View Full Version : "Average gun owner now owns 8 guns, twice what it used to be"

12-26-19, 09:51
They use such numbers to attempt to make it seem a negative, but how many guns were used in like 99% of mass shootings or crimes? One. One is all that's needed, so whether a person enjoys owning 1 or 100, it's irrelevant in terms of what anti 2A/anti Liberty/anti gun types attempt to view it. Only aspect of concern may be it has potential to put more guns on the street due to being stolen due to people not securing their firearms adequately, and that's the responsibility some gun owners don't take as seriously as they should in my view and gives gun banners and excuse to pass more laws.

Average gun owner now owns 8 guns, twice what it used to be

There are nearly twice as many guns in the average gun-owning household today as there were 20 years ago, according to new Wonkblog estimates based data from surveys and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In 2013, there were an estimated 8.1 firearms in the typical gun-owning household, according to these data. In 1994, the average gun-owning household owned 4.2 guns.

These numbers comport with what survey research has shown for several years now: the share of gun-owning households has been declining over the past 20 years and possibly more, according to numbers from Gallup and the General Social Survey. On the other hand, domestic firearm production and imports of firearms have risen sharply, particularly in recent years. If those numbers are correct, it follows that increasing gun purchases are being driven primarily by existing owners stocking up rather than first-time buyers.



12-26-19, 09:55
The assumption of such pieces is that it is morally permitted to bully minority groups. They need to inoculate the masses against all the headlines that sentiment is shifting toward self-defense.

The author says AR15s are only for fun and pistols for self defense. Yeah, the agenda is thick.

“Carry on with gun control” is the message.

12-26-19, 10:00
The assumption of such pieces is that it is morally permitted to bully minority groups. They need to inoculate the masses against all the headlines that sentiment is shifting toward self-defense.

The author says AR15s are only for fun and pistols for self defense. Yeah, the agenda is thick.

“Carry on with gun control” is the message.

Meanwhile, AR's have been used in HD/SD multiple times last year, but they don't let things like facts get in the way of an agenda.

12-26-19, 10:03
Always knew I was better than the average American...

12-26-19, 10:06
Who responds in the affirmative that they own guns for polling data? I would bet that the number of gun owning households has increased in the last 20 years, but people who are polled are denying ownership.

12-26-19, 10:16
It would be interesting to know the number of "Black Rifles" in American homes now? We have three Sportsman's Warehouses in New Mexico and they always have a nice selection of AR type weapons, which they sell like Hotcakes in a diner. The wife and I were in one of those stores recently and the number of people buying AR's was amazing, and always brings a big grin to my face. Only in America.....:D

12-26-19, 10:33
I think the more politicians try to make things illegal or highly restricted (evil assault weapons and high capacity mags) the more apt people are to buy them.

There is some truth to the memes saying Obama, Hillary or Beto are the gun salesmen of the year. Every time a politician opens their mouth about gun control, more people are likely to go on a buying spree and stock up even more.

12-26-19, 10:47
Who responds in the affirmative that they own guns for polling data? I would bet that the number of gun owning households has increased in the last 20 years, but people who are polled are denying ownership.

Most of my guns were lost in a boating accident. The others were sold in legal, private sales to reputable individuals, so there's no record of that as the bills of sale were lost when I moved last year. Other than that, I only have one rifle, and two high capacity magazines left. In my pants.

12-26-19, 10:52
This isn’t an encouraging data point. We need more new gun owners....period.

The real reason for all these absurd gun laws is to simply make it as inconvenient as possible to own guns. The goal is to reduce the total number of gun owners so that they’ll be less of them in the voter base to oppose ever more restrictive laws. The long game is to repeal the Second Amendment but it’s going to take a long time to generate that kind of support or at least a eliminate the opposition. They are in for the long haul

12-26-19, 10:53
I doubt the number of firearms owners are going down. As for the numbers owned by each, that is like any other consumer product relationship between quantity and modern manufacturing.
More televisions as a result.


12-26-19, 10:53
I think the more politicians try to make things illegal or highly restricted (evil assault weapons and high capacity mags) the more apt people are to buy them.

There is some truth to the memes saying Obama, Hillary or Beto are the gun salesmen of the year. Every time a politician opens their mouth about gun control, more people are likely to go on a buying spree and stock up even more.

Bingo. Maybe the stockpiles wouldn't get so deep if they weren't stoking a ban scare every five minutes... On the other hand, most of the major gun companies are owned by hedge funds controlled by Leftists, so it's a no-lose for them.

12-26-19, 11:02
I'm thinking that doubling the numbers has a relatively easy answer.
Men are buying their wives guns for self protection too.
I hope they are getting training also.
I always deny owning guns when asked. I'm pretty sure that I still have that right.

12-26-19, 11:33
Don’t be broadcasting yo stash.
It’s a very ar15.com thing to do.

If anyone I don’t know or don’t like asks me if I got guns the answer is “No. Not a topic I wish to discuss”

12-26-19, 11:43
Good, we need to make it 10 by the end of 2020.

12-26-19, 11:45
Don’t be broadcasting yo stash.
It’s a very ar15.com thing to do.

If anyone I don’t know or don’t like asks me if I got guns the answer is “No. Not a topic I wish to discuss”So you mean I shouldn't make a list in my signature of all the cool guns I own? How am I supposed to show how cool I am then?

I go one step further. I don't talk about guns randomly. If I'm at a social event and guns come up I don't participate unless I already know all the people.

12-26-19, 11:52
Most of my guns were lost in a boating accident. The others were sold in legal, private sales to reputable individuals, so there's no record of that as the bills of sale were lost when I moved last year. Other than that, I only have one rifle, and two high capacity magazines left. In my pants.
I can imagine the look on the faces of anyone coming to pick mine up if I used that line....boating accident...? where? That won't work for these parts. I might as well tell them the same space aliens who mutilated the cow in the next county swooped in and stole all my guns. Damn thieving space wetbacks steal anything that isn't tied down....:angry:

12-26-19, 11:56
I can imagine the look on the faces of anyone coming to pick mine up if I used that line....boating accident...? where? That won't work for these parts. I might as well tell them the same space aliens who mutilated the cow in the next county swooped in and stole all my guns. Damn thieving space wetbacks steal anything that isn't tied down....:angry:

Flash flood in an arroyo?

12-26-19, 12:03
Good, we need to make it 10 by the end of 2020.

"An AR in every pot come 2020!"

12-26-19, 12:37
"An AR in every pot come 2020!"

“Pot in every AR!”


Also people who sperg out and feel like they hotta talk about guns with fellow parents at the PTA or the dentist office outta nowhere are creepos.

Like honestly despite how you interpret my “voice” here, IRL I assure you; you probably wouldn’t think I cared about guns at all. Like at all. Same with most of the folks I’ve met and shot with. No Bolt Face tattoo tomfoolery. No gun crap on my vehicle. And if some rando says “Guns should be banned!” I don’t get into a debate. I just shrug and go “okay, cuz. Not even on that page in the book but whatevs”

12-26-19, 12:51
“Pot in every AR!”Also people who sperg out and feel like they hotta talk about guns with fellow parents at the PTA or the dentist office outta nowhere are creepos.

Like honestly despite how you interpret my “voice” here, IRL I assure you; you probably wouldn’t think I cared about guns at all. Like at all. Same with most of the folks I’ve met and shot with. No Bolt Face tattoo tomfoolery. No gun crap on my vehicle. And if some rando says “Guns should be banned!” I don’t get into a debate. I just shrug and go “okay, cuz. Not even on that page in the book but whatevs”

Gray man concept ftw.

12-26-19, 14:32
Grey man is safe and good, but I feel strongly that people on the fence need to see what a responsible average gun owner is so they don’t just see the cartoonish bubba poster boy dip shut that gets trotted around by the liberal media.

Bubbas exist. For sure. But some people truly believe bubba is every gun owner.

People need to see the regular guy that is a good father, husband and friend who is responsible with firearms.

Now, I’m not saying to project it or qualify it all the time. But being willing to represent the positives of firearm ownership and culture when a reasonable person offers and opportunity is a good thing.

My goal over the past several years has been to seek out folks who are not anti gun nor pro gun and give them reasons to become pro gun and become responsible firearm owners.

