View Full Version : Breaking: Iran launches attack on Al Asad Airbase

01-07-20, 17:30

Looks like Iran is trying to learn the hard way. Time to make more pink mist.

01-07-20, 17:42

yep, looking like multiple missiles hitting.

01-07-20, 18:05

01-07-20, 18:18
Pentagon confirmed they came from Iran.

Not that it was a great leap of the imagination to know where they came from.

01-07-20, 18:24
I expect TLAM's launching in 3, 2, 1......

just a scout
01-07-20, 18:25
According to Fox, Iran already admitted it. Apparently they said they are going to retaliate and then want it over.

I don’t think that’s going to work. If one troop is killed, I expect 52 different locations will go up in fire and smoke tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

01-07-20, 18:29
Supposedly we have already launched strike aircraft. It may be an interesting night.

01-07-20, 18:29
Iran hasn't figured it out yet.

They sponsored (assuming) the attack that killed a US contractor.

We significantly escalated it by taking out a hugely significant target that was (allegedly) planning additional attacks and showed up on the runway in Baghdad.

This is not a situation they want to trade punch for punch with us.

01-07-20, 18:35
Iran hasn't figured it out yet.

They sponsored (assuming) the attack that killed a US contractor.

We significantly escalated it by taking out a hugely significant target that was (allegedly) planning additional attacks and showed up on the runway in Baghdad.

This is not a situation they want to trade punch for punch with us.

They do as they and the rest of the world doesn't think we'll stay hard enough to do what needs to be done. When was the last time the world saw our full combat power unleashed? Maybe for 2 days in Desert Storm? My only problem with the terrorist assasination was that it took so long.........

Dr. Bullseye
01-07-20, 18:35
I hope Trump is tucking the senior Iranian military leadership in for a dirt nap as we speak.

Coal Dragger
01-07-20, 18:36
Time to turn Iran into a radioactive waste land. Get it over with.

01-07-20, 18:37
Iran hasn't figured it out yet.

They sponsored (assuming) the attack that killed a US contractor.

We significantly escalated it by taking out a hugely significant target that was (allegedly) planning additional attacks and showed up on the runway in Baghdad.

This is not a situation they want to trade punch for punch with us.

I dont think we are going punch to punch.
I expect a huge escalation from this too. I mean, we could probably wipe out their entire government without stepping foot in their country.

01-07-20, 18:39
I dont think we are going punch to punch.
I expect a huge escalation from this too. I mean, we could probably wipe out their entire government without stepping foot in their country.

I expect some heavy targeted hits that will hurt Iran, but that will be it....at least for now.

Coal Dragger
01-07-20, 18:41
Maybe we should turn some fast attack subs loose to sink the entire Iranian flagged merchant fleet?

01-07-20, 18:48
If we get into a large conflict in the middle east it will get Trump booted out of the WH in November.

01-07-20, 18:53
Not really hearing much about the BDA at our facilities. I think that will make all the difference in our response (not that I think it should, just that it will). If we took any real hit it is probably game on, if they broke a few windows I'm willing to bet we let them save face, having "Struck back at the great Satan". Then our pogues in DC will want to let it go back to the unacceptable status quo that we have had for 40 years.

01-07-20, 18:56
I hope we light them the f**k up. BIG TIME.

01-07-20, 19:00
I dont think we are going punch to punch.
I expect a huge escalation from this too. I mean, we could probably wipe out their entire government without stepping foot in their country.

The game is, if we just weaken the regime enough a popular uprising will finish the job FOR us. :) The sparks of the Green Revolution Oblowjob tried to help Khamenei snuff out still burn, just waiting for the right conditions to fan into flames once more...

01-07-20, 19:02
Not really hearing much about the BDA at our facilities. I think that will make all the difference in our response (not that I think it should, just that it will). If we took any real hit it is probably game on, if they broke a few windows I'm willing to bet we let them save face, having "Struck back at the great Satan". Then our pogues in DC will want to let it go back to the unacceptable status quo that we have had for 40 years.

Being that it's nighttime over there, I wouldn't expect a complete BDA for several hours at least. Plus, they'll brief the WH and NSC before ever letting anything out in the news. We'll get unconfirmed leaks, but nothing concrete until tomorrow at the earliest I'd imagine.

And as I type this out, Fox just stated the President might address the nation tonight.

Casualties should be known by now if there are any. Of course, that info is going to take a while to work its way up channels as well as having double and triple checked the information.

The major difference being Iran now violated the sovereignty of another nation by launching from their territory and striking at us. This isn't going after tankers in the Persian Gulf in international waters. This was an act of war against a neighboring country.

01-07-20, 19:08
Tomahawks and JDAMs!!

Prayers for the safety of our warriors.

01-07-20, 19:18
Well, you can't fix stupid.

I pray that if the USA has no wounded or dead, that the President is wise in what we hit. Hit the economy hard.

But no more.

Coal Dragger
01-07-20, 19:23
Well wise is not a word often used to describe Trump. So.... expect something more blunt instrument.

01-07-20, 19:24
I really hope this doesn't cost Trump 2020. I really really find this troublesome. I would gladly smoke Iran entirely. But don't want to lose POTUS.


