View Full Version : Washington State Congressman investigated for domestic terrorism

12-20-19, 10:49

A Republican state lawmaker in Washington is accused of participating "in an act of domestic terrorism against the United States," according to a new report released Thursday by the Washington State House Republicans on their website.

So, not done by the State Police or DHS, but by an independent firm....

Don't know if this guy is an ass-hat or not. Was looking for some local input on who and what this guy is.

I think this is the next step, especially with the Red Flag laws coming.

just a scout
12-20-19, 11:09
I’ve heard of this guy. I’m thinking it sounds like partisan BS at first blush. They’re going to try to connect him to Malheur and events in ID. Bet they try to connect him to Proud Boys too.

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12-20-19, 11:17
He’s done some nutty things. He’s a religious extremist and he wrote a manifesto about a religious war and making the US into a theological country. Among other things he said in it that any male that does not agree should be killed.

12-20-19, 11:24
Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar should top any list of Domestic Terrorists operating inside of the US Congress.

12-20-19, 14:43
I’m unfortunately familiar with this lunatic- he is everything that gives the Inland Northwest it’s reputation for harboring hateful extremists.

12-20-19, 14:48
Sadly, Puget Sound Republicans being Democrats in Drag only foster overcorrections that lead to people like him. Gunnerblue, have you signed the I-1094 petition yet? If not, and if you care about your gun rights, only a few days left...

12-21-19, 17:35
According to the article "In 2015, the report said, Shea again called for Patriot Movement followers to go with him to Priest River, Idaho, where he allegedly engaged in an armed conflict with the Veteran's Administration, where weapons were being seized from a veteran who had been determined by a healthcare professional as not eligible to purchase firearms."

I don't know anything about him. But if he engaged in armed conflict in 2015 with the VA, he would be in prison a long time ago.

Whole thing sounds like BS

12-21-19, 17:49
Here's a discussion on a Northwestern regional forum:

My take, having grown up among the local Democrat Elites and then been an activist member of the local GOP: This is a Beta Test, just like Brett Kavanaugh, Dino Rossi, Alex Jones and Roy Moore, not to mention Trump himself. They're using him as a practice target to see which Manufactured Outrages work and which ones don't so they can consistently throw any non-Kapo Kollaborator sissycuck Republican out of office at will.

Like Trump, this isn't about Matt Shea himself, it's about the Olympia Machine's hatred for the filthy unwashed proles and their undesirable power-limiting, freedom-loving ideals he represents.

I hope Shea tells the cross-dressing, ass-sucking so-called "Republicans" of the Wet Side Establishment to go sodomize each other all the way into Hell.

12-21-19, 18:07
Part of me wants to think this dude is Based and part of me thinks this dude is a larping jackass.

I’m so confuse rn

12-21-19, 18:12
Part of me wants to think this dude is Based and part of me thinks this dude is a larping jackass.

I’m so confuse rn

Like I said, this isn't about Shea himself, jackass though the man may be--this is about developing techniques to weaponize against other Republicans later, same as the smear attempts against Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh. The Dems don't like the people we choose as our representatives, so they want to cancel our votes.

12-21-19, 18:19
According to the article "In 2015, the report said, Shea again called for Patriot Movement followers to go with him to Priest River, Idaho, where he allegedly engaged in an armed conflict with the Veteran's Administration, where weapons were being seized from a veteran who had been determined by a healthcare professional as not eligible to purchase firearms."

I don't know anything about him. But if he engaged in armed conflict in 2015 with the VA, he would be in prison a long time ago.

Whole thing sounds like BS

This was local for me. The entire affair was overblown in my opinion- the individual in question was flagged by NICS after suffering a stroke (IIRC) and being determined to be mentally unstable. The local sheriff spoke and the VA declined to conduct an inspection.

12-21-19, 18:26
Like I said, this isn't about Shea himself, jackass though the man may be--this is about developing techniques to weaponize against other Republicans later, same as the smear attempts against Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh. The Dems don't like the people we choose as our representatives, so they want to cancel our votes.

I respectfully disagree. While the same people who demonize President Trump are likely to demonize Rep. Shea as well, doesn’t change the fact that Shea is vile. History of domestic violence, anger issues/road rage, association with an anti-Semitic, homophobic, pro-slavery church in Coeur d’Alene, the list goes on.

One of the most noble aspects of the “right” is its ability to call out its zealous fringe. Shea is a rabid dog. It would behoove conservatives/libertarians/etc everywhere to be rid of him

12-21-19, 18:49
I respectfully disagree. While the same people who demonize President Trump are likely to demonize Rep. Shea as well, doesn’t change the fact that Shea is vile. History of domestic violence, anger issues/road rage, association with an anti-Semitic, homophobic, pro-slavery church in Coeur d’Alene, the list goes on.

One of the most noble aspects of the “right” is its ability to call out its zealous fringe. Shea is a rabid dog. It would behoove conservatives/libertarians/etc everywhere to be rid of him

Fair point--but as with Alex Jones, Dems use the most vile and disgusting people as Test Cases to set a precedent knowing that once the first one's been thrown under the bus they can get anyone else crushed under the wheels just as easily--and more easily with every subsequent success. Today Shea, tomorrow it could be ANYONE--the Wet Side Machines and their operatives are masters of character assassination, though a character like Shea's doesn't take much to assassinate.

I'm not defending the man, I'm defending the principle of "Innocent Until Proven Guilty." Let him have his day in court--and if he's found guilty remove him then.

12-21-19, 19:37
Jones is another that should be distanced from, but agreed as far as to the rights of due process.

12-21-19, 19:54
Ever see "A Man For All Seasons"? I'm a big fan of Sir Thomas More. :)

12-22-19, 00:42
My brother used to run in the same circles as Shea and told me that he was never comfortable around him. He said that he always seemed like the kid of guy that could execute anyone that he disagreed with and not have any issues.

just a scout
12-22-19, 19:13

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12-24-19, 16:16
Here's a discussion on a Northwestern regional forum:

My take, having grown up among the local Democrat Elites and then been an activist member of the local GOP: This is a Beta Test, just like Brett Kavanaugh, Dino Rossi, Alex Jones and Roy Moore, not to mention Trump himself. They're using him as a practice target to see which Manufactured Outrages work and which ones don't so they can consistently throw any non-Kapo Kollaborator sissycuck Republican out of office at will.

Like Trump, this isn't about Matt Shea himself, it's about the Olympia Machine's hatred for the filthy unwashed proles and their undesirable power-limiting, freedom-loving ideals he represents.

I hope Shea tells the cross-dressing, ass-sucking so-called "Republicans" of the Wet Side Establishment to go sodomize each other all the way into Hell.

Diamondback is correct in that, whether Shea is an asshat or not, we here in the PNW are under assault by the left in general, and the complicit media will just use this against us.

The domestic enemy is trying to ruin this state and restrict the hell out of us, I don't know what we're supposed to do anymore.

We don't really want that guy on our side, but damn, we're running out of "R"s in Olympia.

12-25-19, 22:48
Diamondback is correct in that, whether Shea is an asshat or not, we here in the PNW are under assault by the left in general, and the complicit media will just use this against us.

The domestic enemy is trying to ruin this state and restrict the hell out of us, I don't know what we're supposed to do anymore.

We don't really want that guy on our side, but damn, we're running out of "R"s in Olympia.
And many of the "R team" we nominally have in Olympia are Drag-Queen Dems, side more with the enemy than they do with their own. Pro-tip, anyone who cites membership in "Mainstream Republicans of Washington" is NOT your friend, and I'm beginning to think the same about many members of the various "Ronald Reagan Republican Clubs" too. Trust me, I grew up among these people and they educated me alongside their own children, so I have a perspective on how they think that outsiders seldom get the chance to have.

So we're under siege not just by the Dems, but by Vichycuck Quisling Republican traitors as well.