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View Full Version : "Got Antibodies?"

05-29-20, 16:24
I hope everyone can stay calm enough to have a reasonable thread about covid. I didn't want to post random bs in the medical/science thread.

I had a rough case of the flu/pneumonia just as the spread of covid started. My test then was "inconclusive" which they said still meant I didn't have it. Now my doc tells me the test I took had a high error rate and recommended an antibody test. I am actually disappointed that it came back negative.

I went right back to work after the flu. I have been travelling and working, not "locked down" or otherwise staying at home. So I have had a more "normal" time of it than most people have probably had. Still, I am tired of it. I would rather just have the dang bug and get it over with.
That's what we need for "herd immunity" right? We all gotta get it just not all at once? If I knew of a field of coronavirus, I would go roll in it. If I knew someone who had it right now I would seriously attempt to get it and take my chances.

I also don't know why we are keeping kids isolated if they are at a minimal risk. Wouldn't it make more sense to have them exposed now when they are least impacted and have a generational floor on this bug.?

Maybe I'm foolish, but I want this over, have antibodies, and be able to spend time with older, more at risk friends and family again.

I'm sure the mods will be keeping an eye on this and stomp the thread if it gets out of line. So keep it civil.

05-29-20, 16:31
I'm sure the mods will be keeping an eye on this and stomp the thread if it gets out of line. So keep it civil.

Yes we will. Thanks for staying on the right side of the road.

05-29-20, 17:05
There’s research that suggests that having a related illness confers some immunity - let see if I can find that again.

05-29-20, 17:06
You aren't the only one asking questions:


Surprising coming from Illinois.

05-29-20, 17:10
I, and several coworkers got the respiratory yuck with walking pneumonia around Feb. Got better, no symptoms or fever since. I’ve probably been exposed lots of times, to some degree. Thought for sure I had gotten it by now and gotten over it.

Got an antibody test last week, courtesy of the taxpayer. It was negative, and I was a little disappointed. Oh well, there’s always fall.