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11-20-08, 22:51

I wonder why people think that??? :rolleyes:

SFW link.


11-20-08, 22:53
hahahah nice.

i couldn't help but laugh during the debates. empty promises on both sides. even if the government really did want to help you, they don't actually have the power to do it. they should really just stabilize the money system (stop dicking with that fed rate guys!) and try to get our international relations in order. everything else truly has to be left to state and local government.

Highway 55
11-21-08, 01:03
So, he's not the messiah?

Change we can believe in... http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra2/pukeface.gif

11-21-08, 01:16
Like my wife says "keep the change"!

11-21-08, 03:07
"2009 is going to be a very hard year. Some economists say we won't be out of this for two years, others are saying it may be three, or four, maybe five years."


11-21-08, 09:59
No surprise here. But there are large numbers who voted for BHO who are apparently dumber than a box of rocks, and they had sky-high expectations.

An example: One of the news shows played an audio clip of an interview with an enthusiastic BHO supporter, who said: I'm so happy that Barack got elected. Now I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage, now I don't have to worry about paying my car payments.... [blah, blah, blah].

At first I thought this was some sort of joke. But no, this person being interviewed really thought that BHO would be helping her with her personal debts.

The more you listen to the kinds of comments people are making, they do have ridiculous expectations that no human being or government could fulfill. BHO is smarter enough to know that, hence the message of "tempering expectations." But the good news is, for those of us who oppose his Socialist agenda, that many of his supporters will quickly learn that he cannot deliver on their expectations, and will not stay with him for long. At some point, everyone is going to realize the fact that most votes for BHO were actually just votes against Bush and the status quo, and that BHO is really just the empty bag of gas--without any real skills or authentic achievements--that we had all suspected he was.

11-21-08, 10:24
If one looks carefully, the Prince of Bamalot has not selected one person who voted against the Iraq War for his immediate entourage.

Now that's change you can believe in!;)

11-21-08, 11:11
If one looks carefully, the Prince of Bamalot has not selected one person who voted against the Iraq War for his immediate entourage.

Now that's change you can believe in!;)

Yup, I wonder if the Anti-war, anti-Oil, Anti-etc, Leftists that pumped hundreds of millions of dollars his way in contributions are going to be true to their stated beliefs and goals, or will they accept BHO's advisors' platitudes and toe the line.

I got twenty bucks on them being b!tches and falling into line behind the Pied Piper of Obamaland.

Jay Cunningham
11-21-08, 11:22
I think it's great!

I'm not the slightest bit depressed that McCain lost - it's actually rather liberating!

There's NO WAY Obama can live up to these expectations... This is going to be fun to watch!

11-21-08, 12:18
I think it's great!

I'm not the slightest bit depressed that McCain lost - it's actually rather liberating!

There's NO WAY Obama can live up to these expectations... This is going to be fun to watch!

More importantly, they cant blame Bush or the Repubs. since the Dems control everything. I mean, they will try but the news media is making HUGE deal how the Dems control everything now.

Jay Cunningham
11-21-08, 12:24
More importantly, they cant blame Bush or the Repubs. since the Dems control everything. I mean, they will try but the news media is making HUGE deal how the Dems control everything now.

Oh, they will TRY to blame Bush for everything but eventually people are going to get tired of it.

11-21-08, 12:28
Oh, they will TRY to blame Bush for everything but eventually people are going to get tired of it.

Yup, I am tired of it as well. As I told other people I would love it that if you wanted to vote that you had to demonstrate you knew how the govt is supposed to work/divided. But never will happen.

11-21-08, 12:32
The libs built up the desire for "hope and change," now their guy is president elect ...and they're lowering the expectations. After all, they can't have anyone believing he's a messiah ....NOW.

11-21-08, 12:32

Sounds different than the pre-election talk. You'd think we were all going to wake up the day after inauguration to unicorns and rainbows... :D

11-21-08, 15:55
What happened to "YES WE CAN" and "CHANGE" and "HOPE"?

11-21-08, 16:01
What happened to "YES WE CAN" and "CHANGE" and "HOPE"?

YES WE CAN - get elected no matter what we say.