Alex V
01-07-20, 19:29
I’m seeing reports of as many as 20 American dead

01-07-20, 19:32
I’m seeing reports of as many as 20 American dead


01-07-20, 19:33
I’m seeing reports of as many as 20 American dead

If that plays out to be true, we’ll soon know the definition of “disproportionate”.

01-07-20, 19:41
I’m seeing reports of as many as 20 American dead

I think that's Twitter nonsense.

ETA: Apparently, MSNBC is reporting it, which means they probably got it off Twitter.

01-07-20, 19:42
Pentagon just put out a statement of no US casualties.

Alex V
01-07-20, 19:43
I think that's Twitter nonsense.

IG. But yeah hope it’s nonsense.

Alex V
01-07-20, 19:44
Pentagon just put out a statement of no US casualties.

Thank God.

01-07-20, 19:45
EMP over Tehran would be nice...

01-07-20, 19:46
IG. But yeah hope it’s nonsense.

It's not coming from anyone credible at the moment. That's the good thing.

01-07-20, 19:46
Suleimani was warned upon penalty of death not to leave Iran, ever !
He was responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of US servicemen,
and deserved to die.
If Iran is stupid enough to keep this up they will regret it.
I hate to see us get in another conflict, but he deserved to die.

01-07-20, 19:49
Ballistic missiles? You have to be shitting me.

There goes their Navy and Air Force. Get out of down wind from their nuke facilities.

Level the mosque with the red flag...

You expect some secret squirrel bs from a them- but ballistic missiles? Do they really want to play with big boy toys?

Time to crack some sunshine.....

01-07-20, 19:54
Despite my personal opinion, I would wager that Trump will not do anything unless Americans died. I really hope none of our folks got killed, that in and of itself would be worth it.

Devil's Advocate: Iran knows we are on alert, that our personnel are likely hunkered down. Maybe this was their way of saving face, getting "revenge" but without giving us a blood-lust cause for revenge? i.e. they knew the likelihood of actually killing Americans was slim and took a chance (albeit a very risky one). "Okay, now we're even."

My personal wishes? We need to probably hit a couple of their missile sites at a minimum. If Americans were killed then smack the f**k out of them. I understand Trump's "if someone dies" red line.....I'm good with that. However, if they continue to fire missiles, attack maritime stuff in the Persian Gulf or Straits of Hormuz, uptick in proxy attacks on Americans, then yeah, smoke 'em HARD.

01-07-20, 19:55
Ballistic missiles? You have to be shitting me.

There goes their Navy and Air Force. Get out of down wind from their nuke facilities.

Level the mosque with the red flag...

You expect some secret squirrel bs from a them- but ballistic missiles? Do they really want to play with big boy toys?

Time to crack some sunshine.....

Think more like SCUD, less like minuteman 2.

01-07-20, 19:57
Despite my personal opinion, I would wager that Trump will not do anything unless Americans died. I really hope none of our folks got killed, that in and of itself would be worth it.

Devil's Advocate: Iran knows we are on alert, that our personnel are likely hunkered down. Maybe this was their way of saving face, getting "revenge" but without giving us a blood-lust cause for revenge? i.e. they knew the likelihood of actually killing Americans was slim and took a chance (albeit a very risky one). "Okay, now we're even."

My personal wishes? We need to probably hit a couple of their missile sites at a minimum. If Americans were killed then smack the f**k out of them. I understand Trump's "if someone dies" red line.....I'm good with that. However, if they continue to fire missiles, attack maritime stuff in the Persian Gulf or Straits of Hormuz, uptick in proxy attacks on Americans, then yeah, smoke 'em HARD.

Completely agree

01-07-20, 19:58
FAA issues NOTAM banning US operations (US carriers, US-reg aircraft, licensed airmen) over the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.

01-07-20, 20:05
Good news if accurate and if it holds as current reports state no US casualties as of now.

Boy Scout
01-07-20, 20:07
FAA issues NOTAM banning US operations (US carriers, US-reg aircraft, licensed airmen) over the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.

For a non-military guy like me, what's this mean? No US commercial flights, to restrict airspace for possible combat and reduce possible missile strikes to commercial aircraft and such?

01-07-20, 20:10
For a non-military guy like me, what's this mean? No US commercial flights, to restrict airspace for possible combat and reduce possible missile strikes to commercial aircraft and such?

Correct. Think Malaysian Airlines over the Ukraine. Lots of fingers on triggers right now.

01-07-20, 20:10
Despite my personal opinion, I would wager that Trump will not do anything unless Americans died. I really hope none of our folks got killed, that in and of itself would be worth it.

Devil's Advocate: Iran knows we are on alert, that our personnel are likely hunkered down. Maybe this was their way of saving face, getting "revenge" but without giving us a blood-lust cause for revenge? i.e. they knew the likelihood of actually killing Americans was slim and took a chance (albeit a very risky one). "Okay, now we're even."

My personal wishes? We need to probably hit a couple of their missile sites at a minimum. If Americans were killed then smack the f**k out of them. I understand Trump's "if someone dies" red line.....I'm good with that. However, if they continue to fire missiles, attack maritime stuff in the Persian Gulf or Straits of Hormuz, uptick in proxy attacks on Americans, then yeah, smoke 'em HARD.

The big elephant in the room is how Iraq will respond. Especially if any of their troops were injured or killed.

Yeah, they "targeted" US Forces, but they launched from Iran and hit Iraqi soil and potentially hurt or killed Iraqis. Whether we will back them is a different question.

01-07-20, 20:13
Data coming out shows these missiles were aimed at facilities with little concentration of Americans. In fact, the actual areas of attack were in areas of little actual value as far as critical damage.

Of course, there is a whole bunch of crappy information coming out. But if this is the case, this is nothing more then a saving face-retaliatory strike where they do not want to escalate.

01-07-20, 20:13
For a non-military guy like me, what's this mean? No US commercial flights, to restrict airspace for possible combat and reduce possible missile strikes to commercial aircraft and such?

Yes, kind of a perfect summary.

01-07-20, 20:15
For a non-military guy like me, what's this mean? No US commercial flights, to restrict airspace for possible combat and reduce possible missile strikes to commercial aircraft and such?

Pretty much just means the FAA has decided the airspace is too hazardous for civil aviation that is licensed under their authority. They would not have classified intel, just using their best information and judgment.

As a non sequitur, how have they not been forced to change that to a notice to airpersons "NOTAP". Rampant sexism... lol

01-07-20, 20:23
This whole thing is starting to smell like a big nothingburger served up for the benefit of the Iranian home audience, very likely signaled in advance to ensure no accidental return fire by Iraqi forces.

ETA, Kinda like Tomahawking the cap out of a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan.

Boy Scout
01-07-20, 20:24
Correct. Think Malaysian Airlines over the Ukraine. Lots of fingers on triggers right now.

Yes, kind of a perfect summary.

Pretty much just means the FAA has decided the airspace is too hazardous for civil aviation that is licensed under their authority. They would not have classified intel, just using their best information and judgment.

As a non sequitur, how have they not been forced to change that to a notice to airpersons "NOTAP". Rampant sexism... lol

That's what I figured, thanks all. I DID sleep at a Holiday Inn last night...

The biggest thing in all this is now POTUS is in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. What happens next can definitely determine the election.

01-07-20, 20:26
Data coming out shows these missiles were aimed at facilities with little concentration of Americans. In fact, the actual areas of attack were in areas of little actual value as far as critical damage.

Of course, there is a whole bunch of crappy information coming out. But if this is the case, this is nothing more then a saving face-retaliatory strike where they do not want to escalate.

Was beginning to form that opinion myself. I don't condone it, because it was risky and if an American died I would advocate a devastating counter-attack. I just wonder if they're trying to say "Okay, we're even" and know damn well we one-upped them with Soliemani's hit. We have the means to smoke them which would likely result in the overthrow of the mullah's nice comfy lives and they damn well know it.

01-07-20, 20:55
Time to turn Iran into a radioactive waste land. Get it over with.

I would greatly prefer either surgical strikes against military targets and sinking anything floating with an Iranian flag OR nothing for the time being.

NOTE: With the understanding no Americans were killed.


01-07-20, 21:04
That's what I figured, thanks all. I DID sleep at a Holiday Inn last night...

The biggest thing in all this is now POTUS is in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. What happens next can definitely determine the election.

President Trump is sitting pretty if no American casualties. The best thing in that case would be a stern warning to Iran. Without a war, their leaders will not last 5 years under the current economic stress.

It would also give the President the "moral" high ground as he points out the restraint he is showing.

01-07-20, 21:06
President Trump is sitting pretty if no American casualties. The best thing in that case would be a stern warning to Iran. Without a war, their leaders will not last 5 years under the current economic stress.

It would also give the President the "moral" high ground as he points out the restraint he is showing.

Yep. Basically "let it slide." Now he's being reasonable. Iran doesn't get the message and attacks again, he turns around and says, "I TRIED to be reasonable with you guys..."

01-07-20, 21:12
Think more like SCUD, less like minuteman 2.
More that it is not some proxy attack and an escalation from a drone strike.

As long as their are no deaths, American deaths, I think this ends this phase and we go back to the proxy battles.

Wait a month and then pound their proxies...

Why weren’t they engaged by Patriot batteries?

Alex V
01-07-20, 21:14
President Trump is sitting pretty if no American casualties. The best thing in that case would be a stern warning to Iran. Without a war, their leaders will not last 5 years under the current economic stress.

It would also give the President the "moral" high ground as he points out the restraint he is showing.

Yep. Basically "let it slide." Now he's being reasonable. Iran doesn't get the message and attacks again, he turns around and says, "I TRIED to be reasonable with you guys..."

That isn’t how the MSM will spin it. They will say Trump started shit and then pussied out. The useful idiots will buy it wholesale.

01-07-20, 21:22
Has anyone considered there were back channel communications from Iran to the US that missiles would be coming to both bases, and US quietly moved some forces out? I heard that in the case of Erbil, there is video of MRAPs moving out at night before the attack.

For those of you who have been in Iraq, we do have a closer facility full of US troops much closer to the Iranian border - it's the Joint Base Balad.

01-07-20, 21:22
That isn’t how the MSM will spin it. They will say Trump started shit and then pussied out. The useful idiots will buy it wholesale.

So, their propaganda game is on point with Iran’s? Sounds about right.

01-07-20, 21:29
Was listening to the local radio tonight and one of the talking heads commented that he was hearing that Iran warned Iraq of the missile attack knowing they would tell the Americans what was coming. Iran gets to hit a US base to placate its people and save face. The US suffers no casualties. Iran can't afford to hurt Iraqi's on the base as that hurts their image in Iraq. The US can back channel news to Iran to keep your heads down on Farsi island we could lob a few missiles there. Everyone gets to say they played their hand and we get back to not going to war.

Makes sense and brings the room temperature back down to a simmer. We'll know more in the morning I assume.

01-07-20, 21:33
Yep. Basically "let it slide." Now he's being reasonable. Iran doesn't get the message and attacks again, he turns around and says, "I TRIED to be reasonable with you guys..."

Oh Iran has the message, that is why it is possible they threw a few "snowballs" to save face and not kill an American.

01-07-20, 21:46
Data coming out shows these missiles were aimed at facilities with little concentration of Americans. In fact, the actual areas of attack were in areas of little actual value as far as critical damage.

Of course, there is a whole bunch of crappy information coming out. But if this is the case, this is nothing more then a saving face-retaliatory strike where they do not want to escalate.

This whole thing is starting to smell like a big nothingburger served up for the benefit of the Iranian home audience, very likely signaled in advance to ensure no accidental return fire by Iraqi forces.

ETA, Kinda like Tomahawking the cap out of a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan.

Has anyone considered there were back channel communications from Iran to the US that missiles would be coming to both bases, and US quietly moved some forces out? I heard that in the case of Erbil, there is video of MRAPs moving out at night before the attack.

For those of you who have been in Iraq, we do have a closer facility full of US troops much closer to the Iranian border - it's the Joint Base Balad.

Was listening to the local radio tonight and one of the talking heads commented that he was hearing that Iran warned Iraq of the missile attack knowing they would tell the Americans what was coming. Iran gets to hit a US base to placate its people and save face. The US suffers no casualties. Iran can't afford to hurt Iraqi's on the base as that hurts their image in Iraq. The US can back channel news to Iran to keep your heads down on Farsi island we could lob a few missiles there. Everyone gets to say they played their hand and we get back to not going to war.

Makes sense and brings the room temperature back down to a simmer. We'll know more in the morning I assume.

And the great soap opera of geopolitical theatre continues. A little something for everyone just to keep us all tuned in to the show.

And the high body count award for this episode goes to...

The Iranian funeral procession!!!

Boy Scout
01-07-20, 21:53
And the high body count award for this episode goes to...

The Iranian funeral procession!!!

I know, right?! They killed more of themselves (citizens, not even military personnel) during the funeral procession than we did in a surgical strike...

01-07-20, 21:56
Oh Iran has the message, that is why it is possible they threw a few "snowballs" to save face and not kill an American.

I think that's it exactly. I'll bet they were scared shitless that they might kill Americans with this puny little missile strike.

Despite my personal opinion, I would wager that Trump will not do anything unless Americans died. I really hope none of our folks got killed, that in and of itself would be worth it.

I agree completely. If no Americans were killed in the raid, I suspect Trump will let it slide. Maybe an oil refinery or a ballistic missile site or two, but Trump doesn't want a war and Iran certainly doesn't. I think Trump is smart enough to know that any retaliation for this missile strike has to be proportionally less, or nothing. Maybe a brief Twitter rant about Khoemini's mother or something, then...over, and back to the normal level of anti-American rhetoric. I think Trump is playing this very, very cleverly. So far.

In the end, Trump has demonstrated to the world, and to Iran, that he is a different kind of president than what they have seen before. Point made, in spades. I hope he doesn't overplay his hand, we're past the point of diminishing returns.


01-07-20, 22:07
Has anyone considered there were back channel communications from Iran to the US that missiles would be coming to both bases, and US quietly moved some forces out? I heard that in the case of Erbil, there is video of MRAPs moving out at night before the attack.

For those of you who have been in Iraq, we do have a closer facility full of US troops much closer to the Iranian border - it's the Joint Base Balad.

Would not surprise me at all. What is the radius if error on those missiles?

And the great soap opera of geopolitical theatre continues. A little something for everyone just to keep us all tuned in to the show.

And the high body count award for this episode goes to...

The Iranian funeral procession!!!

Reminds me of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

That we averted a regional war because Iranian missiles were as accurate as planned is a scary thought. Good thing NASA wasn't launching them...

01-07-20, 22:08
I’m seeing reports of as many as 20 American dead


01-07-20, 22:08
We have a facility much closer than Erbil or Al-Asad. It's Joint Base Balad and it's only about 160 km from the Iranian Border. If you're wanting to kill lots of US military, this would have been a better target. Something just doesn't feel right in this "attack". I still think there have been back channel communications and Iran has realized that President Trump is an American leader that is not playing by past rules, and they want no part of a hard US Military attack.

01-07-20, 22:14
We have a facility much closer than Erbil or Al-Asad. It's Joint Base Balad and it's only about 160 km from the Iranian Border. If you're wanting to kill lots of US military, this would have been a better target. Something just doesn't feel right in this "attack". I still think there have been back channel communications and Iran has realized that President Trump is an American leader that is not playing by past rules, and they want no part of a hard US Military attack.

Kabuki Theater Kombat, huh? :(

01-07-20, 22:14
We have a facility much closer than Erbil or Al-Asad. It's Joint Base Balad and it's only about 160 km from the Iranian Border. If you're wanting to kill lots of US military, this would have been a better target. Something just doesn't feel right in this "attack". I still think there have been back channel communications and Iran has realized that President Trump is an American leader that is not playing by past rules, and they want no part of a hard US Military attack.

I also found the targeted locations strange.

01-07-20, 22:24
I think that's it exactly. I'll bet they were scared shitless that they might kill Americans with this puny little missile strike.

I agree completely. If no Americans were killed in the raid, I suspect Trump will let it slide. Maybe an oil refinery or a ballistic missile site or two, but Trump doesn't want a war and Iran certainly doesn't. I think Trump is smart enough to know that any retaliation for this missile strike has to be proportionally less, or nothing. Maybe a brief Twitter rant about Khoemini's mother or something, then...over, and back to the normal level of anti-American rhetoric. I think Trump is playing this very, very cleverly. So far.

In the end, Trump has demonstrated to the world, and to Iran, that he is a different kind of president than what they have seen before. Point made, in spades. I hope he doesn't overplay his hand, we're past the point of diminishing returns.

I don't think that if a hand is overplayed that it will be Trump's. I also think there appears to be just a little sanity on the part of the mullahs.....they know their shit is weak if Trump pulls "the" trigger.

01-07-20, 22:26
I have been convinced for some time that our national politics are more closely related to the WWE than actual representative democracy. I'm starting to be convinced that the entire world stage is a scripted cage match just to keep us little peasants distracted.

It seems like I've seen this show a few to many times.

01-07-20, 22:55
I have been convinced for some time that our national politics are more closely related to the WWE than actual representative democracy. I'm starting to be convinced that the entire world stage is a scripted cage match just to keep us little peasants distracted.

It seems like I've seen this show a few to many times.
I don't think the average American knows beans from bullshit in a lot of things of the geopolitical game. It's all a worldwide game of violence, threats of violence, bribes, incentives, alliances, lying, stealing, gamesmanship, brinkmanship and sometimes, false flag events. I've been a part of it at one time in my life.

In this Country we have idealogues like the Pauls - father and son. I think Ron Paul is a nut, but I like a lot of what Rand Paul says, except for his simplistic foreign relations views. It's too black and white without acknowledging the nuances of the Real World, and how our geopolitical enemies operate. Endless Wars need to stop, but that shouldn't prevent us from going in with our technological advantage and killing bad guys and destroying things from time to time. It's the natural order of things.

01-07-20, 23:38
The US deaths would have been from Iranian state propaganda so yeah sure msnbc got the call what to report from Iran directly :)

Baghdad bob days but in Iran can hear it now
Yes we bombed them killed many take my word for it bodies all over they do not stand a chance against our superior forces

Back to msnbc
we are getting reports from our sources in Iran of mass casualties in the strike by the brave Iranian military leaders we so look up to with their gorgeous beards and proud heritage a peaceful loving and caring people and country that our dictator trump is trying to destroy

26 Inf
01-08-20, 02:11
Maybe we should turn some fast attack subs loose to sink the entire Iranian flagged merchant fleet?

I'm all about military targets, I don't think we are at the point we should be targeting poor schmoes on civilian merchant vessels.

Trains though, I'd like to P-47 me some trains. :0

Coal Dragger
01-08-20, 03:04
That’s assuming there is even one single legitimate Iranian flagged merchantman afloat.

01-08-20, 03:33
With no dead, no military action needed.

Increase sanctions, close black market oil market.

01-08-20, 06:48


Alex V
01-08-20, 07:34


Yeah, seems like it was a BS report.

01-08-20, 07:38
Think more like SCUD, less like minuteman 2.

No anti missile batteries at those airfields?

01-08-20, 07:45

Yeah, seems like it was a BS report.

Leave it to MSNBC to use Iranian propaganda in trying to make it look as bad as possible for Trump.

01-08-20, 07:50
No anti missile batteries at those airfields?

I was wondering the same thing at first. I was thinking since we were "limited" on our contingents and ISIS didn't have ballistic missiles, we may have left them behind.

Patriot batteries are expensive and don't do well under mortar and rocket fire that undoubtedly would be considered a more likely threat given the region and history. Hindsight and all, but I could understand why they wouldn't have them.

01-08-20, 08:02
Leave it to MSNBC to use Iranian propaganda in trying to make it look as bad as possible for Trump.

Never forget that Walter Cronkite was the most valuable soldier the North Vietnamese Army had...

01-08-20, 08:02
I thought I seen reports that patriot pac 3 batteries were in route to our bases over there. Maybe they weren’t at these bases? Maybe because we got a heads up and got our guys bunker down that we decided not to waste them?

01-08-20, 08:25
Baghdad bob days but in Iran

I guess that would make them Tehran Timmy?

01-08-20, 08:27
No anti missile batteries at those airfields?

According to media reports none at those two bases.

Quote from a Fox News reporter via twitter

Patriot and Avenger anti-missile defense systems deployed to other locations in Middle East, but not the two Iraqi bases--al-Asad and Erbil—targeted by Iran.

Officials say the American assets are in high demand and short supply around the world.

01-08-20, 09:01
According to media reports none at those two bases.

Quote from a Fox News reporter via twitter

Perhaps that's partly they chose those targets? No one killed apparently, so perhaps that's Iran's face saving response, at least for now. Had they done any real damage and had been lucky enough to hit something full of troops, I suspect the response would have been much different.

01-08-20, 09:09
I would guess that if it was known where the missiles were going to strike, that they were going to strike somewhere where casualties should be low or none, that missile defense systems may have been left off to better study how the missiles worked right up to the point of impact. Plus it conceals whatever weaknesses our missile defense systems might have (apart from apparently being in low supply).

01-08-20, 09:15
I would guess that if it was known where the missiles were going to strike, that they were going to strike somewhere where casualties should be low or none, that missile defense systems may have been left off to better study how the missiles worked right up to the point of impact. Plus it conceals whatever weaknesses our missile defense systems might have (apart from apparently being in low supply).

Due to some back door comms or in flight trajectory calcs?

just a scout
01-08-20, 09:21

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

01-08-20, 09:42
While I think many are going overboard on the memes, some have stood out as fairly entertaining.


01-08-20, 10:14
POTUS Live Stream


01-08-20, 10:41
Good, very Presidential address. I'm glad he did not announce that we were going to war with Iran right now.

01-08-20, 10:52
Good, very Presidential address. I'm glad he did not announce that we were going to war with Iran right now.

4D chess...We basically got off Scot-free for killing a top iranian leader. Iran gets to save face by launching a few ineffective missile strikes and the status quo is maintained.

01-08-20, 10:52
Agreed, not that I see many, that seemed to be one of his best speeches.

01-08-20, 10:59
I came in just when he started speaking. That was a confident and controlled American President who has a handle on the situation, with plenty of options and an olive branch. He's doing exactly what we hired him to do.

01-08-20, 11:06
True or not, the Ukrainian airliner that went down has to be blamed IRG forces jumping the gun.

The net effect of the speech was right on, just listening to him makes him sound just this side of a talking monkey. Maybe trying to dumb it down for people, but with out time for them to wordsmith some good stuff, Trump did his usual Twitter/stream-of-consciousness communication pattern.

01-08-20, 11:18
4D chess...We basically got off Scot-free for killing a top iranian leader. Iran gets to save face by launching a few ineffective missile strikes and the status quo is maintained.

All the hand-wringers will be disappointed that President Trump didn't get us into a war with Iran. Oh well, better luck next time!

01-08-20, 12:37
All the hand-wringers will be disappointed that President Trump didn't get us into a war with Iran. Oh well, better luck next time!

The antiwar left is calling him a coward, and ballsless as well. Can't win them all.

01-08-20, 13:13
I'm not Trump's biggest fan, but his speech was pretty good, all things considered. Noted an emphasis on himself, of course, but hey, can't ask a leopard to change its spots.

01-08-20, 13:19
I'm not Trump's biggest fan, but his speech was pretty good, all things considered. Noted an emphasis on himself, of course, but hey, can't ask a leopard to change its spots.

He extended the olive branch, but also made sure Iran knew we could beat them senseless with it if they are stupid.

01-08-20, 14:24
"When you do things right, people won't know that you've done anything at all."

& You can bet your A$$, that we (the US) are still doing plenty of things in regards to Iran's regime that will NEVER be known beyond the players involved.

01-08-20, 14:44
The antiwar left is calling him a coward, and ballsless as well. Can't win them all.

So he’s a warmonger AND a pussy?

Fvcking magnets how do they work?

01-08-20, 15:18
The comments on the type of missiles, was very educational to this oldMan.

Satellite Images Show The Aftermath Of Iran's Missile Strikes On Al Assad Air Base In Iraq (Updated)


01-08-20, 15:37
So he’s a warmonger AND a pussy?

Fvcking magnets how do they work?

Not sure. Let’s down some Faygo and paint our faces. It may help our world view.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-08-20, 16:07
So he’s a warmonger AND a pussy?

Fvcking magnets how do they work?

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49352736088_19c4668065_w.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2ic8F1U)nido04bg (https://flic.kr/p/2ic8F1U) by Willis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/140211446@N06/), on Flickr

Not sure. Let’s down some Faygo and paint our faces. It may help our world view.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hatchet Men get things done. Just too damn inclusive though :cool:.

01-08-20, 18:12
...We basically got off Scot-free for killing a top iranian leader. Iran gets to save face by launching a few ineffective missile strikes and the status quo is maintained.
IF that's the end of it, you'd be right. But it sure seems suspicious.

Iran stated publicly that they won't use proxy forces or an ally to respond to the killing of Soleimani but they would use the Iranian military.

That pretty much means that Iran -will- be cooking up some sort of shady response. It will take planning and time to execute.
In the meantime, look at the pretty missiles.
The rockets recently sent are a demonstration that Iran can spin to qualify as a response.

I'd expect a more serious attack to come later.

01-08-20, 18:32
Not sure. Let’s down some Faygo and paint our faces. It may help our world view.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Okay. I’m down.

01-08-20, 19:06

Did Iran intend to kill Americans or was it a way to save face? I started thinking last night that perhaps the latter was the case. As today wears on it seems there is some opinion to the contrary (surely to occur as speculation is rampant).

So, did they "intentionally" flub this to prevent the gun pointed at their heads from being fired? Or were they really stupid enough to think we couldn't or wouldn't do it?

My personal opinion is that they know Trump isn't Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. Reagan didn't play and popped Praying Mantis on them, so it was that long ago since they've faced determined opposition. I think they know Trump wasn't bluffing and he would have lit Iran up like a Christmas tree last night if Americans had been killed.

So was it:

1) an "intentional" flub to save face


2) they really wanted to kill Americans but are inept

01-08-20, 19:09
Juggalos..... smh


01-08-20, 19:11
Juggalos..... smh


ThE gReAt MiLeNkO

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01-08-20, 19:39
Anyone else listen to Scott Adams today? I think his analysis of Iran's "magic trick" is right on.

The Cliff Notes version is he suggested they "attacked" the US to appease Iranians and they missed so we would not retaliate.


Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

01-08-20, 21:23
Anyone else listen to Scott Adams today? I think his analysis of Iran's "magic trick" is right on.

The Cliff Notes version is he suggested they "attacked" the US to appease Iranians and they missed so we would not retaliate.


Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
That's what I thought.

01-08-20, 23:26
Anyone else listen to Scott Adams today? I think his analysis of Iran's "magic trick" is right on.

The Cliff Notes version is he suggested they "attacked" the US to appease Iranians and they missed so we would not retaliate.


I've seen a couple of the satellite photos showing the destroyed hangars at Al-Asad. These hits were not done by guided precision weapons but old technology. The Iranians could not accurately know where on the base these would hit - just the general area within the base. That there were no US casualties and I suppose no Iraqi casualties indicates to me that we either went into secure bunkers in advance, or evacuated to a safe location. Even then, a misguided missile could have killed Americans. Then what?

Boy Scout
01-08-20, 23:59
Best case scenario, ultimately. Heads on a swivel though, Iran-based Intel ops will be working overtime.

But for real, why is he so orange? Can't his makeup people do something about that? Sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't. But it seemed like the self-tanner lotion was working hardcore today.

26 Inf
01-09-20, 02:19
That’s assuming there is even one single legitimate Iranian flagged merchantman afloat.

Dang it, I was trolling with the train....

01-09-20, 02:23
Dang it, I was trolling with the train....

Train-popping was dangerous work--if you were too close when the boiler popped you ate an assful of shrapnel. Took either a big ol' pair of brass ones or a suicidal streak, though the Jug's particular construction with its heavier structure and radial engine made it better suited to the role than the more easily-damaged water-cooled Mustang.

26 Inf
01-09-20, 02:27
Train-popping was dangerous work--if you were too close when the boiler popped you ate an assful of shrapnel. Took either a big ol' pair of brass ones or a suicidal streak, though the Jug's particular construction with its heavier structure and radial engine made it better suited to the role than the more easily-damaged water-cooled Mustang.

Diesel Electrics wouldn't give the same satisfying kaboom.

01-09-20, 17:58
Unbelievable, but maybe not very unbelievable. They subversive ComDems just told Iran "to kill as many Americans as you want, we won't let the bad orange man do anything to you". I swear I must be living in a parallel universe where down is up and up is down. Anyone voting for the brain dead, anti-American criminals in the ComDem party must have serious mental issues. If we don't completely mop the floor with them in November then this country may never recover.


01-09-20, 18:11
Unbelievable, but maybe not very unbelievable. They subversive ComDems just told Iran "to kill as many Americans as you want, we won't let the bad orange man do anything to you". I swear I must be living in a parallel universe where down is up and up is down. Anyone voting for the brain dead, anti-American criminals in the ComDem party must have serious mental issues. If we don't completely mop the floor with them in November then this country may never recover.


You expected something different?

Alex V
01-10-20, 07:47
Anybody wanna put on some aluminum foil hats and listen to the latest Anon theory on this?

Could Soleimani have been acting as a rogue agent in Iran? Taking power away from Rouhani? Making the Iranian Army his own? Could Trump have made a deal? I'll kill Soleimani for you, you back your ass up? Soleimani is dead, Rouhani has control back of his army. US has excuse to leave Iraq, Iran comes to negotiate, denuclearize in return for sanction relief. Some posturing by both sides, everyone looks like a bad ass winner, goes home to eff the prom queen.

That's a lot of 4D chess. Would be fun if it were true but it requires a lot of tin foil lol.

01-10-20, 07:48
Unbelievable, but maybe not very unbelievable. They subversive ComDems just told Iran "to kill as many Americans as you want, we won't let the bad orange man do anything to you". I swear I must be living in a parallel universe where down is up and up is down. Anyone voting for the brain dead, anti-American criminals in the ComDem party must have serious mental issues. If we don't completely mop the floor with them in November then this country may never recover.


Isaiah 5:20 Tree of Life Version (TLV)
20 Oy to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who present darkness as light
and light as darkness,
who present bitter as sweet,
and sweet as bitter!

Kinda came to mind in regards to this.

01-10-20, 19:32
Iranians will keep doing what they've been doing and pay some 3rd party militia/country/terrorists to attack Americans. They just shot down a 737 and it will be old news in a week. The Lockerbie bombing was just as bad but only different in scale because of how many seats were on the plane...but Iran is assisting the Dems attack on Trump so see how much news there is on this coming up.

I've had some personal conversations with family and friends in the past week and its amazing how NONE of them have any historical knowledge of what Iran has done to Americans for 41 years since the 1979 muslim fanatic revolution. They started off with taking hostages, Beirut bombing, Iraq EFP's, and supplying every Shia terrorist group with money and munitions they possibly can. Now they shot down an airliner full of civilians. None of this is new or something we specifically did to piss them off. Its just good ole fashioned fanatical islamic hatred of the west, and we're the biggest & juiciest target in the world.

So many people trust the big news MSM its pathetic. If there was a Democrat in office, and they whacked this guy, they'd be hailed as a hero. Trump is in office so these leftist idiots are claiming he's getting us into WW3 and a draft will start up. Heres a little nugget; even Russia or anyone else doesn't like dealing with rogue countries. They can sell them weapons or buy gas/oil off them but their most useful role is a distraction and bog for the US to deal with. As long as countries like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela exist the big players like Russia and China get much less attention than they deserve. There is a reason the Iron Curtain was constructed...to isolate Russia and provide a buffer. These rogue states serve the same purpose today.

As to Democrats the only reason they get away with the hypocrisy and flat out lying is because the MSM is the propaganda arm of the DNC. Its not even close to being 'biased'. Biased implies you lean one way but there's still an opposing side/force. Between online, written, and TV 'news media' the vast majority is far leftist propaganda, and that crew has been overtaken but the socialist subversion of America. They have to side with whatever outside influence opposes us because they assist in the dismantling of America.

01-10-20, 20:49
Iranians will keep doing what they've been doing and pay some 3rd party militia/country/terrorists to attack Americans. They just shot down a 737 and it will be old news in a week. The Lockerbie bombing was just as bad but only different in scale because of how many seats were on the plane...but Iran is assisting the Dems attack on Trump so see how much news there is on this coming up.

I've had some personal conversations with family and friends in the past week and its amazing how NONE of them have any historical knowledge of what Iran has done to Americans for 41 years since the 1979 muslim fanatic revolution. They started off with taking hostages, Beirut bombing, Iraq EFP's, and supplying every Shia terrorist group with money and munitions they possibly can. Now they shot down an airliner full of civilians. None of this is new or something we specifically did to piss them off. Its just good ole fashioned fanatical islamic hatred of the west, and we're the biggest & juiciest target in the world.

So many people trust the big news MSM its pathetic. If there was a Democrat in office, and they whacked this guy, they'd be hailed as a hero. Trump is in office so these leftist idiots are claiming he's getting us into WW3 and a draft will start up. Heres a little nugget; even Russia or anyone else doesn't like dealing with rogue countries. They can sell them weapons or buy gas/oil off them but their most useful role is a distraction and bog for the US to deal with. As long as countries like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela exist the big players like Russia and China get much less attention than they deserve. There is a reason the Iron Curtain was constructed...to isolate Russia and provide a buffer. These rogue states serve the same purpose today.

As to Democrats the only reason they get away with the hypocrisy and flat out lying is because the MSM is the propaganda arm of the DNC. Its not even close to being 'biased'. Biased implies you lean one way but there's still an opposing side/force. Between online, written, and TV 'news media' the vast majority is far leftist propaganda, and that crew has been overtaken but the socialist subversion of America. They have to side with whatever outside influence opposes us because they assist in the dismantling of America.

You have to mention the roughly 40+% of this country who have their heads firmly planted up their asses. That 40+%, plus maybe a tad less who think like we do, and that ever-fawned-over "mushy middle" comprise the American electorate. You can blame the MSM (and surely they DO indeed share a portion of the blame) but it boils down to an ever-widening chasm between "us and them". That indecisive "mushy middle" decides things. IMHO we need more of their vote than the Comm/Dems do but what will it take to placate that wishy-washy group? Once again we come down to the Comm/Dems framing the conversation (as if it's a "given" that gun control and foreign appeasement just HAS to happen) and so in order to grab those votes we need to have to give up something in order to appear that we're "compromising". And God forbid we appear as stoutly refusing and digging our heels in with rejection of the libtard's agenda. Why, then WE are the boogeymen.

01-11-20, 13:52
Launch a dozen missiles at two military bases and hit nothing. Next day, shoot down their own airliner by mistake. Uh hu...

These geniuses want to develop a nuclear bomb? Tehran might not survive the testing phase. As the mushroom cloud extends into the Iranian sky.... How do you say 'ooops, my bad' in Farsi?