View Full Version : All-time worst beer?

05-12-20, 14:55
My candidate: Carling Black Label (which I don't think is made any more?).

05-12-20, 15:18
Miller Light that has warmed up slightly.

05-12-20, 15:28
The Costco off brand light beer. Kinda looked like a Coor’s box. I bought one case and called it quits on that after. Not sure if they still sell it or now.

05-12-20, 15:32
Worst beer I've ever had was from Kroger when they had their generic brand. It was a all white can with a black label "BEER" I believe it was $9.00 a case. 2nd and it was a close 2nd was Schaeffers.

05-12-20, 15:38
Mad Elf

05-12-20, 15:51
“Ba Moui Ba” – Biere “33 and Tiger beer Viet Nam 68

05-12-20, 15:59
Worst beer I've ever had was from Kroger when they had their generic brand. It was a all white can with a black label "BEER" I believe it was $9.00 a case. 2nd and it was a close 2nd was Schaeffers.

I remember "BEER," but was too young to drink it. Probably best that I was. :rolleyes:

I will DAMN sure second "Schaeffer" though. It was like drinking liquid lead. Made me go on the wagon for 6 mos. AT college. A STATE University!!! :eek:

And while I'm at it, "Milwaukee's BEAST," and "Iron City." :bad:

05-12-20, 16:10
Korean mfr Budweiser

05-12-20, 16:48
I'd have to go with Natty Light. It's one of those beers I won't even drink if it's free.

05-12-20, 16:48
Billy Beer.

05-12-20, 16:56
Worst beer I've ever had was from Kroger when they had their generic brand. It was a all white can with a black label "BEER" I believe it was $9.00 a case. 2nd and it was a close 2nd was Schaeffers.

Oh man that stuff was awful.

05-12-20, 16:56
Most malt liquor beers. Coors Light tastes nasty to me. But the worst beer is NO beer! :jester:

05-12-20, 17:20
Cheap beer with a weird taste, tasted like tin.
The gastrointestinal effects made your third point of contact call out BLATZ, when you say down on the can.

05-12-20, 17:24
Worst beer I've ever had was from Kroger when they had their generic brand. It was a all white can with a black label "BEER" I believe it was $9.00 a case. 2nd and it was a close 2nd was Schaeffers.

That gets my vote.

05-12-20, 17:45
One brand you don't hear much about any more is Schlitz.

05-12-20, 17:46
Steel Reserve. Bought a flat & went to the roof. We didn't make it through it before it turned warm.


05-12-20, 17:47
Keystone Light. God awful.

To quote Monty Python, it’s like making love in a canoe. It’s f*cking close to water!

Black Jeep
05-12-20, 17:55
Miller Light that has warmed up slightly.

That just tastes like summer to me.

Old Style gets my vote for worst beer.

05-12-20, 18:15
There's no shortage of crap beer. I don't try many, but the WORST, by far, that I bought and couldn't gag down was this Budweiser Jack Daniels barrel beer. It started out bad, and by the last swig, it was horrible. I ended up shooting the last few bottles at the range.

05-12-20, 18:31
Abita Turbo Dog. It was like drinking jet fuel...

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05-12-20, 18:42
[QUOTE=titsonritz;2842434]Billy Beer.[/QUO
Made by Pabst....For me the Philippine version of San Miguel back in the day. It had formaldehyde in it. One of my troops found a dead mouse in the bottom of a bottle he was drinking :-) 2nd Vote would be Castle Milk Stout..

05-12-20, 18:44
Guinness Blonde needs a spot on this list. Just godawful.

05-12-20, 18:47
Hemperor HPA by New Belgium gets my vote. Terrible.

05-12-20, 18:58
Old English 800 was beyond terrible, but it was cheap and had a high ABV, so we drank a lot of that when I was a kid.

05-12-20, 20:00
Schaefer light. "The one to have when you're having more than one". Who the f would want more than one of those?

05-12-20, 20:04
"Worst beer"? Not computing... Don't understand....

05-12-20, 20:36
IPA is the all time worst beer

05-12-20, 20:46
IPA is the all time worst beer

Amen. But it makes up 80% of the beer my trucking company hauls, so rock on IPA drinkers.

Worst beer ever? Sam Adams Cherry Wheat.. Tastes like cherry cough syrup got spilled into wheat beer. ****ing gross.

05-12-20, 20:54
Schlitz, Olympia, generic BEER... Who made the old stinky beer commercials? I remember those being pretty entertaining.

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05-12-20, 20:56
Lol... I forgot about that one...

Schaefer light. "The one to have when you're having more than one". Who the f would want more than one of those?

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05-12-20, 21:16
Amen. But it makes up 80% of the beer my trucking company hauls, so rock on IPA drinkers.

Worst beer ever? Sam Adams Cherry Wheat.. Tastes like cherry cough syrup got spilled into wheat beer. ****ing gross.

NOPE Sam Adams Chocolate Beer, I love chocolate and I love beer BUT WTF!

05-12-20, 21:17
Milwaukee's Best or any alcohol free beer. I never drank worse beer than Milwaukee's Best because I have standards, dammit.


05-12-20, 21:28
I've had a few real bad beers in my time.

Guinness. Period. Now someone's going to come along and tell me how dumb I am and Guinness is the bestest of all time.

It sucks. Get over it. I'm of Irish heritage, have an Irish last name and I refused to drink one while sitting in Ireland. I got called a traitor by the bartender in Shannon, Ireland because I picked a German beer over Guinness.

Honorable Mention in the "It Sucks" category: Labatt, Tuborg, anything from Dogfish Head Brewery, any beer with the word "Ice" in the name, Red Dog (don't think they make it any more), Red Wolf as well, I spent time in Colorado and had a few of the local micros that I don't recall the name, but only had one for a reason.

Now...best beers?

Hoegaarden in the proper Hoegaarden glass and straight from the Hoegaarden brewery in Belgium
Clipper City Pale Ale
New Glarus Spotted Cow
Weihenstephaner Kristallweissen with Paulaner being a close second on that

There was a place in Germany that we went for one of my troop's wedding that brewed their own light and dark beer in the basement. The Dunkle (dark) beer was available on Friday fresh from the vat. Absolutely the best dark beer I've ever had by far.

05-12-20, 22:24
Somebody made a Jalapeno beer once. Budweiser makes an Orange flavored beer.

I dare anyone to drink and entire one of either. If there is worse beer out there please keep a lid on it.

Either one of those could gag a maggot.

05-12-20, 22:35
“Ba Moui Ba” – Biere “33 and Tiger beer Viet Nam 68

Agreed. 33 was true swill in ‘68. I tried to not shake the bottle too much so the sludge would settle on the bottom and then dump out the last half inch. Still, under the circumstances I was happy to pound down plenty at the Bam Bam stands.

05-12-20, 23:31
Olympia, Schlitz and Schaefer all make the top of the list for me. Stroh's and Mickey's Big Mouth take honorable mentions too.

05-12-20, 23:46
Not really something I drink a lot of and I've definitely not a connoisseur.

But I really dislike the lites, Budweiser, etc.

I'm not an English treacle fan either.

For US beers Busch used to be pretty good.

I used to like Fosters oil cans before it became a thing. Decades ago!

05-12-20, 23:48
Genesee Cream Ale, aka Genny screamers, as in they'll be screaming out of your 3rd point of contact the next morning.

05-12-20, 23:48
IPA is the all time worst beer

I wish IPAs were terrible. I developed an allergy to some types of hops mid-life. So IPAs are Russian Roulette for instant migraine headaches and vomit.

Most non-IPAs and even a couple IPAs are fine. But I definitely can’t go around experimenting anymore.

26 Inf
05-13-20, 00:29
Standing in the check-out line at Aldi's, saw some 'Big Brothers Hard Root Beer.' Big mistake. Last night I drank one, actually forced myself to finish. Tonight, out of sheer boredom made a root beer float with one, marginally better, but nothing to write home about. Remaining four bottles got emptied in the sink and recycled.

05-13-20, 00:31
Pretty much anything made in St Louis. Right along with the idiots that live there.

05-13-20, 00:52
Pretty much anything made in St Louis. Right along with the idiots that live there.

I’m with you on that, with the exception of Schlafly. They make some good stuff.

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05-13-20, 00:56
I haven’t tried it, but I strongly suspect this will make the list with ease -


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05-13-20, 01:11
LOL. You guys haven't been out there.

Worst beer I've ever tasted. Hop'n Gator. Orange flavored beer.


Runner up: Olde Frothingslosh. Not as terrible as the name implies, but not good.


