View Full Version : Posting in EE

03-29-20, 18:38
I can’t post in the EE. Been a member a long time but didn’t have enough posts. Over 30 now but can’t post

03-29-20, 22:31
Probably because you created all 30 posts in less than an hour and a half this afternoon, just so you could sell something in the EE? And they were all one-liners, some just a couple of words?

It's referred to here as post-whoring. What usually happens is we delete all your one-liners that didn't really add any value to the discussions, and then issued a five-point infraction for running up your post count to get into the EE to sell stuff.

That would be why.

03-29-20, 22:33
Oh, and by the way, site sponsors can post in the EE without the 30 useful post restriction. The rules are covered in this sticky that's in every sub-forum in the EE.


03-29-20, 22:43
Please check your PM's.