View Full Version : The Supreme Court’s Failure to Defend Heller Has Created The Situation in Virginia

01-06-20, 07:21

Why does it seem that liberal extremists are pursuing new infringements on gun rights seemingly unchecked? Why do we have an escalated situation in Virginia where liberal politicians seek to further infringe the Second Amendment rights of its citizens, threatening imprisonment and even violence against Constitutional gun owners who have committed no crimes?

This is due to a failure of our system of checks and balances. Due to a failure of the courts to deal with a barrage of important Second Amendment cases over the last ten years, we are perilously off balance.

01-06-20, 08:47
I live in AZ. I think NRA or some group I read in one of the throw always ranked AZ #1 for gun friendly state. And i’m Scared to death, because eventually, maybe not 2020 or maybe, Dems will gain control and God help us all.

I know many hard core gun guys don’t like the NRA, but at least they stay in the fight. And some fight is better than none. They still get a couple of my dimes.


01-06-20, 08:59
I live in AZ. I think NRA or some group I read in one of the throw always ranked AZ #1 for gun friendly state. And i’m Scared to death, because eventually, maybe not 2020 or maybe, Dems will gain control and God help us all.

I know many hard core gun guys don’t like the NRA, but at least they stay in the fight. And some fight is better than none. They still get a couple of my dimes.


The NRA has all but given up in places like CA,NY,NJ and IL.

The NRA called me last week looking for 150.00 for 5 year membership. I told the guy I will not donate another dime, until Wayne is removed from the organization.

01-06-20, 09:05
The NRA has all but given up in places like CA,NY,NJ and IL.

The NRA called me last week looking for 150.00 for 5 year membership. I told the guy I will not donate another dime, until Wayne is removed from the organization.

Agreed. The NRA has also rolled over for 2A violations in the recent past. They seem far more like a fundraising organization of La Pierre than an organization fighting for 2A rights.

01-06-20, 11:47
I live in AZ. I think NRA or some group I read in one of the throw always ranked AZ #1 for gun friendly state. And i’m Scared to death, because eventually, maybe not 2020 or maybe, Dems will gain control and God help us all.

I know many hard core gun guys don’t like the NRA, but at least they stay in the fight. And some fight is better than none. They still get a couple of my dimes.


I know the last two or three decades has seen a mass exodus of persons from CA into the PNW, and with that came the political shift and stench of CA liberal politics. How long until you think AZ and NM cities have a similar taint? If we combine that, along with the the liberals getting more and more liberal, how bad will the US be in another 20 years?

01-06-20, 12:11
I live out in Southwestern Va and can tell you that the Governor and his cronies have kicked a hornet's nest for sure. About 80-90% of Va county governments have declared themselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuary zones with a few going so far as to start forming militias. Several sheriff's have instructed their deputies that there will be no compliance with any order from the governor concerning 2nd Amendment confiscations.

The local gun shops are making a killing selling guns and ammo. I've stopped by a few these past few weeks to see what is going on and they are packed to the hilt. People out here are pissed for sure.

01-06-20, 12:55
Agreed. The NRA has also rolled over for 2A violations in the recent past. They seem far more like a fundraising organization of La Pierre than an organization fighting for 2A rights.

The only thing the NRA has (seemingly) accomplished lately is that they've slowed Trump down when he looked like he might be caving to the anti-gunners, and warned him that he would be moving down to Florida four years earlier than hoped if he did.

Other than that, all the NRA does is show up late and put their stamp on minor pro-gun advances that were going to happen anyway. Some deep red county in the middle of Arkansas or Alabama decides to extend hunting time on Sunday an extra hour, and the NRA says "Oh yeah! That was us defending your right to bear arms!"

01-06-20, 13:00
I know the last two or three decades has seen a mass exodus of persons from CA into the PNW, and with that came the political shift and stench of CA liberal politics. How long until you think AZ and NM cities have a similar taint? If we combine that, along with the the liberals getting more and more liberal, how bad will the US be in another 20 years?

Colorado has already turned. In 20 years even Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana may not be safe from an influx of folks fleeing the coast and bringing their leftist voting habits with them.

01-06-20, 13:16
The only thing the NRA has (seemingly) accomplished lately is that they've slowed Trump down when he looked like he might be caving to the anti-gunners, and warned him that he would be moving down to Florida four years earlier than hoped if he did.

Other than that, all the NRA does is show up late and put their stamp on minor pro-gun advances that were going to happen anyway. Some deep red county in the middle of Arkansas or Alabama decides to extend hunting time on Sunday an extra hour, and the NRA says "Oh yeah! That was us defending your right to bear arms!"

Stuck in Illinois and the only thing the NRA appears to do is use Chicago as a talking point. While I don't disagree that Chicago is a great example of gun control failing, why don't they fight to help loosen the laws here?

What we really need is a solid ruling from SCOTUS. Whether it's the NRA dropping the ball or the great liberal migration (similar to a swarm of locusts after they've picked a place clean) an awesome ruling from the court that applies everywhere would help prevent places "falling" when it comes to the 2A.

01-06-20, 13:27
Colorado has already turned. In 20 years even Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana may not be safe from an influx of folks fleeing the coast and bringing their leftist voting habits with them.

I had a friend who went full dye-the-hair and scream at the sky. Originally from CA, she moved to Montana and proceeded to non-stop complain on social media about how "backwards" the state is compared to CA. Everything liberals like her complain about is exactly why a state like Montana would be on my list of places to move to. Unfortunately, she's not the only one and there are lots with the same mindset spreading across the country. They all vote for the same policies places like CA have.