Growing up a beer can collector I have tasted some of the worst beer from all around the world. Some of the warm Irish beer is pretty bad. If it says "bitters" you are in for an experience. Bock is also fun for non regular beer drinkers.

05-13-20, 01:17
I've had a few real bad beers in my time.

Guinness. Period. Now someone's going to come along and tell me how dumb I am and Guinness is the bestest of all time.

It sucks. Get over it. I'm of Irish heritage, have an Irish last name and I refused to drink one while sitting in Ireland. I got called a traitor by the bartender in Shannon, Ireland because I picked a German beer over Guinness.

Honorable Mention in the "It Sucks" category: Labatt, Tuborg, anything from Dogfish Head Brewery, any beer with the word "Ice" in the name, Red Dog (don't think they make it any more), Red Wolf as well, I spent time in Colorado and had a few of the local micros that I don't recall the name, but only had one for a reason.

Now...best beers?

Hoegaarden in the proper Hoegaarden glass and straight from the Hoegaarden brewery in Belgium
Clipper City Pale Ale
New Glarus Spotted Cow
Weihenstephaner Kristallweissen with Paulaner being a close second on that

There was a place in Germany that we went for one of my troop's wedding that brewed their own light and dark beer in the basement. The Dunkle (dark) beer was available on Friday fresh from the vat. Absolutely the best dark beer I've ever had by far.

You sir have actually experienced a beer selection.

05-13-20, 06:44
The Redbridge gluten free beer by Anheuser is a special type of terrible. Couldn’t finish half of one and dumped the other five out.

Sour beers are terrible too. Great business plan for getting rid of spoiled inventory but nasty nasty nasty.

05-13-20, 07:31
No matter how awful the beer is, there's always one guy in the crowd that says "Heck yeah, those are great!".

05-13-20, 07:38
Natty Ice/Light, Steel Reserve, King Cobra, Colt 45, Keystone.

05-13-20, 07:58
I haven’t tried it, but I strongly suspect this will make the list with ease -


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Remember when PBR was a working man's brew, and not even a great one? Cheap, too. Then millennials decided it was the beer for them and prices tripled.

05-13-20, 08:25
Milwaukee's Beast Ice. Went through five pitchers one night in college. Ah, college...

05-13-20, 08:29
Milwaukee's Beast Ice. Went through five pitchers one night in college. Ah, college...

In college, that was the go-to high-volume-fire-for-impact beer. Plus Schaefer.

05-13-20, 08:37
IPA is the all time worst beer

If you sip it, the flavor is bad. To get to know this beer you need to take a big gulp and let it sit on all your taste buds for a moment. After that, it is still horrible (just joking), but you can at least appreciate it for what it is then.

And Heineken gets my vote. I have never been able to finish one.

Black Jeep
05-13-20, 08:44
Remember when PBR was a working man's brew, and not even a great one? Cheap, too. Then millennials decided it was the beer for them and prices tripled.

That's all PBR marketing. I was in the rock n' roll life in the 90's-early 2000's and PBR sponsored live music in small clubs, especially in college towns. Bars gave PBR to the musicians because it was free. So all the indie rockers were on stage drinking an authentic working man's beer and the cool kids drank what the rockers drank. A buddy owned a bar in Athens, Ga. and was paying .17 for tallboys, and charging 2.50 for them. College kids would pay it happily because other status beers, craft beers and such, were too expensive. I bet he paid rent on PBR sales alone.

On point: Any of these craft beers that taste like they were drug them through the flower garden with ingredients like lavender, mint, thyme, etc. annoy me. These beers that look like someone poured half a glass of Tropicana in it do as well. If cheap beer tastes bad, that's self-explanatory. When some artisinal craftsman has the gall to charge $5+ a pour for that kind of beer I get triggered.

05-13-20, 08:55
And Redds and Angry Orchard are like an adult juice box.

05-13-20, 09:01
Pennsylvania Style

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05-13-20, 09:15
Take the way back machine to the mid 1960s and you'll find a beer called Old Dutch Country. It was actually worse than the A&P house brand, Horlacher and that took some doing. With deference to the OP, around the same time, being broke college students, we would get Carling in deposit bottles because it was cheap and actually decent.

05-13-20, 09:26
Nothing rare as far as bad beer.

Budweiser, Coors, Miller, etc, all bad. Also Corona.

Yeaungling is a little better.

Plenty of good and great beers I like but this thread is about the junk.

Evel Baldgui
05-13-20, 16:27
Anything that is not Bass Ale.

05-13-20, 20:04
I cannot remember the name of it but a guy at an event shared his "$800 a bottle" beer with me. It tasted like rancid vinegar. It came in a small (6-8 Oz ?) fancy blue or purple bottle. I tried to be polite but he saw through it and got a little pissed that I wasn't appreciating his generosity.

05-13-20, 20:14
Olympia, Schlitz and Schaefer all make the top of the list for me. Stroh's and Mickey's Big Mouth take honorable mentions too.

Only one reason to drink mickey's big mouths, and that's to get empties to make mickey bombs.

3 AE
05-13-20, 20:59
One brand you don't hear much about any more is Schlitz.

My father drank Schlitz religiously almost every day when he got home from work at 7:30 AM. He worked the graveyard shift. On Friday nights he would make a Limburger cheese and raw onion sandwich along with pickled hard boiled eggs and pickled pigs feet and down a six pack of Schlitz. When he hit the can on Saturday morning, nobody and I mean nobody went into the only bathroom in the apartment we grew up in. About the only time I would hear my mother curse him out royally. He got some perverse pleasure out of doing that to his family!

I never drank Schlitz after those experiences, so I wouldn't know if it's bad, so-so, or good. I do know that in combination with certain food groups, it's downright toxic! Personally I found Drury's and Keystone Light to be undrinkable no matter what temperature they're kept at.

05-13-20, 21:17
Anything that is not Bass Ale.

I have not seen Bass Ale or Whitbread around here in ages. Used to get it all the time.

05-13-20, 21:21
My father drank Schlitz religiously almost every day when he got home from work at 7:30 AM. He worked the graveyard shift. On Friday nights he would make a Limburger cheese and raw onion sandwich along with pickled hard boiled eggs and pickled pigs feet and down a six pack of Schlitz. When he hit the can on Saturday morning, nobody and I mean nobody went into the only bathroom in the apartment we grew up in. About the only time I would hear my mother curse him out royally. He got some perverse pleasure out of doing that to his family!

I never drank Schlitz after those experiences, so I wouldn't know if it's bad, so-so, or good. I do know that in combination with certain food groups, it's downright toxic! Personally I found Drury's and Keystone Light to be undrinkable no matter what temperature they're kept at.Lmao

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05-13-20, 21:26
Hamm’s (forced to drink during college fraternity hell week)
Natty light

Dr. Bullseye
05-13-20, 21:32
Any red beer the Irish and Brits drink--any brand. If you ever have the misfortune to burp after drinking a few of these it tastes like you ate a big meat mean and vomited it up in your mouth but could not spit it out.

05-13-20, 22:41
I don’t remember the name, but it was in Berlin, a local specialty beer that tasted like sour champagne. It was bottle fermented and had stringy yeast in it that made it look like someone jacked off in the bottle. So bad I couldn’t finish it. It was the only bad beer I had in Germany.

05-13-20, 23:28
Any of the "ice" beers. Black Label and Schaefer are pretty bad but that Molson XXX is straight trash. I'll take cheap swill of that crap any day. Blatz is a fast track to digestive distress.

05-14-20, 01:41
The PBR coffee was actually surprisingly good, add a shot of rumchata even better, drink on ice.

Worst beer- Bud Select 55, I could wrong out paper towels of dog pee that taste better

05-14-20, 02:15
The PBR coffee was actually surprisingly good, add a shot of rumchata even better, drink on ice.

You tried enough of it to experiment? You sir are a brave man.

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05-14-20, 09:34
IPA is the all time worst beerSame except there is a difference between west coast, which I can't stand, and East coast, which can be quite smooth and enjoyable.

As for bad beers. Mostly pilsners. With very few exceptions they all taste like bad water. Any of the mass produced Coors, Bud...etc ..

Those I consider bad beers. Anything else is just not my style although I will try any new beer in the style I don't like.

My go to. Belgian ales. From light to heavy stuff

05-14-20, 10:10
Any of the "ice" beers. Black Label and Schaefer are pretty bad but that Molson XXX is straight trash. I'll take cheap swill of that crap any day. Blatz is a fast track to digestive distress.

Your anus will actually call out the brand name.

05-14-20, 10:14
Old dutch

05-14-20, 10:48
Corona. Its one of the most popular beer sin the world and is total shite.

Any and all of the mass produced fizzy yellow piss waters parading as beer.

Anything available in a 40 OZ bottle.

99% of beers with fruit, herbs, seeds, vegetables, etc in them. There are some well done examples and those certainly shine, but most are just trash.

Anything "Cheleda". Effing disgusting.

The vast majority of beer that is produced and consumed is quite terrible, actually.

That's why I make my own.

05-14-20, 15:06
Little Kings.

05-14-20, 15:26
Apparantly this beer was so bad that Barry Sadler wrote a song about it.




05-14-20, 17:30
My father drank Schlitz religiously almost every day when he got home from work at 7:30 AM. He worked the graveyard shift. On Friday nights he would make a Limburger cheese and raw onion sandwich along with pickled hard boiled eggs and pickled pigs feet and down a six pack of Schlitz. When he hit the can on Saturday morning, nobody and I mean nobody went into the only bathroom in the apartment we grew up in. About the only time I would hear my mother curse him out royally. He got some perverse pleasure out of doing that to his family!

I never drank Schlitz after those experiences, so I wouldn't know if it's bad, so-so, or good. I do know that in combination with certain food groups, it's downright toxic! Personally I found Drury's and Keystone Light to be undrinkable no matter what temperature they're kept at.

That is brutal. I don't know if I could eat any of that. Positive I couldn't confine myself to a small bathroom for the aftershocks.

Bubba FAL
05-14-20, 17:42
Surprised no one has mentioned Fallflatz aka Falstaff. Good old Maumee river water. Their Haffenreffer malt liquor was nasty too, but high in alcohol and something like $4 a case.

05-14-20, 18:53
My father drank Schlitz religiously almost every day when he got home from work at 7:30 AM. He worked the graveyard shift. On Friday nights he would make a Limburger cheese and raw onion sandwich along with pickled hard boiled eggs and pickled pigs feet and down a six pack of Schlitz. When he hit the can on Saturday morning, nobody and I mean nobody went into the only bathroom in the apartment we grew up in. About the only time I would hear my mother curse him out royally. He got some perverse pleasure out of doing that to his family!

I never drank Schlitz after those experiences, so I wouldn't know if it's bad, so-so, or good. I do know that in combination with certain food groups, it's downright toxic! Personally I found Drury's and Keystone Light to be undrinkable no matter what temperature they're kept at.Never had Schlitz but that breakfast sounds good

05-14-20, 20:04
Maccabee Israeli beer, it is terrible.

05-14-20, 20:06
Golden anniversary . Genesee.

05-14-20, 21:46
Hard to criticize Schaefer, that is what we supplied to our troops in WWII.


05-14-20, 22:31
You sir have actually experienced a beer selection.

One awesome thing about the Class 6 on German bases was the fact they kept a very good selection of German and other European brews. The really cool thing was the crates they'd come in sometimes had a glass zip-locked to it. So, free glass with your case of beer.

05-15-20, 00:38
IPA is the all time worst beer

Corona. Its one of the most popular beer sin the world and is total shite.

Any and all of the mass produced fizzy yellow piss waters parading as beer.

Anything available in a 40 OZ bottle.

99% of beers with fruit, herbs, seeds, vegetables, etc in them. There are some well-done examples and those certainly shine, but most are just trash.

Anything "Chelsea". Effing disgusting.

The vast majority of beer that is produced and consumed is quite terrible, actually.

That's why I make my own.

I see someone else post it but as far as beer that I can remember I will agree with Hamm's! Its the only beer that I spit out as soon as I took a swig! That shit is nasty, LOL There are many Honorable mentions ahead of me for sure, Black Label is the 1st beer I ever threw up on, not cuz it was necessarily bad but because I drank 15 of them,,uhg,,that was bad ! I agree with the above quotes also,whoever thought that a friggin bitter tasting beer is a good ideal should be shot,so that covers all the IPA nassteness,,yuk. And any and all fruit/flavored crap that they make and Market to the youngens ! I wish I made my own beer ! I don't drink enough to make it worth my while. When I lived in Montana one of my buddies made his own and that was some dam good beer !

05-15-20, 01:10
Shitty beer is why I still drink Coke. I honestly never acquired the taste and most beers I've tried tasted like shit. I keep hearing if you drink it enough you eventually like it...but that really shouldn't be necessary.

Maybe it's just one of those things like Brussels Sprouts.

05-15-20, 02:11
Somebody made a Jalapeno beer once. Budweiser makes an Orange flavored beer.

I dare anyone to drink and entire one of either. If there is worse beer out there please keep a lid on it.

Either one of those could gag a maggot.

I’m not sure if they ever went into production but one beer festival I went to had a company that had a jalapeno and a peanut butter beer both were awful but the peanut butter was worse.

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05-15-20, 08:17
I see someone else post it but as far as beer that I can remember I will agree with Hamm's! Its the only beer that I spit out as soon as I took a swig! That shit is nasty, LOL There are many Honorable mentions ahead of me for sure, Black Label is the 1st beer I ever threw up on, not cuz it was necessarily bad but because I drank 15 of them,,uhg,,that was bad ! I agree with the above quotes also,whoever thought that a friggin bitter tasting beer is a good ideal should be shot,so that covers all the IPA nassteness,,yuk. And any and all fruit/flavored crap that they make and Market to the youngens ! I wish I made my own beer ! I don't drink enough to make it worth my while. When I lived in Montana one of my buddies made his own and that was some dam good beer !Lol! The idea was that the beer should survive the long transport time from England to .... India!

I've had Ghost Pepper beer before and that was actually pretty good if you like spicy stuff. I think the beer itself, without the peppers, would have been pretty good.
It was called Ghost face Killa

05-15-20, 08:20
Anything requiring more than the word "beer" to describe it.

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05-15-20, 08:20
Shitty beer is why I still drink Coke. I honestly never acquired the taste and most beers I've tried tasted like shit. I keep hearing if you drink it enough you eventually like it...but that really shouldn't be necessary.

Maybe it's just one of those things like Brussels Sprouts.

Have you tried wheat beers?

Suggest Hoegaarden or Easy Street Wheat.

Life changing in regards to beer

05-15-20, 09:05
And one thing I learned about beers while stationed in the official home of beers.

Make sure you have the proper glass for the beer you're drinking. Normal classical American beers like Bud, Miller or Coors so on and so forth don't have a specific glass because, well, they are cheap mass produced swill without regards to proper flavor. Drink them from a pint glass or a mug or out of the can or bottle or whatever. They are not designed nor produced to have a unique flavor like many craft beers.

Now a wheat beer? Or weiss as it's called in Germany? They have their own type of glass they should be drunk from:


As well as other beers that have undergone trial and error over the centuries. Hoegaarden as another example:


One of the most important things I learned was different shaped glasses (and bottles) produce a different flavor in beers. I figure there is some science involved, but it's way over my head. Case in point, Bitburger Beer (or Shitburger as the locals call it) has three main types of servings. The standard export .33 liter bottle (equal to most American 12 ounce bottles), a half liter bottle (commonly known as the mortar shell) and the Stubbi which is also .33 liters. All dark glass, but shaped differently.

Same beer, different containers. Different taste from each because of the shape of the bottles. Don't ask me why.

Certain beers are "flavored" differently because of the shape of the glass or the bottle they are in. Which is why you have different types of glasses available for different kinds of beers. And quite frankly anyone who says "it doesn't taste different" when drinking from a normal glass as opposed to a proper lambic container have zero idea what they are talking about.

Here's a good guide to proper glasses and what kinds of beers are best in them:


05-15-20, 12:34
And quite frankly anyone who says "it doesn't taste different" when drinking from a normal glass as opposed to a proper lambic container have zero idea what they are talking about.

Or we don't care. Beer is an alcoholic beverage of convenience for me. I have found several micro-brews that come in a can that taste just fine. Cans are handy so you can drink where ever it's safe. I'm a heathen, I also drink Scotch from solo cups.

05-15-20, 20:01
Or we don't care. Beer is an alcoholic beverage of convenience for me. I have found several micro-brews that come in a can that taste just fine. Cans are handy so you can drink where ever it's safe. I'm a heathen, I also drink Scotch from solo cups.

Thanks for the input, heathen.

05-15-20, 21:39
Schlitz, Schaeffer, Pabst, Miller Lite, Bud Light (causes stomach pain after one sip, tried on a few occasions).

05-15-20, 21:52
Have you tried wheat beers?

Suggest Hoegaarden or Easy Street Wheat.

Life changing in regards to beer

I think the least shitty beer I've ever had was Beck's and even then it wasn't something that really tasted good. And given the cost of beer vs. soda's it's a no brainer. It's one more thing I don't have to pay for like cigarettes, lottery tickets and drugs because I never developed the habit.

Also I have a general disdain for the effects of alcohol, I don't enjoy not being in control of my faculties and I don't like a nice buzz. There are a few alcoholic drinks that taste good to me like some cognacs, but generally I can't afford them and I would drink them for flavor rather than effect. If I've had a really big steak dinner and it's farking freezing outside sometimes I will order a B&B just to warm up before I hit the parking lot. I usually don't finish it because the idea of drinking impaired even slightly is offensive to me.

05-15-20, 23:55
Thanks for the input, heathen.

Guilty. I still like stuff that tastes good, but if it takes a special container... pass :D

05-16-20, 09:38
I think the least shitty beer I've ever had was Beck's and even then it wasn't something that really tasted good. And given the cost of beer vs. soda's it's a no brainer. It's one more thing I don't have to pay for like cigarettes, lottery tickets and drugs because I never developed the habit.

Also I have a general disdain for the effects of alcohol, I don't enjoy not being in control of my faculties and I don't like a nice buzz. There are a few alcoholic drinks that taste good to me like some cognacs, but generally I can't afford them and I would drink them for flavor rather than effect. If I've had a really big steak dinner and it's farking freezing outside sometimes I will order a B&B just to warm up before I hit the parking lot. I usually don't finish it because the idea of drinking impaired even slightly is offensive to me.

FYI, Becks is like the German Budweiser.

05-16-20, 09:39
Guilty. I still like stuff that tastes good, but if it takes a special container... pass :D

Not as much the container, but rather enjoying it as it's meant to be enjoyed.

05-19-20, 17:30
Guilty. I still like stuff that tastes good, but if it takes a special container... pass :D

Good beer tastes good in any glass. It's just that some glasses emphasize certain a mouthfeel and flavors better with different styles. At the end of the day, it doesn't make a huge difference though. It's not like if you drink a good New England IPA out of a pilsner glass that'll it'll taste like shit.

26 Inf
05-19-20, 17:55
Big Brother's Hard Root Beer. An impulse buy while standing in line at Aldi's. Don't. Choked down a bottle, then decided, they say on the carton it makes a great Root Beer Float, maybe that will save the day. No, not even. Just don't.

05-19-20, 19:07
Have you tried wheat beers?

Suggest Hoegaarden or Easy Street Wheat.

Life changing in regards to beer

Paulaner hefeweizen, especially if drank in Munich. It’s like nectar from Heaven. :dirol:

05-19-20, 20:18
FYI, Becks is like the German Budweiser.

I thought that was Lowenbrau.

When I was in Germany I tried a bunch of Hennigers, Stern and about a dozen others I can't remember and Becks seemed the least difficult to drink. As a novice beer drinker I probably need a beer with training wheels.

05-19-20, 20:21
I thought that was Lowenbrau.

When I was in Germany I tried a bunch of Hennigers, Stern and about a dozen others I can't remember and Becks seemed the least difficult to drink. As a novice beer drinker I probably need a beer with training wheels.Most German lagers are all the same..... Budweiser! All taste like dirty water

05-20-20, 21:05
SteyAug , you brought back some memories .....Old Frothingslosh. I used to see the billboards for it in West Pa when I was doing furnace startups at the steel mills there . One I remember said it was the beer with a head on the bottom . Had to get a 6 pack after that . One beer and the rest down the drain .

In my mind , Grain Belt in northern MN needs to be on that list .

05-20-20, 23:05
I’ll pass on all the IPA’s, flavored beers, corona, malt liquor, and many of the African beers. And you can keep anything Heineken, Becks, Mexican, or British. Not a big fan of Miller Lite either but won’t turn one down.

I generally have zero issues with anything from Japan or Korea, or American pils. I like Irish brews and most cheap American beers. I like Texas brews like Shiner and Lone Star.

After mowing the lawn on a hot day, give me a cold Miller High Life or three...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-22-20, 20:11
Or we don't care. Beer is an alcoholic beverage of convenience for me. I have found several micro-brews that come in a can that taste just fine. Cans are handy so you can drink where ever it's safe. I'm a heathen, I also drink Scotch from solo cups.

I'm with you, AKDoug. Plus if you drop a can, usually nothing breaks.

Page 11 and I haven't seen a mention of Buckhorn - it was a low(er?) end beer from Olympia Brewing. It was always the cheapest priced beer. I think they saved extra money by not coating the inside of the cans. Always had a metallic taste.

ETA pic:


05-23-20, 08:36
I thought that was Lowenbrau.

When I was in Germany I tried a bunch of Hennigers, Stern and about a dozen others I can't remember and Becks seemed the least difficult to drink. As a novice beer drinker I probably need a beer with training wheels.

I often heard the saying while I was in Germany that German beer is like "drinking a steak dinner in a bottle." They are heavy, that's for certain.

I'm pretty sure if you offered them a "Lite beer" they'd look at you the same way most Americans would look at you if you asked them if they wanted their steak well done.

05-23-20, 08:42
I often heard the saying while I was in Germany that German beer is like "drinking a steak dinner in a bottle." They are heavy, that's for certain.

I'm pretty sure if you offered them a "Lite beer" they'd look at you the same way most Americans would look at you if you asked them if they wanted their steak well done.Really? I find their beers about on par with American lite. Octoberfests are a little heavier but mostly just a little maltier.

It's the English Wee Heavy and Belgian quads that are like a liquid 5 course meal

05-23-20, 08:47
Really? I find their beers about on par with American lite. Octoberfests are a little heavier but mostly just a little maltier.

It's the English Wee Heavy and Belgian quads that are like a liquid 5 course meal

Belgians do make some heavy beers. Though, I'd probably say most "normal" German beers are more in line with like a regular Sam Adams than a lite beer. I would agree they are maltier overall and I think that's the difference.

05-23-20, 08:53
Belgians do make some heavy beers. Though, I'd probably say most "normal" German beers are more in line with like a regular Sam Adams than a lite beer. I would agree they are maltier overall and I think that's the difference.I'd go with that. Difference being what's imported/popular to drink here vs what's actually sold in Germany

05-23-20, 11:21
Anybody drank a beer in Holland? I had a guy I used to work with and he always went on about how hard it was to drink ANY beer in America. He stated beer in Holland (can’t remember North or South) was real flat, almost like water. Said if they wanted to “bottoms up and go play football” he could easily do it. Said the beer in America made him full and bloated.

And it was served room temp. Granted, room temp might be more tolerable there.

05-23-20, 12:02
Anybody drank a beer in Holland? I had a guy I used to work with and he always went on about how hard it was to drink ANY beer in America. He stated beer in Holland (can’t remember North or South) was real flat, almost like water. Said if they wanted to “bottoms up and go play football” he could easily do it. Said the beer in America made him full and bloated.

And it was served room temp. Granted, room temp might be more tolerable there.I did. About 12 years ago spent a few weeks there. Beer was the same. I'd say Heineken tasted different but maybe it was just me. Definitely no flat beer

Depending on the beer I can drink it room temp. I don't remember doing that there but I've done it before as long as room temp doesn't mean 95°. Some beers don't really change

05-23-20, 12:18
FYI, Becks is like the German Budweiser.

I'd have to agree with that. I'd say Becks is probably worse than some American macro brews; I'd go with Yeungling over a Becks all week long and twice on Sundays.

I thought that was Lowenbrau.

When I was in Germany I tried a bunch of Hennigers, Stern and about a dozen others I can't remember and Becks seemed the least difficult to drink. As a novice beer drinker I probably need a beer with training wheels.

I wouldn't call Becks "difficult to drink". It's more that, being that it's from a country world famous for their beer, Becks is just plain boring.

For novice beer drinkers, I usually advise people to find something in the middle. If you start with things like Budweiser, Coors, Becks, etc, your impression of beer will be that it's just grain flavored water with no nuance. If you start with hardcore beers like imperial stouts, double IPAs, barleywines, and such, you'll find beer to be overwhelming. Go with a blonde ale, kolsch, a quality pilsner, or golden lager. Try different kinds and, if you find that you're enthusiastic about beer, try the higher ABV and stronger tasting ones.

05-23-20, 16:49
I'd go with that. Difference being what's imported/popular to drink here vs what's actually sold in Germany

Agree. It's a crime there are so many good regional beers over there that never make it to the States.