View Full Version : Troy A4 "other firearm"

01-07-20, 09:50
Anyone have any experience with Troy firearms in general or this one specifically? The 12.5" barrel "base" model has me intrigued, specifically because I'm currently in self-imposed exile in New Germany, er, "Jersey," excuse me. That and now being "former" LE, my options list shrank considerably as to what I can do, if I want to do it legally, in my lovely home state.

Have a lot of experience with BCM and Colt reliability and have very trusted sources out there to speak for both but don't know much about Troy as a firearm, mostly just sights and accessories to this point.

01-11-20, 23:00
They are currently legal to own in NJ and come with a letter from NJSP stating so. I know a couple of guys that have them, they like it so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if the current admin adds this to the list once they figure it out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-12-20, 08:04
If I stayed in NJ... probably would have picked one up. But not only NJ you have to worry about... ATF could make this illegal at a drop of a hat. Just look at all the other firearms on the outskirts of NFA that they messed with. I’m actually going to Form 1 my TAC-14 to give me the folding brace that was legal a couple moons ago (if I don’t SBS it, I could bring it back to NJ in the original firearm form).

After moving up to ME, I built my first AR pistol. With the 11.5” barrel, just comes in under 26”... so no vertical grip. To be honest, I don’t think it is that much of a hinderance (people originally did it to add that grip, not to get away from the pistol status). Just easier to shoot with a traditional forend, and since it’s legal for me, it is good to go. Makes a great truck gun, for what it’s worth.

01-12-20, 08:16
I have a Troy GUA5/A/A retro rifle. I bought it expecting it to be more of a safe queen, but it’s a great shooter and is now in regular rotation with my 2 BCMs on trips to the range. Not my main HD gun and I’m not trying to make any equivalents to BCM quality, but it appears to be properly assembled with zero problems thus far. Troy’s attention to detail as far as making it a “clone correct” replica are top notch. I have no clue about Troy’s QC so YMMV.

01-15-20, 20:29
Many poeple dislike Troy based on principle. That being said, I've never found anything they've made to be low quality.

04-30-21, 14:40
Placed the order today and should be able to pick up next week. Been delaying since I started this thread and finally "pulling the trigger" so to speak.

05-01-21, 09:28
Many poeple dislike Troy based on principle. That being said, I've never found anything they've made to be low quality.

Follow the money trail to see how things started. In the case of Troy hate, it came from one manufacturer who used and bribed persons to target a competitor.

I have not found any issues with Troy products, and I have little doubt that the weapon will serve you well. I wish Troy had a larger presence on the forums so many of the rumors or questions could get put to rest and the weapons could stand on their own merit.

05-02-21, 15:56
Steve Troy is a very good guy, avid shooter, avid collector, and he makes nice stuff. His decision to employ Horiuchi was unfortunate. I still like him as a person and own some of his products.

05-05-21, 07:04
Steve Troy is a very good guy, avid shooter, avid collector, and he makes nice stuff. His decision to employ Horiuchi was unfortunate. I still like him as a person and own some of his products.

Not Horiuchi(unless that is a new one). Horiuchi's partner along with an anti 2A Chicago police higher up.

Horiuchi was a full page HS Precision ad.

08-10-21, 13:39
So now that I've pretty much got it set up like i want with Aimpoint T2, Scalarworks mount, Edgar Sherman black camo sling and some Magpul 10/30 (10 round but in 30 round sized) mags, https://photos.app.goo.gl/zGumiMi97dw831p59 , ​I started thinking about "what happens if..."

Since I'm in New Germany (Jersey) and operating under this silly state's firearm laws, I've decided that if something of consequence (yes it's unlikely and of course, I do hope it never happens) were to kick off, it would be smart to grab the Troy if for no other reason than it coming with the letter from NJ State Police approving it for legal ownership in the state. I have a handful of the Magpul magazines that are legal for use in NJ as well so from that standpoint I'm legal. How one would be treated, even in the most justifiable self-defense scenario, is another issue entirely. Pretty sobering watching what those that have used firearms CONUS have had to endure after the fact, that's for sure. Have what should be more than adequate liability insurance for such an occasion, again, something I would be just fine never having to employ.

08-11-21, 22:49
Looking good, especially for NJ!

08-16-21, 06:47
So now that I've pretty much got it set up like i want with Aimpoint T2, Scalarworks mount, Edgar Sherman black camo sling and some Magpul 10/30 (10 round but in 30 round sized) mags, https://photos.app.goo.gl/zGumiMi97dw831p59 , ​I started thinking about "what happens if..."

Since I'm in New Germany (Jersey) and operating under this silly state's firearm laws, I've decided that if something of consequence (yes it's unlikely and of course, I do hope it never happens) were to kick off, it would be smart to grab the Troy if for no other reason than it coming with the letter from NJ State Police approving it for legal ownership in the state. I have a handful of the Magpul magazines that are legal for use in NJ as well so from that standpoint I'm legal. How one would be treated, even in the most justifiable self-defense scenario, is another issue entirely. Pretty sobering watching what those that have used firearms CONUS have had to endure after the fact, that's for sure. Have what should be more than adequate liability insurance for such an occasion, again, something I would be just fine never having to employ.

I also think it looks nice, congratulations on getting her finished. 🤙

08-17-21, 10:20
First off, very nice. I'm amazed that NJ allows it's serfs, I mean citizens, to own such a dangerous piece of iron :D I really like how you set it up.

A few decades ago I was at a wedding with my Jersey cousins, all of whom are hunters. The topic turned to ARs and my one cousin was stating emphatically how they had no business in the publics hands yadda yadda yadda they were going to ruin his ability to hunt blah blah blah. I just smiled and walked away. Fast forward to a few years ago and he was over here in PA at a family function and a discussion around gun control came up. I was shocked to hear him vehemently defend the right to own an AR. I pulled him aside and said what changed? In short he said he finally realized they weren't going to stop at ARs and would go after all guns if we allowed them to. I also think a few decades working in the prison system in NJ may have changed his perspective too.

08-17-21, 10:41
First off, very nice. I'm amazed that NJ allows it's serfs, I mean citizens, to own such a dangerous piece of iron :D I really like how you set it up.

A few decades ago I was at a wedding with my Jersey cousins, all of whom are hunters. The topic turned to ARs and my one cousin was stating emphatically how they had no business in the publics hands yadda yadda yadda they were going to ruin his ability to hunt blah blah blah. I just smiled and walked away. Fast forward to a few years ago and he was over here in PA at a family function and a discussion around gun control came up. I was shocked to hear him vehemently defend the right to own an AR. I pulled him aside and said what changed? In short he said he finally realized they weren't going to stop at ARs and would go after all guns if we allowed them to. I also think a few decades working in the prison system in NJ may have changed his perspective too.

Two points.

1. Working a prison or the streets you seen nothing but bad with very few exceptions. Once you start seeing the scenes or living around the scumbags, it quickly becomes a matter of seeing how you or your family could become the next victim, and you plan accordingly.

2. I think the viewpoint that your cousin had is exceedingly common because the people are boiled slowly into political anti 2A iniquity. Much like the slowly boiled frog, thy don't feel a massive impact or change, so the reality around them is all they know. The old saying, perception is reality is hard at work here. One of my best friends was NYPD, and they guys who are "progun" in NYC are pretty much what the rest of us would consider anti gun. They know what they live, they don't have any reality aside from that.

I've got another friend who wanted to get out of Jersey for a long time, he finally moved his family. He was stunned that he could walk into a store and buy hollow point ammo off the shelf without producing a card or id. He was floored at the idea of walking in and buying a gun without the hassle he was used to.

I think the bottom line is that people don't know what freedom is until they experience it... which brings me to the sad state of affairs our political state is today. We are not living the constitution as intended, and while the greatest nation on the earth, I would debate the concept that we are actually "free".

08-17-21, 11:07
Two points.

1. Working a prison or the streets you seen nothing but bad with very few exceptions. Once you start seeing the scenes or living around the scumbags, it quickly becomes a matter of seeing how you or your family could become the next victim, and you plan accordingly.

2. I think the viewpoint that your cousin had is exceedingly common because the people are boiled slowly into political anti 2A iniquity. Much like the slowly boiled frog, thy don't feel a massive impact or change, so the reality around them is all they know. The old saying, perception is reality is hard at work here. One of my best friends was NYPD, and they guys who are "progun" in NYC are pretty much what the rest of us would consider anti gun. They know what they live, they don't have any reality aside from that.

I've got another friend who wanted to get out of Jersey for a long time, he finally moved his family. He was stunned that he could walk into a store and buy hollow point ammo off the shelf without producing a card or id. He was floored at the idea of walking in and buying a gun without the hassle he was used to.

I think the bottom line is that people don't know what freedom is until they experience it... which brings me to the sad state of affairs our political state is today. We are not living the constitution as intended, and while the greatest nation on the earth, I would debate the concept that we are actually "free".

I have noticed the same thing as you from a different (ie never having done the job) perspective. I have close friends and family who are LEO (or retired) in PA, NJ and NYC. PA guys are as pro gun as they come (in general and excluding the major cities.) And even then, having worked in Philly for over a decade and commuting in from the "country," some of the Philly boys are as pro gun as they come. Their leadership, not so much. My NJ buddy is his departments armorer and he supports the second but within the contexts you detailed above. He has been conditioned to think a certain way. Now my other friend who is retired NYPD is as pro 2A as they come. But he is definitely an outlier (he's also a right wing Trump supporter so not the norm for that department.)

We still have the FUDD contingency here in PA. The old school (and older generation) hunters who think you only need a six shooter, a bolt action and a shotgun and thats it. One of the clubs I belong to puts on a tactical match every month. The old school members hate it. But they are forced to shut up once the revenue comes in. These are the same curmudgeons who hold their monthly trappers meeting and won't even speak to you if you aren't part of that inner circle. Fortunately they are dying off. A few years ago the PA Game Commission was considering allowing magazine fed rifles for deer and bear (with caliber and mag limitations.) They put out a poll and it was these older FUDDS who were very vocal in shutting it down. They don't care that it could have been a vehicle by which the next, and younger, generation of hunters were exposed to hunting. My long way of saying the attitude my cousin had isn't limited to NJ. It's here in PA too. Some of them eventually wake up.

Pre Rona my office was the last exit on the PA Turnpike before you hit NJ. Essentially NE Philly. I used to joke that if my exit was closed I would turn into a felon inside 5 miles based on the loadout I had in my car. It was a 160 mile round trip commute so I packed and planned accordingly. The only good thing to come from the pandemic is that I no longer make that trip unless I need to head to the airport.

08-17-21, 12:43
First off, very nice. I'm amazed that NJ allows it's serfs, I mean citizens, to own such a dangerous piece of iron :D I really like how you set it up.

A few decades ago I was at a wedding with my Jersey cousins, all of whom are hunters. The topic turned to ARs and my one cousin was stating emphatically how they had no business in the publics hands yadda yadda yadda they were going to ruin his ability to hunt blah blah blah. I just smiled and walked away. Fast forward to a few years ago and he was over here in PA at a family function and a discussion around gun control came up. I was shocked to hear him vehemently defend the right to own an AR. I pulled him aside and said what changed? In short he said he finally realized they weren't going to stop at ARs and would go after all guns if we allowed them to. I also think a few decades working in the prison system in NJ may have changed his perspective too.

Thank you for saying. So I kept it pretty much "as is" for legal purposes, picked up a bunch of the 10 round/30 size mags and figure if stuff is just going wrong, I can at least avoid some of the legal ramifications by utilizing the tool that NJSP "allowed" me to possess.

Alex V
08-17-21, 14:18
They are currently legal to own in NJ and come with a letter from NJSP stating so. I know a couple of guys that have them, they like it so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if the current admin adds this to the list once they figure it out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I know a guy in NJ who has one and he seems to like it. Hasn't told me of any issues with it.

If I stayed in NJ... probably would have picked one up. But not only NJ you have to worry about... ATF could make this illegal at a drop of a hat. Just look at all the other firearms on the outskirts of NFA that they messed with. I’m actually going to Form 1 my TAC-14 to give me the folding brace that was legal a couple moons ago (if I don’t SBS it, I could bring it back to NJ in the original firearm form).

After moving up to ME, I built my first AR pistol. With the 11.5” barrel, just comes in under 26”... so no vertical grip. To be honest, I don’t think it is that much of a hinderance (people originally did it to add that grip, not to get away from the pistol status). Just easier to shoot with a traditional forend, and since it’s legal for me, it is good to go. Makes a great truck gun, for what it’s worth.

Same, thank god I left NJ.

ATF is about to make braced firearms SBRs. I wonder what effect that has on "others" Maybe they get a pass because they are not "Pistols"?

08-17-21, 16:06
I know a guy in NJ who has one and he seems to like it. Hasn't told me of any issues with it.

Same, thank god I left NJ.

ATF is about to make braced firearms SBRs. I wonder what effect that has on "others" Maybe they get a pass because they are not "Pistols"?

If they make the Troy illegal/an SBR, then I think I'm going to go with the same story I'm using for the question of if I'm vaccinated, "I have a religious objection to abiding by this bureaucratic nonsense"

08-17-21, 16:09
If they make the Troy illegal/an SBR, then I think I'm going to go with the same story I'm using for the question of if I'm vaccinated, "I have a religious objection to abiding by this bureaucratic nonsense"

Disciples of St. Eugene Stoner: "My faith REQUIRES the ownership of at least one rifle designed by our Prophet."

08-17-21, 16:12

08-17-21, 17:18
Disciples of St. Eugene Stoner: "My faith REQUIRES the ownership of at least one rifle designed by our Prophet."

Can I get an "Amen"?


08-18-21, 10:29
Can I get an "Amen"?



12-21-21, 22:14
member of the family despite my avid hate for Troy

04-21-23, 09:18
So it appears that, by the definition of “other,” if this ban on pistol braces sticks, then just removing the brace will bring the Troy that went from perfectly legal, to absolutely illegal, back to legal again. It’ll still be longer than 26”, still have a vertical foregrip, and will still have no stock.