View Full Version : Welcome to the Cultural Revolution

06-10-20, 08:23

06-10-20, 08:44
The cultural revolution has been happening since the 1780 when parties started to emerge. It's so up-and-down, cyclical. We are just seeing the current iteration as it has been under the surface for a while.

06-10-20, 10:34
Call them what you want, I call them what they are Marxist/Leninists .

06-10-20, 10:57
Here you go- forget the ballot box and any sense of civility. Let’s go with mob rule- kinda looks like the communist revolution in Russia. The ComDems started this fire and now it is completely out of control. Yeah, elect Punch Drunk Joe and his cohorts since somehow this disaster is President Trump’s fault, right?


06-10-20, 11:42
"The board is set...the pieces are moving."

Everyone is playing this game whether you want to or not.

06-10-20, 11:56

Very interesting.

06-10-20, 15:34
The USA runs on meritocracy. As that is ending, so will USA.

If you follow what happened to The NY Times editorial page editor, that’s kind of all you need to know. Once these millennial wimps starts taking over judgeships look out.

06-10-20, 15:44
The USA runs on meritocracy. As that is ending, so will USA.

If you follow what happened to The NY Times editorial page editor, that’s kind of all you need to know. Once these millennial wimps starts taking over judgeships look out.

Yes, this is the desired outcome of the communist take over of our public education system and universities. Once enough of these indoctrinated snowflakes start taking over companies, judgeships and political positions it will be the death knell of this great country.

06-10-20, 16:43
Yes, this is the desired outcome of the communist take over of our public education system and universities. Once enough of these indoctrinated snowflakes start taking over companies, judgeships and political positions it will be the death knell of this great country.

And what does that mean for folks like you and me?

06-10-20, 16:54
And what does that mean for folks like you and me?

The Gulag Archipelago details that process.

06-10-20, 16:58
The Gulag Archipelago details that process.

If the vermin who have taken over Seattle and their City Hall were in positions of power don’t think for a minute they would not do this to citizens who oppose their views.

06-10-20, 17:23
^^And yet nobody seems concerned/cares?

06-10-20, 17:49
If the vermin who have taken over Seattle and their City Hall were in positions of power don’t think for a minute they would not do this to citizens who oppose their views.

Well, since they'd obviously be threatening or exterminating folks and by proxy their families also, perhaps they would do well to realize that they too could easily become targets.

Oh, and their families too.

Not advocating that of course, but realize legitimately "righteous" people who have had their PRODUCTIVE lives overturned by communist/socialists hell-bent on their elimination could react in ways not consistent with these "protests-turned-bad" of rioting and looting. Me-thinks if you fvck with the wrong types the response might be more of a personal nature.....:rolleyes:

06-10-20, 18:26
We may never make it to the Gulag. Che knew how to deal with people that were like you.

We must learn to denounce ourselves continually, all the time , just like Drew Brees and his airhead wife.

06-10-20, 19:09
We may never make it to the Gulag. Che knew how to deal with people that were like you.

We must learn to denounce ourselves continually, all the time , just like Drew Brees and his airhead wife.

It won't make a difference, you will never be able to atone for the sin of being born you. Look at the woke mayors of NYC, Minneapolis and Seattle - as soon as they said they wouldn't defund the police the angry mobs booed and threatened them.

06-10-20, 19:26

It won't make a difference, you will never be able to atone for the sin of being born you. Look at the woke mayors of NYC, Minneapolis and Seattle - as soon as they said they wouldn't defund the police the angry mobs booed and threatened them.

Oh, I know it won't help, nothing will help, you just have to do it anyway.

06-10-20, 19:55
^^And yet nobody seems concerned/cares?

Not publicly, no. But that’s the smart decision. Running your mouth about your counter-revolutionary plans on an open forum isn’t wise. I’m glad I barely see anybody doing that.

“Don’t ever mistake my silence for acceptance, my calmness for cowardice or my patience for weakness“

06-10-20, 22:56
And what does that mean for folks like you and me?

Those that know, won't say and those who will say don't know.

Nice thing about being the underdog is that suddenly all of their tactics become viable.

06-11-20, 08:20
Like I mentioned in another thread, if the boog ever kicks off and man I hope it never happens,...in my and my kids lifetimes anyway, things will get dark. Really dark. I think most of us understand that once those fascists take power, it will be complete power. Its always been that way. The only way to possibly turn it around will require people to step up and do some pretty dark sh*t. The other alternative is to just take it up the yin yang. In the end, every individual in this situation will have to make that choice.

It's quite a quandary though if you really think about it. It goes against most of our ideals and morals, but I also like to deal with facts and reality, and that is straight up fact. Not making light of it or trying to glamorize it, but those of you who play video games, the Assassins Creed Mantra comes to mind. A very hypocritical mindset, but ultimately necessary to accomplish their goal against their enemy.

06-11-20, 10:19
Well it didn’t take long for the “peaceful” protesters in Seattle to settle into a live remake of Lord of the Flies. And the police are advising anyone in the zone who are being harassed to call 911 to, you know, just kind of let them know what’s up. And the spineless mayor and police brass just want “open dialogue” with the domestic terrorists. Meanwhile Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley said it was a mistake for him to be in the photo op with the President on Lafayette Square because the military shouldn’t be involved in domestic issues. Yes, the soft coup is getting harder.


06-11-20, 10:21
Like I mentioned in another thread, if the boog ever kicks off and man I hope it never happens,...in my and my kids lifetimes anyway, things will get dark. Really dark. I think most of us understand that once those fascists take power, it will be complete power. Its always been that way. The only way to possibly turn it around will require people to step up and do some pretty dark sh*t. The other alternative is to just take it up the yin yang. In the end, every individual in this situation will have to make that choice.

It's quite a quandary though if you really think about it. It goes against most of our ideals and morals, but I also like to deal with facts and reality, and that is straight up fact. Not making light of it or trying to glamorize it, but those of you who play video games, the Assassins Creed Mantra comes to mind. A very hypocritical mindset, but ultimately necessary to accomplish their goal against their enemy.

Unfortunately there are times when unsavory things must be done. One must set aside pre-conceived values and morals to do those distasteful, unsavory things. Only moral recourse you have at that point is to realize that this was not asked for, certainly not relished, but instead forced upon you.

06-11-20, 14:02
The sunrise thing I was not familiar with

06-11-20, 14:31
Well it didn’t take long for the “peaceful” protesters in Seattle to settle into a live remake of Lord of the Flies. And the police are advising anyone in the zone who are being harassed to call 911 to, you know, just kind of let them know what’s up. And the spineless mayor and police brass just want “open dialogue” with the domestic terrorists.

Six months from now after this CHAZ is gone, you'll hear many females come out and admit to there being a massive rape epidemic.

06-11-20, 14:32
The sunrise thing is also an alliteration to the "morning star", just in case you needed yet another reason to be concerned.

06-11-20, 14:57
And what does that mean for folks like you and me?

Reeducation camps/ death camps.

100% assured, if we lose the fight.

06-11-20, 15:20
Well it didn’t take long for the “peaceful” protesters in Seattle to settle into a live remake of Lord of the Flies. And the police are advising anyone in the zone who are being harassed to call 911 to, you know, just kind of let them know what’s up. And the spineless mayor and police brass just want “open dialogue” with the domestic terrorists. Meanwhile Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley said it was a mistake for him to be in the photo op with the President on Lafayette Square because the military shouldn’t be involved in domestic issues. Yes, the soft coup is getting harder.

https://www.foxnews.com/us/seattle-protests-armed-guards-local-businesses-extortionMaybe someone should remind that feckless imbecile about that part of the oath that goes "...against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC" if its no part of the military's concern then why in the blue hell has that been part of the oath since god knows when?

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk

06-11-20, 16:28
We are just seeing the current iteration as it has been under the surface for a while.

