View Full Version : Flynn, Biden and left losing their minds

05-02-20, 10:03

I know Flynn is a polarizing figure, and even some on the right are not big fans of him or his family’s. But looking at what happened to him is a pretty good case for prosecutorial over reach. Any article about Flynn defending the prosecution that starts with a prosecution of the Logan act is a cover-up. The other part is that he did not publicly relayed what was actually talked about in his discussions with the Russians. And so? This is Towle it is some illegality or that it open him up to blackmail by the Russians. Wouldn’t have Obama been just as susceptible to blackmail with his request my back channel To Putin for more breathing room during the 2012 election? Is an administration required to divulge exactly what was talked about in conversations with foreign powers?

Then add in the double standard that Biden is taking advantage of in his pound me to moment, and you can see how vile and disgusting the left is, all while saying that they are the ones that uphold the truth, that they are the moral ones, but Trump is the one that has to be burned at the stake.

If an inner-city black kid were faced with the same prosecution tactics as Flynn, the left would be losing their minds about how unlawful and immoral that prosecution was.

I know Trump isn’t perfect. He demonstrates that on a regular basis. But while he seems to mess up the little things, almost intentionally, his big picture vision and ability to see trends is frankly far better than most other politicians. The press focuses on the little things, while ignoring the big picture, as the Democrats may get the details right but who’s big vision for the country is a complete disaster. Trump may not be the hero we want, but he’s the hero we deserve.

05-02-20, 10:18
Trump may not be the hero we want, but he’s the hero we deserve.

I understand the cliche, but I'm not "hero" is the appropriate term. The President we needed, absolutely. His election has forced so many things to the surface that would have gone unnoticed for the most part had he lost the election.

He's uncovered the extreme media bias towards conservatives and anyone not hand picked by them to be President. Well, maybe not uncovered since it's always been there.

He's caused the left to show their true colors by throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way up to and including fascist violence when they disagree with you.

He's shown the deep corruption in the highest law enforcement agencies in the land.

He's shown that when you are not part of the system, the system will fight to get you and your supporters removed.

Again, he's not a hero by any means. But he is exactly what this country needed when he was elected.

05-02-20, 10:38
This is about Obama. But he will skate on this.

Remember the Susan Rice memo “we did everything by the book.”

Dr. Bullseye
05-02-20, 11:15
Well, OP, Trump is perfect for me. I don't know why you would use a throw-away line like that in an otherwise good post. Virtue signalling fell out of fashion with the Obama Era.

05-02-20, 11:30
Well, OP, Trump is perfect for me. I don't know why you would use a throw-away line like that in an otherwise good post. Virtue signalling fell out of fashion with the Obama Era.

I know Trump is Trump and if you take away part of him, he' not the same person and would have a different affect. Why does he stretch the truth and screw up the little stuff, almost seemingly on purpose or with out care. He doesn't have to do that, but then he wouldn't be Trump. Like Johnson said to all of Kennedy's Whiz Kids he inherited- If you're so smart, why am I POTUS and you aren't? Maybe trolling the media isn't the best tactic to win another term. He has the same playbook at the l2016 primary race, it might take some different tactics to win again. I know it drives the left nuts and doesn't sit well with the middle. Even if he cut it back now, the left will never soften to him, but the middle might start to wonder what is wrong the leftist press.

05-10-20, 09:40
This is about Obama. But he will skate on this.

Remember the Susan Rice memo “we did everything by the book.”

It’s like I can see the future:


05-10-20, 10:49
It’s like I can see the future:


There are a few weak links in all of this, Yates, McCabe and Biden being my primary picks of who I would grill in order to get a crack in all of this. Unfortunately this can't happen without having the House and Senate front loaded with stalwart Republicans.
Just because a former President doesn't like you, he can't spy on you, ruin your reputation, take your wealth and freedom away. This was a criminal act.
The guy was the Director of National Intelligence for cripes sake.
All of that however doesn't touch the attempted overthrow of a sitting President.
We cannot move forward as a Republic without this affair being settled in court.

05-10-20, 11:12
I voted for Trump the first time, I will vote for him the second time. But he is far from perfect, there are lots of things about both his policies and his personality that I would just as soon he get rid of.

This whole thing smells to high heaven, it is fruit of the poisonous tree from top down. I would like to see the whole lot of them hang, but nothing will happen. Nothing. Will. Happen.