CHANGE - the way people think about a terrorist friend having, questionable citizenship, socialistic, constitution hating, presidential candidate. They are so cuddly now!!!

HOPE - we aren't held accountable for all the bullshit we promised.....

I read between the lines... :cool:

Left Sig
11-21-08, 17:19
How do you change Washington DC with almost nothing but former Clinton insiders?

But Obama's reprieve of Liberman for daring to violate the democratic dogma is at least promising. He showed he is able to rein in Pelosi and the other loonies.

11-21-08, 17:58
My expectations were already pretty DARNED low. Are they sure they want me to lower them... :D

11-21-08, 18:14
FWIW, a lot of the folks up on Capitol Hill are absolutely steamed with BHO and his cabinet choices. The complaint is that BHO's administration isn't shaping up to be progressive enough.

What does that tell you about Reid, Pelosi, et al when they feel that Obama & Co. are too conservative? :eek:

11-21-08, 18:23
i'm looking for a chicken in my pot, and a buick in my driveway... if i don't have both by feb.1st,, i'm calling him full of shit,,,among other things!!!! [ an old man wants to know,,,what has this country come to???? ]

11-22-08, 07:36
Portrait of an Insider:

Timothy Franz Geithner (last name pronounced /ˈgaɪtnər/; born August 18, 1961) is the 9th president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In that role he also serves as Vice Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

After completing his studies, Geithner worked for Kissinger and Associates in Washington, D.C., for three years and then joined the International Affairs division of the U.S. Treasury Department in 1988.

In 1999 he was promoted to Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs and served under Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers.

In 2002 he left the Treasury to join the Council on Foreign Relations as a Senior Fellow in the International Economics department. He then worked for the International Monetary Fund as the director of the Policy Development and Review Department until moving to the Federal Reserve in October 2003.[4] In 2006 he became a member of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty.

On November 21, 2008, it was reported that President-elect Barack Obama had decided to nominate Geithner for the position of Treasury Secretary.

Oh, and Senator Clinton as Secretary of State.

Everything changes but everything remains the same.

Jes' different massahs on the ole' plantation.

We may soon discover the intended meaning of Obama's other electioneering phrase: "Hope." It should be recalled that "Hope" was the word inscribed on Rhode Island's revolutionary war flag. Nor should it be forgotten that, following the ratification of the U.S. Constitution - with Rhode Island refusing to ratify - that state was threatened with invasion and blockades unless it immediately ratified. Those who naively looked for meaningful "change" in this new administration may soon discover - like the earlier Rhode Islanders - that "Hope" stands for nothing more than an intensified "Homage to the Omnipotent Political Establishment."

11-22-08, 08:04
FWIW, a lot of the folks up on Capitol Hill are absolutely steamed with BHO and his cabinet choices. The complaint is that BHO's administration isn't shaping up to be progressive enough.

What does that tell you about Reid, Pelosi, et al when they feel that Obama & Co. are too conservative? :eek:

That they have had too much Botox and it is shutting down their prefrontal lobes.

11-22-08, 13:48
yea, i was laying in dialisys this morning, (im the only white guy there), we get our own little tv to watch, and it came on one of the news cha here, i turned it up loud, and i was laaaaaaaughing. im not sure if they caught on, but it was good....

11-22-08, 14:54
I can't wait to start asking my liberal friends, "How's that Obama vote working for you?"

11-22-08, 15:19
A woman said to me the other day" i cant wait to get my check" I said check from who? She said " From BHO to pay off all my bills!":rolleyes:

Jay Cunningham
11-22-08, 17:26
I can't wait to start asking my liberal friends, "How's that Obama vote working for you?"

Oh, I agree completely! I asked the one guy I work with (who voted for BHO) "so, what do you think about BHO's Clinton-era Cabinet appointments?"

He said, "I didn't anticipate that..."


11-22-08, 19:18
I can't wait to start asking my liberal friends, "How's that Obama vote working for you?"

Oh, I agree completely! I asked the one guy I work with (who voted for BHO) "so, what do you think about BHO's Clinton-era Cabinet appointments?"

He said, "I didn't anticipate that..."


I think it won't be long and you'll have a target rich environment.

11-24-08, 02:01
Was that the sound of the leftists back-pedaling? :confused: