in the late 18th century. In the late 19th century, Yellow journalism brought us to the Spanish-American war, and now we have fake news dividing our country.

So, instead of information being freely set forth, it is being manipulated and misdirected, and outright censored, not by the government, but by "private" corporations that see themselves an their own extension of the government that doesntbhavevto be bothered by Bill of Rights. With this, they can shift the Overtone window to where Rights that the government cannot infringe upon become okay to wipe out because cultural norms have shifted.

The slippery slope going from a 5% grade to a 30%. And we the people think it's a fun ride until we see the bottom.

Welcome to a monopoly on censoring your thoughts by private Deep Staters.

Maybe Trust Busting needs to make a comeback and make Google and the likes the new Standard Oil.

Outlander Systems
11-14-19, 15:56
CIAramella better hope like hell they dont’t Epstein him.

Mauser KAR98K
11-14-19, 16:03

11-14-19, 16:24
Interesting similarities along with dates of announcements, 1 stopped and the other beginning.



11-14-19, 16:28
Maybe Trust Busting needs to make a comeback and make Google and the likes the new Standard Oil.

But wouldn't that be Big Government interfering with private enterprise? I thought conservatives were against government interfering with business. Maybe we can't have it both ways?

Outlander Systems
11-14-19, 16:39
What a...coincidence.

Interesting similarities along with dates of announcements, 1 stopped and the other beginning.



11-14-19, 16:39
But wouldn't that be Big Government interfering with private enterprise? I thought conservatives were against government interfering with business. Maybe we can't have it both ways?

At what point would we be better off with NO government at all?

11-14-19, 16:49
I'm definitely a millennial and have never seen the movie. I just watched the first half hour of it and the one thing that struck me is how stupid our movies are now. As in, they feed everything to you so you don't have to think.

11-14-19, 16:49
At what point would we be better off with NO government at all?

Fine, right up until we get invaded because we have no military.

11-14-19, 16:53
Interesting similarities along with dates of announcements, 1 stopped and the other beginning.

Your crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist!

BTW, did you know that the CIA funded Google and was a major force in its creation and growth?


In 1994 — the same year the Highlands Forum was founded under the stewardship of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the ONA, and DARPA — two young PhD students at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, made their breakthrough on the first automated web crawling and page ranking application. That application remains the core component of what eventually became Google’s search service. Brin and Page had performed their work with funding from the Digital Library Initiative (DLI), a multi-agency programme of the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA and DARPA.

But that’s just one side of the story.

Throughout the development of the search engine, Sergey Brin reported regularly and directly to two people who were not Stanford faculty at all: Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham and Dr. Rick Steinheiser. Both were representatives of a sensitive US intelligence community research programme on information security and data-mining.



Outlander Systems
11-14-19, 17:06
This. Like the government is going to bust up its own Global Dossier project lol

Your crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist!

BTW, did you know that the CIA funded Google and was a major force in its creation and growth?




Outlander Systems
11-14-19, 17:07
Get real.

We have a military, and we’ve been getting invaded by third world subhumans for 5 decades.

Fine, right up until we get invaded because we have no military.

11-14-19, 17:45
Get real.

We have a military, and we’ve been getting invaded by third world subhumans for 5 decades.

Part of that is because our politics see that as a police problem and not a military one. Not that it wouldn't be the same politics either way.

11-14-19, 18:24
I'm definitely a millennial and have never seen the movie. I just watched the first half hour of it and the one thing that struck me is how stupid our movies are now. As in, they feed everything to you so you don't have to think.

Watch The Godfather. Then watch it again and catch dozens of things you didn't pick up on the first time.

Mauser KAR98K
11-14-19, 18:32
Watch The Godfather. Then watch it again and catch dozens of things you didn't pick up on the first time.

I miss movies like that.

Mauser KAR98K
11-14-19, 18:34
The CIA with Google and Facebook makes sense. Create a spying arm that the can control by proxy and stay legal of spying and mind controlling it's own citizens.

Like how they used foriegn agencies to spy on Trump.

11-14-19, 19:08
So I gave it a shot. Posted his name to my Facebook feed and within an hour it disappeared

11-14-19, 19:20
I'm definitely a millennial and have never seen the movie. I just watched the first half hour of it and the one thing that struck me is how stupid our movies are now. As in, they feed everything to you so you don't have to think.

The movie 1984?

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a book by a socialist, George Orwell.

Mauser KAR98K
11-14-19, 19:52
The movie 1984?

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a book by a socialist, George Orwell.

He denounced socialism close to the end of his life.

Mauser KAR98K
11-14-19, 19:54
So I gave it a shot. Posted his name to my Facebook feed and within an hour it disappeared

I did a posted on Wasted Ammo podcast page and Facebook sent the admins that I violated censorship/community standards and they deleted it.

Posted this article on my feed and was also taken down. A news article with facts gets taken down because it names the "alleged" whistleblower.


11-14-19, 20:36
The movie 1984?

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a book by a socialist, George Orwell.

...that was turned into a movie.

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11-14-19, 20:52
...that was turned into a movie.

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...that only scratched the surface of the book just like most cases.

11-14-19, 21:32
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a book by a socialist, George Orwell.
A socialist who was, perhaps grudgingly, coming to understand socialism creates dystopian dictatorships and not a workers paradise.

I actually found the book to be as subtlety anti communist as dystopian the second time I read it.

11-14-19, 21:55
George Orwell chose socialism because he believed (feared) that Western liberal democracies were going to inevitably fall to either communism or fascism.

His experiences in Spain during the Spanish Civil War caused him to become disillusioned with communism, particularly as he watched the Spanish socialists within the Republican faction begin to eat each other alive in a race to be seen as the most ideologically pure socialist/communist. Combined with his observations of Stalinism, he became a very unpopular man within British socialism/communist circles.

And, of course, when the Western liberal democracies were able to inoculate themselves against homegrown socialists while teaming up and simultaneously defeating both Nazi Germany and fascist Italy... his fear that he'd have to choose between socialism or fascism subsided.

11-15-19, 00:06
That was then, this is now.
Orwell is dead and a thinly veiled Socialism is on the rise.
Spanish Civil War etu Pablo ?

11-15-19, 05:54
The CIA with Google and Facebook makes sense. Create a spying arm that the can control by proxy and stay legal of spying and mind controlling it's own citizens.

Like how they used foriegn agencies to spy on Trump.

I think it was Beck that did a report a while back that the CIA and/or social media firms were using ex STASI personnel to develop all this spyware. It is definitely a crazy world we are living in. Gets crazier by the minute.

11-15-19, 06:20
Don’t have Facebook, this is why. No point in giving up all my information to a company that’ll just censor anything they want / promote utter nonsense 24-7.

It’s a losing fight gents, call me what you will for saying it, but that is the sad truth.

The social media giants have gone into overdrive to ensure a Democrat wins the next Presidential Election and you’re all seeing it first hand.

11-15-19, 06:26
A socialist who was, perhaps grudgingly, coming to understand socialism creates dystopian dictatorships and not a workers paradise.

I actually found the book to be as subtlety anti communist as dystopian the second time I read it.

I find it ironic that Big Brother was painted as right wing in the book but the scenario it described is being enacted by the liberals.

Outlander Systems
11-15-19, 06:28
Hey but it helps me keep in touch with people that wouldn’t even so much as call me on the phone before.

Don’t have Facebook, this is why. No point in giving up all my information to a company that’ll just censor anything they want / promote utter nonsense 24-7.

It’s a losing fight gents, call me what you will for saying it, but that is the sad truth.

The social media giants have gone into overdrive to ensure a Democrat wins the next Presidential Election and you’re all seeing it first hand.

just a scout
11-15-19, 06:40
I think it was Beck that did a report a while back that the CIA and/or social media firms were using ex STASI personnel to develop all this spyware. It is definitely a crazy world we are living in. Gets crazier by the minute.

Kurt Wolfe, the commander of the STASI when the Wall fell, helped to to set up and organize DHS in 2001.

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11-15-19, 07:21
Don’t have Facebook, this is why. No point in giving up all my information to a company that’ll just censor anything they want / promote utter nonsense 24-7.

It doesn't matter at this point. I don't have FB either, never did. No real reason, just never understood it and simply wasn't interested.
By the time this invasion of privacy became front page news I was glad I never got into FB. But then about a year ago there was an article about how FB has info on none users through those that do. As long as you know someone with FB account. FB asks for permission to access phone contacts and through that they have info on you. Not the same as having an account but who knows what it actually collects

11-15-19, 07:26
Don’t have Facebook, this is why. No point in giving up all my information to a company that’ll just censor anything they want / promote utter nonsense 24-7.

It’s a losing fight gents, call me what you will for saying it, but that is the sad truth.

The social media giants have gone into overdrive to ensure a Democrat wins the next Presidential Election and you’re all seeing it first hand.

You may not have a FB account, but Facebook most likely still has a profile built for you that is constantly updated.

11-15-19, 10:24
You may not have a FB account, but Facebook most likely still has a profile built for you that is constantly updated.

I don’t doubt that at all. Their work up of me would be amusing to read. I’m sure I’m on the “undesirable” list.

It doesn't matter at this point. I don't have FB either, never did. No real reason, just never understood it and simply wasn't interested.
By the time this invasion of privacy became front page news I was glad I never got into FB. But then about a year ago there was an article about how FB has info on none users through those that do. As long as you know someone with FB account. FB asks for permission to access phone contacts and through that they have info on you. Not the same as having an account but who knows what it actually collects

Yeah that sucks. Big Brother is here and he was willingly invited in.

I use an iPhone through a burner go phone SIM card, maybe that insulates me some from this?

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11-15-19, 11:18
Damn near everything is manipulated, media, politics, the economy, the stock market, prices, polls, elections, the medical industry, etc. At this point logic and reason mean nothing in terms of solutions. Everything is a total shit show and nothing is going to set things right or make any difference other than a major reset.

11-15-19, 12:09
Stasi are jealous.


11-15-19, 19:12
At what point would we be better off with NO government at all?

“ I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.” - Jefferson

11-16-19, 10:26
At what point would we be better off with NO government at all?

It is interesting to go back to the founding of our country and look at the viewpoint of the Federalists vs the Anti-Federalists. Just my opinion, but the country started out with the Anti-Federalist view point(States Rights over the rights of a Central Govt) and then Federalism( Central Govt over the rights of the state) took over in the early 1800's. But that is and has been the issue from day one. It basically led to the Civil War. Now you have ended up with a large bloated overreaching Federalist style government. I subscribe to the saying that Government, whether it is local, state or federal. is in itself a necessary evil and therefore the smaller the better.

11-16-19, 10:40
People, apparently even the more passive French, can only take so much crap. I don't think some of the people stirring the pot have an idea how badly this can go.

11-16-19, 21:03
People, apparently even the more passive French, can only take so much crap.


I don't think some of the people stirring the pot have an idea how badly this can go.

Which of those people are we talking about? The loyal idiots doing the immediate dirty work, or the people five or more levels up actually pulling the strings?

From what I see we have global civil unrest getting nasty all over, even in places that seemed stable. I don't think this is coincidence or organic. I think it's all part of the NWO global plan that's been kicking around for decades, and identified anyone as a tinfoil hat crazy in the 90's (when I too thought of it that way). The extreme unpleasantness that's coming, or already arrived in various foreign countries, is not a side-effect or a bug - it's fully intended. It's means to an end. You probably won't like that end.

Look at what we are dealing with in 2019 Clownworld and ask what your 2009 self, or god forbid your 1999 self, would have thought if someone had predicted all these things to you. Think of all the outrageous tinfoil-hattery that has been proven true and is no longer controversial.

Mauser KAR98K
11-16-19, 23:14
Speaking of media black outs:

Iran is having a Boogaloo.


Guess the sanctions are working.

11-16-19, 23:55
Damn near everything is manipulated, media, politics, the economy, the stock market, prices, polls, elections, the medical industry, etc. At this point logic and reason mean nothing in terms of solutions. Everything is a total shit show and nothing is going to set things right or make any difference other than a major reset.

None of this is new, only the technology by which it is done has changed.

11-17-19, 00:27
At what point would we be better off with NO government at all?

That point was somewhere prior to 1963.

just a scout
11-17-19, 05:57
I guarantee with everything I have, the ultimate spider in the web pushing all this is George Soros and the Open Societies Institute. They began with getting more Socialists into office, then the mass immigration, now the violent unrest devolved from “peaceful protests”. The same is happening here and many other countries. Look at Chile this week. The evil Sonofabitch even public ally claims credit for all of it happening everywhere. There is only a binary solution set as to how this ends.

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11-17-19, 13:19