View Full Version : Norsemen (Review)

03-19-20, 12:58
Norsemen is if the History channel's Vikings met The Office met Monty Python. It's as odd is sounds, yet it works. It's dark at times, bizarre at times, and funny too. It can't seem to decide what it is, but it's listed as a comedy. It's on NetFlix. B+


03-19-20, 13:16
I have watched that. It is little weird.

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03-19-20, 13:19
I have watched that. It is little weird.

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It grows on you!

03-19-20, 17:13
Love this show. Excited for the new season. Definitely a little on the weird side. I think of it as the The Office meets Vikings.

03-19-20, 17:16
It grows on you!Oh it does , I am up to date on it, unless they just released a new season.

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03-19-20, 17:44
I like too but pretty bummed about what happened to Frøya she was bad ass.

03-19-20, 17:46
Season 3 should be airing soon. It's a prequel and being labeled as "Season 0" so Froya should be back.

Boy Scout
03-20-20, 01:48
I got a kick out of it. I like the juxtaposition of a period piece intertwined with modern speech patterns and mannerisms. I’d say it’s definitely comedy.

03-20-20, 03:55
I thought it was pretty funny.

03-20-20, 08:22
I laughed my assicle off!

03-21-20, 08:22
I thought it was hilarious.

03-24-20, 01:07
It was so bland and boring, I couldn't make it through the first episode.