View Full Version : Valhalla Tactical Introduction: Hello All!

12-21-19, 03:47
Howdy everyone at M4C!

Although I've been a lurker on this forum for years, as we kick-start this new adventure I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves.

Valhalla Tactical, at the very beginning, is somewhat of a side-project of mine to "make things the way I want it". Perhaps it was just my google-fu being weak, or I have weird needs... But I seem to always run into stuff that I thought "it could've been better". Back then we would be brain-storming and 3D-printing prototypes after work, into the wee hours, in search of solutions... and ran the company CNC machine on weekends to make stuff. Then, I started showing some of our do-dads to friends and families... and when people kept telling me "dude this is sweet, you should sell it", I begun to seriously thinking about what we want to do with all those crazy contraptions.

So in mid 2019 we recruited a few friends in the firearm industry, and started sharing what we do. Public responses, to say the least, has been overwhelming.

I suppose one of the first thing I should say is "THANK YOU" for all the supporters who made our first product launch such a huge success. We never expected it would took off like that, and it really meant a lot to us. I am suddenly getting calls from industry partners, got introduced to a lot of really cool people, who shared their experience, know-how, and ideas with us. Maybe because they liked what we are doing, or maybe it was just my dumb luck... great people from great companies like NeoMag, Battle Arms, Bobro Engineering, EchoArms (plus many more) are helping a nobody like me, giving us a lot of pointers, and even produced components for us and willing to partner with us for joint projects. To them, I want to say I am very honored to have your support. When we grow a little bigger and have the capability, I will definitely return the favor.

Then, last but not least, all the members on M4C - THANK YOU. As much as our first post was somewhat of a rough ride, we had some really great feedback, good debates, and even constructive criticisms. Both Mods and Admins were instrumental to help us read the fine lines between forum rules, and guided us to sign up for a manufacturer account. But it was the collective inputs from everyday members that I found the most invigorating. Now that we are kosher to openly talk about our company and our products, I would very much appreciate your openness and continued support.

That said, I am sure a lot of you have questions, and if so please do not hesitate to ask! We would also love to hear your thoughts on our products, or suggestions on how we can make them better! So fire away!!


Wallace @Valhalla.Tactical

12-21-19, 15:17
Welcome aboard.

12-21-19, 21:37

12-21-19, 23:21
Welcome aboard, and I look forward to seeing many new products from you guys in the future.

12-23-19, 10:17
Welcome! I'm a customer from a looong time ago. You guys took good care of me. Great to see ya'll on M4C!