View Full Version : Obama's puppet master

02-05-20, 22:39
I always wanted to know who really had their hand up Obama's O-ring.

Gloomberg's ratings from Iowa have revealed that. His latest ad reveals he was his handler. Gloomberg has thrown the Obama card.

I expect there where many examiners and testers of the O-ring but apparently Gloomberg played 'first finger' in that symphony.

Not sure what you people are seeing in other States but VA is being inundated with Gloomberg ads. All day all night, TV and radio.

02-05-20, 23:30
For the political party that loves to hate rich old white men, they sure do seem to run a lot of them for higher office.

02-06-20, 06:13
For the political party that loves to hate rich old white men, they sure do seem to run a lot of them for higher office.

Hypocrisy and double standards are the ComDems' main attributes.

02-06-20, 07:33
My 12 yo daughter is like "Who the hell is Mike?". She can't watch a youtube video with out watching multiple video ads on him.

He probably can get suburban moms, but I just don't see him playing even as well as Hillary in the midwest.

The other side of it is, does anyone get crazy excited MAGA style about Mike?

Plus, I thought he would understand guns better, but he is as clueless as they come. Thingy goes up, throw your empty mags away?


02-06-20, 10:55
That's a great video, but hey Doomberg has Bribem beat by 1 round, Slo Joe says all you need is a double barrel shotgun.

02-06-20, 11:45
Our current President is achieving new depths of dementia-fueled incompetence and you guys are still fixated on Obama conspiracies. Talk about having your head in the sand.

02-06-20, 11:54
Our current President is achieving new depths of dementia-fueled incompetence and you guys are still fixated on Obama conspiracies. Talk about having your head in the sand.That you, Sleepy Joe?

02-06-20, 13:22
Trolls.... I see trolls everywhere!!

02-06-20, 13:32
Our current President is achieving new depths of dementia-fueled incompetence and you guys are still fixated on Obama conspiracies. Talk about having your head in the sand.

Project much?

02-06-20, 13:34
That's the problem. You guys think anybody who disagrees with the groupthink is a troll. As though there were no legitimate reasons for being unhappy with our current president's performance.

02-06-20, 13:40
That's the problem. You guys think anybody who disagrees with the groupthink is a troll. As though there were no legitimate reasons for being unhappy with our current president's performance.

I’ll bite. List out your problems with the presidents performance.

02-06-20, 13:51
That's the problem. You guys think anybody who disagrees with the groupthink is a troll. As though there were no legitimate reasons for being unhappy with our current president's performance.

Please do elaborate. While no one is perfect, he seems to be doing a pretty good job actually. Not coming from the establishment, an outsider so-to-speak, he is not indebted to the establishment so has gone down many paths to try and fix things that need fixing, much to the establishment's dismay, as it upsets their hold on the power.

I think at some far point in the future, he will be seen as the best president since Reagan.

02-06-20, 14:00
I’ll bite. List out your problems with the presidents performance.

The fact that there are entire websites dedicated to listing the multiple crimes he's committed during the campaign and while in office should be enough of an indicator that he's not fit for office. We should all have a problem with that. He's a stupid, reckless man who lacks critical, fundamental understanding of the basic functions of government. What's worse, his factually incorrect, incoherent ramblings are waved away by his supporters as "triggering the libs".

Imagine if Obama paid off a porn star with whom he cheated on his wife. Imagine if Obama had bragged about sexually assaulting women, mocked a disabled reporter, kept the Kremlin in a closer loop than his own advisors, illegally coerced the Ukraine into digging up dirt on his political rivals, and literally hundreds of other transgressions. You'd be calling for blood.

But Trump's ya boi, so it's all cool.


02-06-20, 14:21
kept the Kremlin in a closer loop than his own advisors, illegally coerced the Ukraine into digging up dirt on his political rivals

get caught up much in the fantasy of the liberals? Every fanciful claim about the president seems to be accepted at face value by you -- claims by people who have a definite stake in damaging the president.

Show me actual indisputable proof of these as actually being true -- holding the Kremlin in closer loop than his own advisors, or illegally coercing Ukraine into digging up dirt on hi political rivals.

