View Full Version : Trump signs executive order on police reform

06-16-20, 15:46
I'm unclear how this carries any weight at the state level per se. I guess the word "encourage" says it all? I have not read the details on this one as of yet:

Trump signs executive order on police reform

WASHINGTON (AP) — Following weeks of national protests since the death of George Floyd, President Donald Trump signed an executive order on policing Tuesday that would encourage better police practices and establish a database to keep track of officers with a history of excessive use-of-force complaints.

In Rose Garden remarks, Trump stressed the need for higher standards and commiserated with mourning families, even as he hailed the vast majority of officers as selfless public servants and held his law-and-order line, while criticizing Democrats.

“Reducing crime and raising standards are not opposite goals,” he said before signing the order flanked by police.

Trump and the GOP have been rushing to respond to the mass demonstrations against police brutality and racial prejudice that have raged for weeks across the country in response to the deaths of Floyd and other black Americans. It’s a sudden shift for the Republican Party — and one Democrats are watching warily — that shows how quickly the protests have changed the political conversation and pressured Washington to act.

But Trump, throughout the crisis, has continued to emphasize his support for law enforcement and even on Tuesday railed against those who committed violence during the largely peaceful protests.

Trump’s executive order would establish a database that tracks police officers with excessive use of force complaints in their records. And it would give police departments a financial incentive to adopt best practices and encourage co-responder programs, in which social workers join police when they respond to nonviolent calls involving mental health, addiction and homeless issues.



06-16-20, 16:18
Completely non-binding suggestions. Many of the liberal enclaves will now refuse to do police reform because Trump suggested it. ;)

06-16-20, 16:23
I'm unclear how this carries any weight at the state level per se. I guess the word "encourage" says it all? I have not read the details on this one as of yet:

By EO, the President could potentially
-Encourage or direct agencies that provide federal grant money to LEAs to withhold or limit grants unless certain conditions are in place at the receiving agencies.
-direct the FBI or DOJ to establish a database or clearinghouse for police use of force or misconduct and establish best practices for investigating and archiving complaints and UoF data, and methods to transmit data to aforementioned database.
-release federal money or support to agencies to enact listed changes (money for body camera programs would be huge).
-Limit or restrict 10-33 or LESO items available, place conditions on usage, improve tracking or accountability, or limit time that items can be “loaned”.

EOs are somewhat limited to stick and carrot control of non-federal LEA.

06-16-20, 18:47
Completely non-binding suggestions. Many of the liberal enclaves will now refuse to do police reform because Trump suggested it. ;)

Now that would be ironic to an 11.

06-16-20, 23:19
Now that would be ironic to an 11.

Sadly, it's precisely what they already have done on a whole lotta things... not just hydroxychloroquine.

06-17-20, 00:33
Trump needs to let states do states. While I hate what has become of NY, CA, NJ, DC and several other locations I don't think it's Federal business. It would be nice in my mind for the Fed to step in and declare many state laws violate the Constitution, second amendment, etc. but if the Fed can do that, they can do the opposite.

It really does need to come down to something like the Heller decision to correct things.

06-17-20, 08:04
As suggestions, I don't hate them. If they're commands from high above, get outta here.

It does make sense politically though. Trump/police worshipers will vote for him regardless, this might help him recover the voters he lost when he talked about "dominating" the streets with military personnel. Probably not completely, but we'll see where he goes from here.

06-17-20, 10:31
Trump needs to let states do states. While I hate what has become of NY, CA, NJ, DC and several other locations I don't think it's Federal business. It would be nice in my mind for the Fed to step in and declare many state laws violate the Constitution, second amendment, etc. but if the Fed can do that, they can do the opposite.

It really does need to come down to something like the Heller decision to correct things.
I think all of this is well meaning, but perhaps in reality, it is an election year. Recommending reforms, even with some economic incentives to follow the reforms will be meaningless in New York, LA, Minneapolis, New Orleans, etc. etc. The Democrats will rail against it.
But as this issue is a Tar Baby that the Democrats don't want to touch, essentially they have to now put their names on it in a vote.
No one here needs to be reminded nearly every case of violence by Police Officers against Black Men has happened in Democrat run Cities in Democrat run States. At some point you can take as many knee's as you would like, but body counts add up.
When the inner city African American Community wakes up is up to them. The Democrats have had a Century to fix a lot of these issues, so why keep going back to pull the lever for the "D"Team?