View Full Version : Baltimore looking to sue gun companies

11-21-19, 09:44
Well this didnt take long.

Baltimore city is seriously considering following the lead of sandy hook families and suing gun manufacturers.
Last week the U.S. Supreme Court gave the green light ,ruling families are allowed to pursue legal action against Remington Arms.


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11-21-19, 18:31
No gun sales to any Baltimore govt agency, for starters.

11-21-19, 21:19
No gun sales to any Baltimore govt agency, for starters.

That would seem to be a no brainer, but the more likely action is they will fall all over themselves trying to out discount each other.

11-22-19, 06:03
The Baltimore mayor was just on television saying that it isn't his fault the gang violence in his city is so bad. So l guess now he is blaming the gun companies.

11-22-19, 07:46
That would seem to be a no brainer, but the more likely action is they will fall all over themselves trying to out discount each other.

Exactly, while I would love to see the gun companies do this we all know they will not. Hell, Colt will probably release something that says for LE only on the slide just for them.

11-22-19, 08:06
Are they gonna sue the rats while they're at it? Or just KEEP re-electing them. :rolleyes:

11-22-19, 08:33
Exactly, while I would love to see the gun companies do this we all know they will not. Hell, Colt will probably release something that says for LE only on the slide just for them.

Yep. The smaller companies, i.e. Bravo Company, LMT, etc, will likely continue give them the finger. The big companies beholden to the shareholders and who are led by investment bankers who couldn't give a shit about the 2nd Amendment will likely yank their guns off the civilian market and offer a sweetheart deal to supply the Baltimore PD.

In related speculations, I wouldn't be surprised to see Remington completely take Bushmaster rifles off the civilian market to avoid the Sandy Hook lawsuit, and a bunch of the other big companies follow suit. Unfortunately for us, Remington has an army of fudd loyalists who either think that no self-respecting gun owner would be caught dead with one of those stupid plastic assault guns anyway, or they're too stubborn to believe that the Remington of today is NOT the same one their dad used: "I'm a God-fearing patriot, my granddaddy only owned Remington, my daddy only owned Remington, and dammit if I'm going to betray my country by owning something other than a good solid American Remington!"

11-22-19, 10:04
Yep. The smaller companies, i.e. Bravo Company, LMT, etc, will likely continue give them the finger. The big companies beholden to the shareholders and who are led by investment bankers who couldn't give a shit about the 2nd Amendment will likely yank their guns off the civilian market and offer a sweetheart deal to supply the Baltimore PD.

BCM yes, but I don't think LMT is cut from the same cloth.

Even going purely from a financial point of view it defies logic.

.Gov sales are somewhere around 30-35% of firearms industry sales. Hard to make ends meet when 65% of the income is gone.

11-22-19, 12:58
Yep. The smaller companies, i.e. Bravo Company, LMT, etc, will likely continue give them the finger. The big companies beholden to the shareholders and who are led by investment bankers who couldn't give a shit about the 2nd Amendment will likely yank their guns off the civilian market and offer a sweetheart deal to supply the Baltimore PD.

More or less the opposite of Lenin when he said "the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang ourselves."

You are correct the smaller companies can and would give them the finger. But realistically, how many companies like BCM or LMT are selling to places like the Baltimore PD? If memory serves (it often doesn't) they were using the Adcor Defense Bear. Local company they aren't going to sue.

Anyway, Remington doesn't sell, Stag, Colt or someone will step in and fill in the gap.

11-22-19, 13:59
More or less the opposite of Lenin when he said "the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang ourselves."

You are correct the smaller companies can and would give them the finger. But realistically, how many companies like BCM or LMT are selling to places like the Baltimore PD? If memory serves (it often doesn't) they were using the Adcor Defense Bear. Local company they aren't going to sue.

Anyway, Remington doesn't sell, Stag, Colt or someone will step in and fill in the gap.

Not sure about LMT, but BCM did with Milwaukee PD:


Can't find the link now, but around the time Daniel Defense made the news for wanting to expand NICS, they also made news for selling to a California agency (enforcing all of the anti 2nd Amendment laws) with the mention the equipment was purchased with stolen/civil asset forfeiture funds.

11-22-19, 17:27
Not sure about LMT, but BCM did with Milwaukee PD:


Can't find the link now, but around the time Daniel Defense made the news for wanting to expand NICS, they also made news for selling to a California agency (enforcing all of the anti 2nd Amendment laws) with the mention the equipment was purchased with stolen/civil asset forfeiture funds.

I do stand corrected.

I wonder if that's a hometown thing?

11-22-19, 18:43
I do stand corrected.

I wonder if that's a hometown thing?

Not sure if that was the case with BCM, but stories about agencies buying from local/same state manufacturers pop up from time to time.

What is unique is BCM's response to Ed Flynn indicating he wanted to be master instead of servant. If all companies had taken that stance (before 4th quarter 2001 the firearms market was typically 80% private/20% .gov with the same fawning by companies) we likely wouldn't be in the situation we are now. And if the average American didn't strive to be somewhere between a door mat and a stereotypical abused spouse.