There was no Ukraine Quid Pro Quo -- Ukraine had no idea that the aid was held up and no investigation took place and the aid was eventually released. It is the President's JOB to make sure aid is not sent to places that abuse the privilege and are corrupt. Being a political rival of the president does not give you free reign to avoid investigation of your corruption

Trump has stood up to the Russians a lot more than Obama ever did. Trump sent lethal aid, not just blankets and stuff, to Ukraine. And many other instances of standing up for the USA against what Putin claims is Russia's. Trump is a businessman, not a politician. As such, he is looking for ways to make deals, not score political points. Russia is one of the USA's adversaries and Trump realizes he needs to make deals with them to solve problems. Same with China. Making deals with and respecting the fact that Russia and China exist as our adversary in the same world as we do, and need to be dealt with in a way that actually achieves more than political points, is the mark of a realist.

Trump is not a stupid reckless man. He is very smart, shrewd, and an outsider not entangled in the establishment. He understands very well the basic functions of government. While he does not a agree with judges, he has abided by judges injunctions to his actions, until he is able to appeal them. He has worked WITHIN the framework of the government. If you want to look at reckless and stupid men/women who lack critical, fundamental understanding of the basic functions of government, look at Adam Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler. To them it is all about power and the actual law Constitution, etc be damned. There was no impeachable offense ("high crimes and misdemeanors") yet the Democrats lead by Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer pushed that impeachment forward at the expense of actually running the country. They totally ran roughshod over the Constitution for their own political gain, and not to the best advantage of the country.

Is Trump personally the nicest guy around? No. As some have said, we are not electing a Pope or Pastor in chief, but a President. Whose policies matter. Groping a woman and bragging about it was crude and offensive. (But electing a woman whose husband is a serial rapist, and who supports and defends said husband, is worse). But given the choice between Trump and Hillary, Trumps' policies are much more in line with what this country needs/needed and he was the better choice (and still is). How many of the current sitting Senators, House of Reps, or other prominent politicians, from either party, have unsavory backgrounds, have groped (or raped!) women, made fun of minorities (or the whole country -- a bunch of deplorables) etc? Probably a good deal. But I think Trump's tenure as President has caused the man to actually repent and have remorse about his past behaviors, unlike many other politicians who are more sad and sorrowful they get caught than sorrowful of the actual deed. (This comes from hearing from people much closer to Trump than I am and describing the man at a personal level).

02-06-20, 14:24
Imagine an America that wasn’t so full of subversive anti American Democrats (lots of rhinos in this group too).

Just imagine.

Russia was a hoax, your impeachment sham failed.. your chick lost, he is your president, get over it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-06-20, 15:01
Not sure what you people are seeing in other States but VA is being inundated with Gloomberg ads. All day all night, TV and radio.

Oklahoma is getting hit hard with Gloomberg money. I got a TEXT from Gloomberg campaign today wanting to know if i will support him.

02-06-20, 15:02

02-06-20, 15:06
The fact that there are entire websites dedicated to listing the multiple crimes he's committed during the campaign and while in office should be enough of an indicator that he's not fit for office. We should all have a problem with that. He's a stupid, reckless man who lacks critical, fundamental understanding of the basic functions of government. What's worse, his factually incorrect, incoherent ramblings are waved away by his supporters as "triggering the libs".

Imagine if Obama paid off a porn star with whom he cheated on his wife. Imagine if Obama had bragged about sexually assaulting women, mocked a disabled reporter, kept the Kremlin in a closer loop than his own advisors, illegally coerced the Ukraine into digging up dirt on his political rivals, and literally hundreds of other transgressions. You'd be calling for blood.

But Trump's ya boi, so it's all cool.


That whole post just oozes emotion. The Best you come up with is stupid and reckless. Come on man.I don’t give a shit that he cheated on his wife. I think you’re the one triggered by the grab them by the pussy comment. If you think Trump meant that we should just go sexually assault women by grabbing them by the pussy you’re an idiot
If, and that’s a big if, President Trump tried to quid pro quo Ukraine, so what, it sounds like it was something that needed looking into. Are you that naïve that you think he has a first president to flex on another country.

