View Full Version : Those wacky Iranian's at it again....

05-11-20, 12:49
Just sunk their own ship and killed 19.

Details still remain limited at this time, but what we know is that an Iranian live-fire naval training event went horribly wrong in the Gulf of Oman when one of the country's own naval vessels was struck by an anti-ship cruise missile on Sunday. The mistake has killed at least 19 Iranian sailors and wounded 15 more. A support ship named Konarak was placing targets for other ships to use for the exercise when the missile, a C-802 Noor, made a direct hit on the vessel.

Images show the vessel's entire upper structure obliterated by the inadvertent strike.



05-11-20, 13:12
“It works”

05-11-20, 13:22
The democrats will investigate Trump for that.

Ned Christiansen
05-11-20, 13:24
Are we CERTAIN that Portugues-flagged cruise ship Resolute was not in the area?

Evel Baldgui
05-11-20, 13:39
Not to sound cold or harsh, but, Iranian casualties are of no concern to me.

05-11-20, 13:48
The article said the ship could be equipped with drones.
Any chance those drones resemble the ones that were used to attack Saudi oil assets?

05-11-20, 15:02
The democrats will investigate Trump for that.

Another victim of the trump curse.

05-11-20, 16:27
Not to sound cold or harsh, but, Iranian casualties are of no concern to me.

Yep. They could kill thousands and I'd just cheer (and laugh). Fvck Iran.

05-11-20, 16:32
Dang, another 19 covid deaths. This thing is never going to stop

05-11-20, 16:43
Another victim of the trump curse.

If Trump wasn't such an islamophobic white nationalist, he would have had the Department of Defense assist Iran in their quest to build missiles to shoot at U.S. Navy vessels. It's not fair that the counties outside the middle east have nicer toys.


05-11-20, 17:10
Yep. They could kill thousands and I'd just cheer (and laugh). Fvck Iran.

This will sound weird BUT if we had killed them in a legit engagement, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. But somewhere on that boat were a probably a few that despite growing up in a terrorist state had never really hurt anyone and believed they were doing their duty and I hate to see anyone die for no reason, especially if they don't have it coming.

For years we were prepared to kill the Russians, but I never really hated the Russians, their leaders yes...but individual soldiers who had killed nobody through direct or indirect action...not really.

05-11-20, 18:44
This will sound weird BUT if we had killed them in a legit engagement, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. But somewhere on that boat were a probably a few that despite growing up in a terrorist state had never really hurt anyone and believed they were doing their duty and I hate to see anyone die for no reason, especially if they don't have it coming.

For years we were prepared to kill the Russians, but I never really hated the Russians, their leaders yes...but individual soldiers who had killed nobody through direct or indirect action...not really.

While I'm sure some 18yo kid got killed while serving Allah, he was nonetheless part of the armed forces of an adversary. I won't weep to be sure.

I would give a much higher probability of some 18yo conscript buying into the whole Muslim thing (i.e. wild-eyed fanaticism) in Iran than I ever would of a Soviet kid during the Cold War wholeheartedly embracing communism. Hence my lack of hand-wringing, however "cold" that may sound.

05-11-20, 22:33
While I'm sure some 18yo kid got killed while serving Allah, he was nonetheless part of the armed forces of an adversary. I won't weep to be sure.

I would give a much higher probability of some 18yo conscript buying into the whole Muslim thing (i.e. wild-eyed fanaticism) in Iran than I ever would of a Soviet kid during the Cold War wholeheartedly embracing communism. Hence my lack of hand-wringing, however "cold" that may sound.

Guess what I'm saying is this.

It's unavoidable to have "bad seeds" even in our military. No matter what we do, we eventually get some guy who is such a complete psychopath he breezes through any kind of evaluation and before long does something so bad the word "war crime" somehow doesn't completely describe it.

By the same token, even in fatalistic theocracies like Iran, they are going to get someone who is essentially "good" and no amount of "submit all to allah" or "death to the USA and Israel" is going to make him a bad person and he will give what he considers faithful service but no more.

And I have more compassion for their anomaly than I do ours. Killed by accident is a horrible way for a man to die, especially if he has dedicated his life to the service of his country and does so by an honorable standard. Now for all I know, everyone who died was a potential "kill em all for allah" POS, but not too many generations ago Iran was our friend so I know it's possible for people to be normal.

Wish I could push a button and all of the predatory psychopaths across the world would simply disappear and then the normal people could simply get on with trying to live our lives. It wouldn't be a perfect world of no problems but it would be an improvement.

05-12-20, 09:37
I definitely get SteyrAUG's point. I am sure the Iranian military is conscripted, they are not some fanatical ISIS volunteers from around the world. The Iranian military does not drive international policy any more than the U.S. military does.

Nonetheless, I would rather they shoot their own ships than ours.


05-12-20, 21:00
I definitely get SteyrAUG's point. I am sure the Iranian military is conscripted, they are not some fanatical ISIS volunteers from around the world. The Iranian military does not drive international policy any more than the U.S. military does.

Nonetheless, I would rather they shoot their own ships than ours.
I am with Andy. Dying without a good reason like this is a sad story for the Iranian mothers.

This unfortunate story is a propaganda coup for the Western theme. We saw the tragic Ukrainian airliner shot down over Tehran during a US airstrike, killing a lot of young Iranian expats because of poor command and control in January. Barely five months later, a SSM is pickled into a target tug, again indicating a profoundly weak capability for the most basic of naval activities.

Iran’s theocracy has been exporting geopolitical jackassery since the Revolution while failing at home. They left Lebanon a stumbling disaster, are still destroying the Yemen and have been murdering assorted Israelis hither and yon. The Iranian people are not blind to the rotting condition of their nation nor who is to blame. This unfortunate loss of sailors’ lives reinforces the narrative of the what is wrong.

05-12-20, 22:34
I definitely get SteyrAUG's point. I am sure the Iranian military is conscripted, they are not some fanatical ISIS volunteers from around the world. The Iranian military does not drive international policy any more than the U.S. military does.

Nonetheless, I would rather they shoot their own ships than ours.


While no question if it's them or us I'm voting for them. But good people exist everywhere no matter how horrible a state tries to make them and I don't wish a pointless death on anyone innocent, especially someone who is just trying to serve. If you are a terrorist, a fanatic or a psychopath who only contributes to the misery of the world...please die on fire and take your time about it.

I forget who but I was reading somebodies memoirs of Iwo Jima and you would be hard pressed to find a more fanatical, determined "wants to die and kill everyone in the process" enemy than the Japanese (especially when it was becoming obvious they were losing) and the Marines were pretty much "kill all of the SOBs they have it coming" but when they were checking bodies for papers and one guy had a picture of "wife and kid" in his helmet liner, even those Marines were quiet for a few moments. It's not that they felt bad for killing him, it's just they understood something most soldiers understand.

05-13-20, 00:18
I definitely get SteyrAUG's point. I am sure the Iranian military is conscripted, they are not some fanatical ISIS volunteers from around the world. The Iranian military does not drive international policy any more than the U.S. military does.

Nonetheless, I would rather they shoot their own ships than ours.


Agreed. I’m not throwing a party over some kids dying. Not super sad about it either.

05-13-20, 00:35
It can happen to anybody. Remember Grenada? US Navy and Army had radios that couldn't communicate. Navy shelled US ground troops.

05-13-20, 00:39
I forget who but I was reading somebodies memoirs of Iwo Jima and you would be hard pressed to find a more fanatical, determined "wants to die and kill everyone in the process" enemy than the Japanese (especially when it was becoming obvious they were losing) and the Marines were pretty much "kill all of the SOBs they have it coming" but when they were checking bodies for papers and one guy had a picture of "wife and kid" in his helmet liner, even those Marines were quiet for a few moments. It's not that they felt bad for killing him, it's just they understood something most soldiers understand.

Not the same, but years ago I relieved a guy of a rifle and some mags, after ensuring he could no longer use them. The sling has a name on it in Arabic. I thought it was a cool trophy at the time and put it on an AK when I got home, along with one of the mags. I can’t even touch that weapon anymore. It just sits in the back of a safe. Bothers me to even look at it. Too personal.

05-13-20, 08:18
The initial report yesterday was an "shipboard accident." I figured the monkeys blew it up, trying to hammer a fuse into a torpedo. :jester:

05-13-20, 08:44
The initial report yesterday was an "shipboard accident." I figured the monkeys blew it up, trying to hammer a fuse into a torpedo. :jester:

They really should just stay on land. Not that they're too super there either, but water operations are not for them.

05-13-20, 14:49
Denmark had a similar "oops" incident back in 1982, although there were no casualties (from Wiki):

On 6 September 1982, a Danish frigate, the HDMS Peder Skram, accidentally fired a Harpoon missile during maneuvers in the Kattegat. The missile traveled 34 kilometers at low level, severing several power lines before striking some trees after which it exploded. The fireball and subsequent shock wave destroyed four unoccupied summer cottages and damaged a further 130 buildings in the immediate vicinity. No human injury was reported.

A navy investigation into the matter concluded that a technical malfunction was the cause of the launch as it happened without the launch key being activated. The missile system had undergone maintenance and was in the process of being checked by an expert from the navy material command, who was later charged and convicted for negligence, though most charges were later dropped following a second investigation. McDonnell Douglas, the manufacturer of the missile later paid the Danish government compensation, which covered all the damage made by the missile.

05-13-20, 15:30
The Persian people are great people for the most part and want to over thrown the mullahs.

I find no joy over the deaths of those sailors, but I am not crying either.

On a happy note, now that it has been published in the news of the region, Israeli F35 aircraft are flying over Iran pretty much all the time. G-D Bless the USA for building such a great plane and selling it to Israel which made it even better. When they go munitions free, I will be very happy if we take out the nuke threat.

05-13-20, 15:58
Israel is a "special case" with regard to the F-35. IIRC, they're the only F-35 user that is allowed to install their own home-grown electronics.

05-13-20, 16:30
On all American aircraft Israel puts in our own electronics. Also side mirrors.