View Full Version : 79 yearl old vet takes out trash

01-09-20, 12:29
Why old guys rule.

"He's an old guy, let's rob that gun store..."

Famous last words from a punk kid.

"...one of the suspects involved with removing the shop door had gained entry into the store, when moments later one of the suspects had noticed the 79-year-old owner and immediately began shooting at him.

The owner returned fire, hitting one of the suspects before they all got away in the vehicle.

Approximately 10 minutes after the exchange of gunfire, a man in his late 20’s was found dead on the 3800 block of Morelos, about seven miles away from the robbery.

Deputies had discovered the body on the roadway, not far from an abandoned vehicle with its car doors open."


01-09-20, 13:30
Glad it went his way, unfortunate that he has to deal with that kind of crap.

At that point in life you want to be able to open up shop, make some sales and pay your bills.

01-09-20, 13:33
Love the comment:

“It takes a special kind of stupid to rob a gun shop in our town.”

01-09-20, 14:36
I love the fact that a LE website is strongly supporting the actions of homeowners and business owners who engage in armed defense of their persons and property rather than seeing them say things like "the guy got lucky this time" or whatever "untrained civilians should try and take the law in their own hands" nonsense is usually put forward.

01-09-20, 14:50
I love the fact that a LE website is strongly supporting the actions of homeowners and business owners who engage in armed defense of their persons and property rather than seeing them say things like "the guy got lucky this time" or whatever "untrained civilians should try and take the law in their own hands" nonsense is usually put forward.

Not sure where you get your LE news but the responses I’d see on my usual sites easily echo the sentiment here.

01-09-20, 14:52
Love the comment:

"But it's just some old guy bro, it'll be an easy score"




01-09-20, 14:55
I love the fact that a LE website is strongly supporting the actions of homeowners and business owners who engage in armed defense of their persons and property rather than seeing them say things like "the guy got lucky this time" or whatever "untrained civilians should try and take the law in their own hands" nonsense is usually put forward.

None of the major LE news outlets I know of, online or print, some of which I have done some writing for and or work for, are anything but pro gun in the hands of law abiding civilians and do not support gun control. Those pubs are not written by say some PDs PR department, but LE, ex LE, or civilians.

01-09-20, 16:26
Life lesson, don't eff with the GOB's--this is why I prefer hanging with them over those my own age, not just for the better war-stories but for their knowledge and skill to Git Shit DUN when it comes to need doing. :)

01-10-20, 23:40
Not sure where you get your LE news but the responses I’d see on my usual sites easily echo the sentiment here.

I used to live in Broward County where shithead Sheriffs took every opportunity to remind us to "leave it to the professionals."

01-10-20, 23:42
I used to live in Broward County where shithead Sheriffs took every opportunity to remind us to "leave it to the professionals."

You mean the "professionals" who chose standing around letting kids die over doing their jobs? *snort*

01-11-20, 00:26
You mean the "professionals" who chose standing around letting kids die over doing their jobs? *snort*

Pretty much. If Ken Jenne had been sheriff at the time of the Parkland shooting AND a person with a CCW actually managed to find and stop the shooter, Jenne would have complained about how dangerous it is when "ordinary people want to play cop", hard as it is to imagine, he was actually worse than Scott Israel or Nick Navarro.

We briefly had a decent guy, Al Lamberti who had the unusual distinction of actually having been a career LEO and upon election went to work trying to fix the damage done by his predecessors so of course they got rid of him as soon as possible.

You want to read how bad it really is, try this.