01-06-20, 18:42
I live in AZ. I think NRA or some group I read in one of the throw always ranked AZ #1 for gun friendly state. And i’m Scared to death, because eventually, maybe not 2020 or maybe, Dems will gain control and God help us all.

I know many hard core gun guys don’t like the NRA, but at least they stay in the fight. And some fight is better than none. They still get a couple of my dimes.


That's why I joined AzCDL... We have the same issue in AZ, large influx of people from socialist states coming here and voting in the same crap that ruined where they came from. Get your people to vote too! I ran to AZ from CA after the 90s, specifically for freedom, and from here there is no where else to go.

01-06-20, 18:51
How long before AZ goes the way of VA? Not long at all, if we don't start making noise.

The failure of Virginia gun owners to vote, is what caused the current situation. Same in Arizona. I cannot believe how many gun owners, who favor evil-looking semi-autos like me, are not even registered to vote. Then the ones that are, that just don't. It is such a small thing, compared to getting thousands to show up at sanctuary county hearings, etc. I'm glad that VA voters are taking a stand, but if they had showed up on election day it wouldn't be necessary. We need to get proactive in states like Arizona and Texas to forestall such things. The AZ Governor can't wait to sign a red flag law or something like that.. There is no doubt that creeping socialism will likely march on, (that's why we are importing so many 3rd-worlders, because the stuff really is free to them) but it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight hard now, when it's easier.

01-06-20, 19:01
Maybe SOCTUS is waiting for a Roberts BFing proof majority. The real issue is that the conservatives will move slowly on this, no 'home-run' cases like gay marriage where it all happens in a fell swoop. It will take 2-3 cases over 7-10 years to get it done. If Trump wins and WE KEEP THE SENATE we should be in good shape. If Trump loses and Thomas croaks, Roberts will veer left and we are done for. Roberts is too deferential to politics- either by insisting that he isn't or putting too much credence in passed law. Instead of just staying in his lane, he insists on floating above it and telling everyone about how awesome lanes are and worrying about which way the lanes might shift.

01-06-20, 19:16
Maybe SOCTUS is waiting for a Roberts BFing proof majority. The real issue is that the conservatives will move slowly on this, no 'home-run' cases like gay marriage where it all happens in a fell swoop. It will take 2-3 cases over 7-10 years to get it done. If Trump wins and WE KEEP THE SENATE we should be in good shape. If Trump loses and Thomas croaks, Roberts will veer left and we are done for. Roberts is too deferential to politics- either by insisting that he isn't or putting too much credence in passed law. Instead of just staying in his lane, he insists on floating above it and telling everyone about how awesome lanes are and worrying about which way the lanes might shift.

Agreed. But in the meantime we and those like us need to raise our voices, and vote, while it still matters. I'm with the previous posters on the NRA but we can't blame them, we are them. Like our crappy politicians, they only got there because of us. We don't need the likes of Lapierre and Meadows and Hamer- we need to get involved and stay involved. My NRA money went to AZCDL and the Second Amendment Foundation instead. I hear the Firearms Policy Coalition does good work too.

01-06-20, 19:25
I know many hard core gun guys don’t like the NRA, but at least they stay in the fight. PB

No, not really.
If they were really worried about Virginia, the NRA would have a presence at every Protest. That Wayne LaPierre is more interested in Gucci Suits and Italian loafers than actually representing the people who send millions and millions says a lot about how we're on our own now.

01-06-20, 20:08
Triple Dang! Oh black face must have missed sucking on a titty as a child.


01-07-20, 09:22
Triple Dang! Oh black face must have missed sucking on a titty as a child.


Found this, also, at the bottom of that link:


Evel Baldgui
01-07-20, 12:54
I have not heard, or read anything about the NRA commenting or doing anything at all about the situation in Virginia.

01-07-20, 13:00
I have not heard, or read anything about the NRA commenting or doing anything at all about the situation in Virginia.

'cause Douchy LeFrench has been too busy purging everyone who did real work so that he can continue to buy bespoke Italian suits and mansions with your membership money.

01-07-20, 13:05
I have not heard, or read anything about the NRA commenting or doing anything at all about the situation in Virginia.

You haven't heard about anything because they are more than likely doing nothing. They are a failed organization with the primary goal now being fund raising for the head douche.

01-07-20, 15:47
It's not about the NRA anymore, they are no longer relevant to the process.
In VA, it's VCDL-if you VA resident, you should get active and join VCDL. They get shit done, it is now proven.

If you're in AZ on Feb.15th, a Saturday, please be at the 2nd Amendment Rally at the State Capitol between 10A and 2P. Let's let the Gov know that we are here and we are watching.
If enough people show up maybe we can avoid a VA Situation.

If you're an AZ resident, join AZCDL and get active to prevent a VA situation.

Every state has a state organization that you can get active in and make a real difference; please do so. Texas, are you listening?? The commies really want to make you theirs. Beto came way too close.

01-07-20, 16:11
No, not really.
If they were really worried about Virginia, the NRA would have a presence at every Protest. That Wayne LaPierre is more interested in Gucci Suits and Italian loafers than actually representing the people who send millions and millions says a lot about how we're on our own now.

This, the NRA walked out and has been radio silent in CT since 2013.