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06-11-20, 18:47
CHAZ, Free Capital Hill, whatever you want to call it. What are your thoughts? Apparently those involved are now extorting local business inside the 6 block area. They have: as seen on twitter, several "armed guards" in the area. The police department in that area was abandoned in the last several days. Was this planned or act of randomness?


06-11-20, 18:58
Let it be...for now. The people wanted this; they wanted to see if it will work. But it won't last.

Antifa is going to make one or two mistakes, and likely both: 1) They are going to be an oppressive "state" in that zone that will have the people longing for the return of SPD patrolling their neighborhood. 2) They are going try to either expand this zone in Seattle, or try to do this in some other area of the country...and it's going to be the wrong place with the wrong people, and those people are going to say "molon labe". At that point, Antifa is going to have to decide whether they've had enough playing Billy Badass and strutting around with rifles they are too ball-less to use, or decide they're willing to die for their cause and try to take the ground by deadly force. Right now, the number of people willing to kill and die for this cause has be extremely low.

06-11-20, 18:58
Why are they demanding stuff? Haven't they taken over and become the defacto non-government government?

Sounds like a good place for boogsters to get some practice.

06-11-20, 19:00
Cut off all power, running water, blockade supplies but only allow medical only to come freely and leave. Allow them to freely leave but not go back in. Set up floodlight towers pointing in, blast obnoxiously loud music at all hours until they just give up. No force needed, they will be very miserable and give up on their own.

06-11-20, 19:05
There are already reports of them shaking down business, demanding identification from residents, frisking residents, assaulting residents. Yes, two days into their socialist utopia and they have become full fledged fascists. YouTube has videos of them giving a beat down and telling residents they are the "new police". Go to CNN and no mention of anything even happening in Seattle. The governor of Washington said he knows nothing of what is going on.

06-11-20, 19:07
Cut off all power, running water, blockade supplies but only allow medical only to come freely and leave. Allow them to freely leave but not go back in. Set up floodlight towers pointing in, blast obnoxiously loud music at all hours until they just give up. No force needed, they will be very miserable and give up on their own.

Not really fair to the business owners in the zone along with any residents that are not thrilled with their new government.

06-11-20, 19:12
At that point, Antifa is going to have to decide whether they've had enough playing Billy Badass and strutting around with rifles they are too ball-less to use, or decide they're willing to die for their cause and try to take the ground by deadly force. Right now, the number of people willing to kill and die for this cause has be extremely low.

To be fair that kind of sounds like our side as well....

06-11-20, 19:27
Why are they demanding stuff? Haven't they taken over and become the defacto non-government government?

Sounds like a good place for boogsters to get some practice.Even has signs that say you have left the USA.

I think it would be great if some people went in a take out the armed sentries.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

06-11-20, 19:36
To be fair that kind of sounds like our side as well....

No arguments there. Anytime somebody makes a show of force, no matter the reason, the time will likely come when they need to put up or shut up.

06-11-20, 19:37

06-11-20, 19:54
Some humor, some news. All entertainment:


06-11-20, 20:02
Got a good laugh out of this earlier today.


06-11-20, 20:06
Not really fair to the business owners in the zone along with any residents that are not thrilled with their new government.

Lol. You think those businesses are operational? Most of those residents are terrified and stuck in their homes.

06-11-20, 20:15

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-11-20, 20:22
For some great perspective on this listen to Ben Shapiros last 2 pod casts...

06-11-20, 20:37
Just need to send in a couple corona infected folks and let it sort itself out.

06-11-20, 20:42
Was this planned or act of randomness?
Happened too fast and too well organized to be random. Whether actively planning or just tacitly supporting, Inslee and Durkan are on board with this middle-finger-to-America. As I noted in another thread, there are those who think we're seeing a textbook TC 18-10 Unconventional Warfare Manual guerrilla op being run against us, and the more I look at the past month the harder it gets for me to disagree with them.

Cut off all power, running water, blockade supplies but only allow medical only to come freely and leave. Allow them to freely leave but not go back in. Set up floodlight towers pointing in, blast obnoxiously loud music at all hours until they just give up. No force needed, they will be very miserable and give up on their own.
THIS. Well, just enough force to keep them corralled rather than push out and spread the cancer, with a QRF on standby in case they get froggy.

06-11-20, 21:21
For some great perspective on this listen to Ben Shapiros last 2 pod casts...

I second this suggestion.

06-11-20, 21:51
Well this just got interesting.

06-11-20, 22:03
This cancer is spreading to Portland now...

06-11-20, 22:07
So..... I guess any group of people can just lay claim to a section of town and appoint themselves as the governing body? Enforce their own laws? Isn't that what ISIS/ISIL did in Syria? How is this NOT domestic terrorism? Is this NOT communist tradecraft? Do you think there will be some underground -clandestine- Tom Clancy type of black ops to restore or undo this?

06-11-20, 22:13
So..... I guess any group of people can just lay claim to a section of town and appoint themselves as the governing body? Enforce their own laws? Isn't that what ISIS/ISIL did in Syria? How is this NOT domestic terrorism? Is this NOT communist tradecraft? Do you think there will be some underground -clandestine- Tom Clancy type of black ops to restore or undo this?

Everyone is still in "wait and see" mode, but if we can just homestead new fiefdom's without consequence...well I think it's time for me to unite my "workers party."

06-11-20, 22:28
Do you think there will be some underground -clandestine- Tom Clancy type of black ops to restore or undo this?

I doubt it.

Evel Baldgui
06-11-20, 23:05
So, if my house is declared to be an anonymous zone and no longer part of the USA, can I forget about paying taxes in July ?

Coal Dragger
06-11-20, 23:12
Hmmmm..... the enemy has cleverly boxed themselves in and ID’d themselves and their location.

I’d say start by condoning the area off. Shoot anyone trying to leave after a set grace period. That way local residents who aren’t up for shenanigans can get out. Don’t advertise that people will get shot after this period just announce to the residents that for their safety they should leave. Most probably already have if they are able.

Then seal it off. Kill anyone trying to escape. If that means watching sewers and man hole covers too, then do so. Turn off the water and electricity. Don’t allow delivery of food, water, medical supplies, or anything else. Declare the area a no fly zone.

In a few months they’ll all be dead from starvation, or disease.

06-11-20, 23:41
Maybe I have a sick and twisted mind, but when I saw video this evening of the self-appointed leader of CHAZ- the Rapper RAZ Simone, I couldn't help not think of The Duke from Escape from New York:


06-12-20, 00:06
Hmmmm..... the enemy has cleverly boxed themselves in and ID’d themselves and their location.

I’d say start by condoning the area off. Shoot anyone trying to leave after a set grace period. That way local residents who aren’t up for shenanigans can get out. Don’t advertise that people will get shot after this period just announce to the residents that for their safety they should leave. Most probably already have if they are able.

Then seal it off. Kill anyone trying to escape. If that means watching sewers and man hole covers too, then do so. Turn off the water and electricity. Don’t allow delivery of food, water, medical supplies, or anything else. Declare the area a no fly zone.

In a few months they’ll all be dead from starvation, or disease.

This is an ongoing problem zone. Same place where the 1999 WTO and Occupy Seattle shit happened. Might as well let it be another Berkeley or Haight/Ashbury retard magnets. Let all the crazies flock to the new socialist Utopia and then wall it up. Make sure you evac everyone behind the lines, ED their homes and businesses and then block all services (including wireless and ISP) and let them live in their shit.

The good news is these dumbasses might have just handed Trump the election in November.

06-12-20, 00:07
Maybe I have a sick and twisted mind, but when I saw video this evening of the self-appointed leader of CHAZ- the Rapper RAZ Simone, I couldn't help not think of The Duke from Escape from New York:


He just needs a new Caddy with chandeliers.

06-12-20, 01:02
The good news is these dumbasses might have just handed Trump the election in November.

Not if the reality of it doesn't get out to the average MSM-addled mouthbreather... Trump needs to make this the face of the Democratic Party.

And gun advocates need to do same--THIS is the reason why we so "bitterly cling" to our hardware, just in case shit like this decides to try to come to our neighborhoods and burn OUR houses. (As noted in my signature... :) )

06-12-20, 02:04
So, some more questions:

1. How should we feel about this? Me personally, I am between angry and disgusted.

2. How should we go about this? Can this happen in any city in the nation? If so, what are our options? To me, it seems like shit like this spreads like wildfire. Sooner or later, they will try this at colleges, small hipster towns, or sections of large cities. They already close off major highways during protest and have caused many police departments to abandon their post.

3. Is this a new normal for us? Or is this "here today, gone tomorrow'? I personally hopes this passes and just a phase. On the other hand, I feel like a lot of these social justice vigilantes will get worse.

4. Does this have anything to do with Trump and being an election year?

5. Is this being endorsed by anyone of importance? Soros, Pelosi, Schumer. Waters, AOC etc?

06-12-20, 02:46
Not if the reality of it doesn't get out to the average MSM-addled mouthbreather... Trump needs to make this the face of the Democratic Party.

And gun advocates need to do same--THIS is the reason why we so "bitterly cling" to our hardware, just in case shit like this decides to try to come to our neighborhoods and burn OUR houses. (As noted in my signature... :) )

Yeah, it has to get out there. This isn't pizzagate or some easily dismissed nonsense. This is a admittedly small scale illegal land grab. But one that denies all civil rights to the citizens trapped in this 6 block area. If the NRA created NRA land where people had to show their papers, move past enforced roadblocks and have elements of the community you don't support forced upon you that is basically hostage taking.

This isn't a bunch of like minded individuals who went out in the middle of nowhere and set up a commune, they took over part of an American city. They also showed it can be done under the right conditions and so far NOBODY will do anything. How it hasn't already happened in San Fransisco is amazing to me.

People sectioning off parts of LA, NYC and Chicago can come at any time as soon as mob rule gets approved like it did in the Rodney King riots. I really wouldn't want to be in any of those places.

In the 1980s Robert Mathews and a racist group called The Order conspired to do the very same things, to establish a white homeland within the US (ironically in the Pacific Northwest) and Federal agencies basically eliminated them. Granted The Order was violent and killed people, but had they tried to create a White Homeland simply by "sitting in" and presenting it as a street festival they still would have gotten shut down hard.

And again, the usual suspects like the SPLC are painting this event more like woodstock than a land grab that makes hostages out of anyone who doesn't support the movement. The mayor is giving tacit approval if not direct support and how that isn't a violation of her oath of office is beyond me. She needs to be removed from office.

Then we can talk about the direct assault on a law enforcement department and the seizure of the same. In 2016 almost nobody wanted Trump, we all looked for alternatives on both sides. But when it became obvious it was going to be Hillary, despite objections from both sides people refused to have it forced upon them and they were told about the war on women and how they were sexist if they didn't vote for her. Well they are gonna be pushing a lot harder in 2020 and this is the beginning of what is apparently their terrible strategy for a "new world order."

And if it becomes apparent that the authorities are NOT going to enforce order and restore things, then it is going to get F ing scary, and messy and bloody and violent.

06-12-20, 02:52
So, some more questions:

1. How should we feel about this? Me personally, I am between angry and disgusted.

2. How should we go about this? Can this happen in any city in the nation? If so, what are our options? To me, it seems like shit like this spreads like wildfire. Sooner or later, they will try this at colleges, small hipster towns, or sections of large cities. They already close off major highways during protest and have caused many police departments to abandon their post.

3. Is this a new normal for us? Or is this "here today, gone tomorrow'? I personally hopes this passes and just a phase. On the other hand, I feel like a lot of these social justice vigilantes will get worse.

4. Does this have anything to do with Trump and being an election year?

5. Is this being endorsed by anyone of importance? Soros, Pelosi, Schumer. Waters, AOC etc?

1. Concerned and in standby mode.

2. It can happen anywhere where people will tolerate it.

3. It's not really anything new. It's just a different version of what we've seen before. The WU underground declared war on the US. They were willing to kill every man, woman and child because they felt themselves at war with the country and everyone in it. They just weren't terribly successful.

4. Always but it can work against them. Keep in mind these are the same people who pulled that Occupy Seattle shit.

5. All the usual suspects PLUS everyone currently kowtowing to the BLM movement like Amazon, Netflix, Google and dozens and dozens of others who want to make the death of Floyd the responsibility of every white person because they wish to divide everyone by race. White people must apologize for being white and surrender some of that privilege. This is so far from trying to reach racial equality it isn't funny, this is blatant racism to fight perceived racism.

06-12-20, 04:46
Trump needs to leave them alone. This area of Seattle is already a far leftist haven, and let them show the rest of the country how stupid this movement is. Going in there to break them up just gives them images of the police they will use as propaganda. Right now they are a laughing stock to any sane person.

Things will get worse. Cancel culture is a real thing that is going to turn violent. Protect your online identity, keep things private on any social media, and be careful of who you allow to view your posts. An angry leftist can easily call up your employer and tell them all about how you're posting white supremacist literature, firearms pictures, and how you seem angry or violent.

You absolutely have to talk to your friends, family, and neighbors to let people know what is going on (if you can trust them), and remind them to vote. This country is ****ed but 4 years is more time for us to prepare. If we lose the WH and Senate we're going to be living in hell on day one of Biden being in office, and they're going to exact revenge on the country for electing Orange Man Bad. Listen to Biden's comments on 10-15% of the population. The last 3 Democrats to run have made comments about people like us being irredeemable, bad people, deplorable, etc. When people make threats take them at their word. These aren't 20 year old Antifa misfits posting stupid shit on Twitter. These people are running for the highest office in the country. Don't forget about Bill Clinton's attacks on right wing targets during his administration.

Do what you can to network and prepare with like minded people. When the communist hordes and their inner city 'allies' come to the suburbs and rural areas sticking together and having a group for protection is your only hope of safety. Start looking at and thinking about how to protect your neighborhood and how you can connect with neighbors to form watches. Look at ways to harden your home from fire and thrown objects. Things like window film, fire extinguishers, door hardening, go bags, exfil plans/routes, caches and stashes. Get your family at least familiar with shooting various firearms, self defense, and basic tactics like cover/concealment/moving as a group. Look at radio communications for your family/neighborhood. Neighborhood issues also mean identifying people who are or could become threats from within. Don't forget 'stop the bleed' medical knowledge and supplies.

Educate yourself on communist revolutions and how they progress. What we are seeing now has been done numerous times before. These people have been doing the same for decades and been training for this for a long time. Antifa has been sending people overseas to train, and they communicate with their 'comrades' around the world. The average American has little to no concept of who these people are or what they actually want to carry out. America has been a target for revolution for a hundred years or more and the plans for a cultural revolution leading to a sudden violent takeover have been around for almost as long. Start reading about Antonio Gramschi and how the Soviets seeded our country with funding of communist and black power groups in the 60's. Read about counter-revolutionaries and how they fought back. You can learn from history on how these have gone down, and how people fought against them. Learn to use what's around you already, easy to acquire supplies to help you survive, how to navigate through society, and how to handle various scenarios.

A lot of this stuff should already be in the inventory or on your mind for natural disasters. Preps and plans can also be used for hurricanes, tornados, power outages, winter storms...but now they need to include social unrest, runs on grocery stores, supply chain interruption, riots, and intentional acts. There are also many opportunistic crimes taking place right now because police are pre-occupied or not putting themselves out there for their own safety.

06-12-20, 05:37
The voters in Seattle have elected and re-elected Marxists so it seems to me that they have reaped what they’ve sown. If they ever get tired of this, maybe they will recall the idiots. At the rate Police Officers have been resigning and retiring lately, they might not have enough Officers to man that precinct anyway. If you’re “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” sometimes it’s best to do nothing. Canceling EBT Cards would probably be the most effective tactic.

06-12-20, 06:52
Peter, is that you?

So, if my house is declared to be an anonymous zone and no longer part of the USA, can I forget about paying taxes in July ?

06-12-20, 07:17
CHAZ, Free Capital Hill, whatever you want to call it. What are your thoughts? Apparently those involved are now extorting local business inside the 6 block area. They have: as seen on twitter, several "armed guards" in the area. The police department in that area was abandoned in the last several days. Was this planned or act of randomness?


If I had Property there, I would be looking at the legal ramifications of taking it back by force.

On a serious note, I dont know if the federal govt can do anything, but the Governor should be sending in the natl guard, with live weapons, to take it back. It should have been done immediately.

I wonder if the ATF is going to waco it.

06-12-20, 07:25
If I had Property there, I would be looking at the legal ramifications of taking it back by force.

If they've set themselves up as being outside the US, and are in open insurrection, what legal ramifications should there be? I'm sure the Leftists would raise three types of hell over anyone squashing this little Paris Commune Reenactment, but they're squating, looting, and extorting people that live in the area at the very least, and are in open rebellion/invasion of the United States and are terrorizing their communities. I don't know that I think they're enough of a threat to justify governmental force being used against them, but if a citizens' militia squashed this bug, I'm wouldn't defense of the lives of yourself and others be a primary factor?

I tend to alternate between "eh, this is amusing, let's go get target practice" and "as sad as it is, it's a sign of things to come." I'm surprised they've lasted this long, actually, and even more surprised that they haven't become a magnet for the other side.

06-12-20, 08:04
Trump needs to leave them alone. This area of Seattle is already a far leftist haven, and let them show the rest of the country how stupid this movement is. Going in there to break them up just gives them images of the police they will use as propaganda. Right now they are a laughing stock to any sane person.

I --hope-- Trump is simply giving them more rope to hang themselves. I hope he is just taunting them to dig their grave deeper.

06-12-20, 08:14
For some great perspective on this listen to Ben Shapiros last 2 pod casts...

I did just that. Thank you

06-12-20, 08:18
I --hope-- Trump is simply giving them more rope to hang themselves. I hope he is just taunting them to dig their grave deeper.

This. I hope he doesn't do anything other than talk about it and tweet about it. Continue to call out local and state leadership over it. Sending in federal troops would be very bad optics even if 100% justified. Letting the communist and anarchist capital of the US implode on itself seems like a better course of action.

I would bet many of the business owners in that area are at least sympathizers with the retard movement and are willing forking over protection money to ease their white guilt.

06-12-20, 08:25
I --hope-- Trump is simply giving them more rope to hang themselves. I hope he is just taunting them to dig their grave deeper.

This is the best move right. The far left has long suspected the truth, that anarcho-communism is an achievable goal, has been suppressed. No amount of debates or half measures will convince them otherwise. They need to see for themselves.

Right now, the right needs to be like Hannibal's army at the Battle of Cannae: Hannibal gave the illusion that they were weak and retreating as the arrogant Romans charged into the center and appeared on the verge of breaking the Carthaginian line. But the Romans didn't notice, until it was too late, that by pushing in too far, too fast, they had walked into a trap and allowed themselves to be totally flanked...

06-12-20, 08:26
The best part is that the police chief, mayor, and governor have not denounced it in any way.

The leftist media outlets haven't even mentioned it.

06-12-20, 08:32
Realistically, there isn’t anything Trump can do. We now know the leadership of whatever unit or agency he tried to send in would use the opportunity to virtue signal “orange man bad” to media acclaim.

The only reason the right has had any success at all since FDR’s time is the left starting to move to fast getting blowback. It hasn’t been from the right fighting back, almost all of the politicians and a substantial number of the regular people can’t wait to figuratively (and probably literally when violence breaks out) stab however is fighting in the back for an attaboy from the left.

Even more people won’t support anyone fighting back because they don’t agree with them 100%, and use that as an excuse to continue do nothing, while talking about what pussies the left are any way.

Unless that changes it’s over, there is no one badass enough to face armies alone for long

Alex V
06-12-20, 08:58
Part of me would like to see the FBI and ATF pull another Waco, only this time it makes sense.

Another part of me wants them to be left alone to show everyone just how dumb they are. Since they are not part of the US, cut the power/water/sewage since it comes from the US. Send DHS/CBP there to set up a border station and not allow anyone back in without a valid passport/visa. Since we don't have a trade agreement, no shipments of food or medicine. Since they are not in the US ITAR rules apply and they can't transport firearms/ammo/accessories outside the US with out State Dep approval.

Give them what they want, autonomy. They will be back in their mom's basements in 72 hours.

06-12-20, 09:09
The best part is that the police chief, mayor, and governor have not denounced it in any way.

The leftist media outlets haven't even mentioned it.

No, no- they are patriots. It is everyone’s patriotic duty to forcibly occupy a city to better voice your wokeness and displeasure with the system. If the Feds go in and stomp them the MSM will make it seem like a college sit in overrun by the Gestapo.


Oh, wonder what would have happened if Virginians did same thing last year when protesting unconstitutional gun laws?

06-12-20, 09:34
Part of me would like to see the FBI and ATF pull another Waco, only this time it makes senses.

I have been wondering (tongue in cheek) when HRT and the tanks and helicopters would be deployed.

It is an ugly situation to try and resolve. They are spoiling for Trump (or the state) to deploy .mil assets. It seems like they were really disappointed when the mess in DC didn't result in a massive overreaction from the QRF there. They would be gleeful for a Ruby Ridge/Waco/Kent State style disaster to occur on Trump's watch. Do nothing and you tacitly sanction it. Go in hard and risk a a real disaster. Nobody wins.

It is damned ironic that they have "discovered" armed resistance and secession and that they are suddenly vital concepts to be cherished.

06-12-20, 09:38
Part of me would like to see the FBI and ATF pull another Waco, only this time it makes sense.

I hope you're not serious. I joke about citizens going in to clean them out, but having the Feds go into and kill everyone there would be an absolute disaster. If Trump ordered it, it would absolutely cost him the election, no doubt about it. Hell, it might even encourage people who are apathetic about the whole thing to side against the government.

06-12-20, 09:38
I have been wondering (tongue in cheek) when HRT and the tanks and helicopters would be deployed.

It is an ugly situation to try and resolve. They are spoiling for Trump (or the state) to deploy .mil assets. It seems like they were really disappointed when the mess in DC didn't result in a massive overreaction from the QRF there. They would be gleeful for a Ruby Ridge/Waco/Kent State style disaster to occur on Trump's watch. Do nothing and you tacitly sanction it. Go in hard and risk a a real disaster. Nobody wins.

It is damned ironic that they have "discovered" armed resistance and secession and that they are suddenly vital concepts to be cherished.

There is no "H" for the HRT. Waco, Ruby Ridge, they were all absolute dumpster fires, especially because the feds intervened and felt a need to go nuclear.

Seattle is Seattle's business, and it, and Washington state, needs to handle it. No need for los federales to intervene.

06-12-20, 09:53
Seems Durkan's in on it, these are her peeps.

As for us, yeah, I know I'm saying this a lot... but our side needs to make these jokers famous. Make them the face of the Democrat Party and scare the normies shitless imagining this "Coming Soon To A City Near YOU!"

Alex V
06-12-20, 09:59
I hope you're not serious. I joke about citizens going in to clean them out, but having the Feds go into and kill everyone there would be an absolute disaster. If Trump ordered it, it would absolutely cost him the election, no doubt about it. Hell, it might even encourage people who are apathetic about the whole thing to side against the government.

I hate Marxists, which is what they really are, and believe that the only good Commie is a dead one so the idea of them burning alive does tickle me a bit, I won't deny it. However, it would be a disaster for Trump and we can't afford a Biden presidency which is why I am torn.

The more prudent solution would be to isolate them. Cut them off like a gangrenous limb. No support from the US, no utilities, cell phones, food or medicine. Let them be truly autonomous. We all know they won't last more than 72 hours.

06-12-20, 10:09
There is no "H" for the HRT. Waco, Ruby Ridge, they were all absolute dumpster fires, especially because the feds intervened and felt a need to go nuclear.

Seattle is Seattle's business, and it, and Washington state, needs to handle it. No need for los federales to intervene.

I was being sarcastic. Sorry if that did not come across.

06-12-20, 10:25
City Council member


Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant called the "CHAZ" movement a major victory. She said the area should be turned over permanently into community control, instead of back in the hands of the Seattle Police Department.

06-12-20, 10:32
Good point brought up on the news. The Seattle Autonomous Zone is pretty much why we have the Insurrection Act. Whether it is a good idea or not is another issue I suppose.

06-12-20, 10:33
Once I'm declared Overlord of WA, I will offer them 12 hours to disperse or accept a free helicopter ride.

06-12-20, 10:35
Once I'm declared Overlord of WA, I will offer them 12 hours to disperse or accept a free helicopter ride.

I now declare myself Dictator of the World. Everyone out..... finally I get my version of social distancing! Lol....

Life's a Hillary
06-12-20, 10:37
City Council member


Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant called the "CHAZ" movement a major victory. She said the area should be turned over permanently into community control, instead of back in the hands of the Seattle Police Department.

That woman is utterly insane. It’s amazing someone that dumb could make it to the position of power she has. Even more amazing, she has a PhD in economics from a school with a pretty conservative/libertarian type economics program.

06-12-20, 10:48
Perhaps they'll make a movie about their struggle against oppression titled Soy Team Six.

06-12-20, 10:55
That woman is utterly insane. It’s amazing someone that dumb could make it to the position of power she has. Even more amazing, she has a PhD in economics from a school with a pretty conservative/libertarian type economics program.
The difference between them and us: we tolerate dissenting views, while one of us who went to a school that teaches her theories would be made radioactive on his first day.

The relationship between KS and "CHAZ" is akin to Hitler vs the early days of Nazi Brownshirts... no telling who was leading who, but he wasn't really as bright as everybody said, and neither is she. But yeah, they're her stormtroopers and she's their "face person"... so she owns them and the consequences.

06-12-20, 11:32
I live in the area (suburbs, not the city), and I sympathize with the local PD's emotional desire to go in strong, and reassert law and order. In normal times, that would be the right impulse, that's what should have happened on day one.

Unfortunately we don't live in normal times. For people on the side of law and order: we have to be smarter than them, and adjust the tactics.

Going in strong right now, today, would be a mistake. It would give the radicals exactly what they want, the optics of evil feds or troops strong-arming 'peaceful protestors.' They WANT this to happen, similar impulse as ISIS in Syria wanted to draw America into a protracted ground war. It legitimizes them, serves as a catalyst for recruiting and fund-raising, gives them momentum. And if they're really lucky, another 'incident' of actual or perceived brutality, which they can promote on social media to further escalate things and gain support.

For now, provided no large-scale violence is occurring, the President should bide his time. A majority of Seattle and Washington residents elected this governor and mayor, and they enabled and tolerated what is happening in CHAZ. They made this s##t-show, so let them stew in it. Let them truly live with the consequences. Conditions there will definitely deteriorate as time goes by. As others have said, it'll become a live demonstration of what the Democrat party and the radical left will turn YOUR city and state into. Maybe this will begin to open the eyes of that majority of the American people that I still believe are mostly decent, commonsense folks.

06-12-20, 11:43
Honest question. If someone goes in there whoopin and a stompin, murdering and pillaging, there not going to call the cops. I have no doubt that they’re armed but if the Klan came in there and wanted to take over the autonomous zone that might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

26 Inf
06-12-20, 11:53
Honest question. If someone goes in there whoopin and a stompin, murdering and pillaging, there not going to call the cops. I have no doubt that they’re armed but if the Klan came in there and wanted to take over the autonomous zone that might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

Then it would be labeled as the right massacring power leftist babies who were just doing Communist Camp for a week or so.

Dr. Bullseye
06-12-20, 12:43
Then it would be labeled as the right massacring power leftist babies who were just doing Communist Camp for a week or so.

What, the Enemy surrounding the Terrorists like human shields? Massacre sounds good to me under those circumstances. Flip to Full Auto.

06-12-20, 12:48
Then it would be labeled as the right massacring power leftist babies who were just doing Communist Camp for a week or so.

Precisely, and their propagandists in the So-Called Unbiased Media would spin-doctor it like Tet, making Trump and by extension the downballot GOP radioactive with Suzy Soccermommy. I believe I noted in another thread here that they're trying to force a Hobson's Choice where it's "heads they win, tails Trump loses."

"A curious game... the only way to win is not to play."--WOPR, WarGames

No, the best play here is to contain the outbreak, and spread the word about "if you want THIS in your backyard vote D, if not vote R." Make these people and the psychotic America-hater Sawant who's at worst leading or at best collaborating with them the face of the Democrats nationwide...

06-12-20, 13:03
Honest question. If someone goes in there whoopin and a stompin, murdering and pillaging, there not going to call the cops. I have no doubt that they’re armed but if the Klan came in there and wanted to take over the autonomous zone that might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.I think I get what you're saying and it would be ironic, but honestly I'd rather not see one radical group take the place of another. Neither option is acceptable, and the only pro of that situation would be either side dwindling the other sides numbers. The problem with that is there would almost certainly be good people caught in the cross fire.

I'd much rather see a group of armed American citizens go in and use the minimal amount of force required to take that area back, and then either stand guard over the homes and businesses there until those responsible are apprehended, or simply hand it over to the National Guard. Wishful thinking, I know.

We have to remember that there in all likelihood are good people there caught in the middle of all this madness. If we let our emotions directly influence the course of action we take, we will only make things worse for ourselves.

I'm not saying I like it, but we don't have any clear cut answers. The situation is certainly fragile.

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06-12-20, 13:04
There is no "H" for the HRT. Waco, Ruby Ridge, they were all absolute dumpster fires, especially because the feds intervened and felt a need to go nuclear.

Seattle is Seattle's business, and it, and Washington state, needs to handle it. No need for los federales to intervene.

I agree 100%.

That said, let me posit a scenario: Remember the movie "Mississippi Burning", about the 1964 civil rights slayings? The local LEO refused to do anything about it (hell, a few were part of it) and ultimately the FBI intervened and took them down because the locals wouldn't handle it. How is Seattle any different? Apparently there are civil rights being violated out the wazoo in that Seattle zone. If the local and state authorities won't handle it why shouldn't there be Federal intervention?

Yes, I get that the optics would be bad in this day and age but really what is the difference?

06-12-20, 13:05
I live in the area (suburbs, not the city), and I sympathize with the local PD's emotional desire to go in strong, and reassert law and order. In normal times, that would be the right impulse, that's what should have happened on day one.

Unfortunately we don't live in normal times. For people on the side of law and order: we have to be smarter than them, and adjust the tactics.

Going in strong right now, today, would be a mistake. It would give the radicals exactly what they want, the optics of evil feds or troops strong-arming 'peaceful protestors.' They WANT this to happen, similar impulse as ISIS in Syria wanted to draw America into a protracted ground war. It legitimizes them, serves as a catalyst for recruiting and fund-raising, gives them momentum. And if they're really lucky, another 'incident' of actual or perceived brutality, which they can promote on social media to further escalate things and gain support.

For now, provided no large-scale violence is occurring, the President should bide his time. A majority of Seattle and Washington residents elected this governor and mayor, and they enabled and tolerated what is happening in CHAZ. They made this s##t-show, so let them stew in it. Let them truly live with the consequences. Conditions there will definitely deteriorate as time goes by. As others have said, it'll become a live demonstration of what the Democrat party and the radical left will turn YOUR city and state into. Maybe this will begin to open the eyes of that majority of the American people that I still believe are mostly decent, commonsense folks.

The dipshit libs who vote these people into office will never ever recognize the error in their ways. They will double down on their stupidity.

06-12-20, 13:09
The dipshit libs who vote these people into office will never ever recognize the error in their ways. They will double down on their stupidity.

Right, but there are also a lot of duped Normies who'll freak out when they see what's behind the masks Up Close & Personal. When they see the mob bringing its torches toward THEIR neighborhoods...

06-12-20, 14:03
Right, but there are also a lot of duped Normies who'll freak out when they see what's behind the masks Up Close & Personal. When they see the mob bringing its torches toward THEIR neighborhoods...

You give them too much credit. These Marxist turds will move to safer places, infesting like a swarm of insects, then change their new home into the same shithole they left. F&$k them. Let them fester in the pigpen of their own creation.

06-12-20, 14:17
It would be kind of nice to have a relief group bring in thousands of chocolate Ex-Lax laced brownies to feed these hungry citizens of CHAZ.....;)

06-12-20, 14:25
It would be kind of nice to have a relief group bring in thousands of chocolate Ex-Lax laced brownies to feed these hungry citizens of CHAZ.....;)

Just be sure they're vegan brownies!

06-12-20, 15:06
So.....IF you owned property in the middle of CHAZ and were getting shook down etc...You could "just call the cops" and THEY would fix your problem?

I'd really like an answer on that, because I've heard that "excuse" over and over...

If you can't see this as:

1. A step down for the American Nation, a sign of a diminished country on many axis --Rome wasn't BUILT in a day, nor did it FALL in a day, 2. A likely indicator of the future of law enforcement response in America 3. A good example of how you are "on your own" and damn well better be ready, willing and able to step up to protect you, yours and what you own at any time.....I can't help you and I think you are seriously deluded.

06-12-20, 15:14
Remember when folks from the left were mailing dildoes and such to the people occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge....

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06-12-20, 16:04
It would be kind of nice to have a relief group bring in thousands of chocolate Ex-Lax laced brownies to feed these hungry citizens of CHAZ.....;)

Better off lacing with enterohemorrhagic E. coli.

06-12-20, 16:12
A buddy over at RedState just had this interesting thought, which fits the longstanding profile of how Commie movements roll:

"I wouldn't be surprised if there there are contingency plans in place in the mayor's office to create a scene between the police and any federal force and that it has been carefully choreographed to show how 'unnecessary' and 'wrong' sending in federal troops was.

If I were some evil Paul [sic; he meant Joseph] Goebbels I would place some people in the CHAZ right before the feds were scheduled to enter with two missions.

The first group would be given the mission to show how peaceful and wonderful the Zone was but they would be trained to resist just enough to get injured, some seriously. And then the feds could be charged with ignoring the peaceful intentions of the protestors and their actions caused grievous injuries to a few of the peaceful protestors.

The second group would be expected to respond to the provocation of the troops entering the zone and injuring 'peaceful' protestors and things would then get out of hand.

The next step would be to have all of the members of the #resistance across the country rise up and blame everything on Trump.

Anyway, that's what I would do if I had a Goebbels on my side and I wanted to prevent Trump from getting into his second term. But, maybe that is all really just a bad, waking, dream."

To our members in blue, as the great Sgt. Esterhaus used to say, "Hey, let's be careful out there."

06-12-20, 16:14
Remember when folks from the left were mailing dildoes and such to the people occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge....

I think most of those "bags of dicks" were mailed by right-leaning people, just of the non-idiot variety. The Malheur "siege" did no benefit to any sane right-wing cause and probably harmed several.

06-12-20, 16:21
Remember when folks from the left were mailing dildoes and such to the people occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge....

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk
The "and such" were bags of candy dicks.

06-12-20, 16:26
You give them too much credit. These Marxist turds will move to safer places, infesting like a swarm of insects, then change their new home into the same shithole they left. F&$k them. Let them fester in the pigpen of their own creation.

Maybe not the city proper, but out here outside the city limits we're seeing some wakeup calls. The GM at my apartment complex isn't particularly a gun person, and as I mentioned the other day even he mentioned that he was looking into hardware and suggested it might be time to retire my practice of "no bolt carriers or mags in except Immediate Ready Rack."

OT: Josh, since you're an SOT, would you mind if I picked your brain on something I'm trying to make sure stays Title I?

06-12-20, 16:42
Another part of me wants them to be left alone to show everyone just how dumb they are. .

I understand the sentiment, but For anyone who hasnt got it yet, there is no hope.

06-12-20, 17:17
Kind of reminds me of what the Bundy's and their Idiot followers did.

06-12-20, 17:39
If this doesn’t end in a gunfight, I’ll feel cheated...

06-12-20, 17:41
Kind of reminds me of what the Bundy's and their Idiot followers did.

And equality would be the leader dying in a military style ambush on the side of road, on national TV.

06-12-20, 17:55
Kind of reminds me of what the Bundy's and their Idiot followers did.
Which time? That fiasco in Nevada was a real steaming turd. Bundy had 160 acres of deeded land that was mostly sand, and tried to run 400 head on it plus wide open BLM land that was no better. His cattle were scrawny and diseased. He is no rancher.

Bundy's two sons are worthless as well. One has an extensive criminal record and that whole family has ties to the FLDS polygamist movement in Colorado City, AZ and Hildale, UT. The Malheur mess in Oregon happened because the Bundy's got puffed up by the III% and Militia groups. During Malheur, there were Mormon women singing 150 year old LDS hymns while wearing prairie dresses.

How do I know all this? I have ranching friends in New Mexico who are kin to the departed and martyred Lavoy Finicum. The group here are modern LDS and have little or no contact with the FLDS group formerly under Warren Jeffs. I've sold horses to different members of that polygamist sect.

06-12-20, 18:35
If this doesn’t end in a gunfight, I’ll feel cheated...

Or at least with all those turds sitting in jail. But with the idiot mayor and stupid governor it probably won't happen. Today on CNN the mayor said there were no armed occupiers and it is just like a big arts festival that will be like the "summer of love". And the brain dead reporter agreed with her.

06-12-20, 18:36
Kind of reminds me of what the Bundy's and their Idiot followers did.

This is worse. The Bundy crowd took over federal buildings and no private property.

06-12-20, 18:55
Or at least with all those turds sitting in jail. But with the idiot mayor and stupid governor it probably won't happen. Today on CNN the mayor said there were no armed occupiers and it is just like a big arts festival that will be like the "summer of love". And the brain dead reporter agreed with her.

Sooo, what was with that dreadlocked warlord carrying around the AK? I swear, the left has become like Baghdad Bob during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

06-12-20, 20:22
I think most of those "bags of dicks" were mailed by right-leaning people, just of the non-idiot variety. The Malheur "siege" did no benefit to any sane right-wing cause and probably harmed several.Dont take my mentioning them as part of some misguided us vs. them comparison/revenge plot. Only comparing them as to the silliness of their causes and mentioning the kind of help that one might condider sending them.

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06-12-20, 20:37
Or at least with all those turds sitting in jail. But with the idiot mayor and stupid governor it probably won't happen. Today on CNN the mayor said there were no armed occupiers and it is just like a big arts festival that will be like the "summer of love". And the brain dead reporter agreed with her.

We can co-opt that. We work in lead and copper like other artists work in oils and clay.

06-12-20, 21:29
Cancer spreading to Nashville, too... :(


06-12-20, 21:36
Cancer spreading to Nashville, too... :(


I'd imagine in TN, their world is quite a bit more compact than in WA.

Overall, I was thinking about it. I'm wondering this whole autonomous zone is going to go the way of Occupy Wall Street: That is, they're all just going to get bored and go home eventually.

06-12-20, 21:37
Cancer spreading to Nashville, too... :(


It will be interesting to see how this turns out- even though the city of Nashville is somewhat liberal Governor Lee is adamant that there will be no replay of Seattle.

06-12-20, 21:51
It will be interesting to see how this turns out- even though the city of Nashville is somewhat liberal Governor Lee is adamant that there will be no replay of Seattle.

Yep, heard that on the radio today. Something to the effect of "Go ahead and protest but we will not tolerate an autonomous zone."

06-12-20, 22:02
I don't see this happening in The Volunteer State. Spent a good portion of my Army career based in northern Tennessee, and unless things have changed in the past 20 years, it will be a short lived event.

06-12-20, 22:24
Colorado City, AZ and Hildale, UT.

Man you want to talk about being a different planet! Drove through and ended up stopping in Colorado City for groceries a few years back. We were on a month long camping/off roading trip and heading from the North Rim to Zion NP. That wonderful feeling of every military aged male eye balling you as you drive by.... Empty streets, the multi home compounds, overcast, with a slight dusty wind. Never been so nervous on US soil in my entire life. Can’t say much about Hildale, we only stopped for fuel.

06-12-20, 23:51
There is no "H" for the HRT. Waco, Ruby Ridge, they were all absolute dumpster fires, especially because the feds intervened and felt a need to go nuclear.

Seattle is Seattle's business, and it, and Washington state, needs to handle it. No need for los federales to intervene.

Even thought you are absolutely no fun, this is admittedly the correct answer. And as much as I'd love to see it become Somalia complete with little bird runs, there are innocents who are going to be trapped behind the lines.

06-12-20, 23:55
Honest question. If someone goes in there whoopin and a stompin, murdering and pillaging, there not going to call the cops. I have no doubt that they’re armed but if the Klan came in there and wanted to take over the autonomous zone that might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

Seach Greensboro KKK vs. American Communist Party. There is video.

06-13-20, 01:12
Man you want to talk about being a different planet! Drove through and ended up stopping in Colorado City for groceries a few years back. We were on a month long camping/off roading trip and heading from the North Rim to Zion NP. That wonderful feeling of every military aged male eye balling you as you drive by.... Empty streets, the multi home compounds, overcast, with a slight dusty wind. Never been so nervous on US soil in my entire life. Can’t say much about Hildale, we only stopped for fuel.
It's only the state line of Arizona and Utah which separate the two towns. As you said the houses are set up in compounds, with different entrances - these are the apartments for the wives. This is the traditional polygamist housing set up. The husband and 5 or more wives don't all sleep in the same bed or bedroom. As I mentioned, the women wear prairie dresses and the men all wear long sleeve shirts.

If they know who you are, they're friendly. I sold horses to different families there, and one family came here to my place in New Mexico to sell me a water purification system for the house. They do all kinds of jobs other than ranching, including their own police forces. It's a weird ass religion, but if they're buying horses, their money is just a green as the next person.

06-13-20, 06:18
It will be interesting to see how this turns out- even though the city of Nashville is somewhat liberal Governor Lee is adamant that there will be no replay of Seattle.

Nashville PD used to have an online personal security assessment and a question about answering a knock on the door armed(think it even specified firearm) was correctly answered "yes".

That was a few years after a Nashville news station had a murder story with a still fairly rare CZ-75 as the background picture with MURDER in bold where the victim had been stabbed to death in the early to mid 1990's.

06-13-20, 07:40
Kind of reminds me of what the Bundy's and their Idiot followers did.

Yes, in the same way that rape and masterbation both involve semen.

Taking over a neighborhood full of residents and businesses and taking over some govt owned office cabin on a BFE bird refuge are not even in the same zip code.

If you want to make a valid comparison, try Occupy Wall Street with guns and racketeering.


06-13-20, 08:19
I'd much rather see a group of armed American citizens go in and use the minimal amount of force required to take that area back, and then either stand guard over the homes and businesses there until those responsible are apprehended, or simply hand it over to the National Guard. Wishful thinking, I know.

Agreed. Likely just as much wishfully thinking, but I tend to think that like force should be used with like force. Bringing in the Guard escalates things. Citizens taking care of their own, without Big Brother getting involved is more appropriate.

So.....IF you owned property in the middle of CHAZ and were getting shook down etc...You could "just call the cops" and THEY would fix your problem?

I'd really like an answer on that, because I've heard that "excuse" over and over...

If you can't see this as:

1. A step down for the American Nation, a sign of a diminished country on many axis --Rome wasn't BUILT in a day, nor did it FALL in a day, 2. A likely indicator of the future of law enforcement response in America 3. A good example of how you are "on your own" and damn well better be ready, willing and able to step up to protect you, yours and what you own at any time.....I can't help you and I think you are seriously deluded.

Definitely a sign of things to come. Interesting to note that this complete abandonment by the police is even with them still fully funded in Seattle, at least as far as I can see. Yet another example of the police being nothing more than a tool in the hands of their political masters, rather than honest to goodness peace officers.

06-13-20, 09:29
Agreed. Likely just as much wishfully thinking, but I tend to think that like force should be used with like force. Bringing in the Guard escalates things. Citizens taking care of their own, without Big Brother getting involved is more appropriate.

That is a pipe-dream and you know it. It would be labeled "vigilante justice". Blowing some Cretan back out your front door or out of your business they are looting is viewed WAY differently than gathering a group of armed, like-minded individuals and "taking back" Seattle. That is generally viewed as a law enforcement responsibility. That group of guys would be dealt with as a much greater threat than the original problem. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

I get what you're saying but it is NEVER gonna fly in the U.S. in 2020. The "Battle of Athens" wouldn't happen either (sadly). Not that they shouldn't occur sometimes, but that they would never be accepted today.

Alex V
06-13-20, 09:57
CHAZ just reminds me too much of Cher’s he/she kid.

I suggest we change the name to Tofudishu. Or maybe Antifastan?

06-13-20, 10:02
CHAZ just reminds me too much of Cher’s he/she kid.

I suggest we change the name to Tofudishu. Or maybe Antifastan?

Or 'People's Republic of New Seattlegrad'--anybody else feel like we're living in a Kurt Schlichter or Matt Bracken novel yet?

06-13-20, 11:06

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06-13-20, 11:27

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Ah yes, inclusiveness and tolerance at its best.

06-13-20, 11:43
City Council member


Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant called the "CHAZ" movement a major victory. She said the area should be turned over permanently into community control, instead of back in the hands of the Seattle Police Department.

Interesting how the media's narrative has changed on use of OC and tear gas into the terminology "chemical weapons" over the past couple of weeks.

06-13-20, 11:48
So, some more questions:

4. Does this have anything to do with Trump and being an election year?

I figured that was a foregone conclusion.

5. Is this being endorsed by anyone of importance? Soros, Pelosi, Schumer. Waters, AOC etc?

Doesn't matter. A lack of condemnation is pretty much tacit approval for what's going on. I wouldn't expect that from Soros.

Regardless, Inslee, the Mayor (don't even care enough to look up who it is), Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Biden, etc should have condemned it from the very start.

Dr. Bullseye
06-13-20, 11:49
What ever happened to napalm?

06-13-20, 11:53
I don't see this happening in The Volunteer State. Spent a good portion of my Army career based in northern Tennessee, and unless things have changed in the past 20 years, it will be a short lived event.

Unfortunately, Nashville is starting to swing into the blue and electing idiot politicians. I have family that lives in and around the metro and it's starting to become like Illinois. Red state surrounding a blue city.

Regardless, I agree it will be short lived. Governor Lee knows he's politically dead if he allowed something like that to happen.

06-13-20, 11:56
CHAZ just reminds me too much of Cher’s he/she kid.

I suggest we change the name to Tofudishu. Or maybe Antifastan?

My first thought when I read "Chaz."


"His real name is Chester!"

06-13-20, 15:18
Ah yes, inclusiveness and tolerance at its best.

Hush up racist. Such a statement comes from a position of privilege obviously

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06-13-20, 15:48
I was trying to remember what “CHAZ” was pinging in the back of my mind. You nailed it. Lol

Both names are good and better than Soviet Republic of NJ.

Let’s go with Tofudishu

06-13-20, 16:06
Charles in Charge's alter ego was Chaz.


06-13-20, 17:45

Drinking fountains and bathrooms next?

06-13-20, 20:16
Friendly reminder that Fox is still part of the lame-stream media: Fox News runs digitally altered images in coverage of Seattle's protests, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone | The Seattle Times (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/fox-news-runs-digitally-altered-images-in-coverage-of-seattles-protests-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone/).

06-13-20, 20:58
That is a pipe-dream and you know it. It would be labeled "vigilante justice". Blowing some Cretan back out your front door or out of your business they are looting is viewed WAY differently than gathering a group of armed, like-minded individuals and "taking back" Seattle. That is generally viewed as a law enforcement responsibility. That group of guys would be dealt with as a much greater threat than the original problem. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

I get what you're saying but it is NEVER gonna fly in the U.S. in 2020. The "Battle of Athens" wouldn't happen either (sadly). Not that they shouldn't occur sometimes, but that they would never be accepted today.

This is the truth.

06-13-20, 21:23
Drinking fountains and bathrooms next?

Well racism only flows in one direction so segregation evidently is not a bad thing.


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06-13-20, 22:43
What ever happened to napalm?

That, ironically was my first thought when all this started...

06-14-20, 00:53
So... why are all the videos of CHAZ basically showing about only 5% of the people are Black? Didn’t this start as a BLM thing?

Anyway, bigger question: what’s the answer?

I have some extreme answers from my gut, but I think there might be a limited amount of actual effective answers that won’t make things worse.

Scenario 1) Trump sends in NG or worse active Army. “It’s foreign occupation and must be dealt with by force.” — this will go wrong in so many ways. Lots of traitors killed. Probably some soldiers dead. Even “law and order” people don’t want government using force against civilians. This will create many more “autonomous zones” in protest and will undermine the confidence in government and military.

Scenario 2) Seattle and/or Washington send in police to rescue the hostages and take back the occupied property. Lots of arrests made, likely people and officers killed. BLM and others claim brutalization based on race, lots of other autonomous zones created in protest support of the martyrs in Seattle.

Scenario 3) the Seattle mayor gives the traitors/protestors/occupiers just enough “aid” to look good, but not enough for them all to stick around. They get bored, cold, and hungry. They leave. Socialists/anarchists/ANTIFA/BLM realize they can get away with looting, stealing, and vandalizing, so the next autonomous zone is, say, all of San Francisco and the million residents that aren’t there by choice (aka hostages) but now we as the US (mil, police or civilians) are completely unable to respond.

So that leads me to a possible Scenario 4. Is this the time where it’s correct for a militia (a true army of citizens) to form to help their fellow citizens? There are, without question, residents and businesses that are not in CHAZ by choice. If they call for help and their friends call their friends and a militia is organized to perform a rescue, would it be our duty to respond? Would it be the right thing?

I am personally starting to think that scenario 4 is the best answer. It’s not the military being used against citizens, it’s not police making things worse as far as jack-booted thugs reputation and/or “systemic racism” (even though most of CHAZ is not Black), and it’s not allowing treasonous occupation and claims of sovereignty inside of the US.


ETA: somehow I missed Rogue556’s statement about armed citizens and Alpha-17’s about militia taking it back. So, yeah.. we are on the same page, just have to give props to people mentioning it first.

06-14-20, 01:42
Friendly reminder that Fox is still part of the lame-stream media: Fox News runs digitally altered images in coverage of Seattle's protests, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone | The Seattle Times (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/fox-news-runs-digitally-altered-images-in-coverage-of-seattles-protests-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone/).

What a joke, the combined images from a June 10 photo and a May 30 image. One could easily see artistic license and how the picture demonstrates both extremes. One of violent taking of land by force of arms and another or rebuilding.

Pretty lame criticism for people who have seized private property by force of arms.

06-14-20, 02:40

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06-14-20, 04:33

06-14-20, 06:24
They can have the whole city for all I care, the place has been a dump for a long time.

06-14-20, 07:29

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That mayor is really clueless on the bigger picture of letting this zone continue....see now we have pop ups of similar
behavior in other states.. Hopefully now mainstream America will get tired of this stuff and see the protests for what they really are.

06-14-20, 07:47
Well racism only flows in one direction so segregation evidently is not a bad thing.


Yep, that is their way of being able to say only whites can be racist. What a bunch of tripe.

06-14-20, 08:00
Yep, that is their way of being able to say only whites can be racist. What a bunch of tripe.

1984 is here and now. Change definitions and words to meet a political goal.

That mayor is really clueless on the bigger picture of letting this zone continue....see now we have pop ups of similar
behavior in other states.. Hopefully now mainstream America will get tired of this stuff and see the protests for what they really are.

I don't think she is clueless, I think she knows exactly what she is doing. She is part of the problem and has no intention of becoming part of the solution.

06-14-20, 09:03
That is a pipe-dream and you know it. It would be labeled "vigilante justice". Blowing some Cretan back out your front door or out of your business they are looting is viewed WAY differently than gathering a group of armed, like-minded individuals and "taking back" Seattle. That is generally viewed as a law enforcement responsibility. That group of guys would be dealt with as a much greater threat than the original problem. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

I get what you're saying but it is NEVER gonna fly in the U.S. in 2020. The "Battle of Athens" wouldn't happen either (sadly). Not that they shouldn't occur sometimes, but that they would never be accepted today.

And there we see a major reason why our culture is so messed up. Wacos can happen, citizens can be beaten down and killed by the government, and "conservative" elements can openly discuss turning the US's massive surveillance network on American citizens and its business as usual. People get to whether to fix a problem at the lowest level possible? "OMG, those evil racist/____phobic gunowners!" Unfortunately, until it starts happening, that likely won't change, either.

Life's a Hillary
06-14-20, 09:24
If you people can’t see Trump letting this run it’s course as a great move then you should think about it again. He will have absolute fire ammunition for the election that the moderates will get behind when he can point to democrat leaders letting this happen in their cities. Let it burn.

06-14-20, 09:36
If you people can’t see Trump letting this run it’s course as a great move then you should think about it again. He will have absolute fire ammunition for the election that the moderates will get behind when he can point to democrat leaders letting this happen in their cities. Let it burn.


06-14-20, 09:45
1984 is here and now. Change definitions and words to meet a political goal.

I don't think she is clueless, I think she knows exactly what she is doing. She is part of the problem and has no intention of becoming part of the solution.

Yeah, it isn't an indicator of lack of intelligence if Group A is harmed every time by the actions of Group B and Group B comes out unscathed each time.

06-14-20, 11:22
I don't think she is clueless, I think she knows exactly what she is doing. She is part of the problem and has no intention of becoming part of the solution.
Precisely. These people are the Left's stormtroopers, so make the worst of Mini-Mogadishu or Little Venezuela clearly seen nationwide.

If you people can’t see Trump letting this run it’s course as a great move then you should think about it again. He will have absolute fire ammunition for the election that the moderates will get behind when he can point to democrat leaders letting this happen in their cities. Let it burn.
Yup, political jujitsu--let their Stormies scare the Normies. "Coming soon to a street near YOU, unless you vote to let us stand between you and them!" If he acts too early he's a tyrant, too late he's weak and indecisive; the challenge is finding that "magic moment" between the two and acting decisively in it. Also the "Caesar's Coronation" strategy, pretend to not want to do a given thing, make the public scream for it and then "reluctantly acquiesce to popular demand."

06-14-20, 12:47

Somewhat agree. Let the CHAZ residents enjoy the politics they voted in. Since the radicals living there (not necessarily residents) have declared themselves citizens of an autonomous area, cut off all federal disability, social security, and SNAP assistance.

Provide riot-control assistance to any cities/states that request it - full press investigations into who is funding and full prosecution for agent provocateurs co-ordinating with foreign nationals.


06-14-20, 16:10
Somewhat agree. Let the CHAZ residents enjoy the politics they voted in. Since the radicals living there (not necessarily residents) have declared themselves citizens of an autonomous area, cut off all federal disability, social security, and SNAP assistance.

Provide riot-control assistance to any cities/states that request it - full press investigations into who is funding and full prosecution for agent provocateurs co-ordinating with foreign nationals.


Stop all welfare payments and deactivate EBT cards and see what happens. But, I think it may end sooner than that when the food runs out. Unless, of course, the idiot mayor trucks in food and supplies for them.

El Vaquero
06-14-20, 16:30
Charles in Charge's alter ego was Chaz.


This is what I think of as well when I hear the name Chaz. We need a meme with this.

06-14-20, 18:07
Some of the group is now saying they don't want to be autonomous. Don't want to separate from the USA

06-14-20, 18:16
Some of the group is now saying they don't want to be autonomous. Don't want to separate from the USA

They must have realized that it they secede there won't be any taxpayers for them to live off of.

06-14-20, 18:18
Some of the group is now saying they don't want to be autonomous. Don't want to separate from the USA

And they have supposedly changed the name:


06-14-20, 18:22
They must have realized that it they secede there won't be any taxpayers for them to live off of.I'm sure they, or someone, could make it work. Start small, grow, show your potential. Problem is they don't know how nor want to actually, physically work. They want community gardens and sing kumbaya.

06-14-20, 18:53
And they have supposedly changed the name:


CHOP? Much better.

I don’t have visions of Marxists running a guillotine until it goes dull from that name. Nope, much better than CHAZ, which conjures up visions of turtleneck-wearing douchebags spending all day reading at Barnes and Nobles and not buying anything.

06-14-20, 20:58
They are quite terrible liars. All those signs of "You are now leaving the United States" and the banner that said "CHAZ" and all the sidewalk art within this zone that said "CHAZ"...all a big conspiracy huh?

06-15-20, 09:20
I vote we change the name to the People's Democratic Republic of Soymalia.

06-15-20, 09:25
I vote we change the name to the People's Democratic Republic of Soymalia.


06-15-20, 10:07
I haven't formed much an opinion on this issue. Unfortunately the Bundy/Malheur Oregon Bureau of Land Management standoff gave the left a precedent for moral equivalency. Armed right wingers taking over a desolate rural government property in Oregon is not exactly the same thing as armed left wingers taking over 6 city blocks in Seattle but it's close enough for politics and the media. It takes the wind out of any argument from our side unless the situation escalates into something more serious.

06-15-20, 10:17
[QUOTE=Nightvisionary;2853127]I haven't formed much an opinion on this issue. Unfortunately the Bundy/Malheur Oregon Bureau of Land Management standoff gave the left a precedent for moral equivalency. Armed right wingers taking over a desolate rural government property in Oregon is not exactly the same thing as armed left wingers taking over 6 city blocks in Seattle but it's close enough for politics and the media. It takes the wind out of any argument from our side unless the situation escalates into something more serious.[

I don’t recall any of the politicians or news media on the right or other conservatives for that matter openly supporting the Bundy bunch when they occupied federal property. There were no shell games to make it look like they were just having a friendly camporee to support their free range cattle.

06-15-20, 10:29
I haven't formed much an opinion on this issue. Unfortunately the Bundy/Malheur Oregon Bureau of Land Management standoff gave the left a precedent for moral equivalency. Armed right wingers taking over a desolate rural government property in Oregon is not exactly the same thing as armed left wingers taking over 6 city blocks in Seattle but it's close enough for politics and the media. It takes the wind out of any argument from our side unless the situation escalates into something more serious.

It takes no wind out of my arguments. Do the exact same thing in Seattle as with the Bundy "standoff". Blockade them, send them boxes of didos, and then execute one of the "leaders" just so everyone gets the message.


06-15-20, 10:38
Don't exactly agree that LaVoy Finicum was executed and I REALLY dislike the FBI.

06-15-20, 11:06
It takes no wind out of my arguments. Do the exact same thing in Seattle as with the Bundy "standoff". Blockade them, send them boxes of didos, and then execute one of the "leaders" just so everyone gets the message.


They have not occupied Federal property so no nexus for Federal involvement exists. I don't see any need to do anything at this point. It's good entertainment and it's what Seattle wants so let them have it. I just wish Pete Santilli would do a live stream like he did with the BLM standoff. That was interesting.

06-15-20, 11:18
I vote we change the name to the People's Democratic Republic of Soymalia.

Yeah, Soymalia is the most fitting name, and rolls right off the tongue. I'm sticking with it.

06-15-20, 21:57
Let's see handing out weapons in violation of I594 and I1639, but they are law abiding .


06-16-20, 00:09
If you people can’t see Trump letting this run it’s course as a great move then you should think about it again. He will have absolute fire ammunition for the election that the moderates will get behind when he can point to democrat leaders letting this happen in their cities. Let it burn.

Let's hope.

06-16-20, 11:50
Surprising video from Behind the Lines here:

06-16-20, 12:42
In this time, the most outspoken critics of BLM and the riots have been black people who have had it up to here with all this.

06-16-20, 13:06
Looks to me like they are installing Cover positions, preparing for a fight.


Tuesday morning, the Seattle Department of Transportation added concrete barriers to the edges of the six-nine block protest zone surrounding the abandoned SPD East Precinct, a sign that the city could be letting the protesters stay long-term.

06-16-20, 13:09
Looks to me like they are installing Cover positions, preparing for a fight.


Tuesday morning, the Seattle Department of Transportation added concrete barriers to the edges of the six-nine block protest zone surrounding the abandoned SPD East Precinct, a sign that the city could be letting the protesters stay long-term.

The city said they “negotiated” with the anarchists for the barricades. Whoever is their negotiator sucks, needs to go back to school. Next they will negotiate additional rifles and ammo for the criminals.

06-16-20, 13:12
In this time, the most outspoken critics of BLM and the riots have been black people who have had it up to here with all this.

Well lets not let this information get in the way of narrative the "peaceniks" are touting :)

06-16-20, 13:12
Has anyone done any sort of water testing in Seattle?? Seriously, for the life of me, I just can't wrap my mind around what these people think. :blink:

06-16-20, 13:21
Looks to me like they are installing Cover positions, preparing for a fight.


Tuesday morning, the Seattle Department of Transportation added concrete barriers to the edges of the six-nine block protest zone surrounding the abandoned SPD East Precinct, a sign that the city could be letting the protesters stay long-term.

Wow, I am not even sure what to say. The level of absolute idiocy that city continues to display is next level.

06-16-20, 16:28
Maybe this why the concrete barriers are going up??


Members of of both Hells Angels and Oath Keepers, though not any official chapter yet, have joined the event to ride with members of bikers for trump to liberate the Antifa autonomous zone in Seattle. Members of multiple chapters have signed up on the event page.

American patriots from across the country have vowed to ride, drive and run into Seattle from across the nation and liberate the city’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone from Antifa radicals who have blockaded themselves in the district.

06-16-20, 17:00
Maybe this why the concrete barriers are going up??


Members of of both Hells Angels and Oath Keepers, though not any official chapter yet, have joined the event to ride with members of bikers for trump to liberate the Antifa autonomous zone in Seattle. Members of multiple chapters have signed up on the event page.

American patriots from across the country have vowed to ride, drive and run into Seattle from across the nation and liberate the city’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone from Antifa radicals who have blockaded themselves in the district.

Oh, I have this doubt those concrete barriers are going to stop a whole bunch of motivated MCs.

Even less so if One Percenters get involved.

06-16-20, 17:10
Oh, I have this doubt those concrete barriers are going to stop a whole bunch of motivated MCs.

Even less so if One Percenters get involved.

I am sure the idiot mayor, police chief and governor will employ the PD, NG and any other means to protect the riotous looters who have taken over their city.

06-16-20, 17:31
Has anyone done any sort of water testing in Seattle?? Seriously, for the life of me, I just can't wrap my mind around what these people think. :blink:

Don't even try, you'll pull something!

06-16-20, 18:49
Has anyone done any sort of water testing in Seattle?? Seriously, for the life of me, I just can't wrap my mind around what these people think. :blink:

It's the universities and the media. People are taught doublethink. They're also taught not to think for themselves; just regurgitation of skewed statistics. They also are taught outright lies, and basically gaslighted into doubting their ability to think logically.

06-16-20, 18:58
Maybe I have a sick and twisted mind, but when I saw video this evening of the self-appointed leader of CHAZ- the Rapper RAZ Simone, I couldn't help not think of The Duke from Escape from New York:


Lol same

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-16-20, 22:33
Maybe this why the concrete barriers are going up??

Members of of both Hells Angels and Oath Keepers, though not any official chapter yet, have joined the event to ride with members of bikers for trump to liberate the Antifa autonomous zone in Seattle. Members of multiple chapters have signed up on the event page.

American patriots from across the country have vowed to ride, drive and run into Seattle from across the nation and liberate the city’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone from Antifa radicals who have blockaded themselves in the district.

This sounds like fake news to me. First of all, I can’t picture an alliance between Oath Keepers and any 1%ers. Secondly, what’s the “WIIFM” (What’s In It For Me)? Thirdly, why would they announce this in advance?

06-17-20, 00:37
Wow, I am not even sure what to say. The level of absolute idiocy that city continues to display is next level.

We might have a contender who can take the title from Berkeley this year. It's gonna be close.

06-17-20, 06:00
I vote we change the name to the People's Democratic Republic of Soymalia.

Good one. Antifastan came to my mind.

06-17-20, 07:56
The city said they “negotiated” with the anarchists for the barricades. Whoever is their negotiator sucks, needs to go back to school. Next they will negotiate additional rifles and ammo for the criminals.

Nah, better leave that to the CIA. They're the professionals when it comes to arming our enemies.

Oathkeepers: While I could see individual members of the organization going, I doubt very much anyone high up would go. They're too pro-LE, and such a "ride" would definitely put them at odds of Seattle PD "just following orders" to protect the commune. But, who knows, maybe they're not thinking that far ahead.

06-17-20, 11:23
Good one. Antifastan came to my mind.

Asscrackistan is more accurate.


06-17-20, 11:34
Asscrackistan is more accurate.


I like to think of BLM’s little segregated area as Wokekanda. And since all those loonies want their own little island of resistance, we can refer to the CHOP as AlcaCHAZ.

06-17-20, 12:01
Someone needs to go talk to this guy and set him straight. The lib mayor, idiot governor and MSM all say this is like a peaceful music festival, another summer of love. The anarchist leader says it isn’t, though. He needs to get with the program.


06-17-20, 12:14
Someone needs to go talk to this guy and set him straight. The lib mayor, idiot governor and MSM all say this is like a peaceful music festival, another summer of love. The anarchist leader says it isn’t, though. He needs to get with the program.


That article is so funny. They think they are some kind of street fightin' super soldier. The female organizer says,"...that they will not stop until their demands are met "by any means necessary. It's not a slogan. It's not even a warning, I'm letting people know what comes next." Personally, I think a lot of them don't know what they have gotten themselves into. Let's see what she has to say on Monday after Rolling Thunder rolls into the CHOP zone. I think a lot of them will have to change their tighty whities. Long shot, but now that the "organizers" have id'd themselves, how about some arrests and treason charges.... :cray:

06-17-20, 15:24
This sounds like fake news to me. First of all, I can’t picture an alliance between Oath Keepers and any 1%ers. Secondly, what’s the “WIIFM” (What’s In It For Me)? Thirdly, why would they announce this in advance?

I'm sure stranger bedfellows have united in the past against a common enemy.

06-17-20, 17:01
Eventually this will fizzle out, as most of these degenerate hippies will need to return to their jobs misspelling people's names on their coffee cups.

06-17-20, 19:12

“ I'm here to disrupt until my demands are met," Grayson continued. "You cannot rebuild until you break it all the way down."

That interview is so so f’d

06-17-20, 21:08
Maybe this why the concrete barriers are going up??


Members of of both Hells Angels and Oath Keepers, though not any official chapter yet, have joined the event to ride with members of bikers for trump to liberate the Antifa autonomous zone in Seattle. Members of multiple chapters have signed up on the event page.

American patriots from across the country have vowed to ride, drive and run into Seattle from across the nation and liberate the city’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone from Antifa radicals who have blockaded themselves in the district.

Smells like bullshit.

A couple of weeks ago there were rumors that Antifa was sending instigators to Montana.

Nothing happened.

Shortly after that, there were rumors that, "patriot," groups were arming up and were getting assistance from local LE to protect against said Antifa instigators.

LE stated that they weren't assisting any such groups and nothing happened.

So this sounds like the same horseshit: Someone saying that something is happening (when it isn't happening) in the hopes that it does happen, or at least that people who don't want it to happen, decide to do something about it. Something that the people behind the bullshit want to have happen in the hopes of further dividing the country.

These rumors are probably being spread by China, Iran, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, or Americans acting on behalf of those nations.

06-18-20, 03:50
I'm sure stranger bedfellows have united in the past against a common enemy.

Downtown Seattle has been getting progressively irrelevant for years. What would they be saving it from?

06-18-20, 11:52
Downtown Seattle has been getting progressively irrelevant for years. What would they be saving it from?

Embolden actions.

06-18-20, 13:29
Visit CHAZ! tourism video



06-18-20, 13:40
Visit CHAZ! tourism video



Thanks pretty good.

El Vaquero
06-18-20, 14:09
These rumors are probably being spread by China, Iran, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, or Americans acting on behalf of those nations.

Sadly I am buying more and more into this conspiracy theory. It’s the perfect way to wreak havoc for a nation without ever having to set one foot into a country. And it’s proving to be very effective.

So many folks these days read and take as gospel whatever headline flashes on their Twitter or social media feed without that headline ever being fact checked or proving to be credible. These headlines are designed to create emotion. And when folks are emotional and passionate they fail to listen to facts and reason.

06-18-20, 14:16
Smells like bullshit. .

Oh I am sure it is.

But it at least sounds good.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

06-18-20, 22:38
Power to the people...or whatever. Ami Horowitz in CHAZ/CHOP.


06-19-20, 18:19
Well this sure drop off the news fast. I guess everyone in Seattle is living happily ever after?

06-19-20, 19:09
Well this sure drop off the news fast. I guess everyone in Seattle is living happily ever after?

It’s fun to make fun of it but in the end I don’t care, Seattle is liberal shit hole. It was different 20 years ago when I left the area but I’m much happier east of the mountains. The idiots in CHAZ are slowly being forgotten about so I expect something in the next week or two will take place in there to get the attention back.

06-19-20, 19:36
Well this sure drop off the news fast. I guess everyone in Seattle is living happily ever after?Yea! Trump rally in Tulsa is big now! How dare they have a rally and endanger people with coronavirus

06-19-20, 19:51
Yea! Trump rally in Tulsa is big now! How dare they have a rally and endanger people with coronavirus

Well I did learn that wearing a BLM shirt and carrying a brick is a talisman that protects you from COVID.

06-19-20, 20:07
Yea! Trump rally in Tulsa is big now! How dare they have a rally and endanger people with coronavirus

This Rally happening scares the living crap out of Democrats, I kind of enjoy even the thought of it.

06-19-20, 21:30
Well I did learn that wearing a BLM shirt and carrying a brick is a talisman that protects you from COVID.Don't forget a hoody

06-20-20, 11:50
Well the nation of CHOP is back in the news.

Trouble in paradise: they've had their first shooting homicide.

To top it off, the police tried to enter the zone to retrieve the 2 shooting victims, and again, were forced to retreat. What is going on with the SPD, totally at a loss.

Salisbury’s video also shows a police extraction team — handguns drawn and in a phalanx led by officers holding shields — attempt to enter the so-called autonomous zone to retrieve the victims, who according to Salisbury had already been transported to the hospital by private care.

The group of officers was quickly surrounded by angry and yelling protesters, who prevented them from moving forward. The team left, but not before other protesters lined up to apparently protect the officers from angry members of the crowd as they retreated.

06-20-20, 21:07
Power to the people...or whatever. Ami Horowitz in CHAZ/CHOP.


Well if you weren't sure of their intentions, there they are.

06-20-20, 21:59
Well if you weren't sure of their intentions, there they are.

The whole thing just made me confused. Were these the peaceful protesters or the looter/rioter/murderers...it so darn hard to tell.

I like the part about the Christian street preacher...oh, yeah we were letting him spout his divisive words and nothing happen. And some guy in the background is saying...oh no, they had him on the ground choking him out. I hope these people are incompetent at the whole revolution, burn it down thing, because they sound pretty dangerous. And to think, one or two of these bolsheviks could be standing in line at the grocery store next to you.

06-20-20, 23:01
The whole thing just made me confused. Were these the peaceful protesters or the looter/rioter/murderers...it so darn hard to tell.

I like the part about the Christian street preacher...oh, yeah we were letting him spout his divisive words and nothing happen. And some guy in the background is saying...oh no, they had him on the ground choking him out. I hope these people are incompetent at the whole revolution, burn it down thing, because they sound pretty dangerous. And to think, one or two of these bolsheviks could be standing in line at the grocery store next to you.

I personally loved the part about how they were against racism but talked about how when black people rebuild the nation. They are no different than the Klan of the 1960s except for the distinction that the Klan never seized part of a city by force successfully.

Glad to see "no apologies" blatant racism is still alive and well and all the efforts to end racism via the civil rights movement of the 60s was for nothing. Despite the deaths, the destruction, the sacrifices and the legislation intended to bring an end to racism and arrive at equality...it is now the left who are the new Klan.

06-20-20, 23:43
Now Raz is bitching at EMT's for not going into their 'autonomous' zone where people were just shot, and they kept police out. Either do your own thing or not but you shouldn't get it both ways.


06-21-20, 01:23
Now Raz is bitching at EMT's for not going into their 'autonomous' zone where people were just shot, and they kept police out. Either do your own thing or not but you shouldn't get it both ways.


Actions < Consequences

Nobody seems to understand.

06-21-20, 03:42
Now Raz is bitching at EMT's for not going into their 'autonomous' zone where people were just shot, and they kept police out. Either do your own thing or not but you shouldn't get it both ways.

LOLOLOL. Its pretty much universal policy to not go to dangerous scenes (on purpose) such as shootings without cops showing up first. No cops=no ambulance. EMS’s existence pretty much relies on rule of law, and cannot exist in Purge Land. So, eff ‘em. Wanna live in the Mog; sometimes you die in the Mog.

06-21-20, 07:32
Now Raz is bitching at EMT's for not going into their 'autonomous' zone where people were just shot, and they kept police out. Either do your own thing or not but you shouldn't get it both ways.


The replies to Raz are great, don't see anyone supporting his anarchist takeover. Any of these cities vote DemocRat in November get exactly what they deserve- they cannot say that they "didn't know" what they stand for. Oh- and where is Seattle's lgbtqrxyz mayor saying that the takeover is just like " the summer of love" now? I think once this siege ends word will get out on the extent of the damage and the number of assaults and rapes in the Chaz zone.

06-21-20, 07:40
LOLOLOL. Its pretty much universal policy to not go to dangerous scenes (on purpose) such as shootings without cops showing up first. No cops=no ambulance. EMS’s existence pretty much relies on rule of law, and cannot exist in Purge Land...

+1. That is definitely the policy in Washington State (and I believe it’s the only sane policy there is).

06-21-20, 07:41
LOLOLOL. Its pretty much universal policy to not go to dangerous scenes (on purpose) such as shootings without cops showing up first. No cops=no ambulance. EMS’s existence pretty much relies on rule of law, and cannot exist in Purge Land. So, eff ‘em. Wanna live in the Mog; sometimes you die in the Mog.


"Totally autonomous, until we need your resources"

Enjoy Soymalia.

06-21-20, 18:42
Body cam footage of the cops trying to get into the victims.


06-21-20, 19:33
There is no stupidity like blocking police officers and shouting "Black Lives Matter" while 2 young black men bleed out because the police cannot get to them.


06-22-20, 00:23
There is no stupidity like blocking police officers and shouting "Black Lives Matter" while 2 young black men bleed out because the police cannot get to them.


Let CHAZ sink. I only hope those two black men were strong supporters of the movement.

06-22-20, 06:22
This could all be over in a few days, if someone wanted it to end.

Covert operators hire hundreds of homeless on a daily basis to over run the place, day after day.

06-22-20, 10:13
The funny thing is, they're claiming that the place is completely peaceful and harmonious, and that all the violence is being done by right wing infiltrators https://www.foxnews.com/us/seattle-left-wing-council-member-chop-shooting-right-wing-agitators.

The thing is, the left wants to believe it. They are hoping for their Archduke Assassination/Gulf of Tonkin/Reichstag Fire moment.

06-22-20, 10:19
The funny thing is, they're claiming that the place is completely peaceful and harmonious, and that all the violence is being done by right wing infiltrators https://www.foxnews.com/us/seattle-left-wing-council-member-chop-shooting-right-wing-agitators.

The thing is, the left wants to believe it. They are hoping for their Archduke Assassination/Gulf of Tonkin/Reichstag Fire moment.
Not just hoping, they're DARING us to respond to their naked aggression in a way that they can manufacture a "pretext" from.

john armond
06-22-20, 18:07
Was there another shooting in the CHAZ? If I’m reading FOX and Breitbart correctly, it looks like it, but I could be wrong.



LMT Shooter
06-22-20, 23:33
Somebody pass the popcorn

06-23-20, 00:30
CHOP is going bye bye.


06-23-20, 00:45
To be fair that kind of sounds like our side as well....

Yup. But to be fair, if you're in, you're going to be in completely, maybe further than you imagined. You do more than saber rattle and actually send an Antifa or two to the cornfield you can expect the full weight of the Left, it's media and most likely LE to come down on you. Just know that going in.
It's going to be a good time to be a self defense lawyer.

06-23-20, 02:38
The funny thing is, they're claiming that the place is completely peaceful and harmonious, and that all the violence is being done by right wing infiltrators https://www.foxnews.com/us/seattle-left-wing-council-member-chop-shooting-right-wing-agitators.

The thing is, the left wants to believe it. They are hoping for their Archduke Assassination/Gulf of Tonkin/Reichstag Fire moment.

This is what the radical left does, they just lie and lie and lie and lie. Tons of people eat it up too.

06-23-20, 02:40
This is what the radical left does, they just lie and lie and lie and lie. Tons of people eat it up too.

Like Hitler and Goebbels said, if you're gonna lie then lie so big nobody would ever buy that someone could have the audacity to tell a whopper like that...

06-23-20, 13:28
CHOP is going bye bye.


Too little too late.

06-23-20, 13:34
CHOP is going bye bye.


So are the taxpayers.


06-23-20, 13:47
So are the taxpayers.


This on top of the income tax fiasco for high income individuals will eventually drive all capital from the region. Who's money do they plan to spend after that?

06-23-20, 14:19
This on top of the income tax fiasco for high income individuals will eventually drive all capital from the region. Who's money do they plan to spend after that?
Then they start trying to squeeze blood from the turnip that'll be the remnant of the current middle class.

Even though I hate snow, moving to Twin Falls or Couer d'Alene sounds better every day...

06-23-20, 15:21
Then they start trying to squeeze blood from the turnip that'll be the remnant of the current middle class.

Even though I hate snow, moving to Twin Falls or Couer d'Alene sounds better every day...

Exactly. I considered moving there about 10 years ago, but after a brief visit I decided not to. Despite the quality of life afforded by the location, and the great people I met there, I just couldn't see it being a smart long term move. Best of luck to you and like minded individuals. Relocating can be a real drain, even in the best of circumstances.

06-23-20, 15:31

06-23-20, 15:40
Exactly. I considered moving there about 10 years ago, but after a brief visit I decided not to. Despite the quality of life afforded by the location, and the great people I met there, I just couldn't see it being a smart long term move. Best of luck to you and like minded individuals. Relocating can be a real drain, even in the best of circumstances.
Sadly, I'm not going ANYWHERE as long as I have the Boatanchor Sisters (my mom and an aunt) to take care of... and if I'm going to Delocate I'd really prefer somewhere with warmer winters.

I didn't get a vote, my grandfather dug in when he was posted to McChord in the '60s and decided "moderate summers, mild winters compared to Indiana, we're staying here."

06-23-20, 16:54
Sadly, I'm not going ANYWHERE as long as I have the Boatanchor Sisters (my mom and an aunt) to take care of... and if I'm going to Delocate I'd really prefer somewhere with warmer winters.

I didn't get a vote, my grandfather dug in when he was posted to McChord in the '60s and decided "moderate summers, mild winters compared to Indiana, we're staying here."

Same issue here, Parents are still here and getting older, brother already moved to Las Vegas. So I don't plan on leaving any time soon.

06-23-20, 18:50
Isn't that what the Marxists want? All the filthy imperialist racist capitalists gone? First burn it down then we'll figure out what the communist utopia will look like. The glorious revolution is all there is. Simply put, they don't care about racists leaving, their only regret would be they couldn't send them away in a pine box.

06-23-20, 19:01
Isn't that what the Marxists want? All the filthy imperialist racist capitalists gone? First burn it down then we'll figure out what the communist utopia will look like. The glorious revolution is all there is. Simply put, they don't care about racists leaving, their only regret would be they couldn't send them away in a pine box.

Granted, 60% of WA doesn't vote... I'm not sure what the split is between the simply lazy/uncaring and the demoralized who've given up and are just waiting for things to get past Claire Wolfe's "awkward stage where it's too late to work within the system and too early to start shooting the bastards."

06-25-20, 01:49
About time.

Capitol Hill businesses sue Seattle over handling of 'CHOP' zone (https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/capitol-hill-businesses-sue-seattle-over-handling-of-chop-zone-chaz/281-45d4cb36-3447-4446-9124-ee25af14f129)

06-25-20, 05:00
About time.

Capitol Hill businesses sue Seattle over handling of 'CHOP' zone (https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/capitol-hill-businesses-sue-seattle-over-handling-of-chop-zone-chaz/281-45d4cb36-3447-4446-9124-ee25af14f129)

Better late than never. The mayor and the entire city council need to be given their walking papers. Maybe if a bunch of people "occupied" their homes and presented it as not so much a home invasion but more like a slumber party where they watched tv at all hours of the night, engaged in sexual advances on their children and ate up all of their food and then told them it was in fact a magnificent achievement in the social progressive movement they would understand.

06-25-20, 14:21
Where are you taking about? Twin Falls and Cd’A Idaho don’t have rampant drug and homeless problems... I currently live just north of Twin and worked for years in Cd’A.

My sister and her husband moved there about 3 or so years ago. They are moving back next month so they didn't last long. They loved the location, seafood, etc but just can no longer stand the city politics and the rampant drug and homeless problems as they walk to and from work.

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06-25-20, 15:03
Where are you taking about? Twin Falls and Cd’A Idaho don’t have rampant drug and homeless problems... I currently live just north of Twin and worked for years in Cd’A.

Pretty sure they were referring to Seattle

06-25-20, 15:19
Pretty sure they were referring to Seattle

I think so, too. Unless Idaho has awesome seafood.

06-25-20, 15:30
Where are you taking about? Twin Falls and Cd’A Idaho don’t have rampant drug and homeless problems... I currently live just north of Twin and worked for years in Cd’A.

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Yes sorry, I was referring to Seattle. Obviously quoted the wrong person.

06-25-20, 16:22
This guy has had enough of the zone bs.


06-25-20, 16:32
This guy has had enough of the zone bs.


That was epic. When he walked under the tents and started flipping tables over was fantastic. He should not have to buy a drink for a while.

06-25-20, 16:52
That was epic. When he walked under the tents and started flipping tables over was fantastic. He should not have to buy a drink for a while.

I need to buy him a nice pocket holster tho.

06-26-20, 18:05
This guy has had enough of the zone bs.


Dude needs a holster for sure but that was awesome poor rich white kids were not sure what to do ahhaahahahahah

06-26-20, 18:51
This guy has had enough of the zone bs.


Hilarious how one black guy is kryptonite to their entire movement. Funny how they finally got a taste of what it's like when somebody comes around and ****s up all your shit.

06-26-20, 19:08
They brought in machines this morning to remove the barriers but one of the protestors was laying in front of the bulldozer like a tub of shit. So the CHOP remains.

06-26-20, 20:58
Give the bulldozer to that guy in the video... he'll know what to do with it.

06-27-20, 00:01
They brought in machines this morning to remove the barriers but one of the protestors was laying in front of the bulldozer like a tub of shit. So the CHOP remains.

Paging Rachel Corrie.

06-28-20, 00:36

06-28-20, 11:43
Irrational white folk and rational black folk...


06-28-20, 13:01
Irrational white folk and rational black folk...


Ami Horowitz has lots of videos. His voter ID one comes to mind immediately.

06-28-20, 14:56
Ami Horowitz has lots of videos. His voter ID one comes to mind immediately.

Wasn't that the one where white folk (liberals) thought black folk were basically too stupid or lame to get a drivers license. And the black folk were incredulous to how they were viewed?

06-28-20, 16:13
Wasn't that the one where white folk (liberals) thought black folk were basically too stupid or lame to get a drivers license. And the black folk were incredulous to how they were viewed?

It's worth posting


06-28-20, 16:41
Evidently, a lot of white folks are racist....most of which are on the left.

06-28-20, 17:26
That’s the usual theme

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06-29-20, 08:55
I think I'm changing my opinion as to whether the CHOP zone should be taken down. Leave it in place. After all, following the same pattern like other commie insurrections, they will self exterminate eventually:


06-29-20, 08:58
I think I'm changing my opinion as to whether the CHOP zone should be taken down. Leave it in place. After all, following the same pattern like other commie insurrections, they will self exterminate eventually:


Ah yes, the Summer of Love continues.

06-29-20, 11:25

06-29-20, 15:03
Probably had to ice some bourgeoisie. If that is what happens amongst themselves, just think what'd they do to anyone on this forum.

06-29-20, 15:32

06-29-20, 15:33
Probably had to ice some bourgeoisie. If that is what happens amongst themselves, just think what'd they do to anyone on this forum.

Dudes tried to drive through the barricade so they busted a cap in their arses. Two African Americans shot. When do the protests start? Any rioting because of this injustice? Anyone?

06-29-20, 16:00
Apparently it was a 14 year old and a 16 year old who were shot


06-29-20, 16:09
We need to protest!

06-29-20, 17:22
Be honest:

Do you think the BLM movement was hijacked? If so when? If so, was it hijacked from the inside or the outside?

Did a bunch of outsiders come into the BLM movement to offer support as well as push another agenda or did BLM allow others to participate because the BLM movement needed a bigger base?

It seems to me that the BLM movement has now added black trans, LGBTQ and undocumented workers to the BLM movement. Was this intentional or happen organically when allowing outsiders to march?

Is Antifa and BLM affiliated?

Is Antifa really about the BLM movement or just using BLM as an opportunity to push their agenda?

Is BLM a front? Who is the foremost recognized leader of BLM? The HMFIC?

06-29-20, 17:30
Neo-Marxism encompasses ALL the oppressed, not just the exploited workers of classical Marxism. And boy has whitey been oppressing a LOT of people...it's in the billions and now whitey has to pay. I wonder if I'll make it to my seventieth birthday.