View Full Version : FFL for building

02-19-20, 16:53
Hey I have a question for anyone who is knowledgeable in this subject. But I’m currently working on getting my 07 FFL and plan to sell firearms, and assemble my own AR15 and sell as well. My question is do I also need a gunsmith certificate to assemble them, or is the 07 FFL all I need for this?

02-19-20, 18:45
Hey I have a question for anyone who is knowledgeable in this subject. But I’m currently working on getting my 07 FFL and plan to sell firearms, and assemble my own AR15 and sell as well. My question is do I also need a gunsmith certificate to assemble them, or is the 07 FFL all I need for this?

07 covers that.

02-19-20, 20:12
FYI, there's a "READ THIS FIRST" stuck thread at the top of the Custom Build subforum.

Thread moved.

02-19-20, 21:50
Thanks for the reply. Looked everywhere but have not been able to get an answer at all to this. Glad I don’t need to run over a whole gunsmith course for this one thing.

02-23-20, 07:43
My experience is that unless you get a screwy IOI, they don't care. I went through this whole ordeal about 18 months ago and if you or anybody else needs help or has questions, feel free to PM me.

In a sense I found it to be like getting into NFA stuff - it's intimidating at first because it's unfamiliar, but it's really not that bad once you get going.

I can tell you the one thing you absolutely should sort out before you waste any time or money is zoning. The IOI is going to need proof that your zoning allows you to run this business and they will likely be specific. My zoning variance did not have the word "manufacture" (but it had "build") and that required some follow-up with the county.