05-10-20, 11:16
I voted for Trump the first time, I will vote for him the second time. But he is far from perfect, there are lots of things about both his policies and his personality that I would just as soon he get rid of.

This whole thing smells to high heaven, it is fruit of the poisonous tree from top down. I would like to see the whole lot of them hang, but nothing will happen. Nothing. Will. Happen.

Then this becomes the new normal in our politics and elections and you will see his happen again.

05-10-20, 12:21
All of that however doesn't touch the attempted overthrow of a sitting President.
We cannot move forward as a Republic without this affair being settled in court.

We will not move forward until the perpetrators go to jail. Which they won’t. This will happen again and again until the 50% +/- of voters who are okay with this decide to vote differently. But they, along with the ComDems and MSM, will be content with lying to, stealing from, falsely imprisoning and silencing those that have opposing political views.

05-10-20, 12:40
I voted for Trump the first time, I will vote for him the second time. But he is far from perfect, there are lots of things about both his policies and his personality that I would just as soon he get rid of.

This whole thing smells to high heaven, it is fruit of the poisonous tree from top down. I would like to see the whole lot of them hang, but nothing will happen. Nothing. Will. Happen.

Well said. My feelings exactly.

05-10-20, 13:45
Didn't trust Trump, didn't vote for him the first time, WILL be voting for him this time because until this Cold Civil War is won EVERY election is United Flight 93.

Not that it's gonna matter here in the Soviet Socialist Suckdickocracy of Seattlegrad...

05-10-20, 16:58

Even as many Texas settlers formed an army and marched on San Antonio de Bexar, Smith originally intended to remain neutral. He changed his mind after the Texian Army, led by Stephen F. Austin, initiated a siege of Bexar. As the siege began, Smith and his son-in-law Hendrick Arnold were absent from town, on a hunting trip. The Mexican army increased security in the town, and refused to allow Smith and Arnold to return to their homes within the city. An indignant Smith immediately joined the Texian Army. He wrote to Austin: "I told you yesterday that I would not take sides in this war but, Sir, I now tender you my services as the Mexicans acted rascally with me".[1]

We have allowed the democratic party to act "rascally" with us for much too long.

05-10-20, 18:04

Even as many Texas settlers formed an army and marched on San Antonio de Bexar, Smith originally intended to remain neutral. He changed his mind after the Texian Army, led by Stephen F. Austin, initiated a siege of Bexar. As the siege began, Smith and his son-in-law Hendrick Arnold were absent from town, on a hunting trip. The Mexican army increased security in the town, and refused to allow Smith and Arnold to return to their homes within the city. An indignant Smith immediately joined the Texian Army. He wrote to Austin: "I told you yesterday that I would not take sides in this war but, Sir, I now tender you my services as the Mexicans acted rascally with me".[1]

We have allowed the democratic party to act "rascally" with us for much too long.

Well stated. At the time, Trump's prior history had been Liberal Dem gun-grabber and he'd never walked any of it back, but he has established a record now and while there've been missteps along the way I think he's trying to generally implement conservative policy as he understands it. Not the Milton Friedman acolyte I'd prefer, but you go to war with the army you have not the one you want--when Saburo Sakai and his buddies show up with Zeroes and all you have is P-40s, you can't let 'em shoot the place up while you wait for Mustangs or Corsairs so you gotta find someone like Chennault who can find your side's strengths and the other side's weaknesses and play each to your advantage.

26 Inf
05-10-20, 19:48
Didn't trust Trump, didn't vote for him the first time, WILL be voting for him this time because until this Cold Civil War is won EVERY election is United Flight 93.

Not that it's gonna matter here in the Soviet Socialist Suckdickocracy of Seattlegrad...

Same problem, somewhat. I voted for President Trump because 'better than Hilary.'

In the past I have been somewhat cavalier with my Presidential votes since Kansas last went Blue when Barry Goldwater ran.

Taking no more chances - he's got warts, but President Trump has my vote, anything else is pretty near suicidal at this point.

05-10-20, 21:29
I *still* wouldn't leave him alone with my girlfriend long enough to scratch my ass, but when your back is to the wall you take whatever help you can get and hope you can get better options later. I think he'll win 2020, if we'r lucky and play cards right we hold Senate and retake House--the worry will be the '22 midterms, and then finding serious Conservative Reformers to continue gutting the Deep State in '24 and get them elected.

If a Dem or a Rockefeller Winger like Kasich gets elected, OTOH... "GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!" We've struck at the self-styled Kings in the Capital, and now we have to see it through to the end--if we miss they'll just lock things down the way Lapierre did the NRA after the Knox Revolt in Cleveland. EDIT: And just like the Rockefeller Wing/Bush League tried to do with the GOP after Reagan's upstart win in '80.

05-11-20, 07:54
Then this becomes the new normal in our politics and elections and you will see his happen again.

This was the 'new normal' in 1776, and really hasn't changed. The faces and actors change, but the shenanigans remain the same.

05-11-20, 08:13
Biden and left losing their minds

I'm not convinced they had minds to lose, and EVEN IF they did... it was a very SHORT trip.

05-12-20, 07:24
The left lost their minds, and I use that term loosely, completely, the day Trump was elected. Yes Trump is imperfect, as we all are, and says and does things I disagree with. However, I could not imagine Madam Clinton as president. That would have killed this country. We’re having enough trouble recovering from Obama. I voted for Trump last time and will vote for him again this time. Hopefully we retake the house and retain the senate. Then we will have 2 years to absolutely run a train on the communist left.

There was so much lawlessness under Obama. Many people, including Obama, need to go to jail but they will probably skate. How Hillary Clinton is not in prison still baffles me.

The fact that people who are not out of diapers emotionally and go yell at the sky when they lose feel their way is better than my way is insane. But I repeat myself....

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05-12-20, 08:16
The fact that people who are not out of diapers emotionally and go yell at the sky when they lose feel their way is better than my way is insane. But I repeat myself....

The day it all went to hell was the day we let them close down the asylums rather than reforming them with oversight and safeguards to prevent past abuses from continuing. But the Dems saw an opportunity to make the clinically insane a core constituency... not to mention the seditious influence of Commies in the Bureaucracy and Academia.

05-12-20, 09:29
When Ford gave Nixon a pardon, that laid the groundwork for obama and hillary never seeing a minute in prison. One day after we are dead and gone and the USA has gone the way of Rome. The historians will mark that pardon as the start of the downfall.

05-12-20, 09:37
When Ford gave Nixon a pardon, that laid the groundwork for obama and hillary never seeing a minute in prison. One day after we are dead and gone and the USA has gone the way of Rome. The historians will mark that pardon as the start of the downfall.

I'll go earlier... when Congress failed to impeach Wilson for rolling out Fascism, Alpha Test version 1.0. Given that Hitler, Mussolini and FDR all rooted their policies and methods in Wilsonian "Progressivism"... if Skynet gives me a Terminator and one target of my choosing, it's a hard pick between Wilson and Karl Marx for who's getting Old Metalbones's attention.

05-12-20, 10:09
I can understand how the sitting president can’t use his office to go after a political adversary or a group we disagree with. If we do that then we’re a banana republic. No better than all these other Hitlers, Stalins or Lenins of history. But the fact that Obama did it, we know he did it, and now the proof is coming, certain things require prison. Hopefully he, and many others so deserving, will go there and future administrations will have the guts to leave them there.

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05-12-20, 10:16
Hopefully he, and many others so deserving, will go there and future administrations will have the guts to leave them there.
Safe bet Obama's already drafting form-letter pardons for the next Dem president to sign as soon as he/she/it takes the oath.

05-12-20, 10:34
Safe bet Obama's already drafting form-letter pardons for the next Dem president to sign as soon as he/she/it takes the oath.

That’s the thing. If you want to play the dems game then the republicans are already drafting articles of impeachment for the next dem prez. Just fill in the name and file them the second they take the oath of office. The shit storm the dems opened up with this Russia crap is a complete mess. It will only get worse from here.

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05-12-20, 10:40
That’s the thing. If you want to play the dems game then the republicans are already drafting articles of impeachment for the next dem prez. Just fill in the name and file them the second they take the oath of office. The shit storm the dems opened up with this Russia crap is a complete mess. It will only get worse from here.

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We TOLD them not to open Pandora's Box. They opened it anyway. Our choices are either Unilateral Disarmament, which means in the end we bend the knee, or we adapt to the New Rules and fight them until they sue for peace. Sadly, we're in a Kobayashi Maru situation where we have no good choices, only two that we have to rank between "Less Horrible" and "More Horrible."

For all the Eurosocialists, I would propose that we offer them a taxpayer-funded relocation to the country of their choice, contingent upon them irrevocably renouncing their US citizenship.

05-12-20, 11:28
I'll go earlier... when Congress failed to impeach Wilson for rolling out Fascism, Alpha Test version 1.0. Given that Hitler, Mussolini and FDR all rooted their policies and methods in Wilsonian "Progressivism"... if Skynet gives me a Terminator and one target of my choosing, it's a hard pick between Wilson and Karl Marx for who's getting Old Metalbones's attention.

Well, if you really to go back...The government response to the Whiskey Rebellion, Adams' Alien and Sedition Act...every administration, every president has some 'thing' which has eroded the original intent of the office and government, which has moved the nature of power and government just a little bit...

05-12-20, 11:41
For all the Eurosocialists, I would propose that we offer them a taxpayer-funded relocation to the country of their choice, contingent upon them irrevocably renouncing their US citizenship.

If they leave not only do they renounce their citizenship but they are banned from this country forever. You cannot ever return. Even to visit mom.

All of these enlightened Eurosocialists never want to go to where their methods are used. They always want to make here there. If you like that way then go there. Don’t make here there.

No different than all these Hollywood types who said they would leave the country if Trump won. Well he did and they are all still here. Why is that? And where did they all say they would go? Canada. Why not Mexico, or Spain, or France? Could it be that Canada has a lot of Lilly white folks who look just like you? There’s too many Mexicans in Mexico? Or muzzies in France? You racist turd.

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05-12-20, 12:14
Yeah, but what'cha gonna do when the Big 0 has a UN position, possibly Secy. General, and the hildebeest a High Commissioner spot?

05-12-20, 20:37

I know Flynn is a polarizing figure, and even some on the right are not big fans of him or his family’s. But looking at what happened to him is a pretty good case for prosecutorial over reach. Any article about Flynn defending the prosecution that starts with a prosecution of the Logan act is a cover-up. The other part is that he did not publicly relayed what was actually talked about in his discussions with the Russians. And so? This is Towle it is some illegality or that it open him up to blackmail by the Russians. Wouldn’t have Obama been just as susceptible to blackmail with his request my back channel To Putin for more breathing room during the 2012 election? Is an administration required to divulge exactly what was talked about in conversations with foreign powers?

Then add in the double standard that Biden is taking advantage of in his pound me to moment, and you can see how vile and disgusting the left is, all while saying that they are the ones that uphold the truth, that they are the moral ones, but Trump is the one that has to be burned at the stake.

If an inner-city black kid were faced with the same prosecution tactics as Flynn, the left would be losing their minds about how unlawful and immoral that prosecution was.

I know Trump isn’t perfect. He demonstrates that on a regular basis. But while he seems to mess up the little things, almost intentionally, his big picture vision and ability to see trends is frankly far better than most other politicians. The press focuses on the little things, while ignoring the big picture, as the Democrats may get the details right but who’s big vision for the country is a complete disaster. Trump may not be the hero we want, but he’s the hero we deserve.

If an inner-city black kid had pleaded guilty under oath twice to a felony, Attorney General Bill Barr would not have deigned to interest himself in getting said youth off the hook.

05-12-20, 22:23
If an inner-city black kid had pleaded guilty under oath twice to a felony, Attorney General Bill Barr would not have deigned to interest himself in getting said youth off the hook.Think your'e underestimating Barr, if the same kind of compelling evidence surfaced and he knew about it, you would be surprised.

05-13-20, 05:37
If an inner-city black kid had pleaded guilty under oath twice to a felony, Attorney General Bill Barr would not have deigned to interest himself in getting said youth off the hook.

I disagree. I don't know AG Barr, but I know people that do know him. He is a justice kind of guy.

05-13-20, 08:05
I was reading about the judge. Holy crap, how he is still on the case is nuts. I also did not appreciate how close is is to Holder and Obama's cronies. Aside from believing that the 2,000 DOJ employees (who are calling for Barr's head on a platter) are politically motivated I can't see how Barr cannot intervene on this case.

05-13-20, 12:15
Think your'e underestimating Barr, if the same kind of compelling evidence surfaced and he knew about it, you would be surprised.

I disagree. I don't know AG Barr, but I know people that do know him. He is a justice kind of guy.

I agree, I believe he is all about justice and he doesn't care whose neck he steps on.

05-13-20, 18:51
I agree, I believe he is all about justice and he doesn't care whose neck he steps on.I don't know any rational person who would want to see anyone railroaded or charged based on bogus evidence, trumped up charges, etc.