View Full Version : Origin of boogaloo

06-13-20, 09:52
There is a discussion on a non gun forum about where the boogaloo originated. Some are saying 4chanel started it but I recall it stated as a joke on some gun forum. Anyone know which forum it was

06-13-20, 10:03
I googled:


06-13-20, 10:08
I must be one of the few gun guys who doesn't use that term. I just say "when the shit hits the fan" or "civil war 2".

06-13-20, 10:09
Pretty sure it started out as a joke and typical MSM/Liberals made it out to be something it isn't.

06-13-20, 10:37
Pretty sure it started out as a joke and typical MSM/Liberals made it out to be something it isn't.

Yep. Somebody spent the last 6 mos. WITHOUT sleep, making up that Wikipedia entry. :rolleyes:

06-13-20, 10:55
Pretty sure it started out as a joke and typical MSM/Liberals made it out to be something it isn't.

You know the meme "Everyone I don't agree with is Hitler - A child's guide to online discussions"?

I'm pretty sure the updated 2020 version should be "Everyone I don't like is Alt- Right."

06-13-20, 11:04
It was born out of degenerate social media sh*t posting humor

And like everything else elevated by liberty minded folks it gets co-opted, re-branded, and redefined as a pejorative by the left because we (of the freedom loving side) suck at controlling the narrative about anything.

Hell even much of the right leaning folks I’ve seen have jumped on the it’s tHe KkK rAcIsT hItLeR cRoWd because people are retarded

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-13-20, 11:20
I googled:


I like how the originator of that Wiki page had it semi-protected. I mean, how dare anyone be able to go in and change said article without having a Wiki account.

I was getting ready to have a lot of fun...

Dr. Bullseye
06-13-20, 11:52
I googled:


.....a link making an unintended argument for Wikepedia left-wing bias.

06-13-20, 12:10
It was originally called Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo as a play on the title of an 80's movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, then shortened to just the Boogaloo or the Boog. The exact origin is unclear, but it was floating around 4Chan, Reddit, and IG at the same time.

That wikipedia link is laughable. Boomers and the left ruin everything.

06-13-20, 12:51
When 27 year old leftist children living in parents basement unemployed and live online and run out of pizza rolls and no new games are out they go trolling and this is what happens :)

Greg Kulbick
06-13-20, 13:28
Can't even have a sense of humor nowadays.

06-13-20, 14:59
TFBTV did a few boogaloo videos... think they were all by James. The first video linked the movie to the term.

The best was an agency report I received on it, and ties to white supremacy. I started laughing... and had to explain it to two other officers.

06-13-20, 15:17
TFBTV did a few boogaloo videos... think they were all by James. The first video linked the movie to the term.

The best was an agency report I received on it, and ties to white supremacy. I started laughing... and had to explain it to two other officers.

10/10 some dude at a fusion center writing up that BOLO no doubt felt he would become the next Hoover connecting boogaloo dots

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-13-20, 15:38
I was about to go in a mix things up a bit but don’t have an account.

I like how the originator of that Wiki page had it semi-protected. I mean, how dare anyone be able to go in and change said article without having a Wiki account.

I was getting ready to have a lot of fun...

06-13-20, 16:05
It was originally called Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo as a play on the title of an 80's movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, then shortened to just the Boogaloo or the Boog. The exact origin is unclear, but it was floating around 4Chan, Reddit, and IG at the same time.

That wikipedia link is laughable. Boomers and the left ruin everything.

Just remember challenge and pass are: Turbo / Ozone

06-13-20, 17:34
It was originally called Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo as a play on the title of an 80's movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, then shortened to just the Boogaloo or the Boog. The exact origin is unclear, but it was floating around 4Chan, Reddit, and IG at the same time.

That wikipedia link is laughable. Boomers and the left ruin everything.

I thought it was Revolutionary War 2: Electric Boogaloo?

06-13-20, 23:06
I thought it was Revolutionary War 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Depends which America one is trying to restore.

06-13-20, 23:34
(shrug) I only have one active "Boog" meme poster in my FB friends group. Oddly enough he is also a rampant libertarian BLM supporter.

06-14-20, 10:43
I thought it was Revolutionary War 2: Electric Boogaloo?

The memes I have saved on my phone from that time period all say Civil War 2, that's not to say someone wasn't using Revolutionary though.

06-14-20, 12:25
It's a meme. Somehow, memes from right-leaning sites are picked up by the left and portrayed as a real-world threat that may be lurking around every corner.

Hawaiian shirts combined with tacticool gear became part of it. I believe it started as a play on the word boogaloo and it turned into "big luau" and the memes morphed accordingly. I think it's hilarious, with guys posting their "load outs" with a plate carrier, a Hawaiian print apron and flip flops. Apparently, people posting pictures of a flower print banana hammock and a thigh holster are the next wave of white supremacists. Look out, it's the 1930's all over again.

I've read elsewhere that conservative/moderates consume between 50/50 to 60/40 mix of right and left leaning information sources while liberal/left leaning gets almost 90-95% of their information from left/far left information sources. Based on that, it makes sense that if they happen across something like the boog meme, they compare it to their usual sources and proceed to generate something like that Wiki page.

As far as I'm aware, it's just another meme that's been blown far out of proportion by the left.

06-14-20, 19:30
I googled:


Love how that entry's sources are some serious (hardcore) left wing articles.

06-14-20, 21:50
I regard any and all references to "boogaloo" with the same level of concern as a discussion about zombies. That being said, I grasped the concept the first time I heard the word.
