View Full Version : The Pentagon Papers: Secrets, lies and leaks

01-04-20, 15:35
I knew about the Pentagon Papers but the Water Gate thing always overshadowed that topic for me. Never got into depth on that one at a level I should have. The person who leaked the docs - Daniel Ellsberg - is an interesting guy who was convinced that nukes would get used if he didn't let the world know Vietnam was a complete lie from the start. Nukes were being discussed seriously apparently, and they wanted another 200k men to invade North Vietnam, which would have brought the Chinese in, and WWIII the result.

Here's an interview with the person who leaked those papers, who was clearly not just some pencil pushing anti war liberal type who went from being a highly patriotic Marine, to one who realised the entire thing was a farce costing lives, and decided it was his duty to expose the reality.

I thought this was very much worth a listen and I got much more from it than any articles, etc I have read:


01-04-20, 19:14
Joint Publication 3-72 Nuclear Operations 11 June 2019 (https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Nuclear_Operations-4.pdf?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=62c056c450684c7119b604502a44de8300eccd35-1578186313-0-AbHfxm9JP3nNObAcuW68ExbrI1luMMkrQOLG9efrdyC3B3p2fBoW9gOUqBgQLsDRQ0QI85eJHc0CK6cFFvrR8yupdh2USqPfX2Z3lakfiZ9Efe7zguqH4xPItq73NRjJ-xfp_ql1IapGhBHRPgZ37_IehdlrGaHoRQs9pvEbxSB3psSj-LesMIACAE6Qs9Zyp0_zZaFxcYou3kfd8qufpEv9fiRN_k9aZUYnCYDCo3iVjYc49-E_P3k21z6vfWzCLd6urMfRK67K4L8OQsgW_j0f2KEAjxoS0pXDsGQ8ZGglrH7U--SbH1foGtrAdjB34A)

“The doctrine has been published in the wake of the Trump administration’s withdrawal from two nuclear agreements: the 2015 joint comprehensive programme of action with Iran, and the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty with Russia. The administration is also sceptical about a third: the New Start accord that limits US and Russian forces strategic nuclear weapons and delivery systems, which is due to expire in 2021.”


01-04-20, 19:20
If you want some real scary crap, look into Lyman Lemnitzer and Operation Northwoods--basically, Lemnitzer proposed to use the US military to murder US citizens in false-flag attacks as a pretext for war with Cuba, and JFK threw him out of JCS Chairmanship at end of his term for it.

01-04-20, 19:34
If you want some real scary crap, look into Lyman Lemnitzer and Operation Northwoods--basically, Lemnitzer proposed to use the US military to murder US citizens in false-flag attacks as a pretext for war with Cuba, and JFK threw him out of JCS Chairmanship at end of his term for it.

Scary indeed, Brother.

01-04-20, 19:40
Scary indeed, Brother.

Lemnitzer was lucky JFK was relatively forgiving... had it been me at the Resolute Desk, the response would have been a court-martial ordered on the spot, and the whistle blown on the whole sordid mess.

'Course, that probably woulda just ratcheted up the timetable for Dealey Plaza... but sometimes you have to do what's right and accept the possible consequences knowing that Swamp Dweller subhumans are dangerous opponents.