View Full Version : 500 tons of uranium yellowcake secretly moved from iraq to canada

30 cal slut
11-18-08, 10:42


30 cal slut
11-18-08, 10:46


Defense Personnel Transport Uranium Ore Out of Iraq
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 7, 2008 – Defense personnel have completed the transfer of 550 metric tons of Iraqi uranium ore to Canada, Defense officials said here today.
The Iraqi government asked the United States to help transfer the yellowcake -- as the ore is known -- from Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center near Baghdad to its buyer in Canada, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said today.

The military dubbed the movement Operation McCall, and it ended July 5. DoD’s portion of the operation involved the transfer of the ore.

Yellowcake is a uranium ore that can be processed to become nuclear fuel. State and Energy Department personnel also participated in the transfer.

Officials transferred the uranium by convoy from Tuwaitha nuclear research facility to a secure location in Baghdad’s International Zone, Whitman said. The ore was in 110 shipping containers. The shipping containers were placed aboard Air Force C-17 Globemaster III airlifters and taken to an intermediate location. It took 37 sorties to transfer the yellowcake.

At the intermediate location -- which Whitman could not name -- the ore was loaded aboard the SS Gopher State, a Military Sealift Command ship, which took it to Montreal.

“This was material that was discovered when we initially went in to Tuwaitha,” Whitman said. “It was under the control of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency since that time.”

Whitman stressed that yellowcake is not of direct use in a nuclear weapon. “It is a commodity that is traded routinely in the global nuclear energy sector,” he said. “It can be used as a feed material for nuclear weapons if a country has access to the necessary fuel technology.”

The cost of the transfer was $70 million, and the government of Iraq will reimburse the United States for a portion of the cost, Whitman said.

11-18-08, 11:44
And they conveniently forget to mention that a large contingent of contractors were there working with the U.S Army and other entities to secure the facility. I guess we only make the news when it is bad.

11-18-08, 12:58
And they conveniently forget to mention that a large contingent of contractors were there working with the U.S Army and other entities to secure the facility. I guess we only make the news when it is bad.

That's the price of being one of them evil mercenaries. ;)

11-18-08, 14:29

Defense Personnel Transport Uranium Ore Out of Iraq
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 7, 2008 – Defense personnel have completed the transfer of 550 metric tons of Iraqi uranium ore to Canada, Defense officials said here today.
The Iraqi government asked the United States to help transfer the yellowcake -- as the ore is known -- from Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center near Baghdad to its buyer in Canada, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said today.

The military dubbed the movement Operation McCall, and it ended July 5. DoD’s portion of the operation involved the transfer of the ore.

Yellowcake is a uranium ore that can be processed to become nuclear fuel. State and Energy Department personnel also participated in the transfer.

Officials transferred the uranium by convoy from Tuwaitha nuclear research facility to a secure location in Baghdad’s International Zone, Whitman said. The ore was in 110 shipping containers. The shipping containers were placed aboard Air Force C-17 Globemaster III airlifters and taken to an intermediate location. It took 37 sorties to transfer the yellowcake.

At the intermediate location -- which Whitman could not name -- the ore was loaded aboard the SS Gopher State, a Military Sealift Command ship, which took it to Montreal.

“This was material that was discovered when we initially went in to Tuwaitha,” Whitman said. “It was under the control of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency since that time.”

Whitman stressed that yellowcake is not of direct use in a nuclear weapon. “It is a commodity that is traded routinely in the global nuclear energy sector,” he said. “It can be used as a feed material for nuclear weapons if a country has access to the necessary fuel technology.”

The cost of the transfer was $70 million, and the government of Iraq will reimburse the United States for a portion of the cost, Whitman said.

If Iraq SOLD it to Canada, Why the hell are we picking up part of the bill?

11-18-08, 15:35
Why are transporting it at all?


11-18-08, 15:57
TF MacCall



Mission has since been de-classified

Move to site at VBC by US Mil convoy - guarded by EODT, and moved to airhead by EODT w/ US mil oversight.

I fail to understand why the issue was not made more public prior to the election...

Dave L.
11-18-08, 15:59
That's the price of being one of them evil mercenaries. ;)

Oh come on, only a hand full of us are evil :D

11-18-08, 16:10
I didn't understand this either. Especially after the incident with the yellowcake and Niger and all the accusations that were made. One thing that did surprise was how well the OPSEC was. Aside from our people here and down at the site no one really mentioned it. Although there was one person who mentioned it in a blog a while ago before the story came out.

TF MacCall



Mission has since been de-classified

Move to site at VBC by US Mil convoy - guarded by EODT, and moved to airhead by EODT w/ US mil oversight.

I fail to understand why the issue was not made more public prior to the election...

11-18-08, 21:42
The left seems to be sticking to their story: Joe Wilson was right -- there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein tried to buy yellow cake from Niger. Therefore he had no interest in developing a nuclear capability. The fact that 550 tons were found IN Iraq doesn't change anything. Bush still lied and there was no possibilities of WMDs.

I'm not sure I am following their reasoning here.... It would seem that 550 tons in country would be a much WORSE situation than having him out shopping the world market for more -- as far as threats are concerned.

I guess we're supposed to think he could only enrich uranium if it was new and came from Niger? :confused:

11-18-08, 22:10
This article really closed the loop for me. Note that its from 2005.

Flash forward to 1999 when British intelligence found out through multiple sources that representatives of the Iraqi government had met with officials from the Niger government.

This fact is not in dispute. The mystery is in what they talked about. A memo obtained by the British — later proven to be a forgery — purported to show the Iraqis were interested in purchasing 500 tons of yellow cake uranium from Niger's mines. Forgery or not, since Niger's exports are extremely limited, consisting largely of uranium ore, livestock, cowpeas, and onions, one doesn't have to be an intelligence analyst to figure out in which one of those items the Iraqis might be interested.