He ain’t perfect but he’s a damn sure better than any one that ran against him formally or currently.

02-06-20, 15:27
Bloomberg is the same old rich progressive that wants to make sweeping changes to a country that is doing pretty damn well at the moment. What a turd.

I think Trump is an a-hole. But who gives a crap I didn't vote for him to be a role model. Politicians (liars) are not role models. They've investigated him for 3 years with every agency at their disposal and they can't seem to charge him with a single crime. 180+ judges appointed, 2 conservative supreme court justices confirmed, a wall being built on the Mexican border, no new wars and downsizing of current ones, yes please and more.

02-06-20, 16:10
If Trump is so "stupid" what does that say about his critics who are consistently proven wrong?

Trump critics told us the stock market was going to crash and never recover. Tariffs would result in a trade war destroying the US economy. Russian collusion. Manufacturing jobs never coming back "magic wand required". Moving embassy to Jerusalem will set the ME on fire. Trump didn't know what he was doing with ISIS and would be an endless bloody quagmire. Moving US troops from Turkey border will result in genocide... on and on and on... And most notable, expert critics told us there was no path for Trump to win the presidency.

"entire websites dedicated to listing the multiple crimes he's committed."-- Snowflake lefties living in mama's basement need something to do.

02-06-20, 16:40
Its a shame somebody hasn't taken out bloomturd.

02-06-20, 16:51
The fact that there are entire websites dedicated to listing the multiple crimes he's committed during the campaign and while in office should be enough of an indicator that he's not fit for office. We should all have a problem with that. He's a stupid, reckless man who lacks critical, fundamental understanding of the basic functions of government. What's worse, his factually incorrect, incoherent ramblings are waved away by his supporters as "triggering the libs".

Imagine if Obama paid off a porn star with whom he cheated on his wife. Imagine if Obama had bragged about sexually assaulting women, mocked a disabled reporter, kept the Kremlin in a closer loop than his own advisors, illegally coerced the Ukraine into digging up dirt on his political rivals, and literally hundreds of other transgressions. You'd be calling for blood.

But Trump's ya boi, so it's all cool.


Ok Boomer.

02-06-20, 17:04
Its a shame somebody hasn't taken out bloomturd.

With a butter knife.

02-06-20, 18:03
The fact that there are entire websites dedicated to listing the multiple crimes he's committed during the campaign and while in office should be enough of an indicator that he's not fit for office. We should all have a problem with that. He's a stupid, reckless man who lacks critical, fundamental understanding of the basic functions of government. What's worse, his factually incorrect, incoherent ramblings are waved away by his supporters as "triggering the libs".

Imagine if Obama paid off a porn star with whom he cheated on his wife. Imagine if Obama had bragged about sexually assaulting women, mocked a disabled reporter, kept the Kremlin in a closer loop than his own advisors, illegally coerced the Ukraine into digging up dirt on his political rivals, and literally hundreds of other transgressions. You'd be calling for blood.

But Trump's ya boi, so it's all cool.


The ComDems have had people inside the Trump Administration since day 1 and before, listening and watching and recording his every move. If he has committed crimes wouldn't they have come out in the House's impeachment investigation? Instead the ComDems list two articles that are not "high crimes and misdemeanors" or anything even close.

02-06-20, 18:07
With a butter knife.

Naw, make it weaponized colorectal cancer.

02-06-20, 19:40
I always wanted to know who really had their hand up Obama's O-ring.

Gloomberg's ratings from Iowa have revealed that. His latest ad reveals he was his handler. Gloomberg has thrown the Obama card.

I expect there where many examiners and testers of the O-ring but apparently Gloomberg played 'first finger' in that symphony.

Not sure what you people are seeing in other States but VA is being inundated with Gloomberg ads. All day all night, TV and radio.

Bloomberg as a candidate, can give just about unlimited money to the DNC,.WHICH IS BROKE.
Mike is not in it to be POTUS. He has neither the chops or intestinal fortitude for it, but what he gets for donating 2Billion. Is the RIGHT to pick who the candidate is.

What you saw in IOWA this week, was planned. The DNC is doing everything it can to throttle back the Sanders campaign. The 10 years worth of Alinsky tactics by Obama, has opened the door wide the F open for this Social Democracy non sense of Sanders and his cult followers.

The DNC club, is trying to close the Pandoras box...good luck. This is all about AOC in 2024...the Democrat party as we have known it, is dead.

02-06-20, 19:50
The ComDems have had people inside the Trump Administration since day 1 and before, listening and watching and recording his every move. If he has committed crimes wouldn't they have come out in the House's impeachment investigation? Instead the ComDems list two articles that are not "high crimes and misdemeanors" or anything even close.

Notice how everyone stopped talking about Epstein?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-06-20, 21:38
Epstein didn't kill himself...

02-07-20, 05:44
I am no longer shocked, at how dumb people can be.

Did the President pay off a porn star, I really don't know. I didn't witness it, I don't trust what anyone with an axe to grind, so I don't know.

But guess what?

I don't care!

She was over 21, he was over 21, it is between the President and his wife.

If a payout happened, could it have happened with campaign funds a possible violation of law.


Don't care every campaign violates the law. Which to me means one of two things or both. The law is stupid, or political types are sociopaths.

So 1911-A1 you dont have a choice for President other than Donald J. Trump or a marxist.

You state the President is showing "dementia-fueled incompetence".

Economy on fire, the biggest terrorist in the world dead, trade deals, prison reform, jobs as far as the eye can see.

In this thread we have seen evidence of "dementia-fueled incompetence", by only one person and his name isn't Trump.

02-07-20, 13:36

02-07-20, 19:24
Bloomberg as a candidate, can give just about unlimited money to the DNC,.WHICH IS BROKE.
Mike is not in it to be POTUS. He has neither the chops or intestinal fortitude for it, but what he gets for donating 2Billion. Is the RIGHT to pick who the candidate is.

What you saw in IOWA this week, was planned. The DNC is doing everything it can to throttle back the Sanders campaign. The 10 years worth of Alinsky tactics by Obama, has opened the door wide the F open for this Social Democracy non sense of Sanders and his cult followers.

The DNC club, is trying to close the Pandoras box...good luck. This is all about AOC in 2024...the Democrat party as we have known it, is dead.

So Bloomberg has no chops but AOC does? Granted she would say or do anything she is told but while I agree with you to an extent. I think Bloomberg's narcissism is great enough that he will go all in. Just like what many said about Trump... oh he really doesn't mean it, he doesn't want to be POTUS, it's the same thing. Once Bloomberg is so fully invested and wrapped up in the optics, he will go all in. Hopefully and that he will be destroyed in the general election.

02-08-20, 18:02
I said it in the other thread, but will repeat here.

Bloomberg will not get the nomination.

simple math.

$53 billion - Jew hating marxist progressives in the democratic party = loss

02-08-20, 18:14
Why do the feds go after people like David Koresh (the Waco screw ball) and not bloomturd?
Bloomturd is a bigger threat to America than the whole lot at Waco was.

02-08-20, 18:25
Why do the feds go after people like David Koresh (the Waco screw ball) and not bloomturd?
Bloomturd is a bigger threat to America than the whole lot at Waco was.

Same deal as Old Europe... the "noble class" like the Bureaucracy and Bloomer think they ARE America, and all the rest of us mere serfs must b harshly punished for even the slightest hint of Peasant Revolt. I have no doubt that knives are already being sharpened and axes ground to us on us as soon as We The People are stupid enough to let them have power again... and sadly that day is a "When," not an "If" because most Amuuhricans think "ancient history" is anything before their last meal.

02-09-20, 20:26
The fact that there are entire websites dedicated to listing the multiple crimes he's committed during the campaign and while in office should be enough of an indicator that he's not fit for office.


Well that settles it! There are multiple websites citing crimes he's committed. �� I would recommend that when you're going to pretend that you actually don't like Trump or have your head so far up CNN's ass that you can't possible think, start off with something that someone might actually give a crap about. Meanwhile the rest of us will just enjoy how wonderfully terrific this presidency has been for America; by almost any measurable metric. If you're for real, I'll just let you return to your fantasy world that the world is burning, stock market is crashing, jobs are not available, wages aren't going up, military isn't back to strength, great SCOTUS and lower court judges aren't being picked, the borders are being ignored, and the vast majority of Americans who have the ability to think for themselves aren't thrilled with the change since Obama's ridiculous rule ended! Have another pill, whatever it is you're taking...��

02-09-20, 20:48
That's the problem. You guys think anybody who disagrees with the groupthink is a troll. As though there were no legitimate reasons for being unhappy with our current president's performance.

Then talk about the President's performance. By which fact-based metric does his performance fall short? Not how many hater websites there are, not conjecture and half-truths - actual facts.

The country is better off by any measure after 3 years of a Trump presidency than it was after 8 years of Obama or Bush.

02-10-20, 06:48
I have difficulty imagining Obama paying off a porn star unless it was a he.

26 Inf
02-10-20, 07:33
Then talk about the President's performance. By which fact-based metric does his performance fall short? Not how many hater websites there are, not conjecture and half-truths - actual facts.

The country is better off by any measure after 3 years of a Trump presidency than it was after 8 years of Obama or Bush.

I don't buy into a President impacting the economy as much as I do that the Congressional action or inaction impacts the economy. This view might have less veracity in instances where Presidents rule by Executive Order, but there you go.

The economy is perking along, seemingly quite well. The recovery, which began during the Obama Administration's watch - through actions which were essentially preordained by the actions of the Bush Administration. The Trump Administration kind of inherited that state of affairs.

I'm going to flesh this out later, I have to get started with the day..

02-10-20, 11:00
I said it in the other thread, but will repeat here.

Bloomberg will not get the nomination.

simple math.

$53 billion - Jew hating marxist progressives in the democratic party = loss

Then why did Bloomberg put a $800K down payment on the nomination with the DNC 2 months ago? Why did the DNC change their rules to allow Bloomberg on the debate stage?

You have to remember that only Democrat delegates count towards the DNC nomination, not individual votes. In 2016 the DNC was not solvent enough to sustain the election cycle. Hillary essentially BOUGHT the DNC in 2016, then controlled all their money for all the down-ballot DNC supported races. Well guess what, it's gonna happen again and Bloomberg will have total control over the DNC for this election. He'll control all their money, all their messaging, all their debate questions, everything.

Just look at Virginia as an example. He bought the VA legislature lock, stock and two smoking barrels. Now they're working OT to implement his agenda. He's dumping raw cash into 40 states and buying races like a mad genius. Hell he bought Kendra Horn a Democrat house seat in my state (Oklahoma) in 2018, which is the reddest state in the nation! He's been here twice this year alone. Now why would Bloomberg visit the reddest state in the nation twice in as many months, if he wasn't buying delegate influence? He gave the Iowa Democrat Party HQ $10K and look what happened there. They can't even declare a winner, which means they denied all those non-Bloomberg candidates the possibility of a bump going into NH.

Never underestimate Bloomberg, because he's the most evilly Machiavellian man on the field and he can buy any damned thing he wants! :(

02-10-20, 11:03
Bloomturd is a bigger threat to America than the whole lot at Waco was.

The MORE money one has, the more dirt one can afford to have on those who MIGHT come for them... :big_boss:

02-10-20, 11:32
The DNC, took his money because they need it.
Not because they sold the nomination to him.
The radical left of the democratic party will never vote for him

02-10-20, 18:06
I hope you are right. They are the party of "Take the Money - Throw Under Bus"

Still there is a problem of them having that money by any means. They are the most dangerous group of people in the USA.

02-11-20, 15:31
The DNC, took his money because they need it.
Not because they sold the nomination to him.
The radical left of the democratic party will never vote for him

Doesn't matter and here's why:


Bloomberg is playing 4D chess while everyone else is playing checkers, including the media. :(

02-11-20, 16:34
Our current President is achieving new depths of dementia-fueled incompetence and you guys are still fixated on Obama conspiracies. Talk about having your head in the sand.

Well let me be the first to suggest that perhaps the sand is not where YOUR head is. :rolleyes: