View Full Version : Democrats that aren't completely insane...

12-15-19, 02:22
Are they real?

Tulsi Gabbard seems to be the only dem on the national stage that hasn't gone full retard, but I'm still sure I can throw her further than I trust her.

Rep. Elissa Slotkin seems to be more reality based. Am I just pissing in the wind?


just a scout
12-15-19, 04:19
Tulsi is nice to look at and listen to, until you break down her positions. They are just as Left as the rest. She’s just more reasonable sounding about it and she’s a Vet, which skews our opinions of her. How about the dog whistle of “woman of color”?

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12-15-19, 05:11
The only Democrat that never pissed me off or sounded crazy was Zell Miller.

Tulsi is attractive physically but deep down she would likely sell us all out

12-15-19, 05:27
If she had a clue or integrity, she wouldn’t fake this whole “I need to digest the information” bullshit. She just wants some spotlight.

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12-15-19, 06:06
Democrats that aren't completely insane...

... are long dead & buried. :(

12-15-19, 06:13
... are long dead & buried. :(

Sadly this. There was a time when the parties weren’t that different. Coke v Pepsi.

But now you are playing with mercury when people just want to be left alone. Don’t try to save me, but don’t damn me either. Just let me live my life. JFC. So not hard

12-15-19, 06:57
Tulsi supported Bernie Sanders...that in itself is insanity.

Straight Shooter
12-15-19, 07:20
Yall cray if you dont think she & all the rest wont wind up voting "yea".
This is just to make her seem like she isnt sooo far left, like she is really "struggling" & "deeply upset" when in fact sitting there she knows she will do it..because she's been TOLD she will. I dont think a single sorry assed dimorat will vote against it.

12-15-19, 08:33
Jeff Van Drew (Rep from NJ) seems at least partly sane. He's leaving the DNC to join the Republicans, citing the impeachment circus as a main reason for his defection. Though in fairness it seems he's been opposed to his party's platform as often as not over the years.


And yeah, Tulsi's a Trojan Horse, not a centrist.

12-15-19, 14:54
Tulsi supported Bernie Sanders...that in itself is insanity.

MEh, was she supposed to support Clinton?

I do get tired of the Vet angle with people like Vindman, Gabbard and Mayor Pete. So was Charles Witmann, Timothy McVeigh and Alan Alda. Never heard the Dems go lightly on Bob Dole... George Bush. Hitler served honorably in WWI.

12-15-19, 15:59
MEh, was she supposed to support Clinton?

I do get tired of the Vet angle with people like Vindman, Gabbard and Mayor Pete. So was Charles Witmann, Timothy McVeigh and Alan Alda. Never heard the Dems go lightly on Bob Dole... George Bush. Hitler served honorably in WWI.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine once upon a time... my standard comeback to the "But Mueller was a MARINE! MUH WAWR HEEEE-ROW!" bullshit. And don't forget Weasel Clark either...

12-15-19, 16:44
Being in the military or law enforcement does not make someone “good”. A single day cannot define a person. You earn your stripes everyday.

Like it’s easy to buy into the whole Starship Troopers spiel(Lord knows I been guilty of it here and there) but in reality, I gauge a man’s worth on how willing he is to leave me the hell alone

12-15-19, 23:14
I think a lot are less insane than people think. I was and still am a big fan of Richard Cordray. It was a sad day for ohio when Dewine got elected, F*** I hate that guy.

26 Inf
12-15-19, 23:22
Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine once upon a time...

and you weren't.

12-15-19, 23:38
and you weren't.

I have never said I was anything BUT 4-F... I was making the point that the uniform is not some automatic Magical Talisman of +Infinite Character, both good guys and bad guys have worn it. Ditto the badge, ditto the members of Freemasonry, there are good people and bad people in everything.

Ed L.
12-16-19, 01:55
Tulsi supported Bernie Sanders...that in itself is insanity.

One of the most annoying things is hearing Libertarians prattle about how Tulsi is close to being a libertarian or may run as a libertarian.

Looking at her positions and who she has supported it is clear that she is anything but a libertarian.

12-16-19, 02:16
Sane? No, maybe Better Liars/Actors.

12-16-19, 09:09
and you weren't.

I believe you missed the point.

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12-16-19, 09:13

Like I said, just a ploy, a moment in the spot light. The bitch knew what she was going to do from the get go.

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26 Inf
12-16-19, 11:25
I believe you missed the point.

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No, I got the point. It offends me when folks, especially those who haven't served, disparage honorable service because they don't agree with a person's viewpoint.

Diamondback's disparaging, profanity-laced diatribes are getting old, at this point, IMO, he reeks of basement dweller.

12-16-19, 12:09
Like others feel lots of bad folks in any public service does not give a automatic you are OK

At insane asylums the least crazy are still crazy they just seem less crazy then the others

Does she want to change/erode the 2nd ? YES
That alone is the litmus test and she failed

12-16-19, 12:11
No, I got the point. It offends me when folks, especially those who haven't served, disparage honorable service because they don't agree with a person's viewpoint.

Diamondback's disparaging, profanity-laced diatribes are getting old, at this point, IMO, he reeks of basement dweller.

Irrelevant in the context of the specific statement.

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12-16-19, 12:18
Like others feel lots of bad folks in any public service does not give a automatic you are OK
Duke Cunningham WAS a rockstar: fighter ace, solid conservative... until he took a bribe, and that made him Scum of the Earth. So I'm willing to dunk on those of my own side when they turn out to be shitbirds too, and it's not "just politics"--I have also repeatedly said that I wouldn't trust Trump enough to leave him alone with my girlfriend while I got her a refill at the punchbowl.

12-16-19, 12:34
Being in the military or law enforcement does not make someone “good”. A single day cannot define a person. You earn your stripes everyday.

Like it’s easy to buy into the whole Starship Troopers spiel(Lord knows I been guilty of it here and there) but in reality, I gauge a man’s worth on how willing he is to leave me the hell alone

There are some scum bags in uniform. Sometimes you can call them out on it, other times believe it or not, it's just accepted.
It used to irritate the hell out of me, 35 years in or working with the Military, I finally couldn't accept that anymore and retired.
Adulterers, Murderers, kid rapists, thieves, I think that I've seen it all.

Yeah, just leave me alone and I will be a good neighbor and do the same.

12-16-19, 13:40

Like I said, just a ploy, a moment in the spot light. The bitch knew what she was going to do from the get go.

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Oh she knew very well what she was doing when she made that statement on Friday. I would bet the farm that there was a direct conversation between Pelosi and Slotkin after that interview. Since Slotkin didn't automatically line up with the narrative, Pelosi bought her vote. That's just how it's done.

26 Inf
12-16-19, 14:55
Irrelevant in the context of the specific statement.


12-16-19, 14:57
Slightly OT but knowing 26 is familiar with Spin Doctors warmed my heart a little today.

26 Inf
12-16-19, 15:36
Slightly OT but knowing 26 is familiar with Spin Doctors warmed my heart a little today.

To be honest, I thought it was by the J Geils Band. :rolleyes:

12-16-19, 17:24

Cool story. Great song. Still can’t figure out how she can’t be called out for using the “vet angle”. The service wasn’t disparaged but the exploration of it is certainly fair game?

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12-16-19, 17:46
I would rather that I have a rattlesnake in my backyard than a Democrat in any public office.
Either way, one of them is going to bite you in the ass when you're not looking.

Straight Shooter
12-17-19, 12:59
Yall cray if you dont think she & all the rest wont wind up voting "yea".
This is just to make her seem like she isnt sooo far left, like she is really "struggling" & "deeply upset" when in fact sitting there she knows she will do it..because she's been TOLD she will. I dont think a single sorry assed dimorat will vote against it.

I told yall. She is supporting it. All a big f-ing show.

