View Full Version : Anti-gun activist & trauma surgeon faked a threat against his life

01-28-20, 21:51
Famous trauma surgeon and anti-gun activist, Dr. Joseph Sakran made a claim on January 25th that someone had left a threat on the windshield of his car. A threat, he claims, that came as a result of his stance against gun violence. Well now his claim of being threatened is coming under scrutiny.


01-29-20, 05:30
An anti-2A ComDem (aren't they all) lying to the public to further their agenda??? Geez, who could have imagined such a thing.

01-29-20, 06:50
Work hard, go to school for half your life, then take off your hat and crap in it and pull it on down bull riding tight.
The left consume themselves.

01-29-20, 07:24
He might be famous as an anti activist, but not as a trauma surgeon lol...

01-29-20, 08:32
This stupid to begin with. People on our side HATE gun violence because every time some criminal uses a gun it hurts our case. No one on our side would threaten someone with an opposing viewpoint with an image of a gun. We don't shoot people except in self defense when there is no other choice. We don't threaten to shoot people because they are stupid or because they have a different political view, or both as in this case.

What a moron!

01-29-20, 08:43
What, the note didn't even say "This is MAGA Country!"? C'mon, if you're gonna hoax, hoax correctly.

01-29-20, 08:56
The irony of his meeting with the phony sniper fire derpa derp is lost on them.

01-29-20, 10:10
*Geico commercial voice* "If you're a Gun Grabber, you lie. A lot. It's What You Do."