View Full Version : So why take out Flynn?

05-15-20, 10:15
This was a risky move and as we see the unmasking take place, I have have unrelated opinions of why, but I'm interested as to what you think.

05-15-20, 10:36
The goal was, and still is, to take out anyone and everyone related to the Trump administration, including the President himself. I think the obama administration was afraid that anything other than a clinton win would lead to the exposure of the extremes of its corruption and treason.

05-15-20, 10:58
Just opinion here, but I believe hiring Flynn put a burr under Obama'said saddle. Obama fired him because he wouldn't go along with coddling Muslim extremists. He told Trump not to hire him but Trump did so anyway.

My guess is Obama, believing himself to be the greatest President this country has ever known, could not believe that Trump had not followed his instructions. He then set out to show Trump who was really in charge. I think he expected that the combined witch hunts would topple the Trump administration and he wanted to be standing there like Paul Bunyan with an axe.

05-15-20, 11:00
Flynn knows where the bodies are buried in the Black Bag Crowd, and was teeing up to take on rampant embezzlement off the black budget, or so the scuttlebutt goes.

05-15-20, 11:18
Flynn knows where the bodies are buried in the Black Bag Crowd, and was teeing up to take on rampant embezzlement off the black budget, or so the scuttlebutt goes.


05-15-20, 11:49
He knew the “dossier” was fake and was asking questions about it.


Dr. Bullseye
05-15-20, 12:02
After hiring Flynn, Chocolate Jesus and the Disciples found they hated him. Once Trump kept him they set Flynn up and assumed he would flip on Trump under pressure.

05-15-20, 14:50

Saw that on Redstate, Breitbart or RightScoop last week, trying to find again and will get back to you. In the meantime, here's one relevant piece:

EDIT: Here we go. https://www.redstate.com/slee/2020/05/13/reminder-brennan-and-co.-targeted-flynn-in-part-because-he-knew-about-billions-they-running-off-the-books/

05-15-20, 20:48
Why? Because Flynn had it coming.
Or at least Flynn’s associations with Russians, Turks and others made him pretty unsavory to the establishment. The type of guy who not too many folks would stick up for based on morally bankrupt clients. Plus Flynn’s behavior with the Russian Government was patently stupid and so close to the line that he was likely to be sacrificed by the new Administration that would want to be chalking up wins.
In other words, he was seen as a scalp that could be collected.

Flynn is probably dirty and certainly not smart, dumber even than Sandy Berger. However, Flynn’s lack of judgment was overshadowed, slightly, by the rot in Dept. of Justice’s National Security team (FBI/AGs).

I know I do not know the whole story, but Bill Barr seems to be the man who saw the Flynn case for the shakiness it was. Barr also emboldened Trump to fight the impeachment excesses too, but motivated by the sweep of history, not the politics of today. Even a shrewd guy such as Bill Barr isn’t going to be able to Fix the DOJ, but he has put the evildoers on notice that they might get the Pete Strzok treatment if they become too political.

05-15-20, 21:23
Why? Because Flynn had it coming.
Or at least Flynn’s associations with Russians, Turks and others made him pretty unsavory to the establishment. The type of guy who not too many folks would stick up for based on morally bankrupt clients. Plus Flynn’s behavior with the Russian Government was patently stupid and so close to the line that he was likely to be sacrificed by the new Administration that would want to be chalking up wins.
In other words, he was seen as a scalp that could be collected.

Flynn is probably dirty and certainly not smart, dumber even than Sandy Berger. However, Flynn’s lack of judgment was overshadowed, slightly, by the rot in Dept. of Justice’s National Security team (FBI/AGs).

I know I do not know the whole story, but Bill Barr seems to be the man who saw the Flynn case for the shakiness it was. Barr also emboldened Trump to fight the impeachment excesses too, but motivated by the sweep of history, not the politics of today. Even a shrewd guy such as Bill Barr isn’t going to be able to Fix the DOJ, but he has put the evildoers on notice that they might get the Pete Strzok treatment if they become too political.

Wow, this is too wrong to fix.

05-16-20, 08:47
As people dig deeper into the just released House transcripts it's becoming more clear.

The FBI disseminated a "summary" of the Kislyak call that was not unmasked because they never minimized it nor made a "finished" transcript. As I understand it that means it never went to NSA and wouldn't be found with any of these unmasking requests.

This brings up a couple of points:

1) Where did it come from? Some are speculating it's backdoor foreign intel, but the obvious answer seems to be right in front of us. If Papadopoulos started this with bar talk, why only a FISA on Page? Because Page was an easier target, and the purpose of the FISA was to get into, and then THREE HOP through the whole campaign.

2) All the unmasking revealed it was just a Tuesday in the Obama administration, we kinda already knew this because there were a bunch before the Kislyak call. Why is the Treasury Sec and FIVE of his underlings unmasking Flynn? The Flynn unmaskings are "tip of the iceberg" per Nunes.

3) The Flynn persecution claimed they have no recordings in response to a brady request, Comey and McCabe say there was never a finished transcript made. The original 302 of Flynn is "missing", even though the FBI has an entire computer system designed to keep them. So it seems entirely possible that Flynn was persecuted for lying, by comparing a summary of a 302 to a summary of the call.

05-16-20, 09:54
Plus Flynn’s behavior with the Russian Government was patently stupid and so close to the line that he was likely to be sacrificed by the new Administration that would want to be chalking up wins.
In other words, he was seen as a scalp that could be collected.

Flynn is probably dirty and certainly not smart,

I’m interested to hear your evidence to support your statements that:

1. Gen Flynn’s behavior with the Russian Government was patently stupid and so close to the line.

2. Flynn is probably dirty and certainly not smart.

05-16-20, 11:52
Flynn is probably dirty and certainly not smart.

Lol because a lot of dumb guys get three stars and the DNI job.

05-16-20, 13:24
If Flynn's contacts with Gospodin Kislyak were innocent, why did he lie?

05-16-20, 14:46
If Flynn's contacts with Gospodin Kislyak were innocent, why did he lie?

He didn’t.


05-16-20, 15:11
But Trump said he fired Flynn for lying to Pence when he denied having contracts with Kislyak.

05-16-20, 16:07
But Trump said he fired Flynn for lying to Pence when he denied having contracts with Kislyak.

No, the charge was lying to the FBI and at the time could you defend a DNI who did? This is 20/20 hindsight.

05-16-20, 17:33
If Flynn's contacts with Gospodin Kislyak were innocent, why did he lie?

If Flynn's contacts with Gospodin Kislyak were illegal, why didn't the FBI or Mueller charge him with that?

The "fact" that Flynn lied and that the Logan Act could actually be charged, and charged against the incoming administration no less, is a giant fiction of the MSM. The FBI said Flynn did not show any signs of deception, and even after multiple edits from the "we won't let him" and "insurance policy" duo after the fact, the difference the persecution claims between what Flynn said to the FBI and "the truth" is quite ambiguous.

05-16-20, 20:24
Flynn was fired by obama, for 2 reasons. First he and the hadji president didn't agree on Islam. Second Flynn was pushing the truth that China is a bigger enemy to the USA than Russia. Not saying Russia is our friend but the Chicoms are pure beyond evil.

05-16-20, 20:56
Flynn was fired by obama, for 2 reasons. First he and the hadji president didn't agree on Islam. Second Flynn was pushing the truth that China is a bigger enemy to the USA than Russia. Not saying Russia is our friend but the Chicoms are pure beyond evil.

And we handed them our industrial base on a silver platter.

05-17-20, 07:07


Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is in no hurry to come to D.C. and answer questions regarding his role in the General Michael Flynn unmasking scandal. In an interview with CNN, Clapper made it perfectly clear that he will not travel to testify in person until there’s a COVID-19 vaccine.

After he made the remarks, he was silent for a second or two, then he quickly added, “but I can testify remotely…” During the same interview, he also declared how “routine” it is to unmask Americans. Clapper responded that he “couldn’t recall what prompted him to unmask General Flynn.” How convenient. Given Clapper’s history of lying under oath, it’s unclear how much it matters to have him testify at all, frankly.