View Full Version : "Deputy Accidentally Shoots Suspect's Mother During Confrontation"

12-05-19, 18:12
A chit show from start to finish:


12-05-19, 18:33
You’re not gonna like my opinion but despite my strong feelings about certain things...

I side with the deputy.

Suspect grabbing wrists made me wince. Suspect kept running towards rooms (I’m thinking for a weapon).
Suspect had no problem hiding behind mother’s skirt despite being grown ass man
Mother of suspect had no problem going along instead of falling back and removing herself.

Now....she tried to go it alone and had height and gender against her. I don’t think she was tossing rounds as much as she just missed. Not everyone does the Humbler on a monthly basis.

So perhaps I am jaded but I don’t think she was wrong. It just went poorly.
Dude gives me a doper vibe.

12-05-19, 18:36
That was a s#$t show all around. Lone female officer in a house with multiple subjects and trying to take a combative one into custody all by her lonesome. Not sure what the original call was for but that escalated fast when in probably shouldn't have. B.S.ing with the subject until backup arrives works a lot of the times. Alas, I wasn't there, though.

12-05-19, 18:53
Typical fat bitch cop. Just because they have the authority to be assholes doesn't mean they have the right to be assholes. This happens every day in our country. I have seen it firsthand. All cops don't suck but a lot of them do. Many more than most of you want to admit.

12-05-19, 19:02
Typical fat bitch cop. Just because they have the authority to be assholes doesn't mean they have the right to be assholes. This happens every day in our country. I have seen it firsthand. All cops don't suck but a lot of them do. Many more than most of you want to admit.

I don’t disagree that she was a bitch. But at the same time, it was getting out of hand for her.

I see why she did what she did with regards to drawing down and dude did lunge at her.

We can say that she could’ve BSed until back up arrived but ol’ buddy was gonna put on a show regardless.

It’s easy to MMQB this but her bitchiness didn’t exactly warrant him grabbing her wrists. While I prefer the grand company of men, I know that is one thing about women that is a total trigger. It’s a helpless feeling.

I won’t say she hit all the high notes but at the same time I won’t condemn her either.

12-05-19, 19:12
I’m not feeling bad for the ones who got shot in this one

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-05-19, 19:24
That officer is a soup sandwich. She walks up and starts reading him his rights, then allows him to retreat into the house - which is a huge mistake - she then proceeds to ask him if he wants her to arrest him right there. It has always been my understanding that if the person has been read their rights then they're under arrest at that point. The fact that he's not in cuffs is irrelevant, but a huge mistake on her part.

She's obviously dealing with a person who is mentally impaired, but she doesn't have the common sense to de-escalate the situation and wait for help to arrive.

12-05-19, 19:24
I don’t disagree that she was a bitch. But at the same time, it was getting out of hand for her.

I see why she did what she did with regards to drawing down and dude did lunge at her.

We can say that she could’ve BSed until back up arrived but ol’ buddy was gonna put on a show regardless.

It’s easy to MMQB this but her bitchiness didn’t exactly warrant him grabbing her wrists. While I prefer the grand company of men, I know that is one thing about women that is a total trigger. It’s a helpless feeling.

I won’t say she hit all the high notes but at the same time I won’t condemn her either.

Guess I should have said.... Just because they are cops doesn't justify what she did. I'll bet more cops than not shouldn't be cops! Just because you want to be on the right side of the law doesn't mean you can do it without immunity.

12-05-19, 19:30
I know there are competent female cops out there, but videos like this are why I tend to have a negative impression of female cops in general, which I will admit isn't really fair, but it is what it is.

12-05-19, 19:30
Guess I should have said.... Just because they are cops doesn't justify what she did. I'll bet more cops than not shouldn't be cops! Just because you want to be on the right side of the law doesn't mean you can do it without immunity.

Like... I sorta don’t think this would get airplay if she hadn’t missed.

I dunno. I have mixed feelings but then again I don’t feel too bad.

When a Bitch and White Trash collide, Film at 11.

12-05-19, 19:39

12-05-19, 19:43
Watching this just reminds me why I couldn't be a police officer and why I respect the men and women that are. I guess it's too bad the lady got shot, but then again she deserved it for raising that weirdo.

12-05-19, 21:07
That was painful to watch. The female police officer has no business being in that situation. She has zero control over the subject, zero control over the situation, and frankly has no clue what she is doing. Good grief.

12-05-19, 21:49
I'm tending to agree with Firefly here. There was a truckload of 'NOPE' in most of what she did other than staying in contact with and eyes on the suspect. Here's the thing that non cops just won't ever understand; there is no formula to apply to each and every situation when dealing with suspects. I've run tens of thousands of calls as a patrol officer and every single one is different, even the ones that are similar and even the ones dealing with a suspect I've dealt with before. Firefly and I or anyone else can MMQB this to death but we weren't there and neither was anyone else who might try. I can't even say exactly what I would have done as it played out and neither can anyone else with 100% certainty.

12-05-19, 22:09
That head kick though..

12-05-19, 22:17

The LEO appears to be in a situation they do not have the brains, strength, fitness, or skills to deal with.
Any one of the four and things would have ended more expeditiously.

It’s not so much that they are guilty of a crime as,
It’s more like they are one of those boaters with no business being out of eyesight of the coast going out in storm and having to be rescued and people die.

12-05-19, 22:32
Opinion of non-leo here. It was clear she could not control the situation early-on.
She should have backed off/de-escalated until backup arrived.

Fine-line of keeping distance and emotion low, but not letting the guy go for a weapon. Its gotta be a tough situation for her since she’s out-numbered and easily overpowered. I think going hands on with someone you cant control is bad.

As for the miss/mom. Misses happen- but you have to train. On the flip-side mom was putting herself right there but not helping so a lot is on her. Dont want your son shot- control your 40-yr old baby-boy.

12-05-19, 23:27
That head kick though..Did he take his shoe off just for the kick? Seemed kinda weird.

12-06-19, 00:24
Holy crap that is a lot of monologing....

‘It’s my right’ never works when interacting with the police, even if the police say it.

Was the guy chemically impaired, or is he mentally compromised?

I think she wanted to show that she could handle this and get the guy in cuffs before back up got there, but that backfired on her.

Did she miss by 3 feet from 3 feet?

I hope she found another line of work, because she is not suited for that job.

12-06-19, 00:59
I'm trying to figure why the dude under arrest wasn't cork screwed into the ground after about 2 minutes.

26 Inf
12-06-19, 01:59
It has always been my understanding that if the person has been read their rights then they're under arrest at that point.

Then you have always understood it wrong. :rolleyes:

26 Inf
12-06-19, 02:30
Up until mom's face got pixeled out, I was thinking that it was a use of force scenario that I hadn't seen before.

Lots of things going on. Don't know call load of agency, or type of call, but if it was a disturbance, but was there a need for her to make contact w/o backup?

To me, it didn't start well, but it went really off the track when she went up the stairs while he was sitting on them. From that point on she was really behind the power curve.

I would have stood there and BS'ed with him until my backup got there and we could make the arrest with safety for all. She on the other hand did nothing to calm the situation - just because voices aren't being raised, doesn't mean things aren't going sideways.

She's lucky it didn't kick off at 6:43 when she said 'as soon as the rest of them come in, your going into handcuffs and your going to jail.' YMMV, but if I'm talking with someone who I'm pretty sure could kick-my-ass, I generally try to keep things as pleasant as possible.

It appeared to me that she wanted to appear to be proactive to her partner by initiating contact and control measures before his arrival. She needed to register what he was saying, and the fact that he let go of her, also that mom was in the mix.

She had distance with the firearm out and covering him, then moved in, apparently to physically clear mom away, at which point schizo took umbrage and came at her. I don't believe she had the slightest idea where her muzzle was when she was firing.

Judging from her complete breakdown, I'd be willing to bet she had never had an properly structured force on force simulations. Because, my friends, what you heard at the end, was someone who had never before confronted their own mortality...... Partner did excellent getting her kind of back just before the tape ended.

Everybody hangs shit on Verbal Judo, but a little VJ applied to that dude, and mom, probably would have ended in a peaceful arrest/committal.

12-06-19, 03:08
There is a lot of material in this and without law enforcement experience this is a tough one to process. This is not to defend one side or the other here.

First the obvious:

1) This officer has absolutely no command presence. She was actually quite good at calming the guy down by toning herself down and just talking to him. That was working, but every time she tried to force him it didn’t work. Why she kept going for the gentle grab and expecting different results I have no idea.

2) That guy reeks of alcohol through the screen. I’d bet my paycheck he was just flat out drunk. He didn’t seem mental at all, or even high. My money is on drunk. He was absolutely understanding what he was being told, he just didn’t want any part of it. Drunk 101: they can turn on you in an instant, this is case in point. He had already proven that point when the initial scuffle going through the door took place.

The less obvious:

1) She had the initial scuffle at the door, then talked for a while, then called for backup (non-emergency). Then made an urgent call during the next hands on incident. Then later when she was talking again she said essentially she was “good” and slowed her backup down, then proceeded to try and grab him again. Anyone listening to that on the radio didn’t have much to go on. Then during the final fight she is obviously calling emergency again and you do hear she hit the panic button on her radio.

2) I don’t think she missed by a mile, I think it’s a quirky side effect of the body camera. If you really watch enough of these you’ll realize that to the viewer of the video we process it thinking we are looking through the eyes of the officer but that is NOT the case, angles are distorted horribly.


I can’t really disagree with the shots being fired based on the circumstances that existed at that moment.

I can disagree with how they got to that moment. She should have figured out long before that that half-ass grabbing on that guy was doomed to escalate/fail. She never should have slowed down her backup, if he was willing to fight once he was willing again. It seems like she just expected he was going to comply, but that doesn’t always happen the way we want it too, and she was definitely not mentally or physically prepared for what she should have perceived was likely to happen. There could be many reasons for this, maybe lack of training, maybe trying to avoid a use of force incident if the supervision there are less than supporting of what it takes to do the job.

Even if this officer is cleared of wrongdoing, her career is over. Very likely she decided that day it wasn’t for her.

12-06-19, 05:01
Wow....definitely a great video to use to show cops what NOT to do. She should have walked out of the house and waited for backup.

12-06-19, 07:36
You’re not gonna like my opinion but despite my strong feelings about certain things...

I side with the deputy.

Suspect grabbing wrists made me wince. Suspect kept running towards rooms (I’m thinking for a weapon).
Suspect had no problem hiding behind mother’s skirt despite being grown ass man
Mother of suspect had no problem going along instead of falling back and removing herself.

Now....she tried to go it alone and had height and gender against her. I don’t think she was tossing rounds as much as she just missed. Not everyone does the Humbler on a monthly basis.

So perhaps I am jaded but I don’t think she was wrong. It just went poorly.
Dude gives me a doper vibe.

Understatement of the century.

12-06-19, 08:01
Wow....definitely a great video to use to show cops what NOT to do. She should have walked out of the house and waited for backup.

The problem with walking out is that you don't know what you will walk back in to.

She simply seems to be out of her element, lost control of the situation early on, and missed multiple opportunities to de-escalate and wait for the cavalry. I'm not saying I would have done better, I know I am not cut out to be a peace officer.

12-06-19, 08:05
I don’t disagree that she was a bitch. But at the same time, it was getting out of hand for her.

I see why she did what she did with regards to drawing down and dude did lunge at her.

We can say that she could’ve BSed until back up arrived but ol’ buddy was gonna put on a show regardless.

It’s easy to MMQB this but her bitchiness didn’t exactly warrant him grabbing her wrists. While I prefer the grand company of men, I know that is one thing about women that is a total trigger. It’s a helpless feeling.

I won’t say she hit all the high notes but at the same time I won’t condemn her either.

Any idea why she didn't attempt use of a less lethal to control him at some point before things went totally south? I don't know what options she had there, but no doubt had at least spray. She sounded and acted like a security guard as Cosco vs LEO.

12-06-19, 08:37
That was painful to watch. The female police officer has no business being in that situation. She has zero control over the subject, zero control over the situation, and frankly has no clue what she is doing. Good grief.

This is my exact take on it. There is some good analysis in this thread but damn that was painful to watch. She is lucky the suspect didn’t want her dead. David

12-06-19, 08:48
Any idea why she didn't attempt use of a less lethal to control him at some point before things went totally south? I don't know what options she had there, but no doubt had at least spray. She sounded and acted like a security guard as Cosco vs LEO.

Simple. She panicked a bit. Let’s look at the totality of it all. He had height and gender against her. It was out of hand per her capabilities.

I kinda don’t like people saying she should have just let him go inside and chill until male officers arrive. That’s very naive. Yeah maybe the charge was “merely” shoplifting but he clearly had home advantage. Given his willingness to lunge at officer and get physical with her; I wouldn’t put it past him to go for some kind of a weapon.

The disparity of size is evident. To that end she wasn’t wrong to attempt to keep him from going inside nor keeping him in view.

I don’t know her less lethal options but I can understand fully that when suspect got from behind the mother and lunged; he could have very easily grounded and pounded her.

See, for better or worse, women are in law enforcement and you are looking at it from the perception of a male.

We like to think police recruits are all 22 yo men just out the service who spent academy running 5 miles a morning while singing jody cadences and are pros at ground fighting and have baccalaureate degrees in psychology but that is not reality.

Reality is that pudgy short round females get by and handle calls and they panic when alone and it’s looking like they might tote that ass whipping.

I ask this question:

Let’s say she was on her best Sunday School demeanor and he still did what he did and his mom did what she did. And even further still, officer K-5’d him in the chest like Alvin York. Would it have mattered at all?

The scene was botched as soon as he was able to get in the house. At that point, it was a cluster.
That was the turning point.

She may well should have waited for back up but then again only so many officers and I don’t know their staffing situation well enough to speak to if that was viable.

I can say she may have been naive in thinking it was going to go her way from verbal commands alone.

It just wasn’t her day.

12-06-19, 09:06
Without getting into great detail about what went right or wrong in this situation, there is one basic policing principal that hasn't changed in several decades. When things are beyond the control of the family and police are requested, someone has to be in charge of the situation. Gaining and maintaining control quickly is of paramount importance. If the responding officer cannot control the situation without assistance, backup should be requested.

If the responding officer shows a pattern of not being able to take charge of a situation when responding to problem calls, supervisors should document deficiencies and resolve the issue through counseling and additional training. With video recording it is easier to identify deficiencies.

Some people are not cut out to be police officers. If they are not, there is no disgrace in pursuing a different line of work.

12-06-19, 10:01
Up until mom's face got pixeled out, I was thinking that it was a use of force scenario that I hadn't seen before.

Lots of things going on. Don't know call load of agency, or type of call, but if it was a disturbance, but was there a need for her to make contact w/o backup?

To me, it didn't start well, but it went really off the track when she went up the stairs while he was sitting on them. From that point on she was really behind the power curve.

I would have stood there and BS'ed with him until my backup got there and we could make the arrest with safety for all. She on the other hand did nothing to calm the situation - just because voices aren't being raised, doesn't mean things aren't going sideways.

She's lucky it didn't kick off at 6:43 when she said 'as soon as the rest of them come in, your going into handcuffs and your going to jail.' YMMV, but if I'm talking with someone who I'm pretty sure could kick-my-ass, I generally try to keep things as pleasant as possible.

It appeared to me that she wanted to appear to be proactive to her partner by initiating contact and control measures before his arrival. She needed to register what he was saying, and the fact that he let go of her, also that mom was in the mix.

She had distance with the firearm out and covering him, then moved in, apparently to physically clear mom away, at which point schizo took umbrage and came at her. I don't believe she had the slightest idea where her muzzle was when she was firing.

Judging from her complete breakdown, I'd be willing to bet she had never had an properly structured force on force simulations. Because, my friends, what you heard at the end, was someone who had never before confronted their own mortality...... Partner did excellent getting her kind of back just before the tape ended.

Everybody hangs shit on Verbal Judo, but a little VJ applied to that dude, and mom, probably would have ended in a peaceful arrest/committal.

Not being LE, and loath the "I woulda" and "she shoulda" type comments people often make, I will leave it at that. We all see a long list of missed opportunities on her end and I hope she strongly considers another line of work before she gets herself killed, or worse, other LEOs, and non. Clearly, that PD also has no weight/fitness recs to speak of.

12-06-19, 11:26
Did he take his shoe off just for the kick? Seemed kinda weird.

It flew off when booted him in the head.

12-06-19, 11:28
Why do people question minor things that happen in a fight?

It’s not like TV. Shoes fly off, boots fly off, lots of stuff happens.

12-06-19, 12:08
I don’t know anything about the backup.

I get the vibe he is some night shift dude who heard an all hands officer in distress, noticed it was real close by, hopped out of bed and pulled up to save the day walker.

12-06-19, 12:59
The guy says that he is OK with being arrested but he doesn't want to be touched. Of all the questions she asks him, why not ask him how exactly she is supposed to do that.

Did the male cop knock him out or choke him unconscious? Anyone have an article on the aftermath?

12-06-19, 14:56
He certainly appeared impaired.
Keeping the guy talking and deescalating the situation might well have kept him on the porch.
Knowing you have back-up on the way, perhaps keeping the situation calm until they get there is a better tactic than warning the guy that you have help coming?
Going back in the house? How many people have a firearm within reach of the front door?
Allowing the situation to go from verbal to physical, just kind of say's "I haven't done this long, or don't have the skill set to go about this another way."

I dunno, I'm an old guy now, I would rather not go all hands on with someone who is obviously impaired and has nothing to lose in a fight.
I've got a 50K nose now from being the guy who wouldn't back down in his 20's. Sometimes when you don't have a better way, you need to be ready to speak crazy right along with the nut case you're having to deal with until help arrives or you can eject.

12-06-19, 15:07
Not a lot of additional details but they claim she broke no policies:


12-06-19, 15:42
Not a lot of additional details but they claim she broke no policies:


Technically she didn’t.

Could have gone better. Could have gone worse.
A different officer may have done better. Yet another done worse.

These things just happen.

She could do with some serious remedial training though

12-06-19, 16:05
Not a lot of additional details but they claim she broke no policies:


She was initially placed on leave, but is now on administrative duty, Lt. Ryan Flood said.

Someone has to save the world from paperwork, might as well be her. Hopefully for herself, bystanders and drywall everywhere, she never goes out on patrol again.

12-06-19, 16:06
Maybe momma's boy is autistic in some way.

12-06-19, 16:06
Technically she didn’t.

Could have gone better. Could have gone worse.
A different officer may have done better. Yet another done worse.

These things just happen.

She could do with some serious remedial training though

And a treadmill.

12-06-19, 16:19
Hopefully for herself, bystanders and drywall everywhere, she never goes out on patrol again.

Okay I got a pretty good laugh from that. Thank you. David

12-06-19, 18:28
Maybe momma's boy is autistic in some way.

They way the mom talked to him, and they way he spoke, he has social integration issues. He sounded like the red haired brother on the Ray Donovan show.

12-06-19, 18:48
. B.S.ing with the subject until backup arrives works a lot of the times..

This x1000. Officers need to know when to push and when to hold. That was a hold and BS until backup arrives situation. That job requires an ability to talk to people. She could’ve kept him calm and discussed whatever . . . . the type of booze he likes : . . doesn’t matter, as long as he stays cool. Make up some excuse about the computers being down, and this’ll all get cleared up as soon as she hears back from dispatch. Make something up.

I wasn’t there, but damn, seems like there were other options that hadn’t yet been exhausted.

12-06-19, 21:00
Deputy is lucky to be alive. So many moments that could have gone sideways. Lots of wrong in that video. I hope she finds another calling.

12-07-19, 01:07
Maybe momma's boy is autistic in some way.

That is what I was thinking myself.

The crime was shoplifting a Snickers bar. The copchick (a little Col. Cooper there) had the suspect on surveillance tape ID'd before she showed up.

From the look of copchick's arms and sausage fingers, she was prolly pissed he took her Snickers bar. Or donut...

12-07-19, 08:14
This x1000. Officers need to know when to push and when to hold. That was a hold and BS until backup arrives situation. That job requires an ability to talk to people. She could’ve kept him calm and discussed whatever . . . . the type of booze he likes : . . doesn’t matter, as long as he stays cool. Make up some excuse about the computers being down, and this’ll all get cleared up as soon as she hears back from dispatch. Make something up.

I wasn’t there, but damn, seems like there were other options that hadn’t yet been exhausted.

She was convinced her authoritah was all that was required to get it done, even when dude made it clear he was not coming without a fight. When you're a short obese lady cop, best to know your limitations I'd hope. She gives LE a bad name on all fronts.

Interestingly, one of the few negative experiences I have had with LE was with a similar LEO. It was obvious the judge knew her and did not like her, and I beat the BS ticket. She was let go not long after that according to guys I knew at the PD.

12-07-19, 08:14
And a treadmill.

How about a Peloton :)

12-07-19, 08:16
How about a Peloton :)

On a cops salary?! :cool:

12-07-19, 08:19
On a cops salary?! :cool:

Maybe her man can gift her :)

12-07-19, 08:24
Man? Let’s not jump to crazy conclusions here :p

12-07-19, 08:30
Man? Let’s not jump to crazy conclusions here :p

Yes, that is a stretch.

FYI, not sure which is accurate now but:

The unidentified deputy was found to have violated department policy governing arrests, Greenville County Sheriff's Office spokesman Lt. Ryan Flood said in an email. He did not elaborate on how policy was violated.

Flood was quoted by The Greenville News as sayingthat the deputy's discipline included counseling and remedial training. He said she was briefly placed on administrative duty but had since been cleared for regular duty.

“This is an effort to ensure the deputy is ready following ... a critical incident,” Flood's statement said.

Flood said the deputy was found to have violated the department's “General Order 229,” a multi-page order regarding arrests, including use of force.

12-07-19, 08:41
A lot of “policies” are very generalized state policies that are juuust vague and open enough that if it receives too much news they can mess you over.

12-07-19, 09:03
Sorry. That made me spit out my breakfast... lol. why would “her man” want to body shame her for crying out loud?!?

Maybe her man can gift her :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-07-19, 09:35
The bad guy- even though he's off his rocker immediately and accurately sized this lady up as a social worker that lacked the ability fortitude to dominate the situation.

12-07-19, 10:18
Greenville Sheriff's Office has deputies airborne qualified for parachuting in to areas affected by hurricanes so any claims of inadequate training is rather amusing.

12-07-19, 10:59
Greenville Sheriff's Office has deputies airborne qualified for parachuting in to areas affected by hurricanes so any claims of inadequate training is rather amusing.


You can miss me with that buuuullsheeeyit.

I’ll ride in a helo. I’ll rappel, I’ll abseil, I’ll even walk a ways. But heeelll no would I do some ish like that on cop pay.

I’m middle aged and already feel achy on cold mornings.

Serious NEWP in this post

12-07-19, 11:06
No bullshit.



12-07-19, 11:07
No bullshit.



I believe you. I read that same article.

And again, you can miss me with all that.

12-07-19, 11:15
Greenville Sheriff's Office has deputies airborne qualified for parachuting in to areas affected by hurricanes so any claims of inadequate training is rather amusing.

I fail to see the connection. One does not follow the other. Some how I don't think she was on the list for airborne qualified crew or the tac team. Wild guess on my part....I wonder how long she was on the job to be on her own like that and clearly incapable of doing the job. So far, very little info about her being released it seems.

12-07-19, 11:22
Social justice compliance isn’t a given when you don’t have the means or capability to back it up.

12-07-19, 11:25
I fail to see the connection. One does not follow the other. Some how I don't think she was on the list for airborne qualified crew or the tac team. Wild guess on my part....I wonder how long she was on the job to be on her own like that and clearly incapable of doing the job. So far, very little info about her being released it seems.

Anything like this gets blamed on inadequate training. Any lack of training is either explicitly, or implied, as being the fault of mean old tax payers not wanting to pay for LE training.

Very similar to Chicago PD announcing 10k guns vonfiscated, but lacking the money/man power to solve crimes against people or property which is similar to stereotypical welfare crack whores not having money to feed their kids, but can scrape funds together for entertainment.

12-07-19, 11:44
Anything like this gets blamed on inadequate training. Any lack of training is either explicitly, or implied, as being the fault of mean old tax payers not wanting to pay for LE training.

And that is in fact some times the case. In this case, she seems more like how-the-F-did-she-ever-become-a-cop vs simply a matter of inadequate training per se, but I don't have a clue what her training was, etc. I do think what we are seeing is the all inclusive PC hiring practices in full detailed vid, and a PD that apparently has no ongoing weight/phys recs for it's LEOs, and a person who needs to find another line of work. Her issues are obviously greater than a simple inadequate training issue, but does not mean it was not a factor there.

Very similar to Chicago PD announcing 10k guns vonfiscated, but lacking the money/man power to solve crimes against people or property which is similar to stereotypical welfare crack whores not having money to feed their kids, but can scrape funds together for entertainment.

As apples and oranges as it gets and I can't comment on that one. Chicago PD and the city have issues that run very deep to be sure.

12-07-19, 14:47
Thinking about it some more....

22 yo Firefly blasting Teenage Dirtbag on his whopping 2 GB Zen MP3 player would probably knock down the damn door to jump out of a plane to yeet up on thuggies in a trap house.

But 22 yo Firefly was a tart. Don’t let him sway you. He was a tart

12-07-19, 14:50
Thinking about it some more....

22 yo Firefly blasting Teenage Dirtbag on his whopping 2 GB Zen MP3 player would probably knock down the damn door to jump out of a plane to yeet up on thuggies in a trap house.

But 22 yo Firefly was a tart. Don’t let him sway you. He was a tart

Like all us at 22, more T than brains.

12-07-19, 17:22
You’re not gonna like my opinion but despite my strong feelings about certain things...

I side with the deputy.

Suspect grabbing wrists made me wince. Suspect kept running towards rooms (I’m thinking for a weapon).
Suspect had no problem hiding behind mother’s skirt despite being grown ass man
Mother of suspect had no problem going along instead of falling back and removing herself.

Now....she tried to go it alone and had height and gender against her. I don’t think she was tossing rounds as much as she just missed. Not everyone does the Humbler on a monthly basis.

So perhaps I am jaded but I don’t think she was wrong. It just went poorly.
Dude gives me a doper vibe.

Only thing she did wrong was not put two in his chest when he clear and coming at her. Dude has severe mental or drug problems and shouldn't have been walking around free.

12-08-19, 07:35
Any idea why she didn't attempt use of a less lethal to control him at some point before things went totally south? I don't know what options she had there, but no doubt had at least spray. .

...I wonder how long she was on the job to be on her own like that

I got a rookie vibe from her. Not the most professional interaction I’ve indirectly seen, either. Kinda seemed like she was goading him into escalation. In keeping with my assumption that she’s fairly new, she may not have yet qual’d with OC or tazer, thus not able to use them.

I loved how the second cop came in with violence of action. Came in the door with a purpose and went alpha baboon on the guy with no hesitation. Warmed my heart. The way he was coaching her at the end of the video, I wonder if he was her FTO, and she was turned out on her own like a week ago.

12-08-19, 08:23
I got a rookie vibe from her. Not the most professional interaction I’ve indirectly seen, either. Kinda seemed like she was goading him into escalation. In keeping with my assumption that she’s fairly new, she may not have yet qual’d with OC or tazer, thus not able to use them.

I loved how the second cop came in with violence of action. Came in the door with a purpose and went alpha baboon on the guy with no hesitation. Warmed my heart. The way he was coaching her at the end of the video, I wonder if he was her FTO, and she was turned out on her own like a week ago.

Sounds like an accurate assessment to me.