View Full Version : So I am watching Revenge of the Sith and...

01-05-20, 19:42
I honestly don’t see where Palpatine did anything wrong.

I feel like if Padme really loved Anakin she wouldn’t have made such a scene.

I mean, I would vote for Palpatine again.

26 Inf
01-05-20, 20:47
You are aware it is a movie, correct? As such it doesn't have to be logical.

01-05-20, 21:12
Palpatine started a galactic civil war and then got ass chapped when it kept going after he got tired of it.

01-05-20, 21:19
I honestly don’t see where Palpatine did anything wrong.

I feel like if Padme really loved Anakin she wouldn’t have made such a scene.

I mean, I would vote for Palpatine again.

Padme was pretty unappreciative.

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01-05-20, 21:53
One of the great losses, almost on part with Ep 8 being a suck fest, is the loss of the anti-cheese prequel edits off YouTube once Disney bought Star Wars. Makes the prequels into good watchable movies.

Anyways there are arguments for the Empire being on the right side of history but obviously their execution and control efforts were poor to outright genocidal.

01-05-20, 22:32
One of the great losses, almost on part with Ep 8 being a suck fest, is the loss of the anti-cheese prequel edits off YouTube once Disney bought Star Wars. Makes the prequels into good watchable movies.

Anyways there are arguments for the Empire being on the right side of history but obviously their execution and control efforts were poor to outright genocidal.

Ask and ye shall receive:


The anti-cheese edit, and some of the others, were better. This one is pretty bare bones, mostly just Anakin's story.

It is a shame that Disney forced all of the fan edit content to be taken down.

01-05-20, 22:54
And another made using better quality (not VHS) source material:


01-05-20, 22:58
I fully believe if Obi Wan hadn’t gotten involved that Padme would’ve come around. Like I just don’t see anything here that couldn’t have worked out.

And if we get into the JJ Abrams trilogy I don’t see where First Order was wrong.

Remember what they took from you

ETA go watch AOTC deleted scenes. They filmed an entirely separate and organic little hormonal courtship between Anakin and Padme. Like she dresses super provocative and her sister says “you don’t dress like that any other day”, he meets her folks, and it felt so fluid.

I feel like George Lucas sometimes takes either too much drugs or not enough.

01-05-20, 23:30
I feel like George Lucas sometimes takes either too much drugs or not enough.
I believe some of each, depending on the day. I almost wonder how much better one of my household's favorites coulda been if Spielberg hadn't dumped it in his lap and said "George, finish my T-rex-size summer blockbuster for me while I go make Schindler's List."

01-05-20, 23:33
I actually want to see a George Lucas Schindler’s List now.

01-05-20, 23:42
I actually want to see a George Lucas Schindler’s List now.

Fly, I don't wanna know how your brain makes some of the strange connections it does sometimes... :P Then again, I've shared some of your greatest hits with the girlfriend and she's started threatening to draft you for Best Man if she ever decides to let me put a ring on her finger.

01-06-20, 17:02
I've thought since I watched Revenge of the Sith that the Jedi are more to blame for Anakin going to the dark side than Palpatine. If they'd have just let him have a girlfriend/eventual wife and not been so preachy/ treating him like a little kid. Everything would have been fine.

01-06-20, 17:29
I've thought since I watched Revenge of the Sith that the Jedi are more to blame for Anakin going to the dark side than Palpatine. If they'd have just let him have a girlfriend/eventual wife and not been so preachy/ treating him like a little kid. Everything would have been fine.

Yeah... when Yoda "sensed much fear in him," you'd think the Jedi would have mitigation techniques that they would have started with teaching him. Force user or no, a kid like that needs a very strong support network, particularly one who's become de-facto orphaned and left alone in the universe--Obi-Wan would have been better advised to try to play "Jedi Big Brother/Little Brother Program" and leave the Master/Apprentice thing to Yoda until the kid was on an even keel.

01-06-20, 17:59
One of the things in The Last Jedi is that Luke points out that the Jedi aren't necessarily good guys.