View Full Version : USA tipping point

01-15-20, 12:52
We have multiple threads, impeachment, VA gun control, Bernie's wet dream of throwing us in gulags, among a host of other things.

I see the trend of the marixt democratic party, they will keep pushing until they achieve all of the above and more.

Then I flash back to history, the rise of Lenin, Hitler and Mao, among others. With hindsight being 20/20 we can all see the tipping point where past that they became too powerful to eliminate.

So I would like to try and tie the various threads together in a civil discussion of where are we, how do we remain free and loyal to the Constitution.

Alex V
01-15-20, 13:13
Our time being free men is limed because we refuse to spit on our hands and begin to slit throats.

A decade at most, 10 months at least.

Outlander Systems
01-15-20, 13:39
Whoa bro. Actually, gulags were a lot better than what the CIA has told us that they were. Like, people were actually paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags. Gulags were actually meant for, like, reeducation.

01-15-20, 15:21
You will know it when you see it !

01-15-20, 15:31
It’s past too late. The average American is a complete idiot who is out of shape in both mind and body; who believes whatever the TV and Facebook tell them to believe.

The Zombies are steering the ship and we’re headed for a giant iceberg.

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01-15-20, 16:19
It’s past too late. The average American is a complete idiot who is out of shape in both mind and body; who believes whatever the TV and Facebook tell them to believe.

The Zombies are steering the ship and we’re headed for a giant iceberg.

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Correct, and not by accident either. The destruction of our education system and the War on Poverty (I.e. the creation of the welfare state) were both planned by the communists in our own government to accelerate the country towards communism.

01-15-20, 16:37
You will know it when you see it !


Move too soon, you are an anti government terrorist.

Good rule of thumb, if you find yourself burying your guns, you will be needing them sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, keep voting, keep calling, keep trying. If the day comes that you have to start shooting government enforcers, well you did everything you could to prevent that day from coming.

I also don't see an overnight change to dictatorship such as what happened in Germany. One party will have to consolidate power and eliminate two party elections. Then a gradual stacking of the deck in all three branches of government until they can legislate by decree.

As crappy as the Republicans are and as much as they routinely cross the aisle to sell us out, competition for control has kept us from having a Czar appointed.

01-15-20, 17:43
A decade at most, 10 months at least.

I think you're being too optimistic. Things could begin to go sideways as early as next week.

But yeah, the current direction the country is headed seems to indicate that we're rapidly approaching a tipping point, or rather, a breaking point. As a pair of someones once said, "house dividied against itself can not stand." This country is profoundly divided against itself right now, and all indications are it'll only get worse.

01-15-20, 18:26
I find it horrible sad we are even discussing this as American citizens of the USA. Sad, sad, shame.

01-15-20, 18:29
I find it horrible sad we are even discussing this as American citizens of the USA. Sad, sad, shame.

As I said in another thread, our country is in a sad state when Bernie Sanders, a naked communist who hates our country, is a viable candidate where 45%+/- of the citizens would vote for him if he gets the nomination.

01-15-20, 19:12
As I said in another thread, our country is in a sad state when Bernie Sanders, a naked communist who hates our country, is a viable candidate where 45%+/- of the citizens would vote for him if he gets the nomination.

Before we say "all is lost" we should remember we had more actual socialism under FDR. We practiced eugenics before Germany ever heard the word, we had a legal means to forcibly sterilize undesirables if we could declare them to be indigent and we did some really horrible shit. Prior to FDR we used the US military to attack WWI veterans and their families who were engaged in a lawful, peaceful protest and we made the sale of alcohol illegals.

Things aren't good, but we are a long way off from how bad they actually were in the 1930s. I don't think any of you guys would have survived the 1930s. Things may or may not be as bad as they were in 1969, things were really bad in 1969.

But all was not lost in the 1930s, it gave way to the 1950s. All was not lost in 1969, it gave way to the 1980s. There is a definite good and bad tradeoff.

01-15-20, 20:44
I hope we never get there BUT no civilization has stayed on top (or stay the course)
when they fell it was quick and often not the way they thought

Bigger question is how did they come out on the other side (better worse) related to how they went in and what can we do about after

01-15-20, 20:59
Before we say "all is lost" we should remember we had more actual socialism under FDR. We practiced eugenics before Germany ever heard the word, we had a legal means to forcibly sterilize undesirables if we could declare them to be indigent and we did some really horrible shit. Prior to FDR we used the US military to attack WWI veterans and their families who were engaged in a lawful, peaceful protest and we made the sale of alcohol illegals.

Things aren't good, but we are a long way off from how bad they actually were in the 1930s. I don't think any of you guys would have survived the 1930s. Things may or may not be as bad as they were in 1969, things were really bad in 1969.

But all was not lost in the 1930s, it gave way to the 1950s. All was not lost in 1969, it gave way to the 1980s. There is a definite good and bad tradeoff.

Took the words right out of my mouth

01-15-20, 22:10
The gulag crack laid bare what most of us have always known: the smiling Marxists are not charming, at all - they are extremely dangerous.

Things seem to be coming to a head. Not what I want but whatever will be, shall be. I’ve made my peace with God and trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, many moons ago.

01-15-20, 22:38
I sincerely hope this won’t turn into another “So when is the boogaloo dance gonna start” thread. That would be just rehashing the “How civil wars start” that is now enormous.

Mauser KAR98K
01-15-20, 23:16
My wife has been battling rapid Anti-Trumpers on facebook. It is frightening how hard they paint socialism in a good light and get people on board. 10 years ago they would be routed. Now theh are numerous.

Liberty and Socialism cannot coexist.

01-16-20, 00:18
I've given up trying to predict what is gonna happen in the USA. My only psychic source has been my Magic 8 Ball, which has been sitting on a bookcase collecting dust, so I haven't utilized it's predictive wisdom for what may or may not happen in the future:

01-16-20, 05:02
We have multiple threads, impeachment, VA gun control, Bernie's wet dream of throwing us in gulags, among a host of other things.

I see the trend of the marixt democratic party, they will keep pushing until they achieve all of the above and more.

Then I flash back to history, the rise of Lenin, Hitler and Mao, among others. With hindsight being 20/20 we can all see the tipping point where past that they became too powerful to eliminate.

So I would like to try and tie the various threads together in a civil discussion of where are we, how do we remain free and loyal to the Constitution.

So far not a single post addressed the question of how to remain free. For right now one of the best things we can do is support Trump. Share videos like this:
encourage people to read "Resistance at All Costs" by Kimberly Strassel. Encourage people to question their own thoughts and beliefs.

01-16-20, 05:38
So far not a single post addressed the question of how to remain free.

As for me personally. I vote, I contact my legislators, I keep myself up to date on current events, and I openly talk with anyone who is willing to discuss current events and freedoms in general. Right now, what else can one do?

I will also continue to live and do the things I do now on the daily no matter what laws are passed in the future. I made a firm decision long ago that I’m going to live free, period.

It comes down to (for me personally) that I just really want to be left alone. I’ve seen others on here share that same sentiment as well. So if those in power really want to “tip” things here in the USA, start messing with the millions of Americans who just want to be left alone to live their lives.

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01-16-20, 07:32
And never give up your guns no matter what laws change period.

01-16-20, 07:34
So far not a single post addressed the question of how to remain free. For right now one of the best things we can do is support Trump. Share videos like this:
encourage people to read "Resistance at All Costs" by Kimberly Strassel. Encourage people to question their own thoughts and beliefs.

Larry Elder is a superstar.

01-16-20, 08:00
There is nothing new under the sun: The Bible

All politics is cyclical: Arthur Schlesinger's Cyclical Theory

While it seems the swings are more and more extreme, the politics of what's going on has been going on for over 200 years. The Zen master says "we'll see."

01-16-20, 08:40
You can VOTE yourself into Socialism.

You will however, hafta SHOOT your way OUT of it again... :help:

01-16-20, 09:09
There is nothing new under the sun: The Bible

All politics is cyclical: Arthur Schlesinger's Cyclical Theory

While it seems the swings are more and more extreme, the politics of what's going on has been going on for over 200 years. The Zen master says "we'll see."

2 things come to mind on things being better/different in "their day" versus now. 1 is complaints about scantily clad/short shorts from people that it is possible to find pictures of from about 1970 to 1986 wearing shorts with inseams less than an inch.

Another is people griping about what can be seen on tv or online, but they tell stories about going to carny side shows. Apparently what can be seen on tv/online wasn't too repugnant when it came around a couple times a year and could not only be viewed for a quarter(or just sneak under the tent), but was close enough to smell or touch.

01-16-20, 16:46
How about focussing on a plan of action. As in action steps. Step 1. Step 2.
Whats the use in discussing how ****ed up things are? Or what needs to to be done? Or if.......
The likes of Bloomberg, Pelosi, Northam, and their cronies are why empires collapse from within. the have done more to harm America than Qasem Soleimani ever could.

01-16-20, 19:38
How about focussing on a plan of action. As in action steps. Step 1. Step 2.
Whats the use in discussing how ****ed up things are? Or what needs to to be done? Or if.......
The likes of Bloomberg, Pelosi, Northam, and their cronies are why empires collapse from within. the have done more to harm America than Qasem Soleimani ever could.

What is your plan? No bull**** implied here, but what is your plan then? I’ve seen you post you’d like others to commit violence on your behalf, on another thread, because they were better qualified. That’s not really a plan though, that’s a wish made in anger.

Personally I’d like to avoid violence. It’s not going to be what people think. I’ve tried to “red pill” as many people around me as possible, without looking like a loon. Overall I’ve persuaded more than a few people to really start looking at events and circumstances in a critical fashion and begin to really truly think for themselves not just regurgitate the bull**** we’re fed from pop culture and the MSN.

That’s been and will continue to be my plan.

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01-16-20, 20:00
What is your plan? No bull**** implied here, but what is your plan then? I’ve seen you post you’d like others to commit violence on your behalf, on another thread, because they were better qualified. That’s not really a plan though, that’s a wish made in anger.

Personally I’d like to avoid violence. It’s not going to be what people think. I’ve tried to “red pill” as many people around me as possible, without looking like a loon. Overall I’ve persuaded more than a few people to really start looking at events and circumstances in a critical fashion and begin to really truly think for themselves not just regurgitate the bull**** we’re fed from pop culture and the MSN.

That’s been and will continue to be my plan.

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I don't have a plan. But I do know all the bitching and doing nothing gets old. As far as violence, no matter who carries it out, it can be effective. If someone had put a bullet in Hitlers head a year after he was elected perhaps many of the atrocities wouldn't have even happened.

There are handful of political hacks that should be charged with treason. That seems like a good place to start. But I'm not a lawyer. When these hacks are above the law what options do citizens have other than force?


01-16-20, 20:56
If someone had put a bullet in Hitlers head a year after he was elected perhaps many of the atrocities wouldn't have even happened.

Perfectly logical from our current perspective, but a bit hard to justify political assassination to preclude atrocities that "you" would only be able to hypothesize about at that time.

By the same token could not a raging lefty justify killing Trump to prevent all of the atrocities they tell us are in process or coming soon?

Besides, imagine a successor picking up Hitlers banner afterwards. Just as evil, but a little more stable and a little less batshit crazy. How does the world turn out then...

No, I for one prefer my politics bullet free.

01-17-20, 00:16
The biggest mistake the Founding Fathers made, was not defining crimes and setting forth severe criminal penalties for any local, state or federal official, elected or appointed, for violating any any Article or Bill ratified in the Constitution.

The biggest problem we have today is far too few elected and appointed officials in federal prison. Straight up, Ralph Northam belongs in federal prison right now, not in office. :mad:

01-17-20, 00:33
I don't have a plan. But I do know all the bitching and doing nothing gets old. As far as violence, no matter who carries it out, it can be effective. If someone had put a bullet in Hitlers head a year after he was elected perhaps many of the atrocities wouldn't have even happened.

There are handful of political hacks that should be charged with treason. That seems like a good place to start. But I'm not a lawyer. When these hacks are above the law what options do citizens have other than force?

Reality about violence well let’s look at the Vegas mass shooting or others did it change anything politically ? Nope
How about all the antifa riot thugs all the time smashing things up ? Nothing again
Sure they create stories and fingers point that’s about it

McVeigh made a statement but really it did not change anything either
Look at cities and gang violence deaths etc... does not even make the news

So this I will go do something violent is a fantasy for change

I have said you have to do what the cartels are doing to be noticed and that means groups the size of small armies being able to payoff or kill anyone in your way and doing insane things politicians being paid off or beheaded same with news folks etc.... and that will never happen here by either side and if it did we are not the US anymore anyway

Abortion has killed more babies in the US then Hitler ever did in war and the left thinks it’s empowering and cheers folks that do this ! Sadly this is the world we live in today

01-17-20, 04:05
There is no difference between communism and socialism,
except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end:
communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote.
It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.
Ayn Rand

Boy Scout
01-17-20, 05:43
As to the ETA of a tipping point, I'm of the postulation that one big event that is turned into a media debacle can rapidly change public perception and embolden the legislature to be more tyrannical. Lobby day has a significant possibility to become that point if the leftist operatives have their way, and the MSM plays into their hand. Do I think that IS THE event? No, but with tensions the way they are, I can see it happening. The country, and the world is watching.

Beyond that, I think the 10 months to 10 years is a good estimation. I think the crux will be IF one of the current Democrat Socialists obtains the White House and both houses of Congress go left. Again, I don't see the 2020 election going that way, but if there's an even bigger (supposed) culture shift and further slide of the Overton Window that allows it in 2024, THAT will be downhill slide, and it will go FAST.

As for what I'm doing: I'm physically training, financially and logistically preparing, I'm encouraging others to vote for Constitutional candidates, passing out copies of the Constitution, and organizing a network of Constitutionally-minded citizens to create mutual support groups (purposes are multi-faceted) that encourage the creation of more Constitutional PACs and lobbying groups.

Alex V
01-17-20, 06:04
Here’s the problem; the left will use any means necessary to achieve their totalitarian utopia. They will cheat, lie and steal. They will commit voter fraud. They are willing to crash the stock market and cause a recession. They are willing to ignore the Constitution as Gov Blackface did. They know they can because they have enough leftist judges to approve of their crimes and bend the law to make it acceptable. They are willing to commit violence [ANTIFA] and riot. Burn down cities. They are willing to impeach a president for no crime. If he wins in 2020, and they keep the House, rest assured they will impeach him again. If for no other reason than to say that he was the only POTUS impeached twice. They are literally willing to put you in a GULag.

In order to oppose them we are willing to debate, peacefully assemble, make phone calls, post on FB. If Republicans ever take the house back, when there is a Democrat POTUS, do you think they will put on the same show and conduct a BS impeachment? I think not. They have no spine. We are so in love with the idea of our republic that we are unwilling to bend the rules as they do.

We are, pun intended, bringing a stabby stab to a yeet cannon boogaloo. We can not and we will not win if we don’t fight them by their rules. I know the saying about wrestling with a pig but it’s about time we start liking being covered in mud.

01-17-20, 06:46
To address the how to:

1. Peaceably
2. Openly plan and execute geographical/societal belief structure Balkanization similar to the dissolution of the USSR.
3. A microcosm of this is presently occurring with the 2A sanctuary counties making a public stand against the socialist counties.
4. It was fun while it lasted, let's go our separate ways before it gets ugly.

01-17-20, 07:37
Reality about violence well let’s look at the Vegas mass shooting or others did it change anything politically ? Nope
How about all the antifa riot thugs all the time smashing things up ? Nothing again
Sure they create stories and fingers point that’s about it

McVeigh made a statement but really it did not change anything either
Look at cities and gang violence deaths etc... does not even make the news

So this I will go do something violent is a fantasy for change

I have said you have to do what the cartels are doing to be noticed and that means groups the size of small armies being able to payoff or kill anyone in your way and doing insane things politicians being paid off or beheaded same with news folks etc.... and that will never happen here by either side and if it did we are not the US anymore anyway

Abortion has killed more babies in the US then Hitler ever did in war and the left thinks it’s empowering and cheers folks that do this ! Sadly this is the world we live in today

I agree the types of violence you mentioned are all stupid and senseless and even down right sickening.

The military is quite good at direct action assaults on an objective to remove bad players though.

What I would really like to see are some of these political hacks that are above the law start being prosecuted legally. Comey, Muller, Pelosi, Northam, Hering, etc.

01-17-20, 08:12
I have pondered the likely future of this country many times in my mind. As an avid American and constitutional history buff I try to keep things in that context. The good thing is the current president has been placing quite a bit of constitutionalist judges which are more important than any political race. The US constitution is an impediment the left so they’re going to have to find a way to change it which is a long game for them.
The biggest issue I see.... that I cannot figure out how it will resolve...is the rural vs Urban cultural divide. One possibility that you’re starting to hear about in Virginia is secession of counties from states. I feel like something like this will happen in the next 50 years. In states like New York Illinois California and even Pennsylvania. You will see the counties try to remove themselves politically from the cities I think.

01-17-20, 08:34
There is no difference between communism and socialism,
except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end:
communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote.
It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.
Ayn Rand

Made me think of this.


01-17-20, 09:41
There is no difference between communism and socialism,
except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end:
communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote.
It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.
Ayn Rand

True. Something that gets me is there is very little difference between communism and fascism. Antifa/communists and so on have some valid gripes concerning fascism/crony capitalism, but their solution of giving more control to half the problem is assinine at best.

If anything, a large number of people living under communism/socialism in the 1940's tended to choose fascism over their own form of government. Somewhat of a better deal until the fascist invaders got the red ass towards a person's particular demographic at least.

01-17-20, 10:04
Agree but military action won’t happen if it does our country is over anyway and it’s back to how do we come out the other side
Prosecution YUP sadly republicans have no backbone but agree this is what needs to happen somehow

I think our big moments are going to be every election moving forward

I agree the types of violence you mentioned are all stupid and senseless and even down right sickening.

The military is quite good at direct action assaults on an objective to remove bad players though.

What I would really like to see are some of these political hacks that are above the law start being prosecuted legally. Comey, Muller, Pelosi, Northam, Hering, etc.

01-19-20, 22:11
To address the how to:

1. Peaceably
2. Openly plan and execute geographical/societal belief structure Balkanization similar to the dissolution of the USSR.
3. A microcosm of this is presently occurring with the 2A sanctuary counties making a public stand against the socialist counties.
4. It was fun while it lasted, let's go our separate ways before it gets ugly.

And them lose their tax bases? Cally and NY would lose their shit over that one. Both would wage war on the rest to claim the taxes back.

01-19-20, 23:32
Clearly the upcoming election is the tipping point.
As Virginia plays out we are seeing more clearly the socialist agenda.
The law, the Virginia Courts, Virginia's politicans and a small but very influential segment of Virginia LEO"s are willing to subvert any oath of office to open the gates to the demise of our Republic..

The stage is set, the game is on. If any of these "Democrats in Disguise" are elected, we will never regain any semblance of the America we knew.

01-20-20, 04:18
This words in the picture below are also telling...

01-20-20, 04:22
Clearly the upcoming election is the tipping point.
As Virginia plays out we are seeing more clearly the socialist agenda.
The law, the Virginia Courts, Virginia's politicans and a small but very influential segment of Virginia LEO"s are willing to subvert any oath of office to open the gates to the demise of our Republic..

The stage is set, the game is on. If any of these "Democrats in Disguise" are elected, we will never regain any semblance of the America we knew.

Orewell's 1984 spells it out as clear as a bell. It reads like a road map.

01-20-20, 20:37
And them lose their tax bases? Cally and NY would lose their shit over that one. Both would wage war on the rest to claim the taxes back.

You’re factually wrong. NYC would be happy to be rid of the upstate. Over 66% (82% when factoring in non-residents who commute to the city for work) of New York State tax revenue originated in NYC and the three surrounding counties. The upstate and surrounding counties are actually a drain. The same is true with most of Northern California though the reason that they care about maintaining control there is the fact that LA would die of thirst without the water originating from Northern California.

01-20-20, 20:41
You’re factually wrong. NYC would be happy to be rid of the upstate. Over 66% of New York State tax revenue originated in NYC and the three surrounding counties. The upstate and surrounding counties are actually a drain. The same is true with most of Northern California though the reason that they care about maintaining control there is the fact that LA would die of thirst without the water originating from Northern California.

Having grew up and lived in NY most of my life this false

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01-20-20, 20:45
Having grew up and lived in NY most of my life this false

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Anecdotes do not make you right, and having lived in a place does not make you an expert.

“The state collected more than $47.5 billion in income taxes in the last fiscal year, according to the state Division of Budget.

About $19.2 billion, or 40 percent, came from New York City residents alone. Those in Westchester, Nassau, and Suffolk counties paid $12.1 billion in state income taxes.

The total for those in New York City and the three counties came to $31.3 billion, or 66 percent of the state total.“


01-21-20, 08:10
Anecdotes do not make you right, and having lived in a place does not make you an expert.

“The state collected more than $47.5 billion in income taxes in the last fiscal year, according to the state Division of Budget.

About $19.2 billion, or 40 percent, came from New York City residents alone. Those in Westchester, Nassau, and Suffolk counties paid $12.1 billion in state income taxes.

The total for those in New York City and the three counties came to $31.3 billion, or 66 percent of the state total.“


It's simple logic, there are more people, which equals more people working, equals more paying taxes, equals more money. I still don't think they would like to lose out on 8.4 billion dollars. Also, this article does not calculate where the money goes and how much of the money goes to social programs and where. If the New York City region is using more of the money than they are contributing compared to upstate, who is really the drain on the state in this equation? This article is typical half truth rubbish.