The sooner they're 6' under the GROUND, the better. :mad:

06-11-20, 16:48
Six months from now after this CHAZ is gone, you'll hear many females come out and admit to there being a massive rape epidemic.

F’em! Hopefully they are told to report it to the community response team because the real police don’t give a shit. That and they need to check their privilege.

06-11-20, 19:10
After listening to Ben Shapiro the last 2 days my confidence is somewhat restored.

06-11-20, 20:45
So just like the Cultural Revolution under Mao in Communist China, we are going to eliminate all references to US History, good or bad? As I have mentioned here before, I am a direct descendant of a Spanish Soldier who came here in 1622. However, I am married to a woman since 1978 with very strong Southern Roots. Her mother was a Cajun whose ancestors fought with a Louisiana Cavalry unit during the Civil War. My wife's father comes from northwestern Arkansas, and his family has been there since the 1820's. That family was comprised of Confederate Guerillas operating in NW Arkansas and SW Missouri.

My two sons are proud of their Southern ancestry, and both of them are members of Sons of Confederate Veterans. My son and West Point Cadet has a Confederate Flag in his bedroom here at the ranch. Neither are racist, and have numerous friends of all colors. I have spent countless times in Louisiana and Arkansas with these relatives of the Mrs. Especially in Louisiana, you have antebellum homes and former slave plantations that are on the National Register of Historic Places. So do these places need to be burned down and erased from history as well? I've sat on the levee on the west bank of the Mississippi right in front of the former home of Jacques Telemachus Roman, called Oak Alley, watching boats go up and down the river. Numerous films have been shot at that locale.

I am about sick of this "cancel culture" crap, and I hate to admit it, but if I saw someone trying destroy the statue of Robert E. Lee, I'd most likely resort to fisticuffs, or worse.

06-11-20, 21:41
^^And yet nobody seems concerned/cares?

Don't know why you'd assume that just because everyone isn't here posting their intentions.

So just like the Cultural Revolution under Mao in Communist China, we are going to eliminate all references to US History, good or bad? As I have mentioned here before, I am a direct descendant of a Spanish Soldier who came here in 1622. However, I am married to a woman since 1978 with very strong Southern Roots. Her mother was a Cajun whose ancestors fought with a Louisiana Cavalry unit during the Civil War. My wife's father comes from northwestern Arkansas, and his family has been there since the 1820's. That family was comprised of Confederate Guerillas operating in NW Arkansas and SW Missouri.

My two sons are proud of their Southern ancestry, and both of them are members of Sons of Confederate Veterans. My son and West Point Cadet has a Confederate Flag in his bedroom here at the ranch. Neither are racist, and have numerous friends of all colors. I have spent countless times in Louisiana and Arkansas with these relatives of the Mrs. Especially in Louisiana, you have antebellum homes and former slave plantations that are on the National Register of Historic Places. So do these places need to be burned down and erased from history as well? I've sat on the levee on the west bank of the Mississippi right in front of the former home of Jacques Telemachus Roman, called Oak Alley, watching boats go up and down the river. Numerous films have been shot at that locale.

I am about sick of this "cancel culture" crap, and I hate to admit it, but if I saw someone trying destroy the statue of Robert E. Lee, I'd most likely resort to fisticuffs, or worse.

It will be whatever people permit and allow to happen and that will be different from zip code to zip code. I predict mixed results, they aren't in power yet.

06-12-20, 04:35
How about confronting the source? You know the ones who sold you out (literally) to begin with...


06-12-20, 05:49
How about confronting the source? You know the ones who sold you out (literally) to begin with...


It's well known but conveniently forgotten.

Slavery wasn't some kind of mass kidnapping. Slavery began with africans enslaving other africans than then trading them to ENGLAND for arms and then they were brought to the colonies.

