View Full Version : Bad news out of Taiwan

01-02-20, 10:00
Taiwan's Top Military Leader And Senior Officers Killed In Helicopter Crash


01-02-20, 11:42
Saw this and my first thought was how is the PRC involved? I've always wondered how compromised are critical components of the ROC government/military. Everyone always looks at the military balance of power and whether China could pull of a large amphib landing, but I never see much speculation as to the extent fifth column attacks would occur.

01-02-20, 11:43
1) Blackhawks have a good safety record in US service, right?

2) If I were PRC looking to invade Taiwan, causing this covertly would be one of my opening moves.

01-02-20, 13:10
Looks like they were flying in mountainous terrain with low fog.

Add in a minor mechanical issue and things go sideways very quickly.

Ripe for issues without crews who are on point and tough even if they were.

I hate helicopters, un-natural and only good for getting out of indian country or the water IMO.

01-02-20, 17:02
Looks like they were flying in mountainous terrain with low fog.

Add in a minor mechanical issue and things go sideways very quickly.

Ripe for issues without crews who are on point and tough even if they were.

I hate helicopters, un-natural and only good for getting out of indian country or the water IMO.
Or close air support for precision targeting if you wanted to hang out over a particular kill box for a while, in addition to insertion and extraction. Now drones can at least do the close air support and have a longer operational time.

01-02-20, 18:18
Now drones can at least do the close air support and have a longer operational time.
Until they run out of ammo, anyway... ISTR Reaper only packs eight Hellfires maximum. Then again, if you could adapt APKWS-II or similar guided 2.75" rockets to work with a 19-shot launcher can, four of those would mean up to 80 targets serviced per sortie... or call it a 2-can, quad-Hellfire load when expecting mixed hostile company.