View Full Version : Biden Talks About Using Hellfire Missiles Against Americans

02-11-20, 05:34

Biden: "Those who say 'the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots' -- a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government you need an F-15 with Hellfire Missiles. There is no way an AK-47 is going to take care of you."

02-11-20, 06:44
He forgot the part about tyrants.
Is he saying he wants to be a tyrant?

02-11-20, 07:04
Let's think about it for a second, if the repair crews for the planes start seeing seeing friends getting killed for working on war planes being used against the American people, how long before they engage in sabotage?

plata o plomo

02-11-20, 07:18
Talk about a use for the red flag law, it should be obvious that he is failing. While I don't agree with his politics, he needs to just get out of politics and enjoy the time he has. Sad to see anyone go through what he is starting to.

02-11-20, 07:29
President Trump has been a little more direct about Joe Biden's decline: "...he lost his fastball a long time ago".

02-11-20, 08:05
Well, not as over the top as calling for tactical nukes to be used against gun owners, but this is getting up there.

On the plus side, I do agree that Americans should have access to F-15s and Hellfires if they could afford them. Glad to see ole Joe is coming around. :sarcastic:

02-11-20, 08:22
I don't think they use anything as puny as a Hellfire on F-15's.

02-11-20, 08:26
Talk about a use for the red flag law, it should be obvious that he is failing. While I don't agree with his politics, he needs to just get out of politics and enjoy the time he has. Sad to see anyone go through what he is starting to.

Wait a minute, are you suggesting that if Biden gets elected we Red Flag his ass and take away his F-15's. I like it. :laugh:

02-11-20, 09:43
Apparently he has no idea what went on in Afghanistan for the last 19 years... Or in Afghanistan before that to the Russians. Or in Vietnam...

What a tard.

02-11-20, 09:52
Uncle Joe is done...

Nearly Half of Biden’s African-American Supporters Have Abandoned Him


Biden has been counting on South Carolina as his firewall (where two-thirds of Democratic primary voters are black), but the new national Quinnipiac poll shows support for Biden among African Americans dropping from 52 percent to 27 percent since the Iowa caucuses.

He lost Iowa, he's going to lose New Hampshire and he will lose South Carolina, that's it he's done.

02-11-20, 10:10
It's a scary argument they're using: You're no match for us, so we can do whatever you want and you can't stop us, so you might as well surrender.

02-11-20, 10:22
I don't think these people quite grasp the concept of fighting a conflict where there is none or few hard targets to use all their fancy shit against.
It's a big enough issue in current conflicts, but here in the US you're going to have a hard time rolling into Small Town USA and bombing the local school or tractor supply or someone's house on a postage-stamp lot in a crowded neighborhood (#collateraldamage #insurgentwetdream) and then claiming it was a "terrorist stronghold" or something...


02-11-20, 10:47
We need to get Corn Pop, Fat, and the Dog-Faced Pony Soldier to stage an intervention. If they can't talk him down, they need to unleash both barrels of the B-2 Boomer, with the shoulder thing up.

Or we could just give AK-16s and M-47s to all the women that Biden has groped and molested over the years, and let them have their revenge.

02-11-20, 11:01
Anything unfortunate enough to get watered with Joe Bidens blood would inevitably grow to be dumb.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

02-11-20, 12:07
I think the talk of revolution has the Demoncrats scared.

Dr. Bullseye
02-11-20, 12:41
Talk about a use for the red flag law, it should be obvious that he is failing. While I don't agree with his politics, he needs to just get out of politics and enjoy the time he has. Sad to see anyone go through what he is starting to.

Exactly. Red Flag law(s) should be applied to disqualify Biden from ever becoming Commander in Chief.

02-11-20, 12:43
Let's think about it for a second, if the repair crews for the planes start seeing seeing friends getting killed for working on war planes being used against the American people, how long before they engage in sabotage?

plata o plomo

Along that line. Why would my old ass take on grunts and the police on the front when I could easily target pilots and support personnel at home?

02-11-20, 13:09
Along that line. Why would my old ass take on grunts and the police on the front when I could easily target pilots and support personnel at home?

I did say where to engage.

02-11-20, 15:17
Let's think about it for a second, if the repair crews for the planes start seeing seeing friends getting killed for working on war planes being used against the American people, how long before they engage in sabotage?

plata o plomo

All easily facilitated by... Facebook. :rolleyes:

02-11-20, 15:20
Uncle Joe is done...

Nearly Half of Biden’s African-American Supporters Have Abandoned Him


He lost Iowa, he's going to lose New Hampshire and he will lose South Carolina, that's it he's done.

And that works right into Bloomberg's plans. :(

02-11-20, 16:37

Biden: "Those who say 'the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots' -- a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government you need an F-15 with Hellfire Missiles. There is no way an AK-47 is going to take care of you."

Hate to advocate for Biden, but I read that as "YOU will need a F-15 to fight a rogue government, an AK isn't going to be enough." Obviously the Afghan insurgents had lots of F-15s to fight the USSR and the USA.