View Full Version : John Lovell and 1 kind of anti-gunner

01-28-20, 20:08
A few tactics worth keeping in mind if we ever encounter this kind of anti-gunner.


01-28-20, 21:08
She may not be your average anti. She seemed approachable about the subject. She seemed to believe everything he said. Not very common characteristics for the type. Plus John is very well spoken

01-28-20, 21:27
Yeah that was why the 1 type mention and I agree she is a rare version. Mislead, but rational. Fairly sure there was some editing too.

I think the majority are some split of totally emotionally driven, lemmings, and those who want to do something to another against their will (from the piddly on up to gulag guy) and want to minimize the chance of retaliation

Straight Shooter
01-28-20, 21:56
I give MUCHO kudos to this girl..she was truly horrified, worst Ive seen. It took guts for her to do this. John is an awesome teacher, and he did the Lords work helping this girl.

01-28-20, 23:27
Yeah that was why the 1 type mention and I agree she is a rare version. Mislead, but rational. Fairly sure there was some editing too.

I think the majority are some split of totally emotionally driven, lemmings, and those who want to do something to another against their will (from the piddly on up to gulag guy) and want to minimize the chance of retaliation

That didn't seem like an anti gunner so much as someone with a true phobia about guns.

The most COMMON anti gunner I encounter is the "if I had a gun I'd use it to kill somebody next time I got angry" variety. They believe two things. One that there is nothing wrong with them and TWO that everybody else is just as emotionally unstable as they are.

They really do think everyone else is completely full of shit when we say "we wouldn't shoot somebody in aisle 5 of the grocery store simply because we are having an argument about who grabbed the last ice cream on the shelf." When they hear us say that we actually have to avoid confrontation whenever possible and often have to walk away when we might otherwise voice an opinion because we are aware of the fact that we armed and don't want to possible create a hostile encounter...they are absolutely 100% certain we are just saying that.

Think of the people who can turn any word or phrase into a racial slur so they can play the role of the outraged victim, the people who think males trying to be good at what they do is sexist oppression, the people who think we should abandon all modern technology (except for maybe cell phones and starbucks) and live a pre industrial age existence to prevent global warming and completely believe everyone who drives a car is killing the planet and threatening their very existence...these are the people who don't think anyone should have guns.

Ironically most of them also believe even cops shouldn't have guns because "if we are being honest" all they do is shoot minorities and use guns to enforce prohibition type laws against "illegal drugs" to make sure corporate pharmacies dominate the economy, the medical world and indeed our lives.

And there is no rational discussion with that type of anti gunner. The kind who are afraid of them the same way some people are afraid of snakes...hell that's easy.

01-29-20, 11:42
I give MUCHO kudos to this girl..she was truly horrified, worst Ive seen. It took guts for her to do this. John is an awesome teacher, and he did the Lords work helping this girl.

Agreed on both counts!

The most COMMON anti gunner I encounter is the "if I had a gun I'd use it to kill somebody next time I got angry" variety. They believe two things. One that there is nothing wrong with them and TWO that everybody else is just as emotionally unstable as they are.

I have a neighbor like this...Exactly like this.

01-29-20, 22:29
Yeah that was why the 1 type mention and I agree she is a rare version. Mislead, but rational. Fairly sure there was some editing too.

I think the majority are some split of totally emotionally driven, lemmings, and those who want to do something to another against their will (from the piddly on up to gulag guy) and want to minimize the chance of retaliation

I didn’t notice editing, I listened to it the other day while driving, so I couldn’t notice any cuts or obvious edits. The fact that she was so rational about the conversation and she trusted him was out of the ordinary for a typical anti. Not quite sure I would call her a full blown anti, but more agree with your observation of being mislead. She was just too nice and sweet about her feelings, she meant well.

I’m not an outspoken/in your face, demanding speaker, and when I have talked to antis, they get very offensive with all the media and group driven rhetoric. Hard to have a civil conversation about this. Also the old codger that says, “if you need more than 6 shots you need more practice!” I had an older guy say that to me recently, claimed he had “experience” who knows. So I asked him if he was married, sure enough he is. So i say, where’s your wife? At home of course. Alone. So I say to him, are you ok with me telling your wife what she is allowed to use to defend herself? The type of weapon, how it operates, ease of use, effectiveness and capacity? He says no. Of course.

These folks have no idea what they’re talking about, but they have an opinion, a strong one. Willing/wanting to strip away rights, not thinking of any consequences.

Then we have the pro gun guys, on the local FB page today. Dorks arguing about the difference between clips and mags to try and “educate” the antis. Yup that’ll change some minds. Beating a dead horse to prove a point to someone that already thinks of you as a gun worshipping Neanderthal.

John seems to have a way with people, been following him since the very beginning of his YouTube days. He’s been an inspiration for me to be a better man. I actually snagged a couple of his classes this summer. Just slightly excited. May be a man crush, no gay, no thanks 😅

01-29-20, 22:53
I didn’t notice editing, I listened to it the other day while driving, so I couldn’t notice any cuts or obvious edits. The fact that she was so rational about the conversation and she trusted him was out of the ordinary for a typical anti. Not quite sure I would call her a full blown anti, but more agree with your observation of being mislead. She was just too nice and sweet about her feelings, she meant well.

Yeah, she's not really anti gun, just afraid of guns due to a bad experience and media hysteria. Probably some dickhead handed her a .357 magnum her first time shooting and everyone got a big laugh out of it. Every time I see some jack wagon pull a stunt like that I want to shoot them for creating one more anti gun vote. And of course if 90% of what you know about guns is news stories about school shootings then of course you are going to have a negative view.

This is not your typical anti gun person. She was intellectually honest and willing to listen to and consider other viewpoints. I don't even think you needed to take her shooting to make her understand and at least respect the rights of others.

01-30-20, 05:20
Yeah, she's not really anti gun, just afraid of guns due to a bad experience and media hysteria. Probably some dickhead handed her a .357 magnum her first time shooting and everyone got a big laugh out of it. Every time I see some jack wagon pull a stunt like that I want to shoot them for creating one more anti gun vote. And of course if 90% of what you know about guns is news stories about school shootings then of course you are going to have a negative view.

This is not your typical anti gun person. She was intellectually honest and willing to listen to and consider other viewpoints. I don't even think you needed to take her shooting to make her understand and at least respect the rights of others.

That was the impression I got as to why she was afraid also.

She wasn't the typical rabid zealot anti, but I assume she votes.

And definitely add your example of "if I had a gun I'd use it to kill somebody next time I got angry". I have probably came across more of that type in person as well now that I stop and think about it.