View Full Version : Help me understand

11-19-08, 16:26
I'm trying to figure out what the mad rush for AR-15's is; I understand that we have a new incoming administration that tends to not like guns, but.....

From what I have been able to research there are 2 anti gun legislations that were presented to the sub committees awaiting approval (collecting dust by the way) they are:
H.R.6257 Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008
H.R.96 Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2007
Go here to track: http://www.opencongress.org

But both of those to be presented to congress is late spring IF approved by the sub committees and there is sure to be rewrites and that takes time, I think at the earliest it would be up for debate would be at the end of next year, assuming they can even get the votes they need, there are more pro-gun Dems and Repubs than I think most people realize.

My question is can... someone or someone’s help me understand what exactly the new President can do with an executive order, how far can an executive order go before taking 2 amendment rights away before it's unconstitutional, I understand that most executive orders don't create new laws of the land just define and supposedly make clearer existing laws defined by past presidents. I also realize what Bush Sr. did and Clinton, and the current Administration, but what I want to know is why the rush on Ar-15's and the like, people act like they wont be able to get them after Obama is officially sworn in, should these masses be more concerned with ammo prices and imported semi-automatic guns and parts....am I missing something? I guess even through all my research I don't understand what the big deal is on the rush. I'm not here to bash the new administration, just looking for factual answers for enlightenment. I was planning on purchasing and AR-15 next year for my collection but wanted to pickup a WWII M1 Garand first, should I adjust my plans and get the AR-15 (colt LE 6920) first? Thanks

11-20-08, 01:27
Take your pick:

1. Obama has voted for every gun control bill that came his way, and IL has some of the more restrictive gun laws

2. Dems will likely have a filibuster-proof majority in Senate and a large majority in the House

3. He can stop any or all imports of just about anything firearms related

4. We are heading into a a severe recession or depression,plus with local law enforment agency budgets are on the personnel chopping block

5. Obama is a political machine thug, even getting sheriffs in one state to go after anyone speaking against him; at least one respondent to an Obama campaign phone call received an extensive visit by the Secret Service (intimidation); he brazenly violated campaign funding laws and enlisted the support of ACORN to corrupt the voting process (i.e., he has no respect for the democratic process and likes to use intimidation and corruption since he always gets away with the most blatant abuses)

6. He has been nurtured and mentored by marxists, terrorist and left wing extremists his entire life, starting with his father

7. Obama and the Democratic Congress and soon to be liberal controlled Supreme Court can do anything they want as fast as they want. There are no checks and balances left.

8. If Obama oversteps his authority with executive orders, or just verbal direction to Secretaries of Justice, Treasury and Homeland Security (e.g., close down all gun shops "for inspection"; halt all sales of"assault weapons and accessories", or any other pretense) WHO IN THE HECK IS GOING TO STOP HIM?

9. While some are buying as "investments" many are buying while they can because the AR15 is a great firearm for home defense in times of economic collapse and severe reductions in policing. The AR15 is also a fine weapon for fighting a patriotic rebellion if it comes to that extreme circumstance.

10. If you believe that Obama is just a capable and willing puppet of TPTB, and that it is not coincidental that:
- a totally unqualified left-wing radicalisoverwhelmingly elected president
- the mainstream newspapers and TV news were cheerleading beyond precedent or belief
- we conveniently have a near collapse of the credit market and a few international investment banks pull off the biggest taxpayer heist in history, and even buy out most of their competitors
-the federal government has in a few weeks done what was unimaginable a year ago and for the entire history of our nation: become a major owner of the largest financial and possibly manufacturing firms in America
-Bush just handed over our control of our national banking system and indirectly all US commerce laws and regulations to the European union at the G20 summit with no vote and no elected officials in oversight

Whew... I am exhausted but there are dozens more reasons to be concerned that we may not be a free people much longer, let alone whether we can own firearms or even AR15s.

I don't hear many guys talking about it openly, but I suspect a good many of us are buying battle grade rifles and carbines because we suspect we may need them to fight for our liberty some day, and in the meantime they are loads of fun and capable home defense tools.

Massive buying of battle rifles/carbines is a non-violent "shot across the bow" warning to leftist/statist/marxists that we will NOT be surrendering our firearms, any firearms, quietly or easily this time around. It isn't just buying of firearms and gear. It is also a huge amount of activity in tactical training courses and range practice, hunting, etc. Plus there are thousands of trained young men coming out of recent military service who fought with and relied upon their M16/M4 and they want to have a similar firearm for personal recreation and protection.

Read Boston's Gun Bible for a thorough discussion of the threats to our liberty and our worst case scenarios and need to prepare for such. It is pretty freakin' shocking to me that our country has fallen so far that these discussions are now not only rational but imperative.

We may slide through this left-wing regime relatively unscathed, somehow. But what in the Dems' rhetoric, voting records, or stated goals gives you any hope we will? Are you willing to sit this one out and hope that they will not act quickly the way they have in the past, they way they promised their $650 million supporters? That does not seem rational to me.

Basically, we are voting with our wallets and our time, and having a ton of fun at the same time.

11-20-08, 06:34
The panic buying doesn't have to make any logical sense. and it doesn't make any logical sense on many levels. You're not going to stop it from happening, so you might as well participate when and if you can find items that aren't ridiculously over priced.