View Full Version : I try to stay out of LEO threads. This is my one and only post about the subject.

06-18-20, 15:40
For the past few weeks, I have seen:

Police officers run over and crushed by vehicles in the street/New York State.

Police officers shot in the back of the head/Las Vegas, Nevada.

Police officers hit by cars and sent flying up in the air, like rag dolls/New York State.

Police officers dragged through the streets by the mob in Chicago, Illinois, by their hair.

Police officers ambushed and murdered/northern California.

And. So. On.

What has been the official response from elected leadership [sic]?

Nothing of substance.

When these things are done without a skull-crushing response you can be assured that this country and this society are in DEEP TROUBLE.

I am not going to discuss or debate here qualified immunity or asset seizure or any other non-sequiters. Those are subjects for another thread and are not germane, here.

My bottom line, is this: if Marxist animals have no compunctions about assaulting and killing police officers, they will most CERTAINLY do the same to the rest of us, with far less hesitation.

< rant mode OFF >

Buncheong OUT.

06-18-20, 16:23
Police officers poisoned with bleach in their beverages in New York City.

You know that turned out to be unintentional right?

06-18-20, 16:29
Those things have been happening to police officers forever. I've worked for a big city police department in Texas for 20 years. Texas has the highest rate of officers killed in the line of duty and not once has the thought of being killed in the line of duty ever persuaded me to do anything else in life. Unfortunately the new rhetoric is for city leaders to not support their officers leading them to feel under appreciated. This is what will drive officers to early retirement, leaving for a different career or people to not chose a career as a LEO. A lack of vocalized public support will create even more of the us vs. them mentality in the profession. Wait until they can't fill positions with quality people and the hiring standards drop. This will result in corruption, something the anti-coppers cry about now. Well they aint seen nothing yet.

The media can suck it! They are the problem today!

06-18-20, 19:01
You know that turned out to be unintentional right?

You know that I am literally a world-famous classical composer right?

06-18-20, 19:54
You know that turned out to be unintentional right?

And Epstein actually committed suicide.

Alex V
06-18-20, 20:28
You know that turned out to be unintentional right?

And we will be able to vote our way back to the freedoms we lost.

06-18-20, 21:17
Well said, OP.

06-18-20, 21:24
Not an LEO here, but I'm just gonna say this... if these assholes get their way and there are no more cops, who's gonna stand with us when they come for us next?

As Sgt. Esterhaus used to say, "Let's be careful out there"--all of us, whether Sworn & Badged or not; that classic bit of cop-show wisdom is more relevant today than ever before.

06-18-20, 21:35
Not an LEO here, but I'm just gonna say this... if these assholes get their way and there are no more cops, who's gonna stand with us when they come for us next?

As Sgt. Esterhaus used to say, "Let's be careful out there"--all of us, whether Sworn & Badged or not; that classic bit of cop-show wisdom is more relevant today than ever before.

Thus far the blathering is from cities talking about ditching their police departments. I haven't seen anything mentioned about screwing with sheriff's offices.

On the 1 hand, sheriff's offices have seemed less meddlesome and more us/we instead of "us vs. them" in more areas/times/instances than a lot of city PD's. On the other hand, I can't see imagine any of the meddlesome cities just giving up their over reach.

06-18-20, 22:06
I've been seeing proposals to in trade for eliminating Muni PD's expand County Sheriff's Dep'ts. It occurs to me that in places with elected CS's, this might be a good idea because the top-cop is immediately accountable to the people of his jurisdiction.

06-19-20, 04:51
^^^ You mean “Metro” departments? I don’t know anything about them but I believe Las Vegas, NV, Louisville, KY, and Indianapolis, IN (and possibly others) have already merged City and County LE agencies. It would sure avoid a lot of duplication of services.

06-19-20, 06:26
^^^ You mean “Metro” departments? I don’t know anything about them but I believe Las Vegas, NV, Louisville, KY, and Indianapolis, IN (and possibly others) have already merged City and County LE agencies. It would sure avoid a lot of duplication of services.

Not sure about the other states, but Jefferson County(Louisville) and Fayette County(Lexington) still have sheriff's.



And while there has always been a Jefferson County Sheriff, they got in on the county police early, but no indicator of why it was created or who ultimately headed the agency.


And here are several Wikipedia failed to mention in 1 package. Not sure how someone can walk for committing kidnapping and extortion over failing to make loan payments, but here he is.


06-19-20, 07:18
Then you have Pa where Sheriffs are court officers. You want to deliver a summons? Protect the court house? Transport a prisoner? Buy a house? You have the sheriffs do it

06-19-20, 07:38
Then you have Pa where Sheriffs are court officers. You want to deliver a summons? Protect the court house? Transport a prisoner? Buy a house? You have the sheriffs do it

And the only reason sheriffs are not cops in PA is because of politics. If the sheriffs offices were given full law enforcement authority, likely many of the township and boroughs would disband their PDs and contract with the sheriff's office for services, which honestly makes more sense in terms of resources and efficiency. It wouldn't be that hard either; most deputies have Act120 already, and many are already part time officers with municipal PDs. But police chiefs of all these 10> man PDs in all these tiny boroughs and townships don't want to give up their kingdoms, so they always lobby against the sheriffs.

Some cops get REAL nasty when you suggest that deputies should be cops in PA: "This is the way we do it in Pennsylvania. We do it this way for a good reason. If you think that deputies should be cops then clearly you don't know what the f**k you're talking about and you need to keep your goddamn mouth shut!" It's crazy.

At any rate, I'm a huge advocate for all states having a more county-based law enforcement model. Elected sheriffs should rule the roost when it comes to law enforcement as they answer to the people. County law enforcement agencies offer the best compromise in that they are large enough to minimize the good ol' boy network (usually), and they can offer significant resources and services. However, they're usually small enough, or have patrol sections that are small enough, to have good community policing, which is good for police-community relations. County PDs do okay for this, but I prefer sheriff's offices.

06-19-20, 07:52
Not an LEO here, but I'm just gonna say this... if these assholes get their way and there are no more cops, who's gonna stand with us when they come for us next?

Even if they don't get their way, I don't think people should count on the cops standing with them. NM proved as much, with the cops using any excuse they could to arrest the right-wing protestors when a guy defended himself from the mob. CHAZ/Soymalia is another example, as that place only exists because of politically mandated police protection from outside groups. Bottom line, if you live in an area under democratic rule (where 90% of the "defund the police" protests are), the PD's won't be standing with you, they'll be waiting for an excuse to arrest you.

06-19-20, 07:59
Even if they don't get their way, I don't think people should count on the cops standing with them. NM proved as much, with the cops using any excuse they could to arrest the right-wing protestors when a guy defended himself from the mob. CHAZ/Soymalia is another example, as that place only exists because of politically mandated police protection from outside groups. Bottom line, if you live in an area under democratic rule (where 90% of the "defund the police" protests are), the PD's won't be standing with you, they'll be waiting for an excuse to arrest you.

That is why most here are suggesting elected sheriff's having the say. Those appointed chief of police and their departments are controlled by their political appointer's.

06-19-20, 09:11
Even if they don't get their way, I don't think people should count on the cops standing with them. NM proved as much, with the cops using any excuse they could to arrest the right-wing protestors when a guy defended himself from the mob. CHAZ/Soymalia is another example, as that place only exists because of politically mandated police protection from outside groups. Bottom line, if you live in an area under democratic rule (where 90% of the "defund the police" protests are), the PD's won't be standing with you, they'll be waiting for an excuse to arrest you.

You may want to pull the New Mexico example. New video shows the blue shirted guy starting trouble and even body slamming a women before the crowd turned on him. He apparently didn't have a CCW for his pistol either. Showing up at protests to start shit and carrying illegal isn't going to win anyone good guy points.

06-19-20, 09:13
That is why most here are suggesting elected sheriff's having the say. Those appointed chief of police and their departments are controlled by their political appointer's.

For the most part I agree with an elected sheriff over an appointed police chief, but I also see how the sheriff campaigns are run here in Los Angeles and Orange County. Corrupt isn't a strong enough word. In the end, elected and appointed are often the same when big $ is involved.

Don't Tread On Me
06-19-20, 09:32
You may want to pull the New Mexico example. New video shows the blue shirted guy starting trouble and even body slamming a women before the crowd turned on him. He apparently didn't have a CCW for his pistol either. Showing up at protests to start shit and carrying illegal isn't going to win anyone good guy points.

Not to derail this thread, but at what point did the right to self defense hinge on permission from the state? I'm sorry, but I have to bring it up as that kind of mentality is what allows states like Cali and NY to continue to shit on our rights. That being said, I don't agree with the guy's actions as it falls perfectly in line with the old adage, "avoid stupid people, in stupid places, doing stupid things."

06-19-20, 10:02
^^^ You mean “Metro” departments? I don’t know anything about them but I believe Las Vegas, NV, Louisville, KY, and Indianapolis, IN (and possibly others) have already merged City and County LE agencies. It would sure avoid a lot of duplication of services.

When I say "muni" I mean City-level all the way down to small-town, including the big Metros like LVMPD, DC and Miami-Dade. Not sure how you'd handle NYPD with it spanning multiple counties and the city practically being a micro-state all by itself...

06-19-20, 11:56
Not to derail this thread, but at what point did the right to self defense hinge on permission from the state? I'm sorry, but I have to bring it up as that kind of mentality is what allows states like Cali and NY to continue to shit on our rights. That being said, I don't agree with the guy's actions as it falls perfectly in line with the old adage, "avoid stupid people, in stupid places, doing stupid things."

Not that he needed permission, but if you're going to go looking for trouble, packing illegally isn't going to gain you any points in the matter. Difficult to claim self defense when you're the one who started the fight... The OP mentioned the police using any excuse to arrest him as a right-winger at the protest. Seems a little more likely that the police didn't need an excuse at all.

06-19-20, 12:03
That is why most here are suggesting elected sheriff's having the say. Those appointed chief of police and their departments are controlled by their political appointer's.And sheriffs are elected. What's the difference? A Democrat/Liberal city isn't going to elect a conservative sheriff.

06-19-20, 12:42
I don’t think absorbing cities into the counties will change anything, good or bad. The same cops working a city now will just be wearing a different uniform, dealing with the same people. And Sheriffs (and deputies) can be corrupt and toxic, also. Or cowardly.

06-19-20, 14:49
Sheriffs aren't a panacea, but (in my opinion) there are at least a couple of things that are positives.

A bad police officer can be protected by layers of bureaucracy. Depending on where it is, the department hierarchy, mayor, city council, and possibly others, may have hiring/firing authority which is ripe territory for passing the buck and adds confusion to who to vote out of office or possibly makes it nearly impossible to vote the layers of protection out. A bad deputy is the sheriff's baby and the sheriff and registered voters are well aware of that which is why wayward deputies tend to get dropped faster than bad police.

If nothing else, redundant command staff and money for their higher salaries plus (as seems to often be the case) equipment issued to them that isn't getting used like officers actually out answering calls for assistance use equipment would be freed up.

06-19-20, 15:08
Everyone who thinks Sheriff is somehow better or more in tune because of votes I give you Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel

06-19-20, 15:15
Everyone who thinks Sheriff is somehow better or more in tune because of votes I give you Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel

If there was a like button I would hit it.

06-19-20, 17:50
Everyone who thinks Sheriff is somehow better or more in tune because of votes I give you Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel

I don't think anyone thinks it's a perfect solution, just a better one than appointees. Sure, if the city/county is all blue than your prett f*cked and should move out of that nonsense. To the places that are all blue, and vote in idiots, they reap what they sow.

06-19-20, 23:40
Not sure about the other states, but Jefferson County(Louisville) and Fayette County(Lexington) still have sheriff's...

That’s what I meant, a joint City/County LE agency led by an elected Sheriff.

I’m not sure if that’s the answer but I do like having elected Sheriffs as part of our checks and balances. While there have been some really poor Sheriffs there have also been a lot of very good, honorable Sheriffs who believe in the Bill of Rights and work hard to protect their constituents.

06-20-20, 01:35
Not an LEO here, but I'm just gonna say this... if these assholes get their way and there are no more cops, who's gonna stand with us when they come for us next?

It’s been said many times that the cops don’t protect us from the criminals, they protect the criminals from us.

In a world without police, criminals will find themselves on the receiving end of deadly force far quicker by us. A point the left either can’t grasp or refuses to believe.

06-20-20, 09:32
It’s been said many times that the cops don’t protect us from the criminals, they protect the criminals from us.

In a world without police, criminals will find themselves on the receiving end of deadly force far quicker by us. A point the left either can’t grasp or refuses to believe.

I think many of the ones organizing things understand that just fine and even see it as desirable. It would be another thing to point to in declaring our society irredeemable and in need or replacement, and the goal of all of this is to turn as many people against the government and the fabric of American society as possible.

They're already declaring that anyone complaining about crime is just showing privilege and instead needs to be quiet and take their medicine.

Make no mistake, there's a certain element within the far left that wants chaos and destruction, either for it's own sake, or because their goal is to tear everything down and rebuild society from the ground up as they see fit. Hell, they're not even being quiet about it.

06-20-20, 20:56
They're already declaring that anyone complaining about crime is just showing privilege and instead needs to be quiet and take their medicine.



06-20-20, 23:41


LMT Shooter
06-20-20, 23:46

I saw this when it first came out. I wonder what her response is when the question relates to violent crimes and sexual crimes? She seems like a twat waffle.

06-21-20, 00:09
I saw this when it first came out. I wonder what her response is when the question relates to violent crimes and sexual crimes? She seems like a twat waffle.

Obviously you're a racist if you are white and call 911 for crimes committed by a black person

06-21-20, 07:59
https://youtu.be/idw83kGmwzwThey need to stop using Camden NJ as an example.
1st Camden still has cops. Many are the same cops that were there before. Nothing was restructured, they simply closed down the city department and made it county with many of the same officers transferring over and patrolling the same area.
2nd. Please, please, please..... before you talk about Camden's so called restructuring.... please go there! Maybe even live for a month. Even though it has gotten "better" then it was that isn't saying much. Just like eating a pound of shit is better than eating two pounds of shit. That privileged white chick should go hang out on the streets of Camden for a while and not worry about calling the scary cops

Haven't been there in over a decade so I Google mapped Camden and stuck the pin at random streets. Awesome!

A whole row of dilapidated, boarded up townhomes. Look to be newer construction too!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200621/3ffde759ea994a61e167b39df431a7ca.jpg

Another random streethttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200621/f42471c70e84ed68779501dca9244894.jpg
And I really like this public school. The barbed wire must be Halloween decorationshttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200621/99525db7439d36fdce55cf7784121b35.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200621/f4bfeac4bc7b0797797182765f486a45.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200621/17c9c03eb85c658eae3781056e8b9daa.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200621/5c1f0f50afabc0cd14af54b14b78dab9.jpg