View Full Version : Coronavirus Outbreak Exposes China’s Monopoly on U.S. Drug, Medical Supplies

02-14-20, 11:00
Something I have been aware of for some time and it's similar for the supplement industry:

"The coronavirus outbreak has exposed the United States’ dangerous dependence on China for pharmaceutical and medical supplies, including an estimated 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients needed to produce drugs in the United States."

Read more on that here:


Now buddy of mine, who married a Chinese women, does biz in China, has kids in China, speaks the language and works in pharma etc (to set up the fact he's not just some 'Murican sitting behind his comp bitching...) had this to say on the matter, and he's right. My comments follow:

"We (America) are fat, stupid and lazy. So we are going to deserve what's
likely to happen here.

Proposal (are you listening you do-nothing Congress full of oxygen thieves?).

I propose a bill that would MANDATE that >75% of all critical drugs (Rx and OTC), medical
devices, surgical implants and biologics MUST be made in the USA and sourced/made from API's
that are also made in the USA. I realize this means costs will go up - I'd rather
the option to pay more and get the medicine than to find out we can't get it at
all or are being held hostage by another country.

FWIW - I have been to the world's largest manufacturer of acetaminophen which is in
China (it's in Anqiu City in Shandong Province - near Qingdao which is a beautiful city)
as JNC Nutrachem has a workshop there - remember them Jeff McCarrell???

This one factory produces over 5,000MT of acetaminophen annually and is essentially
the only major supplier on the planet.

Now replace the word "acetaminophen" with <insert potent, life saving medication here>
and you see how scary this gets fast.

Just remember all you "supplement guys?" Better than 80% of China's herbal extract
facilities are in Hubei Province (Wuhan). Yeah, you're gonna wait a minute now. Hope you stocked up
before the Lunar New Year, fellas.

Wake up, America!" - Bruce K

Now, my comments that are tangential to the above:

As always, follow the $... we have huge national oil reserves, military arms stockpiled. etc, etc, yet allow the US to be complete mercy for critical meds of another country, a communist country that does not like us, but is dependent on us, so we tolerate each other.

Where does the major flu strains start each year? China. Tangential: Where do the carnivores start every time? SARS, Avian, H1N1, Mers, etc.China. The entire place seems to be one viral producing lab and why don't we start addressing that too? Intentional or not, they kill tends of thousands to millions and having been very sick for the last few weeks, I'm f-ing done with China.

Scientists also say the source of the next true Pandemic will be via China. If one was to put their tinfoil hat on, they could go down quite a rabbit hole on this topic, but I don't see it as part of any grand conspiracy, but the fact they will literally eat anything, farming practices, huge numbers of people packed into small areas, high concentration of animals and humans, sanitation or lack there of. etc, makes for a viral fun house of horrors.

I have been thinking about that topic for some time, but having the flu for the last few weeks - first time in decades - it's made it more personal and current for obvious reasons. It's time we address this issue head on. Make no mistake here: It needs to be viewed as a national security issue, otherwise, it will not be addressed. This is a FAR bigger threat to the US than any terrorist group we spend billions playing whack a mole with as an example.

02-14-20, 22:09
Offered with respect, there is hardly any significant supply chains that don’t end up with major Chinese exposures.

Every couple years federal agencies get worked up this in my industry... And they have yet to come up with a non Chinese solution that doesn’t jack up end user prices and result in the US government pre-selecting the winners. We have a huge pending order that is effectively 1.5x of the entire US annual production - so that means ordering in China where the same order is less than 5% of the annual output is the only viable answer.

Moving away from China doesn’t guarantee success either. There was such a shortage of medical supplies after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico that some elective surgeries were cancelled for months in the continental US. I am no China Lover, but the globalist system is the de facto world today.

02-26-20, 21:22
“Coronavirus Outbreak Exposes China’s Monopoly on U.S. Supplies”

Fixed it for you. They pretty much manufacture everything over there. And what they don’t manufacture in full, they make component parts for. The supply disruptions could be worse for the average Joe in the US than the virus itself. I’m worried more about mass layoffs, bankruptcies, foreclosures, liquidity crunch, desperation and skyrocketing property crimes than I am about a virus that kills 2% of infected.

Maybe this is a lesson that needs to be learned during the Fourth Turning: Globalism is a terrible idea, nations must get back to smaller scale and self-sufficiency.

02-26-20, 21:29
“Coronavirus Outbreak Exposes China’s Monopoly on U.S. Supplies”

Fixed it for you. They pretty much manufacture everything over there. And what they don’t manufacture in full, they make component parts for. The supply disruptions could be worse for the average Joe in the US than the virus itself. I’m worried more about mass layoffs, bankruptcies, foreclosures, liquidity crunch, desperation and skyrocketing property crimes than I am about a virus that kills 2% of infected.

Maybe this is a lesson that needs to be learned during the Fourth Turning: Globalism is a terrible idea, nations must get back to smaller scale and self-sufficiency.

Hopefully they're capable of learning it.

02-27-20, 23:09
Hopefully they're capable of learning it.

It’s us too. We consent to terrible ideas every day with our dollars. If we starve the companies that outsource, they won’t outsource. Granted it’s easier said than done if you’re talking specifically about medication. Can’t exactly boycott against the maker of a pill you need to be healthy / live.

02-27-20, 23:47
It’s us too. We consent to terrible ideas every day with our dollars. If we starve the companies that outsource, they won’t outsource. Granted it’s easier said than done if you’re talking specifically about medication. Can’t exactly boycott against the maker of a pill you need to be healthy / live.

And sometimes it's not just the company, NAFTA was brought to us by congress not some evil corporation.

02-28-20, 02:45
The production of hardware fasteners out of China is plagued with fraud markings concerning tensile strength.
These false markings could cost blood and money.

03-02-20, 05:29
Yep. A lot of our meds come from China.

The bitter irony of the debacle is that China apparently bio-nuked their self, and now we are all paying the price in every way imaginable.

At least our country (my perspective, our meaning USA) is now "woke" in a whole new way to how previous generations of elected leadership have put us at risk. Hopefully those who survive this will be clear minded enough to enforce rational business and government and goals and practices.

03-02-20, 07:00
We're we not getting a whole lot of our meds from Puerto Rico until the hurricane few years ago? I vaguely remember something like a dozen facilities down there producing meds and devices

03-02-20, 08:33
If the ass wipes in Congress cared about the American people at the very least they would pass a law outlawing the importation of medicine and medical devices from China.

I would love to see a law banning everything from China.

03-04-20, 10:24

Not sure how much this would help or if it will even pass but it's at least a start. Our reliance on China for vital medical supplies is not different than relying on China for vital miltary hardware.

Gallagher said in a statement Tuesday:

Our overreliance on products made in China doesn’t just threaten our medical supply chains. It threatens public health. As the coronavirus outbreak highlights how vulnerable access to critical medicines and medical products can be, it’s clear we need to find better ways to assess vulnerabilities within our medical supply chain. By allowing the FDA to identify our overreliance and swiftly take the necessary corrective actions, this bill would allow us to get upstream of potential shortages and better protect Americans access to critical medicines and lifesaving supplies.

The legislation would:

Require that manufacturers report imminent or forecasted shortages of medical devices to the FDA as they currently do for pharmaceutical drugs.
Allow the FDA to expedite the review of essential medical devices that require pre-market approval in the event of expected shortages reported by a manufacturer.
Grant the FDA additional authority to request additional information from manufacturers of essential drugs or devices regarding their manufacturing capacity, including sourcing of component parts, sourcing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, use of raw materials, and any other details the FDA might find relevant to assess the security of the American medical supply chain.

03-04-20, 10:39
If the ass wipes in Congress cared about the American people at the very least they would pass a law outlawing the importation of medicine and medical devices from China.

I would love to see a law banning everything from China.

It's been demonstrated over and over, their QC is garbage. I think it needs to be viewed a NS matter vs a trade/economic issue. Making sure our meds are up to snuff, and having either supplies on hand and or production in the US - similar to the The Strategic Petroleum Reserve - is what needs to happen and just as important to our NS in my view. Perhaps more so at this point.

03-04-20, 10:55

Not sure how much this would help or if it will even pass but it's at least a start. Our reliance on China for vital medical supplies is not different than relying on China for vital miltary hardware.

If this virus has any benefits, maybe it's to finally awoken those in DC of the fact that's what could lead to the death of millions, not this wildly overblown virus. This is a national security issue, not a trade/economic issue. This bill does not go far enough, but it's a start!