View Full Version : 5 republicans push awb

11-17-08, 18:25
Assault Weapons Ban Introduced...by Five R.I.N.O.s
Define R.I.N.O.: A Republican In Name Only.

Examples of the type of Republican covered under this definition are:

Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL]
Rep. Michael Ferguson [R-NJ]
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT]
Rep. Michael Castle [R-DE]
These five supposed Republican are nothing more than jackasses in elephant's clothing. Rep. Mark Kirk has introduced a bill, H.R. 6257: Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008, which would "reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act." The bill has been co-sponsored by the other four jackasses listed above. All of them claim to be Republicans.

All of them need to leave the party.



We don't need your kind anymore. It is this kind of stuff that lost the Republican majority in Congress. No, not this particular issue, but the failure to adhere to Republican values in general. If you want to behave like a gun-grabbing Democrat, go sit on their side. It is better that the Republicans be in the minority, but true to conservative values than to be in the majority with no clear values at all.

The problem with gun violence isn't that law abiding citizens have access to assault weapons (whatever that means.) It's that criminals use them to commit crimes. Read that last sentence. Commit crimes is the key part of that sentence. Having these guns be illegal will not limit the criminal's access to them. It will only make them better armed than their victims.

I found out about this through the Jawa Report, who saw it on The Arsenal. Tip of the hat to both of them.

By the way, the phone number to Rep. Kirk's office is 202-225-4835. Let him know how you feel about his actions.

11-17-08, 19:18
I'm hoping that ONE of the things that comes out of the site we both belong to the righttokeepandbeararms, is that we finally get a third party candidate that believes in the traditional American values. Both of the present parties leave a LOT to be desired

Gutshot John
11-17-08, 20:10
At least one of those republicans was voted out of office.

That being said, if you're expecting pro-2a democrats to be elected to those districts you might be disappointed. Having a majority is useful, even if they don't always agree with you. Moreover they agree with other basic principles. All in all, consolidating disparate interests is how you govern.

People are allowed to disagree in the meantime, make sure your basic tenet holds water.

11-17-08, 21:05
I'm hoping that ONE of the things that comes out of the site we both belong to the righttokeepandbeararms, is that we finally get a third party candidate that believes in the traditional American values. Both of the present parties leave a LOT to be desired

Except that third party conservative candidates are the surest way to live under Democrat rule for the rest of our lives. There is really only ONE path to survival -- take the Republican party back and make it what we want it to be. Now go and do it...

11-17-08, 21:10
Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL]
Rep. Michael Ferguson [R-NJ]
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT]
Rep. Michael Castle [R-DE]

I did not know that with the exception of FL that any of these states produced anything but liberal politicians

11-17-08, 21:43
Except that third party conservative candidates are the surest way to live under Democrat rule for the rest of our lives. There is really only ONE path to survival -- take the Republican party back and make it what we want it to be. Now go and do it...[/QUOTE]

That is absolutely correct. I have been given a "free ride" these past years given my energy level promoting the 2A but I have now become very active in advancing our causes and conservative philosophy.

Grass roots activism is the key. Of course while still supporting programs on the national level.

11-17-08, 22:47
As the OP stated, these guys aren't really Republicans.

Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL]
Rep. Michael Ferguson [R-NJ]
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT]
Rep. Michael Castle [R-DE]

All the state represented by these "Republicans" are liberal bastions with the exception of Florida. Kirk is from Obama's home state and Castle is from Biden's - that's an obvious red flag. They really should just switch party affiliation much like Jim Jeffords did in '02. Ridiculous.

11-17-08, 23:17
This has been rehashed before. The "ban" is a popular subject.



11-17-08, 23:23
since when did the Republicans become the party of the 2nd amendment?

stop worrying about if someone is Republican or Demarcate. to place all your hope in one party over the other is suicide.

A pro gun Democrat should be just as welcome as a pro gun Republican. voting record is more important then a party affiliation.

The fixing of both parties should be the goal, not one over the other.

11-18-08, 05:49
since when did the Republicans become the party of the 2nd amendment?

stop worrying about if someone is Republican or Demarcate. to place all your hope in one party over the other is suicide.

Thank you, thank you, thank you... :cool:

A pro gun Democrat should be just as welcome as a pro gun Republican. voting record is more important then a party affiliation.

Here in Ohio, we went from an anti-RKBA Republican governor to a (relatively) pro-RKBA Democrat. Go figure, eh? ;)

The fixing of both parties should be the goal, not one over the other.

Please pardon the expression, but screw the two dominant parties -- they can't be "fixed." It's time we made other choices.

30 cal slut
11-18-08, 07:35
Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) was defeated by democrat Jim Himes.

Good riddance. While Jim Himes is somewhat of a question mark regarding RKBA, there is a modest difference between someone who might vote for anti-gun legislation, vs. somebody who will actually co-sponsor it.

11-18-08, 07:51
Not many co-sponsors at all. DOA. The other ban bill had a pathetic 66 co-sponsors.

The ATF reform bill had over 220 sponsors out of a possible 435.
So who is winning ? Us or them?

Check DC v Heller here:


Look at Amicus brief support for each side.

Gutshot John
11-18-08, 07:58
Good riddance. While Jim Himes is somewhat of a question mark regarding RKBA, there is a modest difference between someone who might vote for anti-gun legislation, vs. somebody who will actually co-sponsor it.

I don't think there is any question mark, the guy is a liberal democrat from New England. I've got $10 bucks that says there is no difference between them on that issue.

Likewise you don't think the new guy will co-sponsor the legislation? Seriously a bill that has any chance of passing will have dozens of co-sponsors.

Purging moderate Republicans, will only guarantee more democrats in Congress. That means that passage of any AWB will operate under rules written by a Dem Majority, rather than rules written by a Republican Majority.

Please people, learn how the legislature works, the "Rules" Committee and the caucus system works.

11-18-08, 08:51
Great job at IDing them. This should be updated on a regular basis.

11-18-08, 19:17
Assault Weapons Ban Introduced...by Five R.I.N.O.s
Define R.I.N.O.: A Republican In Name Only.

Examples of the type of Republican covered under this definition are:

Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL]
Rep. Michael Ferguson [R-NJ]
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT]
Rep. Michael Castle [R-DE]
These five supposed Republican are nothing more than jackasses in elephant's clothing. Rep. Mark Kirk has introduced a bill, H.R. 6257: Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008, which would "reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act." The bill has been co-sponsored by the other four jackasses listed above. All of them claim to be Republicans.

All of them need to leave the party.



We don't need your kind anymore. It is this kind of stuff that lost the Republican majority in Congress. No, not this particular issue, but the failure to adhere to Republican values in general. If you want to behave like a gun-grabbing Democrat, go sit on their side. It is better that the Republicans be in the minority, but true to conservative values than to be in the majority with no clear values at all.

The problem with gun violence isn't that law abiding citizens have access to assault weapons (whatever that means.) It's that criminals use them to commit crimes. Read that last sentence. Commit crimes is the key part of that sentence. Having these guns be illegal will not limit the criminal's access to them. It will only make them better armed than their victims.

I found out about this through the Jawa Report, who saw it on The Arsenal. Tip of the hat to both of them.

By the way, the phone number to Rep. Kirk's office is 202-225-4835. Let him know how you feel about his actions.

Ros-Lehtinen......I know her step son, he is a fraternity brother of mine. I am going to have to give him a call.