View Full Version : Is The Country Being Defended? Then Why's It Being Lost?

11-17-19, 07:11
Is America being defended from the socialist take over thats occurring within the government, the justice system, public schools, universities, the media, google...

I get it that our country is still more desirable than many but the current state of the country is not static and the dynamic is changing away from all the things that made/make our country great. Nobody is dying to defend America from within.

A common phrase as of late is "we need to have the conversation". I'm calling BS on that. Conservatives have been having conversations for decades warning people of the direction the country is heading and its done nothing to slow it down. Our very founding, the constitution is under attack. Is the country being defended from within? Thats where its being lost.

The country is worth fighting for. Who is fighting for it?

Mauser KAR98K
11-17-19, 07:30
When people aren't caught up with day to day living...in debt.

Normalcy bias scandal bitch. Since we seem to be making "enough" to still live comfortably better than most societies, you wont see it except the Proud Boys taking on antifa.

11-17-19, 08:01
I ain’t having a conversation with nobody.

Leave me the hell alone. If you wanna get blacked by another dude or chop of your wingwang or read Das Kapital like it’s the Bible or something, then have at it but leave me the hell alone.

I ain’t dying for nobody.

Dr. Bullseye
11-17-19, 11:29
Who is fighting for it (our country)? In my 72 years the only people who have been fighting FOR our country are the Border Patrol, ICE and the Coast Guard. Those are my heroes.

As for talk, time for talk is over. No more talk. Right now the Civil War is confined illegal acts. If Trump Derangement Syndrome gets completely out of hand maybe shooting will start. We will see who responds then.

11-17-19, 12:16
So what’s going to stop the spread of socialism? Socialism, the constitution, and individual liberty are not compatible.

And the border is not being defended either.

11-17-19, 15:08
So nobody thinks America is going socialist?

11-17-19, 15:54
So nobody thinks America is going socialist?
Most young people don't even know what that means. Social Media, Social Justice = positive things for young people. Progressive Insurance, a top insurer in the US, was founded by a family with "Progressive" Socialist/Marxist ideals. Look at their commercials - everyone is dressed the same, nobody is different. All drones who are equals. The average youngster or dimwitted adult doesn't understand the symbolism.

Everything is heading towards a systematic, institutionalized forced equality of society, socially and economically. No one is better off than the next person. Outcomes will be regulated and controlled. At that point it's a ruling class of elites, and everyone else is a drone.

11-17-19, 16:05
Most young people don't even know what that means. Social Media, Social Justice = positive things for young people. Progressive Insurance, a top insurer in the US, was founded by a family with "Progressive" Socialist/Marxist ideals. Look at their commercials - everyone is dressed the same, nobody is different. All drones who are equals. The average youngster or dimwitted adult doesn't understand the symbolism.

Everything is heading towards a systematic, institutionalized forced equality of society, socially and economically. No one is better off than the next person. Outcomes will be regulated and controlled. At that point it's a ruling class of elites, and everyone else is a drone.

So since the country is worth fighting for why is there no fight to put a stop to the socialist decent?

11-17-19, 16:42
So since the country is worth fighting for why is there no fight to put a stop to the socialist decent?
Do you want a simple answer or the complicated, hard to implement answer?

The simple answer is for Conservatives to murder every Leftist they encounter - politicians, judges, media and anyone left over, kill them too. Kill off 100 million + of the population, leaving only people who think like you. The largest genocide in world history. That's the simple answer, and the wet dream of every gun stroking, keyboard commando who still live in Mom's basement and frequent online gun forums. They're waiting to get their "Boogaloo On". Dumb asses.

The hard answer is to be competitive in communicating the Conservative, Constitutional message. It means getting involved in the political game by donating time, money and effort. It means raising your kids right, and teaching them traditional values. It means a social evolution over time. It could mean hard times in the US in the far left arena before there is a knee-jerk reaction by the population back to the Right. Sometimes people have to endure something bad to seek something different.

11-17-19, 18:03
Do you want a simple answer or the complicated, hard to implement answer?

The simple answer is for Conservatives to murder every Leftist they encounter - politicians, judges, media and anyone left over, kill them too. Kill off 100 million + of the population, leaving only people who think like you. The largest genocide in world history. That's the simple answer, and the wet dream of every gun stroking, keyboard commando who still live in Mom's basement and frequent online gun forums. They're waiting to get their "Boogaloo On". Dumb asses.

The hard answer is to be competitive in communicating the Conservative, Constitutional message. It means getting involved in the political game by donating time, money and effort. It means raising your kids right, and teaching them traditional values. It means a social evolution over time. It could mean hard times in the US in the far left arena before there is a knee-jerk reaction by the population back to the Right. Sometimes people have to endure something bad to seek something different.

Thanks for the reply.

My son is 15 and attends a high school that not only embraces socialism but also pushes it. He says that a lot of the boys like and follow Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Jordan Peterson. They think the high school socialism is a joke and make a mockery out it whenever possible.

Far too many Americans though are willing to tolerate socialism because they make good money, are comfortable, and as long as they can still get what they want.

11-17-19, 19:28
Thanks for the reply.

My son is 15 and attends a high school that not only embraces socialism but also pushes it. He says that a lot of the boys like and follow Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Jordan Peterson. They think the high school socialism is a joke and make a mockery out it whenever possible.

Far too many Americans though are willing to tolerate socialism because they make good money, are comfortable, and as long as they can still get what they want.
Then your son is on the right path. It starts one person at a time, and your son is of the generation who will have to stand up for freedom after I am gone, and maybe you. Raise your kids right and you have a better chance that their kids will follow the same path - you know, the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.

My eldest son served 10 years in the Navy, went to college on the GI Bill and is in the broadcasting business. His wife is a pilot and Air Force Major. My next child, as you know is at West Point, and my youngest child, a daughter, is in High School, and plans to be a Veterinarian. All a gun loving Conservatives.

11-17-19, 19:33
Do you want a simple answer or the complicated, hard to implement answer?

The simple answer is for Conservatives to murder every Leftist they encounter - politicians, judges, media and anyone left over, kill them too. Kill off 100 million + of the population, leaving only people who think like you. The largest genocide in world history. That's the simple answer, and the wet dream of every gun stroking, keyboard commando who still live in Mom's basement and frequent online gun forums. They're waiting to get their "Boogaloo On". Dumb asses.

The hard answer is to be competitive in communicating the Conservative, Constitutional message. It means getting involved in the political game by donating time, money and effort. It means raising your kids right, and teaching them traditional values. It means a social evolution over time. It could mean hard times in the US in the far left arena before there is a knee-jerk reaction by the population back to the Right. Sometimes people have to endure something bad to seek something different.

Also, we need to do a Long March Through the Institutions and take them back the same way the Left took them from us. Look up the work of Antonio Gramsci, but apply his methods to our team's goals instead of theirs's.

11-17-19, 22:50
Do you want a simple answer or the complicated, hard to implement answer?

The simple answer is for Conservatives to murder every Leftist they encounter - politicians, judges, media and anyone left over, kill them too. Kill off 100 million + of the population, leaving only people who think like you. The largest genocide in world history. That's the simple answer, and the wet dream of every gun stroking, keyboard commando who still live in Mom's basement and frequent online gun forums. They're waiting to get their "Boogaloo On". Dumb asses.

The hard answer is to be competitive in communicating the Conservative, Constitutional message. It means getting involved in the political game by donating time, money and effort. It means raising your kids right, and teaching them traditional values. It means a social evolution over time. It could mean hard times in the US in the far left arena before there is a knee-jerk reaction by the population back to the Right. Sometimes people have to endure something bad to seek something different.

Hard truths right there ^

If conservatives would just get involved and stop hiding out and bitching things would get better.

Go to a local conservative groups gathering and you will see the same 10 faces every time. It's pathetic. We all can and should do better.

11-18-19, 16:29
So nobody thinks America is going socialist?

I don't.

11-18-19, 16:44
Our country is not being lost. That's ridiculous. Stop watching the news.

Remember when "they" said Hitlery had a 98% chance of winning the election? They are full of sh*t. Plain and simple. There are certainly some nefarious villains at work in our country trying to pull some seriously wrong BS, but that hardly makes the country "lost", and its also nothing new. This is just the normal every day struggle between good and evil. Currently the evil ones have a loud voice and are making a big push to further their agenda. It ain't going nowhere. I just spent a week in Georgia (The Atlanta one, not the Russia one...), and another week in AZ. This country is FULL of good people doing good things.

It can be hard to keep things in perspective with the left's massive and effective propaganda machine, but with a little effort, you can see right through their lies and false narratives.

11-18-19, 17:14
Meh, what can ya do. The 70s and 80's were pretty good but everything has to come to an end sometimes. Even the Little Dutch Boy's finger gets tired. We had a good run before the cancer took hold.

11-20-19, 08:55
Do you want a simple answer or the complicated, hard to implement answer?

The simple answer is for Conservatives to murder every Leftist they encounter - politicians, judges, media and anyone left over, kill them too. Kill off 100 million + of the population, leaving only people who think like you. The largest genocide in world history. That's the simple answer, and the wet dream of every gun stroking, keyboard commando who still live in Mom's basement and frequent online gun forums. They're waiting to get their "Boogaloo On". Dumb asses.

The hard answer is to be competitive in communicating the Conservative, Constitutional message. It means getting involved in the political game by donating time, money and effort. It means raising your kids right, and teaching them traditional values. It means a social evolution over time. It could mean hard times in the US in the far left arena before there is a knee-jerk reaction by the population back to the Right. Sometimes people have to endure something bad to seek something different.

The hard answer is taking the ticket though. Look at Germany.

The second one isn't the answer either. The LEFT does NOT learn. The conservative message will never resonate. We need to get that through our heads.

We also need to admit that most conservative talking heads and politicians aren't "conserving" shit. They are almost like controlled opposition lulling us into a sense of complacency thinking people are fighting the good fights.

I think many will come to the hard conclusion that Republicans will not win another presidential election after trump and this is based solely on immigration, this includes legal. They vote, on average, 70 percent democrat. They have more kids than "conservatives". Doesn't take much math to realize we will have a problem in 1-4 years.

The advocation is peaceful separation or god forbid, separation by force. We set up a new constitution (propertarianism). This eliminates parasitism from above and below. This also preserves more than just basic freedoms. It views American culture, values, even a nice neighborhood as property and protected from parasitism. It's worth checking out and is the best thing going for "after".

Food for thought.

11-20-19, 10:38
Meh, what can ya do. The 70s and 80's were pretty good but everything has to come to an end sometimes. Even the Little Dutch Boy's finger gets tired. We had a good run before the cancer took hold.

Yeah, those 70's and 80's were pretty good.. gasoline shortages and related lines at the pump, 20%+ interest rates, embassies held hostage, Watergate.. I guess it got a little better in the 80's, but we still had an attempted presidential assassination, high interest rates, boycotting the Olympics, AIDS, the Challenger blew up...

Like somebody else said, the Dems are trying to build an utopia that can never be, and the Reps are trying to go back to a time that never existed.

11-20-19, 10:47
Reps are trying to go back to a time that never existed.

Yet they keep marching on in a similar direction as the Dems...


11-20-19, 15:16
Yeah, those 70's and 80's were pretty good.. gasoline shortages and related lines at the pump, 20%+ interest rates, embassies held hostage, Watergate.. I guess it got a little better in the 80's, but we still had an attempted presidential assassination, high interest rates, boycotting the Olympics, AIDS, the Challenger blew up...

Like somebody else said, the Dems are trying to build an utopia that can never be, and the Reps are trying to go back to a time that never existed.

What am I missing? Did you buy a $35K house at 12% (That is worth $300K today), not get to compete in the Olympics, acquire AIDS, and get hit on the head by falling debris from the Challenger. If you are looking through glasses that determine your quality of life and the health of a nation based on shit happens world events that don't meaningfully affect your life I don't know what to tell you.

Challenger blowing up sucked. I watched it but it did not have any significant impact upon my life. 9/11 and everything that followed, totally different story. Back to the original thread subject. I always shake my head when people who don't do anything to defend the country complain and ask why no one is doing anything to defend the country. This place in no Tun Tavern.

Outlander Systems
11-20-19, 17:42
Lol @ Charlie “Kochsucker” Kirk hanging out with tranny faggots.

This is Conservative Inc. encapsulated in one picture.

Yet they keep marching on in a similar direction as the Dems...


11-20-19, 19:54
So nobody thinks America is going socialist?

Been in the works for a very long time.


11-21-19, 06:07
I have said to people that complain about the leftist, you have the right to own guns in the USA and if you "want your country back" all you got to do is kill 75 million leftist. I then tell them that if that is too over the top, then tell me what have you done to make the country a better place with spreading of the love of the Constitution?

Since I don't see it coming to the mass cleaning of liberals, for a lot of different reasons. I think about where the country is going.

I think we will see a balkanization of sorts, which we are already seeing. Liberal coasts and then even in states that the vast majority of the state is conservative, the state is run by liberals in the cities.

So I can see heavy gun control passed in a State and the only place in the state it is enforced is in the cities.

But this is not a formula, that in my view can last. The fact is every great empire has fallen and the USA will be no different. As my Swiss banker friend and partner has said many times. Leave it to Americans to eff up the greatest country ever. He then since I think it was last May laughs and shakes his head and adds leave it to the Swiss to eff our country up. He was referring to the Swiss people voting in gun control.

So where does it end? Who knows. The country is saved by some mysterious thing that wipes out all the cities on both coast? I am not holding my breath.

But I also don't stress over it. I keep working building my business with my partner, we both believe in having multiple options, for one never knows the future.

I will close with a history lesson. In the 1930's don't remember the exact year, but pre Krystalnacht in Berlin. It was time for the oldest son's Bar Mitzah and being a leading family in Berlin both Jewish and non Jewish. They threw the biggest party ever, and in the middle of the party they snuck out from the party and drove to Zurich.

They survived the war, so the moral of the story and of life in general is always be ready to do what you need to do to survive.

11-21-19, 06:08
deleted duplicated post

11-21-19, 09:58
This article is a great summary of the bureaucracy that we are dealing with:


11-21-19, 11:58
Don’t ask me to choose between the Glory of Rome and Bailey Jay for you already know my answer


11-21-19, 13:30
This article is a great summary of the bureaucracy that we are dealing with:


Bizarre coincidence that I just posted that very link over in the Impeachment thread. It's a great article.

11-25-19, 05:44
Bigger government equals less liberty. Since 9/11 the gov has increased exponentially in the name of security. At the rate the gov is expanding the U.S. will eventually collapse financially. That maybe the most likely reset. And it would be a shame to end up loosing our guns indirectly as a result of 9/11's government security expansion.

11-25-19, 14:22
Bigger government equals less liberty. Since 9/11 the gov has increased exponentially in the name of security. At the rate the gov is expanding the U.S. will eventually collapse financially. That maybe the most likely reset. And it would be a shame to end up loosing our guns indirectly as a result of 9/11's government security expansion.

Who is losing their guns? I know of no one who is going to give them up, no matter what the .gov says. Non compliance has been high in years passed, and appears to be skyrocketing now.

11-25-19, 17:46
Who is losing their guns? I know of no one who is going to give them up, no matter what the .gov says. Non compliance has been high in years passed, and appears to be skyrocketing now.

Lets say someone anonymously reports you as being a threat to society (red flag) and then to your surprise the law comes knocking. They inform you of the report and their intent to detain you and search and seize your weapons. What do you do?