06-12-20, 05:50
So just like the Cultural Revolution under Mao in Communist China, we are going to eliminate all references to US History, good or bad? As I have mentioned here before, I am a direct descendant of a Spanish Soldier who came here in 1622. However, I am married to a woman since 1978 with very strong Southern Roots. Her mother was a Cajun whose ancestors fought with a Louisiana Cavalry unit during the Civil War. My wife's father comes from northwestern Arkansas, and his family has been there since the 1820's. That family was comprised of Confederate Guerillas operating in NW Arkansas and SW Missouri.

My two sons are proud of their Southern ancestry, and both of them are members of Sons of Confederate Veterans. My son and West Point Cadet has a Confederate Flag in his bedroom here at the ranch. Neither are racist, and have numerous friends of all colors. I have spent countless times in Louisiana and Arkansas with these relatives of the Mrs. Especially in Louisiana, you have antebellum homes and former slave plantations that are on the National Register of Historic Places. So do these places need to be burned down and erased from history as well? I've sat on the levee on the west bank of the Mississippi right in front of the former home of Jacques Telemachus Roman, called Oak Alley, watching boats go up and down the river. Numerous films have been shot at that locale.

I am about sick of this "cancel culture" crap, and I hate to admit it, but if I saw someone trying destroy the statue of Robert E. Lee, I'd most likely resort to fisticuffs, or worse.

That is designed to delegitimize the entire founding and basis for our country. If you focus on the bad you can take out the good with it like our system of government and rights which allows a new (communist) system to step in. This also has the effect of demoralizing the populace into thinking getting rid of that old racist and abusive system isn't such a bad thing.

The entire basis of communism is having an oppressed class and an oppressor. They have to go back to people who were in some cases alive 500 years ago to find oppressors but nothing is off limits. If they have to they'll accuse people of fake made up crimes for the good of the collective to keep the ruse alive.

The Gulag Archipelago as mentioned is a good example of the lengths communists will and have gone to for their cause. Jocko did a podcast on that book which highlights the main points for people who prefer audio content.

Always having an oppressor to attack serves two purposes. People focus their energy/hate on who they are being told is oppressing them and allows the actual oppressor to operate with impunity while the oppressed are looking the other way.

06-12-20, 06:07
It's well known but conveniently forgotten.

Slavery wasn't some kind of mass kidnapping. Slavery began with africans enslaving other africans than then trading them to ENGLAND for arms and then they were brought to the colonies.

A lot of people don't know or have forgotten that the first slave owner in the America was an African from Angolia named Anthony Johnson, a former slave and also owned...if I'm not mistaken... white folks.... along with using his son as a slave.....good heavens! That certainly doesn't fit today's narrative does it?? Slaves back in the day were from all races, creeds and colors. And yes, rival tribes in Africa rounded up other Africans and sold them into the slave market.


06-12-20, 06:17
Not to mention that open-air slave markets exist to this day in Africa.

06-12-20, 07:25
When it comes to the so called peaceful protesters at Lafayette Square the other day getting upset that they were gassed. They were in an area that was the scene of rioting and looting. I'm sure if you looked close enough, you would find that there were a lot of the same folks present at both events. I find it laughable that the peaceful protesters are upset because they are being lumped in with the BLM/ANTIFA rioters/looters. I guess they know how I feel now. It pisses me off that the Confederate flags and monuments are being lumped into the category of white supremacy. Nothing could be further from the historical truth. There were plenty of southerners that were anti-slavery that fought in the war because they believed in a different version of the United States, aka States Rights. You can review this issue by reading the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers. The whole argument has been present from the founding of this country to now. You can also read the Articles of Succession from each state that succeeded from the Union to see what the issues were. One big issue was the high taxation of southern exports... mainly cotton... to Europe vs shipping raw goods to the manufacturing factories in the north. Northerners increased export tariffs to make it economically unfeasible to export cotton and make a profit. There were plenty of northerners that were pro-slavery on one level or another. McClellan threatened to march the Army of the Potomac on Washington DC if Lincoln pushed the issue of emancipation of slaves. Many northern officers resigned their commissions when it was done because they refused to fight for the slaves freedom. Look at the riots in New York and Baltimore for example in which many black folks were lynched and burned in the streets. Don't mean to blab on the issue, but it is a shame. In the end, the whole thing is an attempt by these socialists to erase the history of our country in order to get their agenda into place. It's even a bigger shame that our elected officials refuse to prevent the destruction of our historical monuments.

06-12-20, 07:43
Six months from now after this CHAZ is gone, you'll hear many females come out and admit to there being a massive rape epidemic.

One of of their tranny leaders has already left due to Not being able to keep himself from Sexually assaulting people.

06-12-20, 12:42
It's well known but conveniently forgotten.

Slavery wasn't some kind of mass kidnapping. Slavery began with africans enslaving other africans than then trading them to ENGLAND for arms and then they were brought to the colonies.

Slavery was way before that. The word slave come from the Slavic people (white) who were slaves to the Ottoman empire. Half the population of ancient Greece were slaves.

06-12-20, 14:51
I even read somewhere that the entire Hebrew people were enslaved to the Eygptians 3500 years ago. But that's probably just made up.

06-12-20, 15:34
Never mind....

06-12-20, 15:35
I even read somewhere that the entire Hebrew people were enslaved to the Eygptians 3500 years ago. But that's probably just made up.

My paternal grandmother was Jewish. So I guess Egypt owes me a lot of money. Interest compounded over 3500 years should make for a nice payday.

06-12-20, 16:01
My paternal grandmother was Jewish. So I guess Egypt owes me a lot of money. Interest compounded over 3500 years should make for a nice payday.

Yeah, I’m 50% Jewish so I want my monies.

06-13-20, 00:44
A lot of people don't know or have forgotten that the first slave owner in the America was an African from Angolia named Anthony Johnson, a former slave and also owned...if I'm not mistaken... white folks.... along with using his son as a slave.....good heavens! That certainly doesn't fit today's narrative does it?? Slaves back in the day were from all races, creeds and colors. And yes, rival tribes in Africa rounded up other Africans and sold them into the slave market.


Try this...


06-13-20, 00:52
Slavery was way before that. The word slave come from the Slavic people (white) who were slaves to the Ottoman empire. Half the population of ancient Greece were slaves.

I suspect long before Europeans found Africa, Africans were likely enslaving other Africans. But the concept goes back to prehistory I'm sure. Before the creation of civilization, we were a pretty savage and tribal species.

Ironically, and not that I'm trying to say it was "good" in any way, but African slaves in the new world had a better life expectancy than African slaves in Africa. There you could literally end up in the soup. Everything horrible, brutal and inhumane done to slaves in the new world, generally paled in comparison to what Africans did to their own slaves.

06-13-20, 09:10
Ironically, and not that I'm trying to say it was "good" in any way, but African slaves in the new world had a better life expectancy than African slaves in Africa. There you could literally end up in the soup. Everything horrible, brutal and inhumane done to slaves in the new world, generally paled in comparison to what Africans did to their own slaves.

I remember reading that the African Slaves sent to South America essentially got a death sentence.
I'm not trying to excuse it, but just to be able to grasp it's enormity the Slaves sold in the United States had six times the life expectancy.

06-13-20, 15:09
Yeah, I’m 50% Jewish so I want my monies.

I just realized I have been thinking about this all wrong. My mother is a Sicilian immigrant as is my paternal grandfather. That being said, I am jumping on the reparation train. I am due some money. This video explains it all:


06-13-20, 15:23
I remember reading that the African Slaves sent to South America essentially got a death sentence.
I'm not trying to excuse it, but just to be able to grasp it's enormity the Slaves sold in the United States had six times the life expectancy.

Out of 12.5 million slaves about 10.5 million survived the journey
Out of those 388,000 landed in the North America’s
The other 10+ million to Caribbean and South America and some to Central

My time in the Caribbean the locals both black and white had no racial tensions between each other

Honduras blacks and whites got along but hated the Spaniards as Spaniards hated both white and black (in general as one type to another)
Also to note the Spaniards enslaved more indigenous Central America people and sent them to Europe then North American had black slaves
numbers were around or over 500,000 And yet today we are told to give North American land back to them ? And folks think they are the true natives of Central America

Now I hold no ill will to any people anywhere for their parents or further back sins misdeeds and like most a tiny small % were the owners traders etc....
I only hold up the famous judge folks by their character line

I can say my year in Honduras showed me that no matter where you go hatred exists and those countries North of Honduras look down on them so being Guatemalan or Honduran puts you in a lower category and if you are indigenous even lower

How many Irish slaves were in the US etc...
But we can go back to the Danes and England both white both had issues
We can look at sunni vs Shia same race same religion massive hate towards each other
And in Africa of course all over that country same thing and slavery was there before and still exists !
Go back to Chinese vs other Asians again massive issues that still go on today

We are one race racism does not exist IMHO it’s more hatred of culture/beliefs etc.... and often folks of other cultures can be a different color but many times it does not I might say more when you look at Africa and it’s history and even up to current times

should we destroy the pyramids since that was all slave labor ?
Or all the other African historical monuments/buildings etc....

06-13-20, 16:16
My paternal grandmother was Jewish. So I guess Egypt owes me a lot of money. Interest compounded over 3500 years should make for a nice payday.

Being of European / Christian origin, my people were fed to lions. Not simply enslaved, fed to lions as entertainment, so Italy owes me big time. I think that should entitle me to a lifetime of free pizza and pasta.

Pizza Reparations Now!

And some garlic rolls and mozzarella sticks.

No PIZZA No PEACE. C'mon everybody chant with me. We're heading to Sbarros.

06-13-20, 16:52
I suspect long before Europeans found Africa, Africans were likely enslaving other Africans. But the concept goes back to prehistory I'm sure. Before the creation of civilization, we were a pretty savage and tribal species.

Ironically, and not that I'm trying to say it was "good" in any way, but African slaves in the new world had a better life expectancy than African slaves in Africa. There you could literally end up in the soup. Everything horrible, brutal and inhumane done to slaves in the new world, generally paled in comparison to what Africans did to their own slaves.

Africans are still enslaving other Africans.https://qz.com/africa/1333946/global-slavery-index-africa-has-the-highest-rate-of-modern-day-slavery-in-the-world/

06-13-20, 17:12
Africans are still enslaving other Africans.https://qz.com/africa/1333946/global-slavery-index-africa-has-the-highest-rate-of-modern-day-slavery-in-the-world/

Like, nobody is stopping anyone from leaving the US and going to Africa to build Wakanda since the US is evidently such a bastion of oppression.

But nobody talks about that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-13-20, 18:37

Since we are not united around tradition, language, or heritage, and we also cannot be united around a shared belief in freedom and human rights, then what is left?

06-13-20, 19:02

Since we are not united around tradition, language, or heritage, and we also cannot be united around a shared belief in freedom and human rights, then what is left?

Communism. The ultimate goal of the ComDems and their propaganda arm the MSM. Which is why they are continually driving a wedge between all of us. Covid could have been a unifying event for our country but no, it turned into another Orangeman and his Deplorables are bad divisive movement. We saw a man killed by an officer and almost all agreed that it was horrible and that there needs to be reforms in law enforcement. But the MSM and ComDems turned it into an Orangeman and his Deplorables are racist so let's defund the cops and burn down the country.

06-14-20, 00:26
And what does that mean for folks like you and me?


Reeducation camps/ death camps.

100% assured, if we lose the fight.

The fight never happened and is already over. There will never be a "right time", because per comment below, there will always be a bigger fire to dissipate whatever headway you think you've made.
So many people think there is still this grand once in a lifetime chance coming... someday very conveniently undetermined of course... to "take back the USA" and make all right with the world again.
There is not. I see people commenting about current "protests" and how widespread they and and how things like that don't usually happen in their quiet towns. That alone, out of a dozen different examples, is all one needs to know about how far the rot has spread while we were busy counting our bullets. To many decades of voting our way out just to get backstabbed, to many decades of compromise, to much of a well-meaning but naive outlook of "live and let live", assuming the other side held to the same tenet, and wasn't already waging total undeclared war. Life was just to good to believe the tinfoil, and digging our heels in and saying "no" was just so...childish, right? No sense in going to war over a piece of plastic, or some words on paper (and I don't mean only the 2A), or certain personal beliefs. We've signaled weakness a hundred times over, and the other side has gleefully taken advantage. Why shouldn't they?
And so now we find ourselves discussing the current situation yet again, except now the squeeze of the rotten tendrils can actually be felt twisting about our legs.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we all need to rush out guns a'blazin and tek back Ammurica! I'm perfectly content to sit back with my popcorn and watch the lunatics wreak havoc, fight amongst themselves, and make very good propaganda for us.

But at the same time, it seems clear to me that we sit back and watch with the same self-assured smugness that has brought us to this point in the first place. That we have some expectation that, because some of our opponents are morons,they are all somehow destined to fail of their own accord, and all we have to do is wait, and the ship will right itself. That because we can't seem to define a "plan B" of our own should they succeed, let alone what form that plan should take, or where and how to execute it, that the current plan of 'wait for the enemy to fail' is the right one.
It will not be, because the morons are not in control of 'their' revolution. They are cannon fodder, and many I suspect know this, and are happy to be so. It is already to late to set things right, and when the revolutionaries eventually seize full power through perfectly legal and legitimate means, it will be even more so.
There is no "fight" coming.
Merely a few flashes in the pan as disparate people or groups have their 'one day as a lion' and are then subsequently demonized and forgotten (except for occasional unending references to terrify people into further compliance).

One might alternatively hope for a group solution wherein we stick a new flag in a piece of the pie we like and rabidly set about the business of creating a new nation, but that would require getting 'plain mad dog mean' not to mention a certain level of organization and competency that frankly I don't see any center-to-right element possessing or acquiring in the time earth has left to it. We're just to f***ing nice and individualistic after all.

If that sounds depressing and disillusioned, well...maybe some people are having a different experience but it seems reality generally is.

I remember years back reading about some wargames that had made it to the public domain about what the gov/military response should be to a right-wing uprising, wherein certain militia factions seized a town or city or part of such and began to attempt to institute a parallel government, run checkpoints to restrict access, harass poor innocent 'minorities', and all manner of other villainous chicanery. Sound familiar?
When you see your opponent doing the same things you know you could never get away with, and the required response is not only non-existent, but would be railed against while the actors are lauded, it's easy to see who's not winning...

Anyway, that's my 2 wild-eyed cents worth of internet ranting for the night. :laugh:

Africans are still enslaving other Africans.https://qz.com/africa/1333946/global-slavery-index-africa-has-the-highest-rate-of-modern-day-slavery-in-the-world/
I also suspect Islam has something to do with that as well...

Communism. The ultimate goal of the ComDems and their propaganda arm the MSM. Which is why they are continually driving a wedge between all of us. Covid could have been a unifying event for our country but no, it turned into another Orangeman and his Deplorables are bad divisive movement. We saw a man killed by an officer and almost all agreed that it was horrible and that there needs to be reforms in law enforcement. But the MSM and ComDems turned it into an Orangeman and his Deplorables are racist so let's defund the cops and burn down the country.

I see this a bit differently; Covid WAS becoming a unifying event that was doing a great job of exposing how utterly moronic, incompetent, and power hungry our government today is. And that cannot be allowed to happen. So they found an excuse to start a bigger fire. As always.

06-16-20, 16:14
Well it didn’t take long for the “peaceful” protesters in Seattle to settle into a live remake of Lord of the Flies. And the police are advising anyone in the zone who are being harassed to call 911 to, you know, just kind of let them know what’s up. And the spineless mayor and police brass just want “open dialogue” with the domestic terrorists. Meanwhile Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley said it was a mistake for him to be in the photo op with the President on Lafayette Square because the military shouldn’t be involved in domestic issues. Yes, the soft coup is getting harder.


Looks like the bolsheviks didn't waste any time establishing their brand of law in the CHAZ/CHOP/Whatever zone!


Seattle business owners claim a man occupying the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP, broke into their auto repair shop and set a fire, but despite more than a dozen 911 calls, police never arrived.

John McDermott is co-owner of the auto repair shop Car Tender, which sits on 12th Street, just outside the perimeter separating the seized six or seven blocks protesters previously called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ.

He and his son, Mason McDermott, told news outlets they were alerted when someone smashed a window and got inside the auto shop Sunday night.

But despite calling 911 around 19 times, they claim neither police nor fire personnel ever arrived at the scene, which grew violent into Monday morning when protesters pushed down their linked fence and rushed the car lot.

The suspect reportedly stole cash and car keys. The McDermotts said “mayhem” ensued as protesters gathered outside their business demanding they release the man, whom they eventually let go.

But that didn’t stop armed protesters from pushing down the linked fence.

Video showed protesters topple the fence and run toward John McDermott to confront him. Some protesters seemed to be holding others back to convince them to leave the property alone. Another video showed two men roll on the ground in a struggle, as one reaches for a gun in the other man’s holster on his waist. Other protesters drag them off one another.

Mason McDermott said he was also armed but never pointed the gun at the suspect or protesters.

The suspect was seen on video being pummeled by other protesters demanding he give up whatever he may have stolen.

Of course the Seattle PD Chief called him a liar for saying they didn't respond.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said Monday that her officers did not have a good contact number for the owner, whose business sits outside CHOP limits, and police will only respond inside the boundaries of the CHOP if there is a direct threat to life and safety.

Fox News learned Tuesday that police officers arrived at the scene but remained at the periphery and did not approach the business owner, engage with protesters or apprehend the suspect. Officials said that fire personnel was waiting for a police escort to the area, but police did not want to approach the CHOP in a marked vehicle to stir up a commotion.

Tl;Dr: Business owner alerted to break-in at business OUTSIDE the "Zone", calls 911 to alert them while enroute. Arrives at business in time to apprehend criminal, WHO ATTACKED HIM WITH A BOX CUTTER and prevent a total conflagration of the business. Business owner repeatedly requests police and fire responsem which never happens. Meanwhile a vigilante mob arrives, breaks down their fence and demands the criminal be turned over to them, who the proceed to beat for committing theft. PD Chief says "Nuh UH! We did too respond to the calls for service! We just didn't do anything because we were afraid.

Meanwhile CNN/Pravda whitewashes the entire debacle:


Seattle: police denies claims department not responding to 911 calls in autonomous zone

'Seattle is not under siege'
All police personnel were pulled out of the Seattle Police Department East Precinct in Capitol Hill last week after tensions with protesters reached a boiling point.

Despite the conflict, over the weekend the scene resembled more of a festival or farmers market than a protest.

Speaking to CNN's Chris Cuomo Monday night on Cuomo Prime Time, the chief said that if there is an "important emergency 911 call" the department would respond to the six-block area that has been occupied since last week.

"Seattle is not under siege and we are responding to every call and every area of the city," Best said.

The statement comes after Seattle Police officers received a department-wide email June 12 that instructed them not to respond to calls for service within the CHAZ unless they were responding to a "mass casualty event" such as an active shooter or structural fire.

Seattle Police spokesman Detective Patrick Michaud confirmed the authenticity of the email to CNN on Monday and reiterated that officers will still respond to any significant life safety issues.

For any other calls, people will be asked to meet police outside of the zone, Michaud said.

Just to recap, burglary, arson and attack with a bladed weapon OUTSIDE the "Zone", followed by kidnapping and unlawful detention is NOT a significant life/safety issue for the City of Seattle, because you know, it might cause a "commotion".

You can't even make this stuff up. :rolleyes: