View Full Version : Ahhhhhh, range day.

02-01-20, 19:24
It's been since the last decade that I was able to get out to the range due to time constraints, work, kids schedules and communist plots. The boy and I got out to the range to play with my Christmas present , spinner target. Son got to play with his new Vortex UH1 and 3x. About 800 rounds of 22lr later and 300 of 9mm and 223- ahhhhhhh. Snowed thursday, 60 today and didn't have to worry about sun burn, 3 inches of snow on Monday predicted.

Originally the boy had a haircut scheduled for the middle of the day, the only day we can get out. Called the barber and moved it to right after closing time. He understood. He's a shooter. Never guess by looking at him that he is a right wing gun nut, but god love him he is.

Really liking the 6 target dueling tree I picked up too. Nothing like steel in real time head-to-head to balance speed accuracy. Boy had some .14 splits with his JP/BCM gun we built. That UH1/3x is a sweet set up. Shot it out to 400M ringing steel.

That is all.

02-01-20, 21:14
I have almost 80 rounds of .308 reloads that need to be tested and I haven’t found ANY time to get out to my rifle range. It can also be quite cold in my neck of the woods this time of year which doesn’t help. I refuse to shoot rifles indoors. Warmer weather is hopefully just around the corner.

02-02-20, 04:35
I’ve been on vacation since January 12th and have been at the range a whole bunch. Confirming zeroes, laying prone in the snow in 11 degree weather, putting hundreds of rounds through my new carry gun. Plus there was a Colt Commando upper received in the mail on my birthday, hikes in the woods an up frozen streams in Schneetarn, waking up at 7:30 instead of 5am, and not having to interact with the public. It’s been great. I go back to work on February 4th though so at this point the feeling of dread has set in.