I wish everyone would do the same. We need more people on the right side of the firearms and Rights debate.

Plus it’s super fun to teach and nurture new shooters so they don’t accidentally become the “gun guy” firefly hates so much.

Because it seems pretty easy for dudes to become that guy without someone to guiding them in another direction that is beneficial for us all.

12-26-19, 14:41
And that's the game... knowing how to be gray when needed and how to be a positive face when needed. I turned quite a few mild antis back in college by busting the stereotype... one trick I found helpful was knowing how to appeal to a woman's "Momma Bear" instincts. :)

12-26-19, 14:42
I don’t even care about making people “pro gun” as much as “pro real”

ADT won’t help you
Cops are 20 minutes out on a good day.

Do you want to live or do you want to die?
If you want to live what is the best possible equipment for living can you get?
If you get that equipment, do you know how to use it?

Beyond that, guns are toys and hobbies except for my gear that’s for putting in work. Doesn’t look pretty. Doesn’t make a statement. It does what it needs to do without question.

That’s what people need to be turned on to. I’d rather keep the fence sitters sitting if they are just gonna be mouthbreathing arfcommers in the making.

I just want responsible people making good decisions with good gear. That’s where it begins and ends with me.

12-26-19, 15:02
I don’t even care about making people “pro gun” as much as “pro real”

ADT won’t help you
Cops are 20 minutes out on a good day.

Do you want to live or do you want to die?
If you want to live what is the best possible equipment for living can you get?
If you get that equipment, do you know how to use it?

Beyond that, guns are toys and hobbies except for my gear that’s for putting in work. Doesn’t look pretty. Doesn’t make a statement. It does what it needs to do without question.

That’s what people need to be turned on to. I’d rather keep the fence sitters sitting if they are just gonna be mouthbreathing arfcommers in the making.

I just want responsible people making good decisions with good gear. That’s where it begins and ends with me.

I want the same thing. People to understand the tools necessary to provide for their defense and the defense of liberty, and to understand which tools are better than others.

Best way to do that is to show them and teach them.

12-26-19, 15:11
I don’t even care about making people “pro gun” as much as “pro real”

ADT won’t help you
Cops are 20 minutes out on a good day.

Do you want to live or do you want to die?
If you want to live what is the best possible equipment for living can you get?
If you get that equipment, do you know how to use it?

Beyond that, guns are toys and hobbies except for my gear that’s for putting in work. Doesn’t look pretty. Doesn’t make a statement. It does what it needs to do without question.

That’s what people need to be turned on to. I’d rather keep the fence sitters sitting if they are just gonna be mouthbreathing arfcommers in the making.

I just want responsible people making good decisions with good gear. That’s where it begins and ends with me.

More or less sums it up for me. I don't try to convert anyone into being pro gun, and tell them I fully support their not owning a gun, as long as they support my 2A Rights, we're good.

12-26-19, 15:20
More or less sums it up for me. I don't try to convert anyone into being pro gun, and tell them I fully support their not owning a gun, as long as they support my 2A Rights, we're good.

...if it only worked like that though.

12-26-19, 15:32
...if it only worked like that though.


Like I will gladly support your legal right to screw other dudes dressed and done up like broads, worship the devil, and get hepped up dope. If it’s legal.... Hell, I may join you. Been a helluva year. Lemme get my due for once.

But in turn, don’t bitch at me about guns.

America isn’t even the most violent place.

“Gun violence” is so relatively rare that it is national news. More folks die from ODing, car wrecks, the HIV, cancer, and liver failure than do guns.

So give respect get respect

Don’t start nothing wont be nothing.

And most importantly leave me the hell alone

12-26-19, 15:43
...if it only worked like that though.

Sadly, it does not, but that's at least my starting point for any discussions/debates on the issue. I don't start with any intentions to convert them into being pro gun, just into "leave me the F alone and I will do same" position. That works both ways however, and as a Libertarian based person, as long as it involved consenting adults, and does not impact my Liberty and "pursuit of happiness meaning" it's none of my biz or concern.

12-26-19, 16:37
Grey man is safe and good, but I feel strongly that people on the fence need to see what a responsible average gun owner is so they don’t just see the cartoonish bubba poster boy dip shut that gets trotted around by the liberal media.

Bubbas exist. For sure. But some people truly believe bubba is every gun owner.

People need to see the regular guy that is a good father, husband and friend who is responsible with firearms.

Now, I’m not saying to project it or qualify it all the time. But being willing to represent the positives of firearm ownership and culture when a reasonable person offers and opportunity is a good thing.

My goal over the past several years has been to seek out folks who are not anti gun nor pro gun and give them reasons to become pro gun and become responsible firearm owners.

I wish everyone would do the same. We need more people on the right side of the firearms and Rights debate.

Plus it’s super fun to teach and nurture new shooters so they don’t accidentally become the “gun guy” firefly hates so much.

Because it seems pretty easy for dudes to become that guy without someone to guiding them in another direction that is beneficial for us all.

This is very true. The problem lies in the fact that the loudest and most obnoxious people of any given group always manage to steal the spotlight. I have to say though, unfortunately, what I witnessed working for six years in gun sales, the majority of gun customers I met were the stereotype. Lots of guys who looked like outlaw bikers, obese neckbeards, racist old men, obnoxiously high energy roid heads, and far right sovereign citizens. I hate to say it, but it was probably at least a 3 to 1 "creature" to "normal person" ratio.

This is compounded by the fact that the anti-gunners are going to do everything in their power to make it appear as though there isn't a single rational mind among the pro-gun groups. They either highlight the stogy stuffed suits like Wayne Lapierre, or give the mic to Ted Nugent or Alex Jones. Guys like Colion Noir need to be the face of the gun rights movement, but he's rational, well spoken, educated, and so he plays second fiddle to the idiots with big mouths.

12-26-19, 16:52
This is very true. The problem lies in the fact that the loudest and most obnoxious people of any given group always manage to steal the spotlight. I have to say though, unfortunately, what I witnessed working for six years in gun sales, the majority of gun customers I met were the stereotype. Lots of guys who looked like outlaw bikers, obese neckbeards, racist old men, obnoxiously high energy roid heads, and far right sovereign citizens. I hate to say it, but it was probably at least a 3 to 1 "creature" to "normal person" ratio.

This is compounded by the fact that the anti-gunners are going to do everything in their power to make it appear as though there isn't a single rational mind among the pro-gun groups. They either highlight the stogy stuffed suits like Wayne Lapierre, or give the mic to Ted Nugent or Alex Jones. Guys like Colion Noir need to be the face of the gun rights movement, but he's rational, well spoken, educated, and so he plays second fiddle to the idiots with big mouths.

Stereotypes exist for a reason...

12-26-19, 17:02
So you mean I shouldn't make a list in my signature of all the cool guns I own? How am I supposed to show how cool I am then?

That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Seriously one of the lamest and poorest PERSEC things one can do on the internet.

12-26-19, 17:05
I dont tell people I own any and Im not sure that is the right thing to do. I have a son and one in the oven and they wont be able to keep that secret under wraps.

I want them shooting and understanding the conviction it takes to be a responsible gun owner. Am I responsible for not wanting to deal with idiot anti2A types...dunno?

12-26-19, 17:10
This is very true. The problem lies in the fact that the loudest and most obnoxious people of any given group always manage to steal the spotlight. I have to say though, unfortunately, what I witnessed working for six years in gun sales, the majority of gun customers I met were the stereotype. Lots of guys who looked like outlaw bikers, obese neckbeards, racist old men, obnoxiously high energy roid heads, and far right sovereign citizens. I hate to say it, but it was probably at least a 3 to 1 "creature" to "normal person" ratio.

This is compounded by the fact that the anti-gunners are going to do everything in their power to make it appear as though there isn't a single rational mind among the pro-gun groups. They either highlight the stogy stuffed suits like Wayne Lapierre, or give the mic to Ted Nugent or Alex Jones. Guys like Colion Noir need to be the face of the gun rights movement, but he's rational, well spoken, educated, and so he plays second fiddle to the idiots with big mouths.

I managed a shop on the outskirts of a college town for a couple of years, and had a different experience. We had our share of the stereotypes you mention, but I'd say at most they were only half of our customers. The rest were professional people, college students, academics (including some university admin), and even a fair number of women.

As for the poll, in a social climate where the media and the DNC are actively demonizing gun owners, I can't say I know many who would be willing answer "yes" when asked if they own guns. Never mind that social surveys are fairly easy to manipulate to provide the result the surveyor wants.

12-26-19, 19:22
This is very true. The problem lies in the fact that the loudest and most obnoxious people of any given group always manage to steal the spotlight. I have to say though, unfortunately, what I witnessed working for six years in gun sales, the majority of gun customers I met were the stereotype. Lots of guys who looked like outlaw bikers, obese neckbeards, racist old men, obnoxiously high energy roid heads, and far right sovereign citizens. I hate to say it, but it was probably at least a 3 to 1 "creature" to "normal person" ratio.

This is compounded by the fact that the anti-gunners are going to do everything in their power to make it appear as though there isn't a single rational mind among the pro-gun groups. They either highlight the stogy stuffed suits like Wayne Lapierre, or give the mic to Ted Nugent or Alex Jones. Guys like Colion Noir need to be the face of the gun rights movement, but he's rational, well spoken, educated, and so he plays second fiddle to the idiots with big mouths.

I think it’s all about where you live. In my area, there are many gun owners who are in the tech, university, and finance sectors. There are of course the neck beard and outlaw biker types. But I would say the majority in my area are educated and rather diverse (white, black, Asian, male, female, banker types, hipster types, etc).

12-26-19, 20:03
Always knew I was better than the average American...


12-27-19, 00:46
I wonder the effect of UBCs in some states? Makes it a step to overcome to sell a gun, and an added cost. How much are you going to get for a used glock?

12-27-19, 00:49
I wonder the effect of UBCs in some states? Makes it a step to overcome to sell a gun, and an added cost. How much are you going to get for a used glock?

Effect? Explosion of 80%'s, which is why the Lefties are now pissing their frilly pink panties about those.

12-27-19, 01:16
Always knew I was better than the average American...

I'm apparently way above average.

Interesting enough though most gun owners I know have more than 8 guns. It really isn't a lot when you think of the various types they(we) have. Every time they try to pass guncontrol measures that will do nothing to prevent violence they sell more guns to people.

12-27-19, 09:52
Average gun owners don't respond in the affirmative to people asking them if the own guns...

The real number of firearms and firearm owners in the USA is MUCH higher than any poll would elude to.

That fact, and the rate at which firearms and ammo is purchased, is comforting.

12-27-19, 10:14
Average gun owners don't respond in the affirmative to people asking them if the own guns...

The real number of firearms and firearm owners in the USA is MUCH higher than any poll would elude to.

That fact, and the rate at which firearms and ammo is purchased, is comforting.

Yep. I have a few relatives who are avg gun owners. You'll never see them online on gun forums. They're not going to debate you whether or not a Glock is better/worse than a Sig or if a DA/SA handgun is still relevant. They have what they have and that's that. To them talking about guns is no different than talking about what socks or underwear is better. It's just things they own for a purpose

12-27-19, 10:16
Yeah, those numbers still seem... low to me, but then again I know a lot of people who collect firearms, so maybe I'm somewhat biased when it comes to these kind of stats. :p

12-27-19, 10:21
I think it’s all about where you live. In my area, there are many gun owners who are in the tech, university, and finance sectors. There are of course the neck beard and outlaw biker types. But I would say the majority in my area are educated and rather diverse (white, black, Asian, male, female, banker types, hipster types, etc).

The odd thing is, the area where the gun shop was is one of the richest areas areas in one of the richest counties in the country. Plus, there was a pretty well regarded liberal arts college just down the street from us, so one would expect a majority of our customers to be at least...normal. And granted, we did have quite a diverse crowd. It was just an odd trend that all the slobs somehow managed to end up at our shop, despite the fact that there was no shortage of gun shops in the area, and most of the residents of the surrounding area were of the upper crust. I think "Scott", the manager whose less than savory practice of doing "private" sales over the counter, may have had something to do with guys from out his way making the trek out to us.

12-27-19, 10:54
Yeah, those numbers still seem... low to me, but then again I know a lot of people who collect firearms, so maybe I'm somewhat biased when it comes to these kind of stats. :p

You also have to think there are probably some (if not many) who don't respond to such polls.

When the doctors were asking "do you own firearms" my answer was always no.

12-27-19, 11:06
I think "Scott", the manager whose less than savory practice of doing "private" sales over the counter, may have had something to do with guys from out his way making the trek out to us.

I'll bet you're right.

12-27-19, 11:11
This is very true. The problem lies in the fact that the loudest and most obnoxious people of any given group always manage to steal the spotlight. I have to say though, unfortunately, what I witnessed working for six years in gun sales, the majority of gun customers I met were the stereotype. Lots of guys who looked like outlaw bikers, obese neckbeards, racist old men, obnoxiously high energy roid heads, and far right sovereign citizens. I hate to say it, but it was probably at least a 3 to 1 "creature" to "normal person" ratio.

This is compounded by the fact that the anti-gunners are going to do everything in their power to make it appear as though there isn't a single rational mind among the pro-gun groups. They either highlight the stogy stuffed suits like Wayne Lapierre, or give the mic to Ted Nugent or Alex Jones. Guys like Colion Noir need to be the face of the gun rights movement, but he's rational, well spoken, educated, and so he plays second fiddle to the idiots with big mouths.

This must depend of location.
I live a little but south of Detroit and since there are no gun stores in Detroit, the "thug culture" is in most every gun store/range within 20 miles of the city. I don't mean black, I mean drawers down to their knees, hi-points Mexican carried, on the range with the ejection port facing up as they shoot, That type.
Good luck trying to get a mid twenties lady who just left an abusive relationship into that store.

Myself and most of the folks I know do not ever go to gun stores anymore, we purchase online and complete the transfer at a kitchen table dealer that is quiet and fills out the 4473 and takes your $20.00 then we leave.

The range we belong to is an hour drive one way but is members only and they allow actual practice, moving, drawing, etc so it is worth it.

12-27-19, 11:33
You also have to think there are probably some (if not many) who don't respond to such polls.

When the doctors were asking "do you own firearms" my answer was always no.

My answer is always, "None of your business, and that is a very inappropriate question."

One doc mumbled under his breath, "I'll take that as a yes..." and started writing in his notes. I quickly and emphatically told him that "NO. You will not take that as a yes, and you will not put a "yes" in your notes there or we are going to have a very large problem to talk about in front of the medical board and some attorneys." He stopped.

I know of no one that would answer a question like that honestly for any sort of random poll.

12-27-19, 12:28
Shotgun 12 gauge 28inch barrel
22 bolt action
22 Ruger or M&p 15-22
22 handgun
Full size 9mm
CCW 9mm
308ish bolt gun

That is eight there and what I would consider a minimum to cover most shooting sports and applications. Figure that the shotgun, 308ish bolt gun and at least one of the 22s is a hand-me-down, maybe more. Not hard to get to eight.

12-27-19, 13:02
You also have to think there are probably some (if not many) who don't respond to such polls.

When the doctors were asking "do you own firearms" my answer was always no.

Never had one ask, and I have seen a lot of docs (unfortunately) over the last decade or so.

26 Inf
12-27-19, 17:07
My answer is always, "None of your business, and that is a very inappropriate question."

One doc mumbled under his breath, "I'll take that as a yes..." and started writing in his notes. I quickly and emphatically told him that "NO. You will not take that as a yes, and you will not put a "yes" in your notes there or we are going to have a very large problem to talk about in front of the medical board and some attorneys." He stopped.

I know of no one that would answer a question like that honestly for any sort of random poll.

I was once in a urologists office being examined to see if he could reattach my vas deferens. While being examined I noticed evidence that he had once played football at OU. At the time being a diehard Cornhusker, I started mildly hanging shit on him. He looked up from the stool he was seated on and said 'you're not a bright boy, are you?'

Point taken.

In your case, if I wanted the doctor to give me his utmost attention on future visits, I would have said 'no' and let it go.