11-25-19, 18:52
Lets say someone anonymously reports you as being a threat to society (red flag) and then to your surprise the law comes knocking. They inform you of the report and their intent to detain you and search and seize your weapons. What do you do?

Make sure you have a badass attorney who’s willing to go for the jugular of everyone wronging you. Then smile and make them all worry about what you’re thinking, because you’re not gonna tell them a damned thing.

11-25-19, 19:03
Lets say someone anonymously reports you as being a threat to society (red flag) and then to your surprise the law comes knocking. They inform you of the report and their intent to detain you and search and seize your weapons. What do you do?

Red Flag the Red Flaggers. Anonymously call 'em in on all your local gun-grabbers as a preemptive strike.

Didja ever notice how many Gun Grabbers are already Prohibited Persons?

11-26-19, 10:44
It’s going to interesting to see how how Virginia shakes out with what the communist governor is calling for in their latest bill which stipulates non compliance will be a felony.

11-26-19, 11:18
Lets say someone anonymously reports you as being a threat to society (red flag) and then to your surprise the law comes knocking. They inform you of the report and their intent to detain you and search and seize your weapons. What do you do?
You know the choices beefcake, you'll have to make yours if that time comes.

Pretty much the same choices you have when a cop pulls you over for a traffic violation.

Comply or don't comply.

How many of the "don't comply" types make it to a courtroom to defend themselves because they are killified?

A good percentage less that those that do comply.

Otherwise keep the circle jerk fantasies in your head, if you want to hear fantasies about a 'blaze of glory'.

11-26-19, 11:20
Make sure you have a badass attorney who’s willing to go for the jugular of everyone wronging you. Then smile and make them all worry about what you’re thinking, because you’re not gonna tell them a damned thing.
All while having a video / audio security system uploading to the cloud, so it's all on tape. ;)

I'll be laughing all the way to the bank, thank you very much! :D :D :D

I'd probably buy more of the guns I don't have with that monies!

11-27-19, 05:03
You know the choices beefcake, you'll have to make yours if that time comes.

Pretty much the same choices you have when a cop pulls you over for a traffic violation.

Comply or don't comply.

How many of the "don't comply" types make it to a courtroom to defend themselves because they are killified?

A good percentage less that those that do comply.

Otherwise keep the circle jerk fantasies in your head, if you want to hear fantasies about a 'blaze of glory'.

No fantasies here Mr. Beefcake. Just curious about these ideas of non-compliance when its really on the line? Is all the talk of non-compliance just keeping your stuff hidden in your fantasy CW bunker basements or are you talking continuing to carry the banned mags and AR's to the range and shooting/training with them as though they were legal.

11-27-19, 08:05
Don’t ask me to choose between the Glory of Rome and Bailey Jay for you already know my answer


Hey, man, if you wanna bang some dude in the pooper because he dresses in girl's clothes, have at it - no one is asking you to choose between trannies and freedom.


11-27-19, 13:05
Hey, man, if you wanna bang some dude in the pooper because he dresses in girl's clothes, have at it - no one is asking you to choose between trannies and freedom.


Wait, that is a dude in the photo.

I am so out of touch with pop culture, but if that is a dude then I am glad I am out of touch.

11-27-19, 13:17
Wait, that is a dude in the photo.

I am so out of touch with pop culture, but if that is a dude then I am glad I am out of touch.

Male to female transgender. My comment was tongue in cheek. Bailey Jay is still better than Alexandria the Crazy Eyes Congresswoman...

11-27-19, 13:59
Male to female transgender. My comment was tongue in cheek. Bailey Jay is still better than Alexandria the Crazy Eyes Congresswoman...

They're making the newer models practically indistinguishable from a natural born female unless they show their birth certificate. Which begs the question, would you rather a 10/10 male to female transgender that looks like a Playboy playmate, or a female bodybuilder with bigger muscles than you?

I'm a Aspen Rae man myself. :)