Straight Shooter
12-17-19, 13:00

12-17-19, 13:09
Kendra Horn, OK-5, just signed her willingness to accept a single term in the House.


26 Inf
12-17-19, 13:29
Kendra Horn, OK-5, just signed her willingness to accept a single term in the House.


I didn't get that at first.

Not from Oklahoma, so no horse in the race, but if what she was quoted as saying in the article are true belief's (about Constitution and Duty) then I would tend to support her decision as being non-partisan, even though I don't agree.

Activities like the ones mentioned in the last sentences of the article:

She’s been the focus of high dollar, dark money ad campaigns which have been calling on voters to urge Horn to vote against the articles of impeachment. Two out of state groups, America Action Network and America First Policies, have paid for more than $500,000 beginning last month.

Are too prevalent on either side and the main reason I've always thought the Citizens United decision was BS. I don't want elections bought by the elites, and if corporations are people, why hasn't Texas executed one yet?

12-17-19, 13:37
I didn't get that at first.

Not from Oklahoma, so no horse in the race, but if what she was quoted as saying in the article are true belief's (about Constitution and Duty) then I would tend to support her decision as being non-partisan, even though I don't agree.

Activities like the ones mentioned in the last sentences of the article:

She’s been the focus of high dollar, dark money ad campaigns which have been calling on voters to urge Horn to vote against the articles of impeachment. Two out of state groups, America Action Network and America First Policies, have paid for more than $500,000 beginning last month.

Are too prevalent on either side and the main reason I've always thought the Citizens United decision was BS. I don't want elections bought by the elites, and if corporations are people, why hasn't Texas executed one yet?

She basically won because the GOP incumbent phoned it in during the election and didn't even campaign. I'll give her all the credit in the world for beating the pavement and getting people out to vote for her. She had the chance to be bipartisan, but failed as soon as she got into lockstep with Pelosi. Her comments are straight at Trump and ignore everything shady from the DNC side in the House.

She sits in a deep red district where such things won't be taken lightly. At the very minimum, she could have voted "present" and not taken a stand either way. This pretty much gives her opponents as much ammo as they need to unseat her next election.

12-18-19, 17:15
I didn't get that at first.

Not from Oklahoma, so no horse in the race, but if what she was quoted as saying in the article are true belief's (about Constitution and Duty) then I would tend to support her decision as being non-partisan, even though I don't agree.

Activities like the ones mentioned in the last sentences of the article:

She’s been the focus of high dollar, dark money ad campaigns which have been calling on voters to urge Horn to vote against the articles of impeachment. Two out of state groups, America Action Network and America First Policies, have paid for more than $500,000 beginning last month.

Are too prevalent on either side and the main reason I've always thought the Citizens United decision was BS. I don't want elections bought by the elites, and if corporations are people, why hasn't Texas executed one yet?

She's the first Dem to be elected to federal office in Oklahoma in MANY years. I don't know what Pelosi promised her for her vote, but it's not going to get her re-elected after she casts that die.

26 Inf
12-18-19, 18:07
She's the first Dem to be elected to federal office in Oklahoma in MANY years. I don't know what Pelosi promised her for her vote, but it's not going to get her re-elected after she casts that die.

Yep. Got that, pretty sure she knew that, reason I said if what she was quoted as saying in the article are true belief's (about Constitution and Duty) then I would tend to support her decision as being non-partisan, even though I don't agree because she'll be a one term wonder.

12-18-19, 18:40
Yep. Got that, pretty sure she knew that, reason I said if what she was quoted as saying in the article are true belief's (about Constitution and Duty) then I would tend to support her decision as being non-partisan, even though I don't agree because she'll be a one term wonder.

Regardless of what she said, she has set herself up for failure.

If she votes for the impeachment, she's dead politically and should start polishing up the resume right now.

If she switches her vote at the last minute, she's now weak and doesn't stand on her promises and the voters will turn against her.

Better to be quiet on such a thing and let it go. Again, voting present means she's not supporting either side and let's the Senate decide as it should be.