View Full Version : The Bigger Picture

06-05-20, 17:39
The riots, race, covid 19, don't fall for these distractions. Develop a broader situation awareness...


Evel Baldgui
06-05-20, 17:52
5th Generation Warfare at its finest

06-05-20, 17:55
Also its paramount to understand that the the U.S. is under attack. Fifth Generation Warfare is a propaganda and information warfare to accomplish strategic, operational, and tactical objectives. In 5GW the target may not even know it has been attacked, thus the target has already lost that battle. This is accomplished by manipulating the population into taking action. This is easily achieved in our modern world with the massive emergence of social media and other information technologies. By controlling the algorithms of what information people see you can in a sense control their thoughts and actions.


06-05-20, 18:11
This is EXACTLY what I believe to be happening. I turn my news off for 7 days, and literally NONE of these fake/hyped issues is actually a problem.

I'm just discouraged at how many imbeciles gobble up this tripe as though it's real. They're so brain washed that they'll call critical thinkers "conspiracy" folks. Very scary how little critical thinking is going on right now.

06-05-20, 20:32
That was a pretty eye opening video...I need to do some thinking.

06-06-20, 01:04
Definitely thought provoking. Nothing that doesn't surprise me unfortunately.

I'd be curious to see how far down the Clinton Foundation rabbit hole goes.

Also makes me wonder how many other bad actors there are whose own interests are similar, but disconnected from Soros entirely, and maybe even in direct conflict. If he's fighting so hard for control, you have to think there are at least a few other major players moving pieces in this game.

Bloomberg, for example.


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06-06-20, 03:29
It's much bigger with many many players/believers. Look into who donates to his organization(s) and who works for them? Understand the goal is socialism and what has to happen here for socialism to truly be the dominant system. Understand how close to becoming a reality this was until 2016.

There are players and there are those getting played from bureaucrats to SJW's. Can you identify who is fundamentally apposed and working against the infiltrators/establishment?

06-06-20, 06:27
I don’t think the goal is socialism. I think the goal is to remove the last bullwark against a one-world government. I also believe that the desire for a one-world government is the same desire that led to the tower of Babble.

For one simple reason: what other motivation would cause these groups to work so tirelessly in pursuit of their goals?

06-06-20, 10:15
I don’t think the goal is socialism. I think the goal is to remove the last bullwark against a one-world government. I also believe that the desire for a one-world government is the same desire that led to the tower of Babble.

For one simple reason: what other motivation would cause these groups to work so tirelessly in pursuit of their goals?

I can’t say that’s tinfoil hat stuff anymore.

06-06-20, 10:30
Just for shits and giggles I read the Wikipedia bio on Soros. OMG, what a fluff piece! He is described as a "philanthropist" if you can believe that. Any mention of his affiliation with or support of trouble or trouble-sponsoring groups is preceded by the caveat "unfounded claims".

So Soros the shit-stirrer extraordinaire is a friggin' philanthropist eh? My head hurts now......:shout:

06-06-20, 23:49
This has been going on for quite some time. It’s no secret that Soros et al want to destroy the US.

06-07-20, 05:16
Universities, dozens of foundations and non profits have been working to destroy the country since the 1960's. Soros is pure evil, but he is only one. So many Democrats, are tied to these groups, that in my mind the Democratic party is the biggest threat to the future of the Republic.

I can't wait for the election, and also the acquittal or hung jury in the George
Floyd case the week before the election.

06-07-20, 17:26
Declaring antifa a terorist organization might root out some of the evil when they start following the money. So much of the deep state has already beed subverted though so theres going to a lot of resistance and backlash.

Between now and November all bets are off...